League of Legends General - /lolg/

Literally The Best Adc of The Rift

Cutest Girl Edition

Old: Eyosongive.us


>zed isn't banned
>pick zed jungle
I will show them what for it means to assassinate people


The solution is to continue building as you would normally, get your core items together and try to be mindful of the enemy's position. Honestly they kind of fucked you anyway because they had a Sejuani, someone that can punish the enemy for grouping up when the counterplay to Rengar is vision and sticking together, while you had a Shaco, a champion whose existance is entirely pointless beyond just being annoying so tough shit. At the very least you just keep on your toes and when fights break down you are a bigger threat because you invested in damage items instead of a 2400g Aatrox passive.

Breast Waifu

xth for Vayne's perfect butt and Vayne needing buffs

I want to

Why do threads always start really heavy with the lewdposting/waifuposting and slow down a little bit later on in their life cycles?

>wanting vayne buffed
there's a special place in Elo hell for people like you

Is Perseus Panteon good skin or should I disenchant it for Pool Party Graves?


>The only fun I get when playing lol is in a 3+ premade of friends
>They all hate ADC, so I have to most games
>End up hating the fucking role
>If I play it I turn into a salt-powered douchebag
>If I dont play it the enemy botlane is fed 10/0
>When I ask them to try other games they cant make the effort

Why am I still here ? Just to suffer ? Every night ?

Vayne needs to stay in her hole and people need to stop picking her.

Disenchant it for something better than Pool Party Graves.

>not getting it for free for quitting league in 2012

she hasn't been relevant since s3
everytime lucian is bad they buff him into relevancy, vayne has been left to rot for years now

that game wasn't salvageable

when your shaco loses an invade versus a sejuani the only thing you can do is pray

Xth for Kat best waifu

>likes adc
>doesnt like lebron

Vayne is still a Ranged Nasus.
Nasus was made deliberately shit in season 2 and now he is LITERALLY worse.

And that's fine. You're just going to lose sometimes and it's going to be fucking stupid. Just keep going.

Play another character then.

she's already taken buddy

Play Cait, the best adc

but only adc i can play is ashe and mf user

Thanks rito
Punishment for dodging the game earlier with a teemo and a yasuo adc xd

>both have an overstated bad lanephase, become good duelists, are at their best snowballing to launch themselves into a strong mid/early late and both have hilariously overrated lategames

hey it kinda fits

>tfw ADC main
Sorry you don't enjoy it


Both of which are good right now so I don't see why it matters.
Non pussies play draven, jinx, or twitch.

>if your champ can be 'blind picked' without being punished, it's considered good

What champs are blind pickable?
I'd say Ahri, Lucian, and Vlad all qualify at the moment.

xth for Cute Vi

Nightly Edition

Zed and Azir too.

I want Vaynebuffs as well. It's one of the things that will make people stop whining about Swain and Vlad as she perfectly counters them.

Will give me plenty of role play opportunities too.

Finally level 7 fizz boys.

Apparently snowballing the game early and winning to surrender gives you A+/S-

Only games you get S/S+ have to be dragged on with you having 15+ kills

Best girl.
Best butt.
Best wife.

it's possible to get S/S+ in snowballed games the issue is that you have to have a high KP and most snowballed games have every lane solokilling their opponents

Is swain the only man who can deal with vladmir?

>level 7 fizz

sustain tank is pretty much the only type of tank vayne doesn't counter


swain and vlad are two of the best vayne counters historically, especially now that qss is shit on
>try to deal damage to vlad
>get ulted + nova and q, bam vayne is dead

>try to get close to swain
>step into his death range, get slowed by rylais

vayne is terrible against those two
she's awful against bursty tanky mages with short range because she has to step into their range to deal damage to them and those mages are great at instagibbing ads

do i still build trinity on GP because of sheen?

>enemy gets early lead
>"surr 20"
No, fuck you

>yi tries to 1v5
>starts a surr vote
No, fuck you

All it takes is 1 good team fight at 40+min and we win.
Learn to play at a disadvantage.

Vayne with executioners tho. Condemn to fuck up his E channel and also a good Vlad will be beefy after so silver bolts are welcome.

Okay maybe she doesn't counter Swain but lategame Vlad is her bitch. Hnnnnng.

Play good ADCs like Cait, Lucian and Tristana.

>Start playing Azir in S5 when he came out
>Fucking atrocious early game, basically has to hug the turret to come out as anything other than negative
>Takes 30 minutes to scale up and actually do damage
>Now play him in S6
>He's one of the most overwhelming lane bullies who only scales better and better as time goes on

What the fuck even happened? Surely the change from AS for CDR to AS for skilling W couldn't have THAT much impact.

>be bronze
>play ranked
>zed goes unbanned because of his "nerfs"
>pick zed

Swain will eat that dumb bitch alive

Yes. Gangplank didn't build Trinity for the crit dude. It's still core on him, it just had its power shifted.

In my experience I stomp plenty of banes when they come to my lane early on but full build if she itemizes against me I'm dead meat.

mfw I'm just melting everyone even when they cc me.
mfw I steal the enemy buffs since level 2 and onwards.


