Nostalgiaframe edition
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Boypussy > girlpussy
have to pick up volt speedboost bc it can fuck you over
intruduce mag bubble that fucks you over everytime
well played
>"Stop taking all the kills"
>Survival mission
>Decided to stop killing everything
>Ran out of oxygen
>"Why the fuck weren't you helping?"
Get your fresh memes here!
nth for becca
>haven't played in about a year
>curiosity takes over
>find out about shotaloli thing
>want to download warframe just to do that quest
Why the fuck did I do this to myself
>tried to convince myself to do sorties today
>25 r5 i might come to need
>dera stock
>my 3rd one
at least i got to take mesa on sortie 1 and 2 and confirmed taht everything wrong in warframe ever is related to armor
The meme was made to make redditors stand out.
and it worked
>tfw the forums, and steam forums welcome the nerfs and call anyone that dislikes them a shitter who wants a press tow in button
>tfw want to walk away
What did Lotus do with the defectors? Why don't we have missions where a Grineer Goalie with a rocket mace accompanies us? Why did the Grineer cancel their experiments with toxic weapons? Were all the Corpus Datalysts fired after they failed so many times to protect trade secrets? Were the Artificers melted down to make rollers and nutrient paste?
Why is DE so good at wasting potential?
You know, I expected to be raining in cores from doing Triton like you guys said.
>telos boltor
>a 25% chance on 25% of excavators
>raining cores
Am I edgy and rosemon enough, /wfg/?
>2/4 is 25%
trying to not be edgy is still edgy
How should I build my S. Simulor? This is the best I've been able to do on WF Builder.
"Raining in cores" is that. You're not going to get an easier core farm unless there's a sekrit I'm not aware of.
are you fucking retarded or something
fuck, was thinking C rotation
clearly i haven't run triton in a while
i have to admit, i didnt believed it would look this good.
T4I netted me alote of cores before anything more valuable that duck cat food.
im just waiting for the day that kiteer will show up with 50 r5 packs to sell
Seriously, what the fuck are we getting this week?
I honestly believe DE hates working on Warframe. You can look at their faces and tell what they dreamt of Warframe being, isn't comig into fruition.
A good game would NOT have 75% of their player base bashing the game.
I know taste is subjective and all user but goddamn do you have shit taste.
a semi auto pistol with no clear purpose and further 'balance' for Trinity.
>Implying /wfg/ and 50 forum crusaders make up 1% of the playerbase
Is there a problem?
Well that sucks. I'll bare with it, at least I get Oxium in return.
Probably some useless weapon that isn't even fun to play with. They really need to stop being scared of releasing strong weapons.
it has been the year of ruin for some time
ash will get nerfed. likely his 4 will no longer get energy while stabbing things like a channeled hability
rhino has halways been hard to paint. this one i have to admit beated me to like it.
>Warframe Stats from May
What is this new meme
this wont fix what you've destroyed, de
>Hard to paint
Are you a tard don't use highly saturated colors for the base and use deeper colors fro the details
What's the purpose of ranking up?
Just ranked up to mastery level 1 or something like that.
You gain new items, unlock relays and it makes you look better when in fact youre a shitter
>new player
Dude just uninstall you'll be better off
its just a meam senpai
how will that not be ruined by his iron skin
its the same shit with loki, except whatever i paint him gets a gloss mettalic cover over it instead of turning into half transparent energy farts
What will be the next "thing" DE will get a hard on for? Cloth physics was one of those
If you don't want to be aesthetically fucked by iron skin get the rubedo skin
I'm having fun.
What worries me is that all weapons and cool stuff seems to be premium, including new warframes
This is pretty cool honestly.
We'll see how long that lasts
don't use acolyte mods on S.Simulor because you're almost never going to be aiming those balls
I also wouldn't trust WFbuilder with specialty weapons like S. Simulor
>irl dosh
fuck that.
Where is this from?
Post Rhino's that don't look like shit
>those replies
Why am I still going to the forums when I know it's nothing but apologists who hate fun
Just don't use iron skin then
It's fine stop being a scrub.
Replaced bladed rounds with spring loaded chamber.
>tfw impeccable taste in fashionframe
r8 dont h8
i like your chroma
is this tierqueer?
I can tell you what we won't get: news on Ivara augments.
Didn't she come out in Oct. of 2015? It's June; the hell are they doing
posting best girl.
ThisIs tierqueer
They're trying to fix all the bugs that nav's aug will cause.
How long have you been in this hell for?
>not Grineer
Tenno sono ba horoi
i like this edge
Might have to make me a molten rhino, looks cool
>posts a rhino with shit slathered between his cheeks and up his back
good job.
to be honest i really don't like how that skin looks
It's not edge I swear
>Not liking the Fairy King
>Enter spy mission
>Forgot to set friends only so I get sent into some MR 11 guy game
>I go A, realize he went for B
>He fucks it up of course
>Tell him how much of a shitter he is and elaborate for a while while explaining him why he is a shit player and shoul play alone or let people who actually know how to play do the stuff
>Quit his session (he only got A data because i did it)
>Prepare to do it solo
>PM arrives
>"get a life lol"
>user is ignoring you
Both of you were shitters, user.
I like em
That's pretty good.
he's right, you should get a life
ohh buy, you might cut yourself on that edge.
t-thanks de
i don't get it, but ok I guess
great post, friend
Wheres the razer logo?
what is this alien language
Do syndicate primary/secondary weapons generally trade 1:1, or are some more desireable than others?
For instance, I'm at the point where I can buy a few Sancti Tigrises to start mastery farming the other kinds without blowing all my money on other syndicates.
Nothing is truly "premium" in this game, everything can be bought by scamming others out of plat they bought with real money.
The only thing that I can think of that costs money are some skins that recently came out, and of course the Prime Access stuff that's basically for lazy rich people, but you can get that normally through (extremely long and tedious) gameplay.
Even ivara booty webm maker is gone.
This general is slowly dying.
ip count for last tread of 147
Lol go look at /ps2g/ and then say this general is dead
He'a not even gone, people are just busy user. He has a life than making Ivara webms and writing lewd pastebins
>mfw reading through the filter for the first time
holy shit this paranoia is off the charts
>mfw reading tierqueer posts for the first time
holy shit this faggotry is off the charts
where? how?
How far could you go in the void with a mag stripping armor and a spore build?
Green Lantern frame when?
>That general takes 4 days to fill up
>We have gone from 2 threads a day to one thread a day
Is that are fate?
>stripping armor
Don't act like you're any better user you are here after all
Oberon can't make a giant plane or a fist out of ligt construct ring though.
say, does saryn chlora helm even come at alerts?
Dude, can you stop fucking posting the same fucking image in every fucking thread?
You basic bitch.
Nekros actually gets a ton of shit from doing this, but of course, if the method of the different setups of this gets out, the farm will never be the same
it just seems to happen to me randomly