So Veeky Forums. What's the best way to play this?
Puts? Short selling? Buy gold?
Could this be because he had an original bet that didn't play out so not he has no choice but to double down?
George Soros Bet Nearly 1 Billion Against SPY
Buy BTC and ETC.
That's your solution to everything
I read that on seeking alpha, I think gold has peaked and should decline very soon. As much as I hate the man, I'd follow his lead and short the S&P
And trumpcoin
Was thinking 200 strike sometime this late fall or winter. What do you think?
>trying to invest like soros or [insert other turbo Jew billionaire here]
Why? They have completely different investing goals than you.
>no choice but to double down
this is literally never a real scenario. real traders know how to take losses.
Making as much money as you can
Someone like me who has little funds to work with will have to increase their risk exposure while doing everything they can to minimize it (ie due dilligence). He has so much money he could go long dividend paying stocks and sit back and relax. He took a billion to short the market which tells me something along with its hyperinflated valuation and a potential catalyst this November all points to turbulence in the market which scares away investors.
I remember him going long on gold for brexit.
Also if stocks tank that usually tanks the dollar and makes gold skyrocket
doesn't make it wrong.
Soros is generally pretty bearish. I'm not sure what he knows that I don't (I'm sure it's a lot), I don't expect the crash until next year myself. Bear in mind he can afford to be wrong a lot more than we can.
Gold is XAU.
I'm new in the investment.
Help me this is currently working or is it just a scam.
I'm not clicking thst mystery link. What is it and what is it supposed to do?
I don't fully understand how shorts work but you have to pay interest regularly, right?
So how long after the short can the market crash occur and still end up profitable?
Oh, they're not shorts, they're puts.
build the fire
fan the flames
collect the insurance when it burns.
Short European banks. Thought if they go down I am not sure who is left to pay for your shorting...
Genius..........THAT'S GENIUS
>wtf are you talking about man?
with puts you can choose between two methods of payment. Collecting the shares at a higher price or at your call strike and adding them to your portfolio or cash
>i want cash
2008 crisis
A, that's a call and b there is only a cash option if you can trade the option to someone that wants it.
Hes just trying to crash the market so that his 20 year old clone can profit from volatility
I always wonder why it's safe for these evil hyper rich cunts to walk on the streets. I'd imagine they'd be the first to receive a lynching.
basically he took someone elses shares, promising that he would buy them back,selling them at market price then hoping the price falls so he could buy those shares back at the new discounted price making the difference.