Why do refugees effectively make more money than middle class people?
Why do refugees effectively make more money than middle class people?
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Can anyone translate retard-speak?
Basically the 500 euros are for living expenses and the 300 euros are for going to theme parks and traveling around Germany raping german women
Rent not included as it is provided beforehand
Because the middle class is paying for them through taxes.
Socialist paradise
moar rags-to-riches
Why make threads on Veeky Forums about turning your small savings into a livable income when you can be a muslim terrorist with 20 parasite kids in Germany and get €8k
because refugees actually use their money to stimulate the economy instead of hoarding it like middle class jews.
this is the stupidest post I've ever read on Veeky Forums
1/10 troll post.
the only jew here is you.
How is Germany not in open revolt right now?
They applaud this
I work 12h a day, 6days a week for 650€ (above average income in my country)
just fucking nuke Europe please
because there is a war against white people going on. these idiotic leftists never learn.
>communism will definitevly work this time
>let's make sure our utopia works, so only the every sacrifice ist worth it
>it will definitely work, once we have this 80iq brown people bastard citizens
it's time to get rid of the jews once and for all. they are much overdue.
these fucks invented communism and theier distorted, inbred psychology has fueled it ever since
how I fucking hate these hook nosed lowlives
make a side pic with the translation and it will have allot more impact
single person €828 per month
"large family" so probably 10-12 people if not more on €8,000 per month
eight people family, €3,355 per month
>make more money than middle class people
>more money than middle class
come on, that word has lost all meaning if think per capita income of €400-800 is supposed to be "middle class". even with ~1,100 per capita is hardly middle class. they're getting what they deserve - the bare minimum. they're nowhere close to a middle class income.
they don't have to incur any of the expenses the middle class mandatorily needs like transportation, financing upper education, and giving a good living to their non-human-garbage kids
€3000 single parent 3 kids €900 euro house, €200 for car and fuel, €100 for social security and health insurance, and like 10% of income for taxes= €1500/4 (€375 per person)
Damn straight my nigga
Because of liberals
the by far biggest position is "Eingliederungshilfe" for €2,262. i googled that, it seems to be some sort of aid for handicapped people. doesn't seem related to refugee status as far as i can tell.
let's compare a family of 8 heads to a family of 4, let's assume a "Facharbeiter" makes only €1.266 a month, let's assume his wife is a lazy ass and unemployed and call that "working", let's assume the refugees would get two counts of rent subsidies (which are actually already included in the base Mindestsicherung) - if you cut the bullshit and assume both families have 6 kids, the refugees would earn less.
i love bullshit like that. those people clearly just assemble the biggest numbers they've once heard in passing without even trying to understand how those play together or what they mean. typical propaganda.
there is a problem and i'm all for reasonable caps on wellfare, but bullshit stories like these won't help rational discourse.
where does the single parent come from? and single parent with 3 kids? seriously?
plus again, 3k per month household income for 4 people is hardly middle class...
>€200 for car and fuel, €100 for social security and health insurance, and like 10% of income for taxes
you really don't have a clue about Germany or Austria, do you?
Every cent spent on these leeches is one too many.
t. A fed-up Belgian
something else google turned up - apparently Austrian state media has written lengthy articles "debunking" that calculation with official numbers. probably not the most trustworthy source, but still better than a shitty image that's apparently a facebook meme...
orf dot at/stories/2283553/2283554/
orf dot at/stories/2285355/2285356/
at least do a *little* bit of fact checking...
In the West, we are marching towards an economic and social breakdown the likes of which we haven't seen in generations. It will be glorious. Remember, stay out of debt, stay in shape, and tell all the single mother roasties to fuck off and die.
>it's the jewish fault
typically something that ahmed would say
> Single parent with below aversge wage and three kids
> Middle class
Also three kids get you 586 euros of additional income a month.
spotted the jew
it was posted by a fed up german btw
don't think we don't know what's up. what are you going to do whrn nobody listens to your lies anymore. I know you'll likely pull the trigger just before that, but believe me, my little half-dicked dunehopper, it'll cost you.
>mfw Cristian
Realize where your friends and ennemies are.
Did you noticed the ahmed rethorics? yes? no? who they hate and what they love?
I'm christan as well.
I dont' care what ahmed says. I can think for my own.
The benefits paid are fuckhuge considering like 20% actually go to real germans, I know actual students from my class that live with much less too (and without free housing)
That's for their 2 handicapped children
So, basically, you want others to be brought down to the poorest stusent rather than the student being brought up?
