Does white race exist?

Does white race exist?

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yes and god loves it

Not as a unique race, no. Humanity can be divided into four racial groups at present, (Caucasoid, Negroid, Mongoloid, and Australoid) through major features shared by various populations. Everybody knows this, I don't know why I'm telling you.

Like "black", "white" has no ethnoanthropological or anthropometrical basis.

I still do not know whether I am white, or I stop being so with sufficient exposure to sunlight, and I care not for the contradictory answers, which make it sound as if geographical or cultural details possess the power to alter my skin pigmentation and the related wave lengths.

Are you Jewish?

Those are not established in anyway. There's still debate of how different "races" are destributed or how many there are. Some classifications count the "negroid" race is two separate races for example. There's not exact definition of any races.

Well, of course. I was just saying that it's possible to define human racial groups into those big four. Naturally, there is severe blurring across the board.

Well that's clarified then, glad we're in agreement.

If I told you which people are evil you would know they exist.

A group of people who migrated from Africa to the Middle East and eventually Europe around 40,000-60,000 years ago used to exist. Most of their descendants we would call white but not all of them.

And who wouldn't?

Define "white" first

It's meaningless in non-American contexts 2bh

Someone from Ireland and someone from Nuristan are not related in any way other than superficially

>Does white race exist?
In a way based on social and cultural definitions?
In a way it can be defined by scientific methods?

Remember that he definitions of who that is white or not has changed a lot through history and has often not followed pace with changes in science but ones in the structure of society.
The Italians used to not be white and now they are due to the changes in how people perceive Catholicism, Greeks are white and Turks aren't despite genetic similarity because one is Christian and the other one isn't.

>everyone is normal inside
Nice normie logic there.

Kinda, but it doesn't matter.

>The proportion of human genetic variation due to differences between populations is modest, and individuals from different populations can be genetically more similar than individuals from the same population. Yet sufficient genetic data can permit accurate classification of individuals into populations.

>Our analysis focuses on the frequency, ω, with which a pair of random individuals from two different populations is genetically more similar than a pair of individuals randomly selected from any single population.

>The number of loci analyzed is the most critical variable: with 100 polymorphisms, accurate classification is possible, but ω remains sizable, even when using populations as distinct as sub-Saharan Africans and Europeans.

>Phenotypes controlled by a dozen or fewer loci can therefore be expected to show substantial overlap between human populations. This provides empirical justification for caution when using population labels in biomedical settings, with broad implications for personalized medicine, pharmacogenetics, and the meaning of race.

No. Races don't exist, not in humans at least.

It does matter

t. anti-intellectual propagandist

Prove me wrong.

Yes europeans as a collective make a single human racial grouping due to europids having the exact same kind of facial structure different from the Caucasoids in the middle east, north Africa and India.

There are always outliers, and they can obviously make genetic distinctions between populations, but that fact is it's entirely possible for you to be more genetically similar to some Congolese bushmen throwing dried clumps of his own poop at birds than Johnny Whiteguy living down the block.

race is such a vaguely defined term. depending on how closely related you consider races they do or don't exist

You're implying that humans are somehow this unique organism that doesn't abide by the same rules of biology as every other organism. You're implying that humans are somehow immune from specializing into sub-species.

yes, it can be defined scientifically, whether aryans are the master race or not is completely unrelated

Not really. Sub-species and species in and of themselves are extremely fuzzy terms, subject to debate on even a casual level. The common definition is "animals that can interbreed to produce fertile offspring" but polar and grizzly bears are considered separate species and they interbreed to produce fertile offspring. Same with many species. Sub-species is a scientifically meaningless term used by biologists for convenience.

With all that said, and given that both species and sub-species are arbitrary labels, the evidence points to us not having sub-species, just like many animals do not have sub-species. We can all interbreed. None of us have really substantial physical differences. Facial structure and skin color are probably the biggest ones, and on a biological level those don't really matter. Even if we accept that there are significant biological differences between races, which there aren't, the genetic markers don't confine themselves to a specific group. Every group living on the equator has a similar skin tone, despite being different races. Sickle cell anemia is only present in areas with malaria, which despite being attributed mostly to blacks, is not limited to Africa. I'm not saying humans are immune to speciation or specialization, but there's no real evidence for us having solidified into definable groups.

This board has an unhealthy obsession with race

If there were two groups of humans, one living in Antarctica and the other living in Siberia and they're both members of the same species and sub-species AND they both magically happen to have the exact same culture, do you think they would exhibit similar or dissimilar behavioral traits based solely off genetics?

You have an unhealthy fear of honest academic discourse

the world has an unhealthy obsession with race

Europeans and people of dominately European descent. That's literally all it is. It's not some abstract concept.

