/dsg/ - Demon's/Dark Souls General



>DSCM - manually connect to specific players


>How to get autosummon covenants to work on PC:


>Character Planner

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imgur.com/a/XhBxC (DeS)

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First Event poll:

Alternate Event poll:

Which poll should we actually use poll:

>not Lucifer's
Based OP



>still no poise
Nerfing Oroboro's meme combo and simple offhand WA spam was a step in the right direction, but it's not enough. Call me when the DLC comes out.

>1 day ago
>not even 700 posts
what the fuck happened

>People are still playing DS3
What the fuck are you even doing? I literally have nothing to do in that game anymore. Are you just doing PvP or something?

>tfw fell for the dragonsis meme

what hte fuck i can't read chinese

From Reddit:
Poster: I have to ask, is from or bandai-namco even aware of the account related but for summoning covenants? Not being able to play my favorite aspect of souls games is frustrating at best.
Namco Community manager responds: Part of the issue was fixed last Friday, but we are still looking into it.
>But we are still looking into it
>still looking into it
Enjoy another month of not being able to summon in as a cop or Dork or waiting 12 hours to maybe get 1
Fuck off

Looking for assistance with Oceiros, the consumed meme

NG+++ difficulty
Pw: dsg
Signs at the boss fog is fine

>go to Irythrill
>get rekt by the doggy
>one, two, three, five times
>fuck that, just dash through the bridge
>meet a pontiff knight
>get rekt in one fucking combo despite blocking
>ONE COMBO took all my stamina and health away
>try again, this time try to roll
>random ranged attack soul blade out of nowhere
I think Dark Souls 3 is subtely trying to tell me to not go to Irythrill.

This fucking grave warden memester keeps trying to invade me in Carthus and exploit traps and enemies but he's so bad at it he gets hit instead
His persistence is admirable but he's not very bright. Or good.

Obviously, only turbo autists like lobos and leto can stand singleplayer more than once or twice.


too many BBfags are trying to post here
/bbg/ would be more active if they just went there but no, they gotta suck lucy's cock


Can you stop answering to yourself?

Are you the smouldering lake/doggy dude from last thread? Irythill gives you a jump in difficulty. Those Pontiff Knights give you a bit of trouble at first. Just take it easy and don't lose your head. Take breaks if need too. Bleed weapons work great on doggy too.

So we can all agree Velka was Gwyn's wife right?

The patch notes look promising tbqh. It's a start at least, if the fixes and such are good and they keep at it things might get interesting.

reminder to filter lucy to improve your /dsg/ experience

>Fake Lucy

For what purpose?

I'll come but I'll probably get raped

Trying too hard fake Luci.

How many autists am I gonna trigger if I run around in the Armor of the Sun and MLGS?

PC and level?

Because it amuses me

I already found out the burning blade buff works great on them. I also have the Demon Fist, but damn the range on these is pathetic.
Punching an enemy to death is still the funniest thing you can do in a video game.

Once I'm calm, I'll try again Smouldering Lake. Try to dodge the ballistas bolts and hopefully progress a bit.

I'm so pissed off right now it's better if I take a break.
>inb4 "nice blog"
Yeah, sorry about that.


>try whips
>they take forever to attack

How can you enjoy this weapon? Its so bad.

Why is there no vordit and dancer porn together ?

Don't worry about it user. Smouldering Lake isn't a fun trip either. You're probably gonna get mad at the stupid fireball mobs down there. Just take a break whenever you need to and keep pushing through. Good luck!

How beat Aldrich as mage?

it can't be parried and has decent range

Will be there in a second.


From where the fuck does this stupid meme come from? You know there are more than those 2 spirits walking around the city right?

Homing soul mass and run into him. I don't know I'm not a spellcaster

reminder to also filter any variations of the name "lucifer", hide replies, and disable stubs to improve experience further

The other spirits are all Outriders.

That's the only pair with Dancer in it.

you can shoot the body for extra damage

Must just be a coincidence that unlike every other pontiff knight that phantom has dancer's helmet.

Use great chaos fireballs

I beat him with great heavy soul arrow and all the sorcery rings. Did 350 damage per arrow.

>people use Solaire's armor without his sword, shield and lightning spears
>people use Artorias' armor without his sword
>people cosplay as Guts without an UGS

The same way you beat Wolnir: respec or bring friends.

Does anyone know the minimum amount of endurance needed to swing a 2hand R1 BKGA 3 times? I'm sitting at 128 right now
please respond

>Fixed when summoning the white phantom NPC under a certain circumstance, the character's collision will not properly function nullifying all enemy attacks.

Press F to pay respects to Sword Master, Slayer of Dancers, Rusher of Stuff

Another faggot requesting assistance with Oceiros.

PC, SL34, pass is dsg.Wanna get that MLGS for my magic playthrough.

Literally to trigger people user

>too many
Try 2 autists. The game is just dying. Pretty much everyone who played bb is playing ds3 right now, same way noone talks about des, ds or ds2

Great. So I have a choice between two really painful areas.

I think I'll play Supreme Commander or the Phantom Pain.
Or maybe even reinstall Dark Souls and try to get past Queelag.