Exactly. The Western European welfare state is wasteful, unjust, and irreparable.
Lol no, but you can allocate the resources to them instead of making turks and other subhuman diaspora live like kings for nothing
By the way Germany is the "efficient" example
In the UK there's a somali family living in a £1.6m (£2m previous one) mansion, while some native kids live in damp apartments with 20 year old furniture
>you want others to be brought down to the poorest stusent rather than the student being brought up?
Welcome to American school systems.
Where every illiterate nigger kid gets handed a useless degree cuz "muh Affirmative Action"
they dont want to be called racists.
good for you that you don't have to deal with them on a daily basis
>He thinks it's Jews importing shitskins to replace white people and not liberals importing benefit-dependent retards to replace free-thinking independent citizens
Things are usually simpler than /pol/ claims they are.
How is getting 800 euros a month living like a king?
Great!Now we can finally fight racism and inequality...with racism and inequality
Oh how the great have fallen
im so done
eingliderungs hilfe means integration help. its money for german courses and other classes to keep them busy
Eingliederung = Integration, literally it would be something like "insertion", the meaning probably most close to "inclusion" or the act of integrating somebody or something over a demarcated period of time such that they will thereafter be a part of society.
Hilfe = Help
Of course extreme examples are seldom useful. But overall I don't feel responsible for any person on earth because somebody declared their rights 60 years ago. A right is always coupled to a duty. Why should it be my duty to pay for these people? I work in healthcare and I see the people that in the media are mostly generalised as refugees now getting healthcare services above the average lifetime earnings. It doesn't feel right. I believe that peoples have responsibility for themselves. Sorry if you're from a fucked country, but we are not here to pay for the mistakes of your fathers or the war and overpopulation that somehow we manage to avoid.
t. Austrian
inb4 back to pol
Actually the Jews are much smarter than whites. Ashkenzis account for 20% of all Nobel prizes, a third of all Turing and Fields medals and 6/19 fields medals, while being only 2% of the population. They're like reverse niggers.
€828 per month? My shitty apartment costs more than that. OP is, once again, found to be a faggot.
i said i googled that. why don't you do the same?
it doesn't have anything to do with integration or refugee status. it's only related to disabilities and handicaps if i read the auto-translation right.
is this fucking /pol/ 2.0 now where eveyone just shouts into their echo box without thinking first? you're part of the problem on Veeky Forums, basing your decisions and posts on hearsay and wild speculation instead of facts and numbers.
I would live like a king with 800, like I said before my dad has a retirement of 256€ a month, and we have to pay rent and have the most expensive utilities in europe, and knowing that a few miles away in germany migrants are getting 10 times that for free just makes me boil.
Europe will become just like Brazil in a few years
My bad, I thought because german is my mother tongue I'd intuitively know.
800 is a lot to live with if you're single and healthy and young. Ironically, my parents were rich but I was always poorer than my friends with poor parents, because my allowance was lower than what they got from the state ("Studienbeihilfe").
>jews are smart
can be, but if you had ever met one in person, you'd know for sure, that high intellgence is not the trait that makes you a good person.
and if you're willing to oversee their nepotism to make a point your an asshole.
Look I have some numbers too:
Despite being only 2% of the population, they own 90% of the newspapers. (100% in sweden).
they own like 5 of the 5 huge hollywood studios, while being only 2% of the population.
Same goes for finance and politics.
>so what's the problem with that?
read the gulag archipelago or at least read up on wikipedia how lenin (jew) and his friends (jews) killed so and so many christians.
jews are a plague, get over it kiddo.
Common misconception. Jews are sand niggers with paler skin. Their verbal iq is higher, why they make good ambulance chasers and whining about shit that never happened like the holohoax
What do you do and where? I make 5500e pre tax and would like to move somewhere cheaper, as I can work from anywhere. Can i hire you to be my personal igor?
Poortugal, work in a rent-a-car, keep in mind we have the second most expensive fuel in Europe and the third most expensive water and electricity, and you cant rent a house for less than 400€, thats why you have 3 generations living in the same house.
5500 will get you shit.
>can be, but if you had ever met one in person, you'd know for sure, that high intellgence is not the trait that makes you a good person.
>makes you a good person.
> good person.
What does it have to do with making lots of money? Let me guess... absolutely nothing.
Being a good person doesn't allow people to drive teslas and live in mansions. Why are you on /biz?