So this lady is white?

>only 3 generations of euro ancestry

She's a nigger.

>liaison between a settler and native, perhaps as early as the 18th century

She's white.

1. a group of persons related by common descent or heredity.

2. a population so related.

3. an arbitrary classification of modern humans, sometimes, especially formerly, based on any or a combination of various physical characteristics, as skin color, facial form, or eye shape, and now frequently based on such genetic markers as blood groups.

a human population partially isolated reproductively from other populations, whose members share a greater degree of physical and genetic similarity with one another than with other humans.

4. a group of tribes or peoples forming an ethnic lineage:
the Slavic race.

White people most certainly are a race, and humanity can be divided into countless races


Yes it exist but not really as a "white race"
White people exist in differnt shades including non white colors

most nuristani people aren't white you neckbeard

>Someone from Ireland and someone from Nuristan are not related in any way other than superficially


Like as a society delineating what is white which values by society yes.

Science ehhh kinda but that varies by society

Not really since you fall into what is a true x, how y can x be until it's y, etc.

It's possible her white father was not her real father, since the only test they did was a blood type test.

Not for long it doesn't

Turks. Finngolians were suspected to be Asian. Middle Easterners are sometimes not considered white. Indo-Aryans are usually not considered white.

And of course Jews can be white or anti-white depending who you ask

>but there's no real evidence for us having solidified into definable groups.

You must be somewhat insane to believe this.You dogmatic semi-religious ideolog.Every single visible organ is different in shape size color and proportion between racial groups. The genetic markers define themselves to a specific groups perfectly.You could literally figure out exactly which geographic location every single stretch of your chromosome is from. Sickle cell anemia is not present everywhere you find malaria, other adaptions exist as well. Don't portray yourself as an authority on a subject you know nothing about.

so uh, what's up w/ that whole neanderthal thing anyway? y'know, w/ all non-sub saharan african peoples having some trace of neanderthal dna in them. from what i can tell there isn't much info on this discovery despite it being generally accepted.

i also heard that most asians have added denisovan DNA

didn't a recent study find that some sub saharan blacks do have traces of neanderthal DNA?

come to think of it, i wouldn't doubt it if it occurred during the back to africa movement. that was mostly towards east africa right? wouldn't imagine otherwise considering how hard it is to get from east africa to west.

oh you were right

So how your face is shaped is all that matters?

skull shape determines brain shape determines intelligence level

>skull shape
Are you going to tell me how the space between my teeth will tell me if I am going to be a talented barber or not next?

I have been in a fight for being a Joo, among other things.

so a microcephalic person has just as healthy brain function and just as high intelligence as a person with a normal sized skull?

Where do Dravidians fit?

Caucasoid negroid mix.

>We can all interbreed
So can most races of dogs, I assume you know what a mongrel is, seeing as you are one
>Facial structure and skin color are probably the biggest ones, and on a biological level those don't really matter
You dishonest little shit, autistic taxonomists classify new races on the most minor of shit, and you claim that facial structure is not valid?
>Even if we accept that there are significant biological differences between races, which there aren't
Try donating bone marrow to another race, see what happens dickhead

As a concept it does.

As a concept the "American" people exist. So does "Asian" people or "Black/African" people exist.

Or when you ask

Why so hateful and toxic? There's no need to get so emotional.

Aryan is Not a race according to that map

Get the fuck off Veeky Forums you whiny little bitch

not that user, but i don't think he's the whiny one here...

A recent study in my country showed that donor organs from white people last a significantly shorter time in non-white recipients than in a white recipient. And not only just in black Africans, but also in North African and Middle Eastern recipients.
Race is more than a social construct.

Dravidians are Australoid. So are the Ainu.

Ainu cluster genetically close to other Mongoloids and Dravidians to other Indians, take your pseudoscience back to /pol/ or 2008 stormfront.

Pic extremely related.

Because I'm sick and tired of liberal anti illectuals like you blatantly making up shit to fit your agenda

Fuck off tumblr

White is a complete shit term with no scientific basis. "West Eurasian" aka Caucasian is more quantifiable with clustering algorithms and general multivariate analysis applied to DNA.
I think in Europe you could at the very most divide Mediterraneans from Celto-Germanics from Finno-Baltics if you accept that some groups can be transitional i.e the French, but I'd say it's quite irrelevant.

The Caucasian race exists but there is no such thing as the white race.

>.Every single visible organ is different in shape size color and proportion between racial groups

No, for the same reasons that sex/gender doesn't exist, as explained in the following Veeky Forums thread, starting from this post: