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pastebin.com/416mmBkq (embed)

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>porn archive


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Why is D.Va so good?

Use her ultimate on the point while your team's there, it's a free capture. Literally no one can get near without getting utterly destroyed.

we already have a ongoing thread, fuck off

I am maintaining the ID List and have modified it allowing to add yourself instead of using comments.

Do you have any suggestions or comments for the ID List?

/owg/ pls help

I'm technologically retarded, seriously I can't tell the difference between an IBM and a CPU.

so when I see the system requirements for this game, I have no idea what I'm looking at.

I have a surface pro 3, and I can run games like tf2, csgo, LoL, DotA2, etc on medium/maximum settings.

so my question is can I run this very fun looking game? I don't care if i have to crank down to the lowest setting, I just really want to play this game.

thanks for your help /owg/

>they're fun
huh, didn't realize dying over and over again was fun

>3hrs of practicing wallriding on lucio
>lost almost every game
>mmr is down the toilet

At least this means I can play DVA since people are so bad they can't even land McCree's stuns on you

For that user

>Lucio in that Nepal map with the bottomless pit by the side of the objective


Im seriously going to make an edgelord account and only play edgelords like Reaper

How do I get good at the blueberry?
I'm so tired that everytime there's a half competent one on the enemy team we literally can't do anything without being assfucked everytime we're out of cover.

We posting play of the games?

The Greek lighthouse one and Lijang tower market are great as well.

Lucio needs a health boost or something though, its annoying he can be one shotted by a lot of things.

forced 50%

Did some one say shitty D.va ?

yeah probably, blizzard optimizes for toasters

worst case scenario just drop the resolution

if you can run the absolutely bogged down technical shitfest that is the awful mess of an "engine" that tf2 uses, i don't see why you couldn't run overwatch

>Boost Lucio's survivability



here come dat rat

Couple of thousand hours of practice should do it

Seriously though when it comes to aim practice is all you can do

Making sure your sensitivity settings are low enough for fine aim will help too

xth for new game, same memes

o shit waddup


Nerf his self healing, increase the health would work.

>People complaining about forced 50
>They are below 50% winrate

Is this an accurate fetish list?


Is there someplace where I can see how many people are currently playing overwatch?

look, I personally want this shit to be kept out of the general, but simply glancing at this it's horrendously wrong right off the bat.

it's hanzo that's a vore fetishist.
>let the dragon consume you

>reinhardts into 360 degree shielding
Holy shit I'm not alone.


oh shit g'day

>genji not being a lone shitter
now that's science fiction


>Reaper says DIE DIE DIE on the enemy team I wonder what he says on my team
>"Clearing the area"

>[japanese scraming]
>quad kill
>get delayed penta by finishing off their mercy right before she ults
>not potg

>Vertical Reinhardt shield

how? Do you have to crouch?

Buy 24 goyboxes, yay or nay?

that's the balance. You're not Tracer, you actually help your team, so you can't push as hard. But you can still annoy them by pew pewing and being fast. The downside is you die to a very well placed shot

best otp

>three hundred and sixty degree shielding

>a well balanced breakfast

>nobody has the heart to tell him that's not what a fetish is

But anal porn is a fetish

>its scat


Should I change my battletag to an edgy name?
I seriously love Reaper and I want to look the part if I get a POTG

just look up holy shit

New content/balance patch when?

>tfw my match-chat shitposting is in one of these images

are we watching senpai Lirik

>this general

>Hana what have you done?


Top tips for playing the Indian beauty again for friends P1:

Here's an example:
Red in the image show places you can put the sentries that will successfully slow most characters without them knowing they're there until they're already being slowed at least once.
Blue is where you should be placing sentries depending on the way you're falling back, on the way to set up on the point, because them being destroyed shows enemy flankers. (There's another point under the bridge where you can put a sentry on the ground behind a bag of sand(?))

• Sentries are not always for killing players
Sometimes you can set a single one up just to scout whether someone has went through a specific area. It's not always a good idea as 6 sentries are sometimes not enough on certain points.

• Walls and ceilings are not always good
Placing them on the ground not only tricks some people because it's even more unexpected, but also sometimes allows angle leverage or hiding positions.

• All in one spot is truly poo in the loo
Trying to garner straight kills as Symmetra rarely ever works, and only against retards. Using them primarily to slow on clutch positions is most important.

• Force angles so enemies come out of cover
Obviously you don't want your sentries to be in plain view of someone when they are in cover, because they can destroy them easily. But you want to place them so these people don't see it even when they stutter-step around.

• Look to place your sentries initially behind certain objects
If you can place them inside of things that get destroyed or knocked about like cardboard boxes (like in Hollywood), do it. People can't see them at all until they're being hit already.

• Be aggressive but choose your battles
Go in on multiple enemies when your team goes in. Try to stay close but on the side or behind enemies at all times. If you're ever in melee range of an enemy, use your primary, even if it's a Reaper or McCree. John Cena.

why is that the ONLY voiceline that doesn't make me want to cut my wrists
you have "death comes", "from the shadows", and then "repositioning". it's the only one that isn't edgy as fuck



>playing lucio on Volskaya on attack
>genji shitter complains about mei and torbjorn when we lose complaining that they're op even though he spent his entire time as genji trying to 1v6 the other team
>tell him he should have "fucking switched off genji sooner"
>"wah salty support" says someone on my team

Yeah, that's what I get for healing. Anyways, look at this legendary I got a few levels ago

Thank you.

