>boss says "Here's your paycheck. I wouldn't cash it today though."
Boss says "Here's your paycheck. I wouldn't cash it today though."
Why would he say that? Its your fucking money
>Cash it immediately
>If it bounces put a lien on his property
kek my friend had a boss for a side job that would take weeks to pay him. some people just shouldn't be running businesses.
Yeah. The company is growing like mad (up 40% each year for the last 4-5 years) but it's not becoming more profitable. It's paycheck to paycheck just like in the beginning.
> Not being paid by direct deposit
> Cashing cheques
> Not having a bank account
> Working for a company so low on cash it can't make payroll
>jobs you can quit with zero days notice
>and maybe pick your boss' kids up from school for him, drive them home as a favor
Just cash it. It's not your problem unless it bounces. In which case, get a lawyer involved.
You get paid on pay day. Today is pay day. Bon appetit.
a rival company of the one I work for went bankrupt back in February, a lot of the people who lost their jobs there got hired by mine and some of the shit they said was mind blowing
>company had failed to make payroll twice last summer but people were paid a week late
>company goes under on payday, the writing had been on the wall since they had been losing contracts left and right but no one expected it so suddenly
>everyone just got an email from management saying the company was bankrupt but please continue to work until the end of your shift
>everyone went to headquarters to pick up checks and piled into company cars to drive over to check cashers
>now 6 months later people still haven't been paid for the last 2 weeks of work and they probably will only get pennies on the dollar if anything since they're in line behind the company's creditors
>former CEO is a billionaire and will most likely lose nothing of her personal wealth
I can imagine how quickly the guy was rubbinghis hands together when he said it.
You had a literal fucking stroke?
Only behind their secured creditors:
This is, as far as I understand it, because the security offsets the harm to the bankrupt entity. They just end up liquidating the secured asset or somehow valuating it, you pay the pennies left, and then the firm is still (hopefully) solvent enough to pay employees. I may be forgetting some nuance to that, though.
Then whoever is running the place is doing a shit job. Jump ship now.
>all the unironic Shillary reaction pics in this thread
What the fug
The fuck, people still do that? That's some 80s shit.
t: Yuropoop.
If a company fails to make payroll. it is dead.
I got laid off from a company headed that way a few years back. Took too long depositing my check for unused holiday time, and it bounced. Phoned up to ask WTF, and was told nobody remaining there had been paid either. Had to put in a claim with the liquidators by that time.
Got my money, though.
>not getting sweaty $20 bills at the end of the day from your Jew manager
Feels good to be an illegal immigrant
Someone pls post the clips of Stewie
>better have my money man..
pic related
it was a private EMS company, which are quite notorious for having razor thin margins but apparently they took it to new levels. From talking to people who worked there apparently they were using medicare payments 2 months in the future as collateral for their creditors.
They had over 20 911 amublances running in the bronx in NYC when the company went under and as soon as people received that you're not getting paid but please keep working email they simply stopped responding to 911s. It's the same as if an entire police precinct just suddenly stopped existing.
There was a big piece in the NY Times discussing it at length (and a few other examples) a couple months ago.
>And in many of these businesses, The Times found, private equity firms applied a sophisticated moneymaking playbook: a mix of cost cuts, price increases, lobbying and litigation.
Hahahaha Holy shit, LAAAAND OF THE FREEEE having the best medical care because it's priiiiiivate
Not unlike those dirty, smelly, socialist europoors that have government run medical care.
Seriously Burgers, get your shit together.
it really is a huge problem, it's gotten a bit better with the affordable care act but without universal participation it can only do so much to remedy the situation
the company I work for isn't nearly as bad as that one and keeps the lights on by doing a lot of non emergency medical transports since they're already negotiated with the insurance companies so the pay has already been guaranteed. But with 911s there's no guarantee that someone is ever actually going to pay their bills if they don't have insurance or their insurance won't cover all of it, and you can't exactly repossess medical care.
It's particularly a problem with illegal immigrants since they can't get insurance they wont go see a doctor when they get sick which means easily treatable conditions fester and get worse until they eventually go to a hospital and possibly need expensive surgery that they can't afford. Then when they don't pay that cost gets passed on to everyone else.
It really is a disaster, we need universal healthcare. Oh and while we're at it we need to make 911 EMS a responsibility of municipalities rather than private companies. When we're talking about emergency medicine the bottom line should not be the bottom line.
>giving anyone direct access to your bank account
>people who put money into my bank account can just as easily take money out of it
is this really what you're saying?
Not him but yeah you usually sign something giving them permission to take money out. It's for if they mess up and give you too much. I always sign it because I don't have a nigger-tier bank so if i get ripped off i get my money back.
stay strong my burger friend
>the bronx
>representing america
It's literally the worst part of america due to having the same backwards laws as your rainy socialist island. I live in the south and we have no problems with things like this. Lazy yankees deserve to die waiting for an ambulance. They're probably leeching my tax dollars anyway.
Or you need Trump to neck every single law breaking border crosser. They're going to make our safety nets collapse on themselves.
illegal immigration is a big problem, but on the whole Trump's policies would do far more harm than good to the healthcare situation. I'm also not convinced that the wall would really do all that much to stop illegal immigration.
His healthcare positions leave a lot to be desired imo, though the proposal of making health insurance premiums a writeoff on income tax is intriguing.
Ill never understand socialists and their healthcare meme. Public healthcare is fucking suicide in terms of medical costs
>get paycheck
>$100 of gift card in it for safety bonus
Feels good man
my boss said this to me once, but that's because he gave it to me before the day when the check was live. so if i tried to cash it, it would be rejected, and then they would get fined.