/tesog/ - The Elder Scrolls Online General

That fresh new-thread-smell edition.

Elder Thread: >Official news
Dark Brotherhood DLC is out on PC, and coming June 14th to Xbox One and Playstation 4!

>Latest patch notes

>Sales and deals
dlgamer.us/download-the_elder_scrolls_online-pc_games-p-19435.html (authorized reseller)
kinguin.net/es/catalogsearch/result/index/?q=elder scrolls online (some anons have been using it without issues so far)

>Online lore portal and map

>UI addons for PC

>Assorted links

>/tesog/ Guilds
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>We have a Discord open for every platform:

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/v/ culture uprising

How long is it gonna take me to reach Lv50? I've got to Lv10 in 4 days but I feel like the grind is so slow

You should be able to make lvl 10 in an afternoon of questing. You should be lvl 4 coming out of the tutorial dungeon. You should be pretty close to lvl 10 when you finish the starter island.

I've never played an MMO so I have no idea what I'm doing

How long does it take to cap on average?

If you played like every day, you could probably reach 50 in a month or two? Whenever I play, I seem to lose like 5 hours, and I only gain maybe 1 level if I'm dedicated to slogging through every quest I see.

I take that back, it should take you about a full day of questing to reach lvl 10.

I had a lvl 10 2-3 weeks ago and he's lvl 31 now. I play most evenings and sometimes on weekends.

newfag here

is a 1:2:4 split on my nightblade good or have I fucked it already? lv21 I mainly use shadow/dual weild perks but some bow too

What level should I be before downloading TG

I got to 50 in about 3 and a half weeks of playing maybe 40-50 hours a week and doing every single quest, leveling all my crafts and looting every crate I saw. Could probably do that in the a third of the time if you just focused only on leveling and doing quests/delves.

Generally it's best to either go full stamina or full magicka but while you're leveling up it's not really a big deal. You can always respec.

Doesn't really matter since you'll be powered up for the levels you're lacking.

>you'll be powered up for the levels you're lacking


depending on whether you're magicka, tank or stamina you want 64 in your respective stats- i.e. none in any other.

Won't 1 in HP be too little though? Or are all mobs trash tier?

dungeons and scaled zones scale you to v16/15 respectively

Not really. A bigger resource pool means that you'll have an easier time casting heals and allowing your abilities to do more damage. If you die an awful lot you can always slap a few health enchantments onto your armour until it feels just right.

Do xp scrolls stack

Could I just buy like 20 and cap in a day

>dungeon finder still broken

God damnit, all this game had to do was tide me over another day or two until I get my Gigantic key.

How can they be this fucking bad at programming?

I've ran into two quests that are bugged so far. This DB update really sucked.

I think the best you could do is stack a scroll and an XP potion, don't think either one stacks with itself

What is the comfiest area in the game?

Shadowfen of Rivenspire when it's night and raining.

If I want to buy ESO Plus, what's the cheapest way of getting it?

Probably g2a, look for 60 days membership.

those bugged quests are what keep me from getting the dlc, I was more excited about the base patch than anything else

i dont understand the zoomtexts implications

>quest sends me into a vision of the past with the Chimer
>TESO had not anywhere said that they've retconned the golden skinned appearance of the Chimer
>an NPC even says they were golden skinned in this questline, before the "Tribunal's ascendancy gifted us a more somber skin tone" or some shit
>inspite of this all the Chimer look like Dunmer
>While this bitch references her race in every other sentence in a really stilted and unnatural way, especially for someone who is seeing me as a Chimer

Like, really. Was it too much to make some smaller Altmer for this and call them Chimer instead of having them be Dunmer and calling attention to your fuckup with every sentence uttered by the in-vision quest NPC?

I've been enjoying this game so far but it's the little things like this that get me. I'd understand if it was just -one- quest but I've been on like, at least two (maybe three?) past-vision quests so far and they've always had the "Chimer" being pretty obviously Dunmer.

It's a jab at people complaining about the puzzles in Skyrim, where you just have to look at the claw. The puzzles weren't actual puzzles but just a way to make sure the person using it was sentient. It's also a jab at people who had trouble with the puzzle.

It looks like a dunmer with gold skin and gold eyes. Should they be any different? Even the morrowind images depicted them looking pretty much the same.

>why are chimer not golden skinned?
>posts golden skinned chimer


It's lighting, user. They were grey as any other Dunmer and had the red eyes that they only got after being Dunmer.

Idunno, there's a filter over the whole scene, but I've seen screenshots that look pretty damn gold skinned to me.


Double posting

Oh, as an addenum: Morrowind depicted it's two "Chimer" very differently. They're not some pale gold that you could mistake for a light skinned Dunmer standing in torchlight. Both Almalexia and half of Vivec were bright gold.

And hell, while searching up an image of ye old morrowind, I actually learned Almalexia is actually an NPC here. And she's the right color, so why aren't these other s'wits?

