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New Hero Ideas Edition

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>Le 20 tick faise

It's effectively 60 you fucking DUMPASSES

are these supposed to be funny? or just funny to people who go on /int/?

I am the most most person in this thread. Lest we talk about widowmakers?

I want to fuck D.VA's mech

Summary of Jeff Kaplan's Eurogamer interview:

>competitive patch is end of the month
>ranked will be in seasons of around 3 months
>ranked tiers are challenger, advanced, expert, master and heroic
>you can switch between ranks during a season if you win or lose enough
>ranked will use the same matchmaking system as quickplay initially
>no solo queue for ranked play but they will listen is people complain
>tickrate is not as big a deal as most people claim, it's usually latency that people experience
>0.07% of custom games have used the 60 tick option
>they can't flip the switch on 60 tick servers for all because "20% of players can't handle it"
>fan the hammer is being nerfed
>D.Va will be buffed but they don't know if it'll be damage or survivability yet so will take longer
>new heroes and maps coming "later in the summer"
>people have not found all the information put out about Sombra yet
>no plans for cross-console play but "open minded"

its funny if you have autism

Fix D.Va
Calling all scummy D.Va mains


>massive lose streak
>can now jump around 5 people and not die again


So is THIS where the Umaru/MLG D.va thing is inspired from?

Sure can't wait to have console Genjis and other shit on my team.

was made first pls

Are you fucking stupid. First thread linked is new thread. Don't start this.

>thread wars

Fuck off

>you're close to receiving a penalty
>literally only leave in progress games with 1 minute left


you fuck off too, thread wars are fucking gay, the one that gets posted first is what gets used.

Have you guys played the based robot god of POTGs today?

Why isn't Mercy's peashooter hitscan?

Kill you`re self

>peek head out spawn door
>die instantly
>replay shows me walk out onto the point
h o w

I'll leave it up to our active janitor to delete one.

>leaving at all
fuck off

Because then she would be multipurpose.

When do you get a penalty? How many games do you have to leave? I leave 25% of my games never got a warning.

your /int/ paranoia is hilarious manpreet

Is there a hero that moves really fast at incredibly hihg speed while shooting at the same time? It seems like everyone moves, then shoots, then moves again. I want a railgun or spinfusor or something.

Bring back Teabagging.

King Crimson

Jekk Kaplan has confirmed:

>Ranked/Competitive will have the same matchmaking system as quick play
>60 tick will not be in competitive, blames players for 'latency issues' and for not trying out 60 tick in custom

Game is becoming more of a joke every day.

im not going to run out of spawn, die and then lose



Are there any news on new skins?



>Blizz tells you they're making League of Legends the FPS with stuns and ultimates
>people get mad when it's not a hardcore twitch shooter

Dude just go play Quake

>Shoulder peek a corner
>O fug a bastion
>Die around the corner
>Killcam shows me waddle way out of cover in to the open

hey guys, just got the game today

any good heroes to play for a newbee?

No because I haven't played today.

>Try to carry my shithead team to victory with Reinhardt
>Two enemies deliberately counterpick me with Junkrat and M1 spam because LOL NO AMMO
>Shield caves and I die eventually
>Because the rest of my team are invalids we lose the game

>One person can't carry a game because if they try they will get counterpicked

That one game basically disenchanted me from the game as a whole. Who the fuck thinks this is fun?

>default spray
>slow-ass teabag reaction time
>wasting ult on a Mercy kill
>moonrunes and gookspeak
This Reaper is retarded.

I don't know but I am hoping for a non-pinkhaired Zarya recolour soon.

t. ranjeep

What's Zarya saying?


I can FEEL the butthurt.

So what the fuck is even the point of competitive then?

It sounds like it's just going to be Quick Play but with a ranking ladder. The servers are going to be the same. The matchmaking is going to be the same. The players are probably going to be the same too.


Gentleman wraith a best


>lose 10 (ten) games in a row
>get gold kills for half of them

What's with these shitty teams?

If you're a modern shooter type play Dad


A support hero that literally has to get carried
>m2 let's the support hero piggyback on their target
>Shift switches between slow hp regen and a barrier (it regens like Reinhardt's)
>m1 lets the support give a speed boost to their target
>Activates Hanzo-like wallhacks radiating out from the support

When not piggybacking the support has 150 hp and a crappy gun.

>wanna play D.Va
>about the only thing i can kill before it rapes me no matter how close i get is torb turret

I guess she's just not for me.

