Why is society so pronatalist?

Why is society so pronatalist?

Why is it seen as perfectly moral for a female to bring years of suffering and pain into this world? When a female decides to have a child, her motives are entirely selfish - there is no emotional attachment between a female and her ovum. She decides to have a child because it's what SHE wants. She doesn't give a single shit for the inevitable suffering that the child will have to go through during its lifetime. Life is primarily suffering. Always has been and always will be. The state of non-existence is always better than the state of existence, regardless of who you are in life. And yet women continue to shoot cuntspawn out of their cunts every second of every day. It's selfish as fuck and society sees it as a good thing. Why?

women aren't the only ones who poke holes in condoms.

Mani pls

>selfishness is bad
you antinatalists are too spooky

State of non-existence is a non-state, it doesn't exist

its cuz most people don't spend any time looking into antinatalist philosophy, so they cant comprehend the kind of stuff youre talking about now.

Why are you talking women? There are women who have abortions when the father is opposed--I know one who did. Also, the Catholic Church is perhaps the largest pronatalist organization in existence, and women aren't allowed any high positions of power in it.

Without ever being born, how does one know the pleasure of knowing that every breath you ever take will be taken by every other breathing creature on Earth?

I've been inside you, user

But life isn't primarily suffering, at least not for all people. That's just the bias of someone with a shitty life.

>Why is society so pronatalist?
Because those of us who aren't defective have a biological drive to continue our species via reproduction.
>Life is primarily suffering.
Another whiny NEET...


Most people would rather exist than not exist.

Don't try to argue with these depressed losers.

Instead of whining about the suffering of life (and making us all suffer by reading your retarded post) why don't you focus your efforts on mitigating the suffering of people that already exist rather than trying to make less people exist in the future (which would cause suffering for the people that will still exist)

its because they are spooked and have never exposed themselves to the Being.

>why do the societies that exist encourage reproduction
because those are the societies that reproduce and don't die off

a couple of generations is nothing desu

>Why is society so pronatalist?

1.Biology. This is what living creatures do
>little ones come out
Nothing complicated about it.
Natalism is natural.

2. Two
>modern Western society
No. This is probably the point in history where it has been the least pro-natalist. Contraception is widely available, motherhood isn't worshiped so much and considered essential to being a woman.

Why haven't you killed yourself?
I'm not usually fond of emotional outburst-sounding replies like that, but I genuinely want to know, if you think non-existence is better than existence, why do you still exist? Is your survival instinct overpowering your reason?

Not saying I agree with OP but if you wanted to prevent suffering, preventing the births of new children would be a pretty effective way to go about that. Though it may cause suffering to the living, of course

A futile gesture in a lifetime full of futile gesture

>promotes homosexualism, queers are sterile
>promotes abortion contraception
>promotes school and work over family formation
I see a stronger anti-natalist narrative that the liberals inserted.

Your fedora is a bit loose, champ

So you would rather not exist than exist? Why haven't you killed yourself then?

What? If you don't want to exist, stop existing.
If everything you do is a futile gesture, may as well make one that gets you what you want.

Because most people are happy.

Why don't you kill yourself if you hate life?
Unless ghosts are real and the ones posting this kind of shit, I'll never be able to take that narrative seriously

>Why is society so pronatalist?
>moral moral moral
Because its survival instinct is stronger than your pointless spooks.

>promotes school and work over family formation
I feel like this isn't antinatalist propaganda as much as it is consumerist.

Answer to all of these is the same.
The primitive programming apparent and required for every and any surviving species, resulting from evolution. Nature is nearly irresistible.

The basest instincts are "Survive" and "Breed". Both of which are inexorable. The average suicidal person still flinches at death because of these instincts. The average person, even if not procreating, engages in what would otherwise be procreative or succumbs to procreative urges in some way (masturbation).

There are a myriad of other reasons, but evolution and the instincts it has drilled into the psyche of (likely) every living thing are primarily responsible.

Most people are also fools, just saying. This one included.

You can't recreate the glory of Rome without numbers.

Feeling anything is better than nothing at all. There is a reason even if a living being is dying they always fight as hard as they can to survive in their last seconds.

Because it's an evolutionary benefit to be pro-reproduction. Specises or communities that were against childbirth didn't get to reproduce, so their traits were not inherited by modern humans.


The argument of "I haven't killed myself because of instinct" makes no sense. We clearly see that instinct isn't some force that will always control you and stop you acting in ways that go against it by the fact that people kill themselves relatively commonly. If you're truly miserable and honestly believe that staying alive is a fate worse than death, you would have killed yourself by this point.

Anti-natalism is essentially ignoring the logical conclusion to the statement of "Life is worse than death" being that death is a favourable state to be in. It's a copout really.

Only exclusion to this is those that don't reproduce due to other reasons, like believing that they don't want to contribute to over-population or something, because they're not claiming life is actually bad.

>Why is society so pronatalist?

Because society is an ideological organism that exists to ensure its own perpetuation, and being anti-natalist would be a death sentence.

That an anti-natalist arguments are shit.

>Anti-natalism is essentially ignoring the logical conclusion to the statement of "Life is worse than death"

Holy shit nigger, at least read the wikipedia page on anti-natalism so you understand some of the basic arguments.
That's not the logical conclusion to anti-natalism at all.

>Holy shit nigger, at least read the wikipedia page on anti-natalism so you understand some of the basic arguments.

Why don't you explain them to me then user?

>That's not the logical conclusion to anti-natalism at all.

What? I said that anti-natalism for the reason OP gave is ignoring that the logical conclusion to the statement "Life is worse than death" is to kill yourself, not to stick it out for another 60+ years and just not reproduce. Evidently life has redeeming qualities that make it worth living to him.

>The state of non-existence is always better than the state of existence, regardless of who you are in life
Then fucking kill yourself.