What's the average IQ on this board?
What's the average IQ on this board?
How could we possibly know that?
It has to be sub 100. There are a few people that contribute to the board, but, mainly in terms of career advice or degree advice.
150 because I am bringing up the average with my over 9000 intellect level
At the risk of sounding conceited I'd say the average IQ here or on Veeky Forums in general would be higher than other populations, purely because the people that post here regularly tend to be autists or otherwise social outcasts who are relatively intellectual but socially rather stupid. I'd say take a poll but everyone would just put down that they are 140+ so the only real way to do it would be to force an iq test which isn't realistic or feasible. Regardless IQ is probably not the best measure. When I look at some of the posts I wonder if anyone here has a brain at all.
Is there even a good place online to check your iq?
I would guess mine is about 120 to 130
>social outcasts who are relatively intellectual but socially rather stupid.
>socially rather stupid
Then their IQ is fake and useless. Just mark them as pseudo-intellectuals and get it over with.
If you're not clever, can't apprehend people of varying types, aren't eloquent, well cultured, genuinely intelligent(fast decision skills, huge memory banks, easy learning skills) then you're stupid from any point of view.
Let's not even talk about moral integrity, Veeky Forums is the opposite of morality.
At least 100
Veeky Forums is good sometimes when irl you're very social and not a loser but can still gain from the autists who's lives are in despair. They can sometimes be valuable resources.
Glad I'm not an awkward fuck and can easily talk to anyone.
post some decent iq test sites then fags
If you truly think you're more intelligent then the average then go to a MENSA centre, it's a club for high IQ individuals.
>mfw I meet the qualifications for automatic admission to MENSA
>mfw I actually thought about joining
>mfw when I realized that people who seld-identify based on their intelligence tend to be dicks
>mfw I would be joining a social club full of dicks
>mfw the annual fee is stupidly high for what you get (which is nothing)
>mfw I'm too smart to join MENSA?
I never finished college, but i have a high IQ.. Enough to make money without a degree
Unrealistic percentages that they can't even count. Wtf... 1000 * 1000% = 1 000000
A person in fourth grade could do better (I did).
Sounds pretty much like failed and/or worthless bussines people to me, but there sure are alot of shitty bussines people who are just along for the ride today. The last economic crisis showed that if anything.
It's all about the potential networking. If you don't have a use for it don't do it, right?
Did an IQ Analysis breakdown as part of recruitment once.
Never given the results but - I was groomed into leading my peers at 20 Years old.
Judging by the basis of how it all works, and who I had interaction with afterward; I'd say it meant my scores were well above average.
very low
>It's all about the potential networking.
Protip: If you're smart enough to get into MENSA, then you're smart enough to have significantly better connections than anything you'd develop through MENSA.
High enough to know it means literally nothing if it's all you have
>can't apprehend people of varying types
ahahaha that thread in OP pic was by me
nice to be part of Veeky Forums's history
There should be a deduction of iq points based on your autism score.
Mine's 131, but I think I'm an exception. Imho Veeky Forums is probably the worst board on Veeky Forums.
>can't apprehend people of various types
You'll never make police captain that way.
1% is 1/100th of one.
10% is 1/10th of one.
100% is equal to one.
1000% is equal to ten.
10,000% is equal to one hundred.
100,000% is equal to one thousand.
1000 * 1000 = 1,000,000
1000 * 100,000% = 1,000,000
You need a 100,000% return on a $1000 investment to make a million dollars.
This of course does not account for compounding interest.
Sub90 muh crypto, penny stock, and kneepads! (order of progression)
you are the correct one, right?
Not even over 9000 try harder faggit
I am not trying at all. Sorry.
Mine is 148. Not that you faggots would believe me anyways.
bordering 70
iq has nothing to do with how smart you are or what you can contribute to the world
>iq has nothing to do with how smart you are or what you can contribute to the world
Oh, it has quite a bit to do with it. Or did you think that your dumbass poorfag self was changing the world with his online Pokemon Go travel blog?
This. Veeky Forums has given me some excellent fitness advice, but I would never take their advice on women and dating. Veeky Forums has good advice on colors and what clothes not to wear, but their other advice is quite autistic.
I don't know about IQ, but this is one of the less shitty boards. Some of the advice regarding degrees and careers makes me cringe, but it has a lot of good information on the fundamentals of business and global trends.
You'll find, like most of the internet, that it's filled with dumb people convinced that they are smart and smart people questioning whether they might, in fact, be dumb.
117 just like Master Chief
Tested with a real psychologist when i was younger. I hover between 132 and 145 with mental calculus being my weakest point.
Approximately 85
69 lol
Yeah it is 100,000 %
Easy way to see this
$1000 is now $2000
$1000 is now $10,000
$1000 is now $100,000
100,000 is now 1,000,000
I did the official mensa test and received a 129 score. Too low for mensa, but c'est la vie. /pol/tard too
Actually you need a 999% roi.