It's the filter. In the linked article you can see Balreth sans-filter. He's just a normal Dunmer.

I'm kind of betting they made all these characters gold skinned, but due to crazy lighting conditions and not the strongest skin coloration, the gold is getting washed out. That shot of balreth shows everything in that scene as a blueish hue. It's disappointing that there's filters and weird lighting muddling the chimer scenes.

Not the same person, and this may seem odd, but if enough people bitch about it I'm sure they'll patch it. They've done some few changes in quests before, slapping on better skin on the chimers aren't out of the question.

I'm fairly sure it's a matter of production and not lore getting retconned.

who the fuck had troubles with those fucking normies

Saw this for 25$ at shillstop. is it worth a pickup? i was real busy with work and moving and life for the past 2 years and im just trying to catch up on all the games i wanted to play

Personally I only really play it because it's available on console and I got burned out on FF14 already. There's probably way better options out there for PC though.

my like 6 month old gpu took a shit on me for the 2nd time so i gave up and bought a ps4 because i wanted to play bloodborne anyway. I got dark souls 3 and the division but honestly i havent been able to get into the division yet so im going to get elder scrolls

the division is only enjoyable with friends, fuck that game otherwise

teso is a solid game, nothing groundbreaking or revolutionary but it's got an active community and tons of good content to eat up a few months of your life

i was afraid of this, people actually complained about the spiny door puzzles? The only complaint i have is they weren't much of a puzzle at all, though that books explanation makes sense and i am now perfectly satisfied.

>trying to catch up on all the games i wanted to play

if ESO is something you wanted to try, now is probably the best time for it

you may even be pleasantly surprised

The Division is the most fun game I can never enjoy. Like, it wants to be great, but doing anything in that game just pisses me the fuck off.

So my friend wants to be a lizardman, what is the best race to complement it? Dummer or Nord?

Nord, nord, nord.

Argonians have been historical slaves to the Dunmer and through various quests you still hear a lot of lingering bitterness over it.

Nords mostly just wonder if Argonians and Dunmer will be able to keep up and pull their weight in fights. Anyone who proves they can do that seems to be gold in their book.

What class is your friend rolling/what are they focusing on? That might matter too.

>argonians still dont talk right
>dunmer still dont talk right
>nords all talk like retards how did they ever make an empire holy shit
>pact always does terrible in pvp

not a coincidence at all

Is it just my machine or does this game load excruciatingly slowly?

after a new patch it always takes a really long time for me to load into the character selection screen the first time.

Its not so bad otherwise but i am running off of an SSD and it does feel more like hdd load times come to think of it

>after a new patch it always takes a really long time for me to load into the character selection screen the first time.


Not just you. Some of the load times are easily long enough to fill all the memory the game is using several times over. The game also uses way more cpu than it should be when it's doing nothing, like in the login screen.

Loaded up my game from the steam launcher and have no audio in the game. I have audio when all the dev logos come up, but the login screen onward is nothing but silence.
Anyone else have this issue?

Do you have a way in settings to check which audio device it's sending sending sound to? Might be a focus issue, check the option to play stuff in the background in audio settings.

Also, you should run it not through steam if you can -- just start the eso.exe from wherever it installs.

I'm downloading the official client now so ill give that a check.

I also tried both 64 and 32 bit versions straight from the .exe files and still had no sound. I'm hoping steam just didn't place the audio files properly.

I take that back, my settings just got reset and after agreeing to all the legal bs, it asked me what country I'm in. So if that happens again to you, there should be a settings file you can manually add it to to stop the question. Maybe.

How do I build a "stamplar" ? Do I just put all my points into stamina and use skill points on weapon related abilities? Newfag to this game, sorry if this is a stupid question

And the Best Goy Award goes to...!

>How do I build a "stamplar" ?
You don't. You build Magicka templar instead

The other guy's advice is probably best, but if you must, pick a race with stam bonuses and/or bonuses to stuff you will do with this stamplar, and yes all into stam.

some class abilities will be able to be morphed into stamina version, i dont know which abilities those are for templar though

>It's a "Don't kill the fucking adds on the final boss" pledge
>People still kill the adds

This is really minor, but is there anyway to have your weapons automatically unholster after gathering something?

Any newfags here on Bleakrock Peak that just started and wanna go through together?

>It's a 'kill your target with poison' optional objective for your DB daily episode

press z or look in the controls menu for unsheathe/sheathe


Post deformed

Would making this game classless be a good idea? What I mean by classless isn't that you can pick and choose any ability but that you aren't 'locked in' to a class when you pick it. You could, for example, start as an NB and you'd have the 3 subschools but for a fee (or part of a quest or some shit) you could switch out to DK on the same character and your 3 'class' schools would change to those of a DK. You'd still need to train up all the skills/morphs for the class you switched to. I guess given that it's so easy to level up an alt with the removal of vet ranks that this isn't an issue but I'd personally prefer to be able to use the same character for multiple classes rather than just having a shit load of alts.

