/gsg/ - Grand Strategy General

Reminder that SteIIaris has its own general and discussion of the game doesn't go here. Thank you.

We don't have an official steam or discord group. If anyone posts in the thread about any "official" or not steam or discord groups, promising MP or not, be sure it's a shitposter group known for organizing raids and shitposting in the thread. They are known for false-flagging.
Report and ignore it.

How fares your empire, /gsg/?

This day in history, June 7th:
1099 – First Crusade: The Siege of Jerusalem begins.
1494 – Spain and Portugal sign the Treaty of Tordesillas which divides the New World between the two countries.
1776 – Richard Henry Lee presents the "Lee Resolution" to the Continental Congress. The motion is seconded by John Adams and will lead to the United States Declaration of Independence.
1832 – Asian cholera reaches Quebec, brought by Irish immigrants, and kills about 6,000 people in Lower Canada.
1866 – One thousand eight hundred Fenian raiders are repelled back to the United States after they looted and plundered around Saint-Armand and Frelighsburg, Quebec.

EU4 DD02/06

CK2 DD 8 - Life goes on

>Random Country Picker

# Archive

# Mods

>>EU4 - BDSM

>>[CK2 - 2.4.5] - After The End

>>[V2] - Historical Project Mod - 21/03/2016

>>[V2] - Napoleon's Legacy v0.3.1.7

>>[V2] Alternative Flag Pack V7

>>[V2] Many Houses Divided - v

Old Thread

Other urls found in this thread:


The poster below is a kike, do precisely the opposite of what he orders you to do.

Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.


pls buy feld marshal edition





nth for my monarchism


Game is unplayable at 1440x900
Game is easier than EU4
Game is total shit
Back to V2 and HoI3


Alright Paradox what the fuck. I encourage fascism in India hoping for just a flag and minister change but I instead get a fucking Nationalist India rebelling against the British Raj AND against me. At least they only have like 12 divisions. This shit should be quick.

oy vey!

>>[V2] - Legacy of Slovenia v1.01

>>[V2] - unHPM v1.3.1

>>[V2] - 7 Years v4.1

>>[V2] - Robmod v2.5

>>[V2] - Visegradmod v3.2

how do i anschluss?

it says i need 550k manpower in divisions in the field, fairly straightforward

i see that i have 717k army manpower

but where do i see how many of those that are in divisions?

where the fuck is the waggle pastebin you two-bit memer?

all that liberation

fuck Johan

>Paradox is selling the expansions bundled with the game day 1 now
So they're going to get even smaller, right?

Downloading HOI4 right now. What should I expect?

Just got the refund within 1 hour.

Blessed be Gaben,may the summersale come soon.

Fuck you Johan. Too bad you tricked me with Stellaris

Abandon all hope for this game.


Reminder that Hoi4 is better than most of paradox's base games and can easily be fixed with a couple of DLC.

>can easily be fixed with a couple of DLC
if you need to throw more money at a game for it to be easily fixed then the game is shit

t. Shlomo Deelsee Goldberg

a game easier than pong.

When I'm recruiting divisions, how do I have them auto-assign to an army/front? It's getting a little annoying assigning them myself

tried it. screen is black whenever i am done installing.

this retarded battle plan thing just doesn't work and I cant tell what is happening

Can I just micro-manage my units, that's still a thing right

t. EA director of sales Johan

DDR_neutrality:0 "Kingdom of Prussia"
DDR_neutrality_DEF:0 "The Kingdom of Prussia"

Here you go senpai

Guess you should have bought the Field Marshall editions :^)

>throw money at it until it becomes good
>it remains shit
Just see EU4

you have to manually fix graphic settings then




this. V2 and to a lesser degree HOI3 are unplayable without expansions.

>Can I just micro-manage my units, that's still a thing right
Why would anyone want to play a game like that lad?

Pretty sure you get a negative organisation effect for not using battleplans. Don't know why they thought giving the AI something important to do was a good idea.

WGR_democratic:0 "West Germany"
WGR_democratic_DEF:0 "West Germany"
WGR_fascist:0 "Fourth Reich"
WGR_fascist_DEF:0 "The Fourth Reich"
WGR_neutrality:0 "Bayern-Hannover"
WGR_neutrality_DEF:0 "Bayern-Hannover"
WGR_communism:0 "Socialist Republic of Germany"
WGR_communism_DEF:0 "The Socialist Republic of Germany"

DDR_communism:0 "East Germany"
DDR_communism_DEF:0 "East Germany"
DDR_neutrality:0 "Kingdom of Prussia"
DDR_neutrality_DEF:0 "The Kingdom of Prussia"
DDR_democratic:0 "Constitutional Germany"
DDR_democratic_DEF:0 "Constitutional Germany"
DDR_fascism:0 "DNSR"
DDR_fascism_DEF:0 "The DNSR"


Poles see hundreds of thousands of Germans excising near their border, what do they think?