>Play Hanzo for the first time since I got Young Hanzo
>Shoot a Q at a wall and get PoTG

Am I official Hanzo Player now?

Post cute ship art.

I'm actually starting to warm up to lil edgelord

►melts tanks
►rapes supports for free
►E and Lshift allow for easier flanking
►doesn't need a healer because of orbs
►good on atk and def
►flashbang? freezing? Hook? lel nope *lshift
►Q is equilibrium as hell

The fuck, I just got into playing PooLoo and was about to ask for tips

>lose because nobody on my team can deal with widow and i cant tank, heal and do that at the same time


Junkrat is Satan
suddenly it makes an awful lot of sense that his hair is on fire

Tips on Reaping as Reaper?

it's you again

>look on reddit a few days ago
>biggest thread was complaining about mercy doesn't say "live live live!" after she revives people from a reaper ult
is there a chance that reddit somehow managed to be more autistic than us?


• Always shoot your secondary
Your secondary fire is incredibly damaging and shreds through barely mobile characters like Reinhardt and a shooting D.Va. Always shoot at the sides of walls to punish stutter-stepping, which is your biggest enemy.

• You don't always need to fully charge
Shooting constant middle charges can trick enemies and think they're a lot more damaging than they are. They're still relatively strong though, and can still really hurt. Plus, more 50% might hit more often.

• Always keep an eye on the deaths
Make sure you know who needs to receive shields immediately, don't let them skip past you.

• Your teleporter is not your #1 priority
Place it when you get the opportunity - like when enemies are dead - but never go out of fights or potential important battles to do it. Think of the position before you go.

• NEVER over-defend your portal
Any heroes that can flank around and destroy the portal probably will. One or two sentries can deter them, but ultimately if you place all of them, it's likely they'll be destroyed anyway.

If your sentries are destroyed faster than you can replace them, the enemy team is probably too privy to your plays. If you're being pushed to the control point too quick, switch when you die. Symmetra only has the power to work well with team synergy when it comes to mass-defence, and sentries being found and constantly destroyed renders you completely useless after the half-way point. There's nothing worse than being a Symmetra who has nothing to do but shield people and die in her only useful position - melee range - on the point

+ Use your teleporter wisely
Another player here pointed out that sometimes it's not best to use your own teleporter, and leave it for the tanks and slower characters who need to be at the forefront faster. If your teleporter is in danger though, naturally you use it.

the ship is you/being shot in the head i want mei to kill me

you aren`t on an official anzo, you are THE BEST HANZO PLAYER!

Teleport behind people


your post smells of reddit kys

>76 is on the team
>what are you looking at?
>what are YOU looking at?

i have no won a single game today in 3 hours

i keep getting 3-4 golds every game meaning i keep getting matched with absolute shitters

That's not how greentext works


I like high dpi, play on 1600 and 15 sensitivity. Could this be a big problem?


Appreciate the ironic ones

Any Pharah players have some advice to git gud. Six hours clocked total and I don't feel like I'm improving.


Nooooo. If anything he needs to chill the fuck out a bit, and Lucio is my top played hero. While he's not much of a threat damage-wise the support is out of this world. Speed boost for attacking and getting away, health for pretty much everything else. I frequently go entire matches without dieing and CONSTANTLY harrassing with the wubs, pushback, and wallriding out if the team dies just to boost them back quicker or bait someone into them. The only hard counter I've faced is a good Symmetra or Widow (which aren't very common in pubs). You'll never get PoTG but your team should love you if you play right.

Daily reminder that this game would be infinitely and objectively improved if you removed Japs.

>lvl20 lootbox
>Jester skin

>play with level 40+ players
>that means at least 30 hours
>they still didn't learn that you never let a Widow free

The only winning move is to not play.

>be australian
>connect to server with 120 ping and RTT
>it spikes up regularly to 200, semi-regularly to 350
>ask if it's american server because it's only 7am
>american says he has 400 ping

where the fuck are we connecting to?
asia is normally a steady 100 for me, and i'd assume south america would be the same for the american guy

Because he a good boy

No, everyone's different, but commonly top players are around 400-800 dpi

How does your rank correlate to your playtime /owg/?

>still never got the cute mercy spray
>just can't let myself allow my team to die on purpose to get that 4 man revive


I paid 5 bucks for loot boxes


Pharah is an attacker, but her biggest advantage is that she can show up high up and in places you don't expect. find out where your enemies are set up, and get up higher than them in a place they're not looking,. You've got pretty good movement, you can get to places people don't expect, use that, fly around outside the map over cliffs to get into position and punish people for not paying attention, and don't feel bad about retreating.

hey thanks buddy, glad i could be of service
i personally suggest not playing symmetra past the first point on just about every defence map, and never on king of the hill, if that helps too

Im 9 hours played and level 20

I solo queue

Oh my... what a delicious ass

play some 50-80 range parties with ftiends at night and its good proper gameplay.

do solo queue at 30 and get lvl 13 widowmakers, genjis no tank or healer.

>not paying $10


>play reinhardt
>use the best skin (bundeswehr)
>Shout nonsenical german victory chants throughout the match
>end of match scream WE ARE THE VICTORS HAHAHAHAH in German
>team is thoroughly convinced im a nazi

best fun