>swain countered by vayne

literally the only tankyness relevant vs vayne is lifesteal/drain tanking

You guys got to stop using stixxay's roster as a way of determining if a champ is good or not.

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

bugfixes my friend, hes gotten nonstop nerfs except a buff on his ult range from the back

Very hard to fuck up EQ combo now

Found the pattern

full build vayne is one of the best duelists in the game, this is nothing new

vlad can still stall her for hours with pool zhonya pool and if vayne's in range to AA vlad she's going to eat a 1k dmg nova and a drain

vayne is not good vs vlad at all, especially with how strong vlad is right now and hemo being unqssable

Vayne is the Riven of ADC
Lee Sin is the Riven of the Jungle
Zed is the Riven of the assassins.

For early jungle camps should i be using my refillable during jungle clears or between them?

Keep in mind he also used to be buggy as fuck. I remember actually getting stuck in walls just from trying to dash to soldiers.

it... doesn't matter? as long as you're not wasting regen

Any more stunning revelations you want to give us?

riven is her own monster

riven is everything riot hates but somehow they have deluded themselves into thinking she doesn't need a rework

riven has a ridiculous mechanical skillcap, is as feast or famine as it gets, absolutely oppressive when ahead, absolutely worthless when behind, gets tankiness for building damage, her gameplan is basically cheese on top of more cheese and she forces everybody to play her own game

>riot will never rework Riven because there are literal thousands of boxbox toddlers who would burn down Riot HQ if they even touched her

lmao newfag

oh and all her power is hidden behind bugs (MUH HIDDEN POWER)

Literally who?

She's good though.
She has great mobility, minor cc/escape.
Great damage and attack range.

She's like kogmaw in damage, but more mobile.

that's when they gave out perseus pantheon for free. r u retarded?

She can CC the e channel so no nova finishes the one engaging.
Full build Vayne will have sustain, Mr grievous wounds, which just makes competition sad.

350k mastery Vlad main here, I've experienced this over and over, it's the reason why I roam bot all the time when there's an enemy Vayne. Can't let her get relevant.

>riven is everything riot hates but somehow they have deluded themselves into thinking she doesn't need a rework
It's because she's popular, not really rocket science.

>people that like riven and aren't good enough to play her


xth for best ass

* ᴮᵘᵗ ᶰᵒᵇᵒᵈʸ ᶜᵃᵐᵉ

Which champion likes anime the most?

>trying to explain to my mom how I can't "save the game" while playing lol
i hate that cunt so much. my chores can fucking wait, bitch.



or rumble

annie becuz anime is 4 kids

hello underaged

you can stop one nova and this also pulls him beyond your AA range
nova has a 5 (3 with CDR) CD so he will just throw another soon enough

im not discussing the fullbuild scenario (because fullbuild Vayne basically outduels everybody especially now that there is no reveal), i'm just saying Vayne winning a duel lategame doesn't make her a good pick
she also outduels Caitlyn lategame but Cait takes a dump on her for most of the game and even lategame because Cait also scales like a monster but is safer than Vayne

bringing up Vayne's dueling is really a bit nonsensical because Vayne is pretty much the GOAT duelist. in a fight scenario however Vayne is going to eat a shitton of damage if she tries to kill the Vlad, and the game is a 5v5

i have 300k mastery on Vayne, have mained her since S3 and been diamond since then as well, she's not a good pick into Vlad. i'd much rather have to deal with somebody like Malph/Mao/Trundle than a Vlad

I like Riven but don't really like her playstyle actually. I don't like playing melee glass cannons. I don't really like playing anything but tanks and mages honestly.

Order of the Lotus is better

Yasuo, Zed, and Shen

this thing has different feet in every image you post

Why do I never get any healslut supports? :(

i like her design wise because i have a soft spot for white haired tomboys, but i don't like how she plays at all. and no it's not because i can't animation cancel, i get 1f links consistently in fightan games, please.

what im criticising is riots hypocrisy when riot fills a lot of their "bad design" buzzwords

probably because your stupidity hurts

pretty cute riven picture there

>small indie company

I've legit lost 4 games in a row because of yasuo players like holy shit im so fucking tilt right now


1-3: Play League
4-6: Watch anime
7-9: Fill out those job applications
0: Kill myself

0 get

Riven reminds me of Saber.

same whiny weeb magnet material yes

riven is only good for being degraded in r34

I know that feel all too well. Jhin wrecks house with mage supps. And all the explaining in the world during champ select cant seem to make tank supp mains understand that I cant do shit with their combos and perfect engages.

>doesn't know stixxay
>thinks trist is good

>play irelia
>olaf shits on me in lane
>rape midgame anyway
>pick olaf to counter pick irelia
>irelia again rapes mid game anyway
Is this because I'm a gold 2 baddie?
How do you even counter irelia?

>literally considering to buy an elo boost to where I was last season because I would look like a boosted shitter when i'm suddenly lower elo.

I'm Tryndamere against Trundle. What do?

split push

I mean you are playing tryndamere this isn't rocket science

how 2 meme as vlad support?

>becoming a boosted shitter because you don't want people to think you're a boosted shitter

stop trying to jungle your way to plat.