Post your /HOI4temps/

i5 6600, r380
I'm actually sweating right now because it's about 22C outside as well so there's heat coming out everywhere and I don't expect to get a good night's sleep tonight

thanks Paradox

holy shit kek

that's bs
>players can micro better than ai
>therefore we must punish them for micro

How does naval invasion work? Is it like civ, where units magically turn into boats? I can just select naval invasion without any transports.

Besides this shitty new look and lack of balancing, probably best game Parajews produced. I'm impressed. It also runs fine on my toaster.

ayy lmao

why is france so op in this game
they just form death stacks at the border and on belguim

Why are they putting people at a dis-advantage for not being a casual

what the actual fuck

How do I motivate myself to continue a mega campaign? Especially in late CK2/EU4?

can't even get to the options. everything is black other than some paradox icons.

Who are you quoting senpai?

not march of the eagles?

i7 4770k gtx 760

What am I supposed to do with that?

I've noticed this too, very optimized. mobile version soon :^)
too bad the game is too shallow, annexing whole countries doesn't have much effect.

Reddit karma

March of the Eagles was made by AGEod.

What happens after you get invaded? How do I get resistance fighters to pop up?

Never played that desu

>To create the empire of abbysina you need to control Kingdom of Abyssinia, Nubia AND Egypt

Fucking why? Shit is dumb and makes no sense fuck I could have a jewish empire by now if it was not for that.

Post end results

Same, is March of the Eagles any good or should I just avoid?

I don't get deployment in this one

Is it automatic? Can I set it to be like the older games ie i make a ton and decide where I want them afterwards?

Why would this game tax your gpu that much? Or do you just have shit cooling?

DLC mana



I have great cooling

Wait, the byzzies defeated the seljuks? How

It's the Motherfucking FÜHRER

>torrent stopped downloading at 46.83%
>100% availability
what fucking judeo-swedish magic is this?

i hope someone makes a flat solid-color map mod
see pic
thanks paradox

It shows that neutral East Germany somehow becomes Kingdom of Prussia, so if you want a monarchy, then you know what to do.


Yeah some things need improvement but I wouldn't call it shallow. These new mechanics with equipment and production are cool as fuck.
It would be great though if they implemented OOB system from HoI3, I have no idea why was it erased.
Again, besides this arcade-style funny look, best game from Paradox ever.


the game looks great

This game is suppose to be easier then HOI3 but I have no fucking clue how to play after 4h and I have played a lot of HOI3.

-way to much micro management
-shit SHIT User interface
-color settings shit compared to HOI3

3/10 will not play again

Is the game really that hard on hardware? It's fucking hot here in Los Angeles for the first time this year and I don't want shit to blow up.

>fugg bedder to some bushubs :DDDD

>14 day-1 DLC
Has Johan finally gone mad

did you at least by Field Marshall Edition?

dude, you draw a line and watch the show

it was never truly finished though
they half-assed it to push eu4, which had the same timeline

Singleplayer is absolute dogshit, it's only good with people. Even then you'll need ground rules. Worst thing I ever experienced was having put all my Russian armies back into Russia from France, simply because I couldn't supply through allies.

>see pic
I don't know what you're trying to say here. It was created by "Paradox France" AKA AGEod.

>the game looks great
Yeah, in the same sense that Bruce Jenner looks "stunning"

I really have to wait for the world to go to shit before I can even do anything?

HoI 3 with all DLC

yay or nay ?

How the fuck do you fuck it up?
You just click on the province you want to take then press the invasion button and sit back and relax.

Egypt was getting fresh with them

Do you guys really think this shit looks nice?

can you amphibiously invade ANY coastal province?

This. I miss old "serious" look. All these stars and mana confuse me.

How many types of mana does the game have?

this is important, I'm not sure I'm willing to spend $40 on a game with only 2 or 3 types of mana.



it's just night time bro

thanks italy for deciding to attack yugoslavia at the same time as me

Let the Soviets steamroll me, switch to East Germany and become neutral somehow?

so is darkest hour still the best HoI game?

Can you even use NATO counters?