I think the current system is pretty comfy. For each race/class combo, there's quite a few different roles you can try, and huge variety in build possibilities.

Even if your idea was enacted, there's still the magicka vs stam thing from the base race, so you're still going to need to make an alt if your race is very stam, and you want to try a magicka build and have suitable traits.

>that quest in the desert with the guy who drinks the alcohol and thinks he's a goblin

Toppest of fucking keks

For an MMO the quests in this game are surprisingly good

vet crypt of hearts
vet banished cells

Its a term for enemies that spawn during boss fights.

I enjoy questing more than I did in Skyrim and Oblivion desu. The only quest I don't really enjoy is the main story one and even that isn't completely terrible (mah boi Abnar).

>trying to speedrun skyshards
this is fucking killing me

>scrolls are being taken away by ep when nobody is on.
Why do they fucking do this

min/maxfag check

post screenshot of dps parse 22k+ single target over 20s+
receive a gold mat in the mail

Newfag here

How is my rotation of skills (PS4)? I have cloak, the one that stuns from invisibility, flurry and the bleed skill all on my hot bar. All I do is cloak>stun>bleed then spam flurry and they normally die, is it worth unlocking the other skills or should I just invest my points into passives etc?

good burst, not enough sustained damage- fine for overworld pve, not so much dungeons.

for enemies with high health pools, 100k-40m you want to drop your dots then spam flurry, and reapply dots whenever their duraton expires. the difference between an average and good player is how fast and how efficiently they can space their dots and weave between them with light and medium attacks.

oh god fucking damnit again with the server maintenance. literally as soon as I log in "server will be going down for maintenance in 15 minutes"

So people here know about the speed bug right? I usually run at 230% (with bug I presume) but I once ran at 250%. Was this just an addon glitch? Can I bypass this bug?

I use the minimap addon by fyrakin.

I just gotta go fast

I'm guessing this downtime is to fix the bug where some fuckers can still jump up onto keep walls with one of the leaps. Hope it's quicker than last time.

>Tomorrow, we’ll take down the North American and European PC/Mac megaservers to fix an issue with the Group Finder that is currently leading to long queue times. Please note that there are some rare cases where you may still encounter very long load times, and we are looking into these.

>We expect the maintenance to take several hours tomorrow, and it starts at 8AM Eastern Time. We'll inform you when the servers are available again, and the fix is live.

How have people found attack weaving with the new Flurry? Kind of getting used to it again as the ability is now much, much quicker than it used to be.

Well, shit.

Quick question, since we're all stuck here twiddling our dicks anyways. I just bought the game the other day and I don't quite have a good grasp on the combat system yet. I'm playing a dragonknight and I'm planning on maining the ardent flame tree. I figure I should be leveling mostly magicka, right? What about weapons/armor though? I'm still only in the starter zone but so far I've just been spamming the chain spell and the fire claw spell, and not really using weapons. I'm not sure how exactly this class/spec works, if I'm full caster DPS, a tanky DPS hybrid, or what.

Weaving, hell, swapping weapon bars have became harder due to whatever new logic to what overrides what they've done to make the game feel less responsive. I've found myself several times being too quick, ending up with changing a bar and then cancelling it due to casting a spell too quick, ending with me using the wrong abilities. I don't recall this ever happening before the patch.

DKs are best played as:

DPS- Sustained damage, ramps up and will not falter.

Tank- The "Traditional" Tank, Buffs+CC and self-sustaining.

Healer- Shield Stacking HoT, with more of a focus on DPS rather than dedicated healing.

Or any combination of the three.

I'll pastebin a build and rotation for Magicka and Stamina DK if you're into maxing out your DPS output.

Your race will mostly determine whether you will go for a stamina or magicka build. I'm relatively new as well, so can't offer any build advice for DK, but check out esoacademy from the OP, or tamrielfoundary theorycrafting forums for specific build ideas/guides.

Oh for sure that'd be super helpful, thanks.
This is also very helpful. I was actually just thinking that instead of asking specific gameplay questions here I should just ask where to look for more in depth documentation. I guess the OP would've been a good first place to look...

>finally get bow to lvl 38 for snipe
>excited to try it in cyrodiil


Is there cross platform play for this game yet?


No, and I hope it never happens.

Aww why?
it would be awesome having console ppl playing with us, the higher pop would fill out the dead times like right now. They also get way more servers.

Why not. It's not like there's any major disadvantages for using a controller. Only problem will be that they won't have access to addons.

I don't want to share server with retards and kids.

Consolecucks can't write in chat and ESO doesn't have ingame voip, so it'll just be like having more NPCs

The larger quantity of casual babbies would increase profits for traders though.

>Have an exam in 8 hours and 10 minutes
>Spent the entire semester playing ESO and watching tv series

Why do I put myself through this

Do you really want to be grouped with Timmy the Clueless? That profit from rip-offs, though...