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>when you get matched against /v/ and hand them their ass

Pharah pussy.


zenyatta buff never

Time to make people feel better about themselves.

Stop putting crappy webms in the OP, it makes it hard to see the thread in the catalog

how to balance le bodyshotter:

full auto dps halved
scoped reload time tripled
charge time tripled
scoped base damage from 15-150 to 70-210
headshot bonus from 2x to 3x

reposting what user said about that update

>Hanzo buffs
>Genji buffs
>Torb buffs
>McCree nerfs
>D.Va "nerf"/"buff"/weird shit

Nope. The other one is definitely off but not the Mei one.

>Sorry spray never

Fucking achievements that rely on my enemy actually building enough teleporters in a single game.

Autism is beautiful

>there are over 20k people with more time on Mercy than me with score/min this shit

What the fuck mercy players

come on guys, you know the image

>peanut butter has banana on label
>winston eats bananas
>winston never dips banana in peanut butter

>Symmetras on attack having the gall to insult their team for not doing well when they're effectively playing 5v6

>Hanzo buffs
>Genji buffs
>Torb buffs
are they fucking retarded.

>I've got you in my sights, user

>people legit use 400 dpi and 6 windows sens
holy shit i use 1800 dpi and legit cannot imagine using 400.

almost 80

Post your favourite hero's theme song


>solo queue
>having a good time 3-4 matches of smooth sailing equally skilled teams
>suddenly next team is full of lvl 60-70s while we are all 20-30 (minus one guy who was 54)
>they are fully coordinated have mercy/lucio/best comp possible
>get our shit pushed in

Shouldn't this game not queue you up against pre-made parties? Sure maybe 2 player parties can play with solo queues but not fucking 3-6 player premades.

she's functional autistic not posts tumblrfrog and complains about not having a girlfriend on a cartoon imageboard autistic

If I help you, you won't learn to help yourself

winky face!
I use 450 dpi, 6 window sens, and 7 ingame sens

You get used to it

>bodyshotting for 200 HP

Holy fuck you dumb nigger

I've been maining widowmaker since the game came out and I was owning almost every game. Now I feel like there are so many counters to her.

See a widow? Pick Winston she's useless. Her ultimate seems pointless (compare it to bastion) Genji owns her. He just reflects and it's impossible to hit him.
So what's going on? She's without a doubt the hardest sniper I've played in a game and not rewarding in any way.

Yet I still see people complain about her.
Widow maker mains out there feel the same?

ha ha kids. to be young again

Genji and Torb were okay, Hanzo was shit

Can someone explain why Genji is the hardest hero to learn skillwise?

Payload Attack > Attack >>>> koth >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Defend >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Payload Defend


No turrets
No primary fire
Charged shots only
Final point

/owg/ shitter main him

bedouin or nomad for genji?

Hanamura is so much fun to snipe in though, especially on attack.

>Body shot for two hundered 10
are you fucking stupid

He isn't lmao

Score/min and score in general are pretty shit metrics considering nobody knows how masteroverwatch generates them

Only MMR will matter when ranked comes out.

yep, actually waiting to charge shots should be rewarded

currently there is no reason to not spam mouse 1 and hope you get lucky. either hitting headshots or actually peeking with full charge should be encouraged

do you think reaper will be good after mccree gets nerfed

New gamemode when

requesting either a webm or gif of Reaper's slow clap with the Reyes skin

it's for research

>tfw bad at the game
>regularly go 2/15 with Genji
>both teams shittalk me



This is my theme song in general. The bass is phat, yo.

Also the music video is hilarious.

Which is why it's beautiful not cancerous.


how the fuck am I meant to find such a specific image otherwise

>he thinks we can have a solo queue in post league of legends world

I can imagine it was actually d.va posting that


Remember: Reaper players

This. Why is some newfag starting these threads.

literally git gud

where did you make this

Reaper is already good.

i must rape

add mine

no I'm just not a retard and I actually know how to play the game. Tracer is literally a hard counter to bastion.

Genji is easy to kill as tracer as long as you know how to use your recall/ don't kill yourself in the deflect. Although the outcome of that fight should always be Genji running away.
> shurikens with travel time and no hit scan against a tracer
> he runs in a straight line chasing Genji

Hanzo is the only one that can get tracer and even then it's only because the arrow hit boxes are so huge, ideally he shouldn't even be able to aim quick enough with his bow pulled though.

Tldr: you're bad and you should feel bad

>She's without a doubt the hardest sniper I've played

literally what? The headshot hitboxes in this game are fucking huge

I've played with that guy.
He's legit awful.

literally almost every pro in CS:GO uses 400-800 DPI

high sens is a meme.



Cute girls cosplaying gives me life

Fuck Genji

He is completely useless at the objective. He exists only so elite KDR faggots can min/max their 3 inch dicks.

How do i not be shit

>Winston is supposed to be a hard counter to Tracer
>every Tracer just kites me forever because my tickler has shit range


I should stop playing pharah

>it's a "mercy revives everyone on her team" episode

i made some concept for a roadhog skin as a pig masked farmer sort of serial killer
i mean, just by hearing the laugh he mades when you hook and kill he gives you this vibe

what do you think?
is there any place i can send it to blizzard to perhaps give it a look?

also i want to make reinhardt templar next

Because he sucks. Now watch as a guy who doesn't play Genji to tell me to gitgud.


Kill me.

DPI doesn't matter in games, you can have the same sensitivity with 400 and 5200 dpi

basically, youre shit. full scope is so quick plus smg is insane dps so you can still win battles against most enemies close range

also >main



He does winston taser level damage without headshots, his dash does the same damage as default tickle melee, and his reflect only works if you can bait someone into shooting near you

Basically his only advantages are vertical mobility and the potential to turn around ults/sniper shots


i use 6 or 5 ingame
used 1.5 in tf2, it was about 6in/360, but until overwatch i hadn't played an fps in a year or so

enough use 1800 that i don't care about lowering it



I like Butcher Hog, neat idea


what a fucking terrible tele spot

I agree she needs a buff

Yeah because he should one shot people with full draw bodyshots.

So did that update do anything substantial or not?


Agreed he needs some kind of masked serial killer skin; we'll probably get something like that for Halloween.

I havent gotten a single skin
How to fix rng

>his dash does the same damage as default tickle melee
Melee is 30, dash is 50.

The fuck does "post league of legends world" mean

>tfw you get matched against a team 20+ levels above you but you still manage to beat them
I love 76 being so good

>40 loot crates
>no mccree, genji or d.va skin
>guess what heros i play the most


maybe symmetra exploit hotfix on dorado

pretty gud

Cause she's the only hero I know how to play well. Gotta broaden my horizons

How does symmetras teleporter work? Do people come out of the direction you were facing when you placed it?
