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waifus and lore living in harmony

thing > stuff

>give me that re4 fade

...Darn it, beaten to the punch again.

Waifus and lore living together in alimony!

Stop shitposting. I know you think this is funny but newfags ARE real and WILL believe you.

Stuff-fags fuck off.


>making stuff up

Fuck off Stufftears.

>arururururu is a thingfag
Pretty much confirms thing is garbage.

What does that have to do with stuff?

It's Thingtears you dumbass mongoloid.

>newfags ARE real and WILL believe you.
Good. I'm trying to save them from getting punked by memers like you.

That just confirms he has good taste.

Stop memeing like fucking retards. It was sort of funny the first three or four posts but that's it, no need to carry on with it into the new thread.

>caring about stuff
>caring about things
>when whatchamacallits exist

>no fun allowed
>probably a stuff-fag
>probably also pro-skub

>I'm trying to save them from getting punked by memers like you.
THIS. ISN'T. FUNNY. It's not cute or charming or something that gives people a smile, it's a waste of time, a waste of space, and an eyesore. You make me worry, really really worry about the state of my generation where the hell is our world gonna go if it's run by shit-stained cuntminds like you that have NO originality and NO creative drive AT ALL. You contribute nothing at all to this board, nothing at all to your fellow peers.

ct when did you get a 1080p thing

All right then let me ask you a question. From what stuff is the heart-and-key necklace thing that the two lovebirds sometimes wear ?

the fuck is whatchamacallits

pretty sure stufffriends and thingfags can come together on this issue and agree that pro-skubbers should be burned at the stake and witch burnings should be a stuff and/or thing again.

What's David Bowie doing in Skyrim?


That's not Veitizion
Thats Gotta Be Kane
they're really fucking neat and nobody knows about them and it pisses me off
same with thingamajigs

I don't understand this "thing vs stuff" meme.




>mad stuffposter
Look buddy, I'm sure you woke up today all excited thinking you're gonna fool some new people into using a vastly inferior product, and that might've worked back in the neolithic era when stuff was relevant, but these days people have access to the internet and nice people like me who'll warn them about your bullshit.

The mod was called Key2MyHeart, but apparently it got taken down from the Nexus for some reason. I can reupload it for you if you want


the fuck is a product


>there are people itt right now that don't put as many things in their stuff as they can fit

...Wait a minute

Is that just the base argonian head ?
I heard about those. Quite fond of them myself.



It's the sequel to thing.

>that cumstain on the door

Wew, where can I get that?

No, its the brute headmesh.

>product comes after thing
>thing comes after stuff
>but stuff is a product
uh huh. Typical thingette logic.

I'd appreciate it, if it isn't too much trouble.


do you niggers actually play the game?

No, we just argue about stuff and jack off to screenshots of things all day.

how does one "play" skyrim?

Once VIGILANT's fan translation is complete, I will.


Yeah, like 5 years ago, dude. It's 2016.

What's up with the lack of AA?

AA is too mainstream for me.

Alright mediafire.com/?1o096dmnsz6px5t

please dont throw her in the water its cold and she'll get wet and then she might catch a cold

Guys things and stuff are both good, there's no need to fight.

Contrarian hipster faggot.


That's gonna take a long while especially seeing how all fanmade translations so far make the mod unplayable due to numerous bugs

But I don't want to get b& again




lewd album time ?


Aw shucks, that's too bad... I just want to play through the mod and understand how the story goes in its entirety.


Thanksposters are the cancer killing this thread. I miss back in the day when it used to be stuff vs thing.


mornin /tesg/



Arigatou gozaimasu!~

>post "I don't like thing."
>think "oh someone will just post a panel from that comic and that'll be that
>stuff happened
Never change /tesg/.

Why aren't you in class, young lady?

Because the teacher is ugly as fuck.

Stuff is always what's happening, baby. Stuff is here to STAY.

>Not liking thing.

I'm gonna kick your ass.

Cause I have to go save the world or something just like in my japanese animes!

you mean somestuff

Well maybe you can manage to learn enough japanese to read the original text and dialogue in a shorter time than it takes the fans to do a proper translation :^)

>All these faggots don't fuck with tings
Fucking plebians, the lot of you.

You have an active imagination, but I'm afraid that is not good enough of a reason to skip class. Meet me in my office.

Too lazy for that m8.

Skyrim mod makers DELETING FUCKING EVERYTHING has made me into a digital hoarder

Someone post nigger dwemer disapperance pic please

futa cumtears x ilx in a teacher-student roleplay when?

cumtears retired, she's no longer a pornstar

He said that he would start posting lewds again once Lewd Dunmer's follower is finished.

so i uninstalled skyrim a about a year ago and want to give it a go again, have there been any new must have mods since then or am i just in for the same old shit?

This. I've been downloading anything that looks of decent quality, even if I have no intention to use it myself.

>turning skyrim into a shitty chinese cartoon
what's wrong with you?

I don't understand modders desu

Yeah, check out the OP site for some of them. Some really good ones on Nexus too

no it's okay I have a note from my doctor that says I can skip classes today to go on an anime adventure to save the world

Why is that teacher smoking in class? Isnt that illegal now? Doesnt she care for her students health?

What's wrong with me? You want to know what's wrong with me? I could ask you the exact same thing!

I have my opinion and you have yours.
You don't have to like mine, cause I don't like yours!

What's wrong with you? I want to know what's wrong with you, and why this doesn't make sense to you?!

Same here. Fucki Elinaora and fuck Xinavro.

Elinora took her mods down?

Holy shit Cumtears, take a chill pill.

>trusting anyone with an avatar like this

Please stop crying, Cumtears. It's going to stain.

Is she making a futa potion for Ewa?

Shame because he was really talented despite being a butthurt faggot.

It happened once but she sporadically chimps out every now and then but hasn't taken anything down atm.

Shame because her house mods are really good.

He took her FO4 mods down only.

Somehow, I find that hard to believe.

No Mr. Snakestone, she discovered it in the girls' restroom. If nobody claimed responsibility for it, she would punish every single one of her students.

Nonpoint - Alive and Kicking

Crazy tumblrshit from autistic Finland, Jesus Almighty her mod pages are filled with 4 frame tumblr gifs and meme cancers.

>she discovered it in the girls' restroom
what was she doing in the girls' room? trying to terrorize innocent schoolgirls with her girldick?

>Elinaora took her FO4 mods down

What, people didnt want over the top house mods in FO4?