>Mad it's not a hardcore twitch shooter

Cunt I just want to be matched with and against people of a similar skill level and not be shot behind walls, it's not that much to ask for.

Hero idea:
Offense Hacker Type Kid
1337 Hacker who pretends he's arrogant and snobby but really insecure and socially awkward. Makes meta commentary about how sloppy the game is programmed
>Primary fire: typing rapidly into a keyboard which shoots out 1s and 0s. Like D. Va's light gun kind of fire and range.
>Shift: Swap positions with an enemy, an range. Good for pulling a Mercy out of her group or sending a Widowmaker right into the middle of your team and you get behind enemy lines in one swoop.
>E: Glitch out your character. If you're attacked you shoot out an AoE electrical shock while you're glitching. Good if you jump into the middle of an enemy team but doesn't last too long.
>Ult: "Hack" into the game and possess an enemy player. Possess a Bastion sentry and mow down the team from behind, or possess a Reinhardt player and drop your shield during a push. Can receive damage from both teams though

I think he'd be a good character for breaking through choke points and fighting along the front lines

I actually started liking using Mei.


What the fuck is Local Fog Detail in graphics settings? I haven't noticed any changed when switching between all available settings, yet it affects framerate a lot.
I tried googling and even tech analysis sites have no fucking idea what it does.

>The players are probably going to be the same too.
You make it sound like there was going to be a difference.

It'd be the same shitters except now the game is telling you that you're on their level.

Widowmaker or Zenyatta are the best for newcomers

>E Activates Hanzo-like wallhacks radiating out from the support
>ult is zenyatta-like immortality for their piggy

uh defend this?

hes a big softy

I'm sorry



Oгoнь пo гoтoвнocти

Prepare to fire, something like that.

Is this shit real?
>tick rate is not as big a deal as most people claim
Bull fucking shit you retarded liar.
>20% of players can't handle it
Bull fucking shit you retarded liar.
>no solo queue for ranked
What the fuck?

>people that blame their teams for losing
>everytime it's a healsut
Go neck yourself and get your boipussi stretched more than a overtime match.
PS don't expect any commends from me.

Fire at will.

>Sprays don't show up all the time in highlights, they get shown as the default
>Slow deliberate teabag
>Using the ult to kill MCcree before he flashbangs, leaving a Mccree and lercy on the point
>Not recognizing global chat as white

Are....are you retarded?

>no solo queue for ranked play but they will listen is people complain
So who are they think gonna play it? PRO ESPORT TEAMS?

>Reinhardt mains


When you get shot behind walls, it's just lag compensation. Tickrate has nothing to do with it.

You should be more furious at the ridiculous large hitboxes in this game than tickrate. As long as you're aiming somewhere near a critbox, it will crit.

take your shitty memes back to

It means "Fire when ready", so "Fire at will" is a good translation since this is basically what it means.

Source: I am a dirty slav.

delete this

Almost all of the offense/defense heroes were made to be incredibly simple to understand, put an enemy on your screen and click him until he dies. The tanks and supports generally require bit more game knowledge to be useful but they're not that hard either.

How in the fuck are you supposed to "counter" 6 soldier 76s?

How do I check my/other people's ping?

How many heroes we gonna have to wait before we get a Pyro or Spy equivalent?

Whelp, I'm never opening msn paint ever again.

It's exactly 12 PM

>no plans for cross-console play but "open minded"
in what weird fucked up universe would that work?

Do you think she ever gets tired of it? Putting her team on her back, game after game?

i miss Empath from HoN

>What the fuck?
lol he's bullshitting go find the article, same queue system as quick play now where you can queue up in whatever size you want.

have fun playing as a randomly matched pub team against a 6 stack except actually taking a stats hit for it now. Remember, no refunds!



Anyone else shit at other classes except one i get an average of 30 kills per match as Tracer

thanks friends I'm getting ANUBIS

I like them both equally and it's only 250 so I can get an intro and stuff as well

6 junkrats or 6 winstons or 6genjis.

ward their jungle

Which hero is the most Rooty Tooty Point n' Shooty?

Bastion Gearbot, D. Va Scavenver, or Pharrah Mechaqueen?

I can't decide



Just pink ward his ult bro.

All Genji

No I mean like what are some of the things people have misheard it as.

Can't decide whether topless steel or top nasty is better.

me in the back