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I have higher accuracy as Junkrat than Soldier, the fuck am I doing wrong


>It's a "This Fuck Thinks Roadhog Is A Good Solo Tank" episode.

>Playing attack on dorado
>Team kills 5 people
>Goes into overtime
>Check who's alive
>Good, we have this
>None of them touch the cart
>lol i guess we weren't near it
End my suffering

nth for when you've been a bad boy and dad needs to spank you

Not tracking enough. Play Zarya, use M1 and shields only to get good at tracking.

explosives tend to hit more shit with less projectiles and that means better accuracy genius


Post your favorite Overwatch reaction image.

Is your most time played also your highest win rate /owg/? Excluding winrates for under 1 hour

how do I git gud as gamer gurl

Why is R66 and Hollywood stage 2 so similar?

just bought the game, how do i git gud? and i cant snipe for shit.


>Don't give a fuck about ranked
>When ranked comes out, most of the people who want to play the game will play ranked
>Either have to deal with tier circlejerking or guaranteed shitters

>it's an "4 Mei 1 Mercy 1 Hanzo defense on Kings Row and my teammates won't pick anything that can go over the constantly cycling icewall" episode




>Zarya OP

Supreme taste

Let's all post pics of best girl Zarya






>Girl starts talking on mic

23 hours on Lucio
65% win rate



>constantly cycling ice wall

oh god

Run people into walls with your jet mode, follow up with a melee. Learn where the health packs are.

papi chulo~

Post character's themes

Like clockwork

Anyone wanna pair up for a few rounds?

WorldPeace #11780


So after eight or nine levels of nothing but GREY GREY BLUE GREY I finally get a legendary, fingers crossed for something for Genji or Reinhardt or really anyone other than Widow or Symmetra and I end up with this piece of shit.

I am dick with the sniper in every game I've played and as a frequent Zen and Pharah player I loathe Widow with a passion but I also figure in a game like this even if she gets nerfed it's important to at least have an idea of how to play her

Should I use this opportunity to try and get good or should I keep on ignoring her and chalk this one up to a loss?

>autist spergs out at all chat trash talk at the end of the game
kek maybe you should learn how to counter McQ


>another 1000 Overbux in the bank


I kinda want Raptorion Pharah because the new rocket launcher skin is cool and it's actually a legendary I can enjoy in first person mode.

I swear those fuckers must have practiced that because they had the timing down perfectly and the 3 Meis who were waiting their turn were constantly on the lookout for any wall jumpers

the one with roadhog drinking tea
i dont have it saved though cause im a fucking dolt

I am so fucking sick of people picking Widowmaker on King of the hill

Legitimately fucking gas yourselves you cretinous subhumans I wish a violent nigger raping on the youngest member of your family (Which is probably your 12 year old ass)


Orange text isn't worth playing a class you hate over.

I like route 66

>anything on defense
>our only tank is a Roadhog
>can't switch to an actual tank because I'm the only support


I always feel like shit when I do well with Reaper.

I'm sorry guys.

Patrician taste user but I figured Roadhog needs something more blunt

I like Kyuss for the desert themes and for pure energy

For Bastion I like E2-E4 a lot

For Zenyatta I can't decide but I'm leaning towards Aphex Twin


What do you call this team?

>lucio and mccree are the ones to get the after game commendations
>dont vote for either of them

im not wasting a single click on either of you "easy to play as fuck" niggers lmao

what counters torb? i started playing him a bit and no one seems to know how to deal with him, its almost a free win on defense

Edgy as shit
I agree

>have some incredible games earlier with a random group that stayed together
>4 Hanzo vs 4 Tracer, either Hanzo gets a bodyshot or Tracer dashes up to him and woodchips him
>6 reapers on one team, whenever one of them died they would start saying emo angsty goth things in chat
>all meis all the time, pure chaos
>get put in another game
>same stupid meta shit played by players too bad to realize why meta is effective
>bad healer, bad offense, bad tank: the game
>stop having fun when people are trying hard

The isis chick

Yeah that's very true but it's more that she seems like an important character to know how to play

That and I hated Pharah and Roadhog and decided to give them both a shot after I got good legendary drops and now they're two of my favorite heroes

Soldier, Junkrat, Genji, Pharah, Hanzo and Widowmaker are counters

>defense teams that use all their ults before the attacking team does

how to lose 101



Poor Little Archer Boy

pharah and junkrat

>do almost 14k damage as soldier
>never be able to manage to get this damage with him

how comes sometimes i break shit soldier but sometimes i get completly obliterated?
when i got good with reinhardt i kept a consistent blocked damage, average damage and eliminations

Literally any tank + a team that is breathing oxygen

Is there a Discord for this?






>defense teammate uses ult and kills 5 people
>2 other teammates ult for the last remaining enemy 6v1


Because sometimes you're playing against teams he does well against, and sometimes you're not. You're probably not paying enough attention to hero composition on the enemy team.

>People begging for D.Va buffs when even more garbage tanks like Roadhog and Reinhardt exist

fucking waifufags

What said, but also D.Va

which is the best Winston victory pose? I have all 3. I feel beast is the most used and I have explorer so it goes well with glasses but I'm not sure because for highlight intros I have primal rage

>Not going Bastion and just destroying the ice walls as they go up



>you will never be reaper spanked by daddy76

why even live


D.Va is perfectly fine right now, she just requires a little more effort than "hold RMB for 10 minutes and win" so people get confused, she was legit OP in the beta and had to be nerfed

I'm glad she's getting a buff, I'll just pubstomp harder

>Garbage tank

He's had a hard life, and it's getting harder.

Couple of bastions should bust the wall down fast enough. With no flankers, you could have stuck 3 behind a rein and cut them down no problem.


we need to go fatter

oh hey someone did another one but shittier

What ethnicity is mei?

Jesse McCree! He's the wildest cowboy in town, the most handsome and the strongest he'll ever be! I can't wait to play every day with McCree, every time he spawns in I start to breathe heavily and my pants get tighter. Here are five fun facts about Jesse McCree and his pants!

1. McCree has cute clothes!
2. His pants are even cuter!
7. His pants are the cutest when they're off!
4. There's fun stuff behind those pants!
4.5 There won't be any more facts about McCree this whole week! Enjoy the time to think about McCree!

Holy shit D.va's so fucking good

anyone who says d.va needs a buff is a retard whose opinion is worth nothing

When will this tumblr meme end

>the best tank in the game

Roadhog and Junkrat



>he has never heard the joy of roadhog yelling MY HOUSE while you stuff nuts and bolts down everyone's throat and pull pharah out of the air with your rape hook

Thats a big smug.


Except no one is doing that. She's getting a buff, and people are speculating what it will be.

how does one pubstomp as dva