/wtc/ - Witcher and Cyberpunk General - (/krw/, /cpg/)

Olgierd Edition

Blood & Wine and patch 1.21 is released!
New Region trailer: youtube.com/watch?v=ZEJT5XRftOU
Launch trailer: youtube.com/watch?v=OP-ZsLYGJfQ
Patchnotes: wpc.4d7d.edgecastcdn.net/004D7D/mkt/document/Changelog-1.20-ENG.pdf

HoS developer stream: twitch

>Latest patch, free DLCs, The Witcher books(first 5 are official, the remaining fan translations are of varying quality) and short stories

>Pastebin containing Witcher gear locations, TW1+2 and books info
>Console Commands Currently broken
>Where do I find Gwent cards?
>Witcher lore series for newfriends
>Redirect to the current thread

Cyberpunk 2077
>First trailer
>Creator about Cyberpunk 2077's world

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this game is gay

Shit OP

>Geralt speaks of Siegfried of Denesle as a decent guy
Does this imply that Order path is canon?

>manticore chestpiece requires regular dimeritium plate instead of the new super expensive version

Beat Blood and Wine last night right before Game of Thrones. Got the good ending. 9/10 game. I feel empty inside now.

What continues to shock me is that women in this game look like women and get my dick hard whereas Bioware leaves me limp and wilted.

There was only one whore house in Beauclair right?

> 2016
> underwear sex
Fucking please. We only had a 1 second tease of Syanna's exposed bared puss.

Neutral path and don't kill Siegfriend

O'Dimm simply wished to introduce himself. He is indeed a fellow of substantial economic stature and inclinations. He has been in the vicinity for an extended duration and at times illegally acquired souls of men that was squandered.

You see, he was present when a messiah figure of sort hesitated due to uncertainty and agony. Guaranteed the ruling elder of the time cleansed his hands and fixed his destiny.

He was quite thrilled to encounter Geralt and prayed that he would be able to discern his given title. However bewilderment is the classification of his festivities.

I think Manticore is just supposed to be the cheapest grandmaster set, for reasons.

Siegfriend stays a piece of shit then. The only way to keep him pure is to side with the Order.

just fought the 'beast' for the first time
hardest fight in the game so far, imo even harder than olgierd

but for bad reasons, you basically have a split second window to attack him after a dodge, otherwise he just blocks all your attacks perfectly FOREVER

He's one of the strongest creatures in the Witcher universe, surpassed only by a golden dragon and few other beings, so it makes sense

It's just the hot new armor. It isn't even a grand master item. I wouldn't be surprised if they fucked up and the NG+ set was supposed to be the Grandmaster set.


Where would that put Geralt, who managed to defeat him?

Luckiest motherfucker in the universe

Geralt got help from Regis who is as strong, if not stronger, than Dettlaff

And also this Plenty of times in both the books and games where Geralt pulls through more or less only because of being a lucky motherfucker

Regis only dealt the final blow though.

Well, fair enough.

Before being thrown into a wall, Regis was beating Dettlaff up

Videogame character tier.

>that chokeslam

Post you professionals.

>tfw haven't bought them because I thought you wouldn't be able to wear them

Beast fight spoilers lmao dont read nigga just close eyes

Parry him in first state and then when he goes air and charges shoot him with crowsbows and he falls down. Then spin for huge damage and trigger phase 3 wich is easy.

People actually use crossbows to bring down flying enemies?
What are you, casuals?

So should I do the DLC before the final quest or after? Blood and Wine has stuff in it that references for example Ciri's Witcher ending, how the fuck does that work? I don't understand how Witcher 3 handles new games, I've never actually completed it yet. I've heard it just reverts you to your save before the final bit.

So you wait or randomly try to swing you sword when flying enemy charges you and hope you hit it? Thats sounds pretty casual to me.

>hit him during his dive with Igni
>he crashes into me and sends me flying into one of his traps
>killed by bats going at incredibly hihg speed a minute later

Reminder that Skellige deck is non-canon. Gwent is an ancient tradition and it's perfect just the way it is.

>getting everything spoiled for yourself before finishing the game
Jesus christ, user. You can keep playing after finishing the main story, nothing in the main game will acknowledge it though.
Play HoS during Final Preparations, and BnW after the main story.

>not using aard /igni to knock down diving monsters
Embarrassing desu.

Dumb midgetposter

Thats why you shoot him with crossbow so he is not in your face when he lands.

Mod that makes all armor look like Manticore when?

>Jesus christ, user.
This is the case with 90% of the games I play nowadays and half the time it's my own fault because I'm a fucking retard and I hate myself for it and am filled with regret.

But thanks for the answer.


this scene had me crying

I can't believe BnW actually, unironically has a quest that involves a bunch of retards arguing about canon.
It's like CDPR know.

You're in for a treat during the Gwent tournament

They also pretty much included an old /krw/ meme during the main quest
Ironically part of the best part of the expansion

Damn, Detlaff was a good bossfight. And that intro of him vs. Regis was very good too.
>from shitty twilight "humans with plastic teeth and colored contacts" vampires
>to nosferatu-like monsters and the matrix
>to fucking blood magic
So cash. Can't deal with it though, will have to replay.

>an old /krw/ meme
Huh. Explain?

