Someone gives you twenty five grand and tells you to double it in a year. How do you do it?
Someone gives you twenty five grand and tells you to double it in a year. How do you do it?
I don't
If i'm forced to then probably some sort of crime
Invest in meme stocks and pray to kek
If I gave u my busn plan online without you signing my confidentiality agreement you would greedily steal my idea, profit off it, and give me no credit for my work
Best hedge funds/index funds perform around 10-20% MAX.
Anything like that (+100%) will require either something very active, innovative or illegal.
So, build a company, create a product, sell drugs etc.
Invest in HEAR and sell it in january
Illegal? Drugs in bulk. Split them down into retail packs.
Legal? Buy from bankruptcy auctions. Anything from musical instruments to al pastor grills at 25% of list price. Work your arse off to get 50% of list price.
Do this but also include tax liens.
Pay off other people's overdue taxes on their mortgages/houses/assets then repossess them legally if you are too pussy too into illegal underground blackmarket
Would five years be more realistic?
I know a few people who do this at police auctions with cars. Same concept i guess.
High risk means high earnings.
Low risk means low.
It is not just a matter of time, but mostly about what you do.
You might blow that money up in 5 years, or turn it to a billion dollars. It all depends on the steps you take.
buy 2,500,000 stocks worth 0,01 cent. sell when the stock becomes worth 0,02.
All on $YRD... They might be cooking the books, but if they arent... holy growth....
Also pic related is CEO, i dont mind if she "scams" me nomsayin.
>Not doing the Kaiba thing.
Buy a company that cares about its employees and tell the owner you're closing down out of spite unless they buy back the company for double.
I buy a kilo of cocaine, cut, it, and sell it as ounces, eightballs, and grams. I'm done within a couple of months.
If there's a cash reward for coming back at the end of the year with $50,000 then I'd put $25,000 of my own money in the coffers for 0 effort
Put it all on black
I'd go all in on Bitcoin
forget double, try quadruple
This is how you go broke
Put it on red
Stop advertising.
Ok, I have been reading this thread and doing some independent research and I came to the conclusion that both strategies have merit to them but also not without a fair degree of risk involved. According to my calculations its best to diversifie and hedge your risks against each other. So I will put half on red and half on black.
For a measly $50 dollars I can let you attend one of my monthly seminars on how to do just that. Free catering included
> Best hedge funds perform at 10%
yeah no
the benchmark is 20%. Passive S&P500 gets you 7%.
enjoy being poor, then