>Fallen Knight set
>Dark Sword
>Crest Shield

Can I just say fuck Wolnir sometimes? The boss is easy as piss but there are rare occasions where he absolutely fucking refuses to bring his right hand from out of the smoke.

Fuck Wolnir sometimes.

Previous faggot who requested assistance

Will be there

so, /dsg/, when did you realize that chloranthy ring was pretty much useless?

You know what would make this game better? If Undead Thralls had parry.

One of you fucks summon me, I've been sitting here with my sign down

Thank god I had no internet the whole day yesterday and this morning and I created my last character. Managed to do the glitch one more time before it came back.

All this delicious early souls.

>won the first 1v4 in my life
my dick hasn't been this hard in a long, long time.

I'd say try and beat Queelag but after DaS3 it'll feel a bit sluggish and I'm a faggot for DaS1 so my opinion is biased. Smouldering lake is option and you can go there later on so don't worry too much about it.

Fuck you

estoc shitter detected

try using a weapon that needs stamina

>i'm gonna go dex
>picks knight

I love the old English that is used in these games. It's so comfy.

Fresh OC from DS1

It says on the actual sword how much stamina it takes.

Christ, it's like watching a school shooting from the shooter's perspective.

Why is deprived and pyromancer better at magic than sorcerer in ds3?

Bitch please.
>tried him several times
>EACH FUCKING TIME, he went AAAAAAAAALL the way to the top of the area before spamming that fog AoE
>always killing the summon

If he wasn't already a skeleton, I'd try to fuck him with a cactus.

So the place with the knights that kill me almost instnatly is where I'm supposed to be.
Wonderful. I "love" getting fucked in the ass by tough enemies that are faster than me, outrange me, have unlimited stamina, can cause status effects, and look like complete anorexic retards.


It's not supposed to be patched until this weekend, but yeah, I'm disconnected and going to be continuing my SL1 NPC boss glitch run.

I wanted to make a template character that I could just jump into a build with, because I knew this would get patched.

>tfw it cut off too early

provide thee succor

How long do you think it will take before enisle kills himself after the estoc nerf?

CR is a crutch just like the estoc

>it says on the sword
Wat. and where.

Use pyromancy.
Chaos Fireball wrecks him and has no requirements

Help me do some stat planing on my low lvl pvp build /dsg/, I'm too dumb.
This is my current build and I feel it kinda sucks that I need both the milk ring and Knight ring to 2H the memepole, I could switch 1 dex and 1 vig into 2 str and get a total of 12 which is enough. I'm not really married to the current weapon setup but the Pole is just amazing for finishing people off that just run away, which happens a lot.

>Adjusted the attack cancel parameters of some curved swords attacks.

Curved sword recovery time increase get hyped.

>Adjusted the attack power and skills of fist and claw weapons.

Finally parry frame nerf and possible attack damage buff

>Fixed the scythe not penetrating shields at close distances.


>Adjusted stamina consumption and attack cancel parameters for rapier weapons.

Saw that coming

>Adjusted the attack collision for the washing pole weapon.

Okay, people are going to move over to the chaos blade.

>Increased the number of arrows/bolts that can be possessed.

I can finally hold more than 30 great arrows in storage.

>Fixed the display of strength level shown in the equipment menu when using two-handed weapon.

This is actually useful.

>Several game flaws fixed.



i wish i could wear havels without having to have like 70 vit, fk you from


It's literally the best choice for dex builds

Hasn't happened yet.

I make a point of grabbing it every single run specifically because of how useful it is.

Hey bros!

I'm writing my graduation projetct on the Souls games and was wondering if you could complete my survey on the series? Any help will be greatly appreciated!

You can complete it here: docs.google.com/forms/d/1JT3MpJym7Re5soufEs9voofs9_U9vYuhztS-GK9C6bA/viewform#responses

>Okay, people are going to move over to the chaos blade.

DaS3's chaos blade is horrible. Darkdrift is the next best katana.

Whats a good buff weapon for a pyro build?

>asks the Internet Hate Machine to fill a survey


If it makes you feel better I just took on the King of Storms for the first time and after hitting it once he jumped over me, I got massive fps drops and my controller stopped being recognized so I just stood there taking a spear in the ass.

fuck you and your graduation project

Chaos blade is the second longest katana. People only really use the chaos blade as panic punish, which makes the chaos blade the next runner up.

>Finally parry frame nerf and possible attack damage buff
Parry nerf? No. AP buff? Yes.
>Adjusted stamina consumption and attack cancel parameters for rapier weapons.
The fuck does it mean? No more infinite r1?

What happens when you kill the Pilgrim Butterfly instead of the DSA?

Cheat engine bros. Please investigate.

>get 1 shot by Oceiros because lol no VIG

Guess I'll have to come back when my knees don't explode.


Can you even damage it?

I answered your stuff as honestly as I could, but I'm really a casual.

>The Horsehoof Ring (which increases stamina drains of ATK) will no longer affect other attacks besides its initial effect on kicks.

What did they mean by this?

>Internet Hate Machine
Mostly grammar because all the 'anonymous is legion' guys are teens with only cursory grasp of English language.

Yes. With enough time and patience, you could greatbow it to death.