They had to add some silver lining to the worst endings

The unseen one is pretty shitty. The magic realm is superior. The cave was boring grey mass. Was fun to die during talk scene tho.

>girl gradually turned into a monster by a curse
>eventually she was completely lost to the curse
In the /krw/ meme the girl was Ciri and it was caused by the surviving Crone instead of the girl being some French girl who was cursed by Gaunter

The way you ruin, seemingly gratuitously, their precious moment is hilarious.
The lady even cries after the cutscene

The silver lining to the bad endings is that while you have to kill Dettlaff, his fight is GOAT
Shrekland was fun, though, even if having a Gwent addiction will lock you out of the best ending

>you fucking roleplaying faggots!!

You have to fight dettlaff 2/3 of the cases. If you get the wrist thing you get to fight dettlaff even if you go candy land.

I just bought the wrist bendant. What the gwent option does?

Winning it through Gwent also forces you to kill Dettlaff and get locked out of the best ending

I want Regis to stop posting.

Best ending? I think best ending is dettlaf dies and henrita and sonnya become friends again. That the ending i got.

The best ending is letting Dettlaff kill the one responsible for all the bad that has been happening and not kill him afterwards. That way Toussaint is saved from an insane murderer and manipulator and still has its ruler while Regis gets to chill wherever he wants as well without being persecuted by his own kind.

>Detlaff not being a hypocritical faggot
He befriends some stupid count because he was nice to him, then gives treats to the bootblack because he is cute but ultimately he has no problem with slaughtering everyone (possibly the bootblack). Deserved to die like a rabid dog he is.

Because he thought his waifu was kidnapped. Detlaff got played like a fiddle.

He only killed people because his gf kidnapped herself and threatened to kill herself if he didn't do it
He was used and doesn't deserve to die because of Syanide's actions

Dettlaff deserved to die. Killing hundreds of people just becouse one woman is not giving you atention. Dettlaf was a bitch.

That only happened because Anarietta is blind to her sister being batshit insane and preventing Geralt and Regis from solving things the least painful way

Is there any fix for the lock on bug or Corvo Bianco not renovating?

Why the fuck does the game keep crashing whenever I try to look at a merchant's stock?

he could have refused anytime

Regards, Marcin #74 from Money Counting

Why didn't Geralt just use Axii so this guy would tell the truth right away?
I mean, drinking wine with a hottie queen is fun and all, but plotholes like these always bother me a lot for some reason.

>Marcin # 2911 pours his heart and soul out composing and arranging hours of new music for the expansion
>Marcin #1384 fucks up some script so that no music plays anywhere in the game

hahaha, get fucked Marcin. But also, get fucked Marcin. HOT FIX YOUR SHIT.

Then his woman would have ben killed according to the information he was given
His hand was forced and the one forcing his hand is the one who should be held responsible and be punished

>being jews

Beig butthurt about a lock bug not being fixed a week after release does not make CDPR jews, you spoiled faggot.

Geralt does not want to abuse his powers? he is dont have axii 4 coz they got nerves of steel.

How is it a plot hole? You might as well ask why Geralt doesn't just Axii every single person he comes across.

It's consistent with his character. You're primarily only given the choice to Axii when you're on the verge of a fight, to calm someone down, or given the chance to bribe someone. Plus he rarely uses it in front of people with political power.

Damn laptop keyboard

Good points, thanks

When you just write without thinking and not spellchecking.

Thank god this is anonymous site.

What does Yennefer smell like?

>tfw you have a discussion with yourself using different writing styles and post formatting

lily and goose

Shit and salt

a-are there lewds in Blood and Wine?

Clone Vilgefortz and robo-Bonhart

Atleast one near the end.

You can fuck a reverse Oreo

>No Blade 2 style Epilogue were you kill Oriana YOU HAD ONR JOB CDPR!


Ahahah holy fuck, just did the 'shrooms quest.

Man that was entertaining.

>killing a Higher Vampire all by your lonesome

Witcher: The Blade when?

>Eskel claims to have killed a higher vampire during the drinking scene

Was he lying or is he just a much better Witcher than Geralt?

Eskel is better at signs or something

There's the class of vampires called 'higher vampires' like bruxae and katakans and then there are Higher Vampires like Regis, Dettlaff and Orianna

Maybe he is. Eskel might have even crazies storys and adventures than Geralt. We never know.

This is a bit confusing desu.

Geralt kills a higher vampire in Novigrad. They both just managed to find the retard children.

>Roach has a quirky male voice

Got a nice haircut from the guy I rescued

But she's a mare

Seems like a perfect fit for that fatty armor. :^)

How many talking animals have you encountered? How do you know what they should sound like?

Talk with your mum's fucking ferret on the regular

>the only way to get the best Roach and not get the worst ending is to betray Roche

>fatty armour

But user, that's not the Griffin set

...He's quoting the quest you fool.

>not getting your brown Roach killed and taming a white Roach out in the woods

We settle this with fists!

Finished Blood & Wine earlier. I made Syanna and Duchess be friends again because I felt bad for Syanna and Detlaff seemed a bit beta.

Big question though. Since Detlaff loved Syanna, why didn't she just say "Please kill these knight assholes for me because you love me and they were mean to me" ?

>no new crying Ciri scenes

The one sex scene between geralt and ciri, I know that it isn't actually meant to be in the game but is it a glitch or some sort of mod?