Just got 2 grand worth of excess financial aid money from uni. What's the best super high risk, high reward place to throw it at? The crazier the better.
$2 grand high-risk suggestions
Other urls found in this thread:
>inb4 "ur mom"
>Lot of money
never said it was a lot fampai
Put every penny into TGD. Don't pay more than 58 cents per share.
All in on banker at the left most baccarat table
Your best bet is TIVX...
>Pray the market comes down
Trumpcoin. Don't be a cuck
Go to casino, put it all on any single number.
Hey, if don't care if you lose it then what the hell. Or give it to a charity in your parents name, it's a good gesture and they'll get a tax receipt.
Or don't be a fucking retard. If you literally know that you won't need it for exactly two years, then offer to lend it to trusted family at interest, or put it into a GIC or something which will mature just before you have to pay it back, keep the interest.
Two thousand isn't a lot of money, but that doesn't mean you should throw it away either.
>betting against the market
>the market will continue to rise forever
>the s&p 500 doesn't change the companies in the listing constantly.
On a monday buy 2k worth of options on the SPY. Sell after you lose it all or make 10K. 90% chance you will lose it all. .1% chance you will make 100k
>using a chart over 60 years to say TVIX is a bad investment
>holding TVIX more than a few days max
surprised you didnt post the tvix chart and talk about how it's gone down consistently since inception.
That's what they said about the housing market
Trumpcoin is the only thing with any moon potential right. Invest and hold right now. then in Nov you'll have made a couple hundred grand.
Had a conversation with a guy today about this.
Put it all on a roulette table, bet one number.
Odds are 37 to 1, pay out is 35 to 1. You win or lose instantly, so you don't have to wait to see how it turns out.
That being said, this is a retarded plan and you should use excess to pay the principal if you have money left over. That's what you should actually do.
Loan bitcoin to sketchy people in 3rd world countries. I made over 15% annually.
gran colombia gold
not really high risk but AURINIA PHARMACE looks like it could moon.
Buy this:
Sell at 0.006
0.007 if you have balls
or wait for a new paradigm if bigger balls
Your choice.
Those guys are the same cucks that will miss on all the bitcoin/crypto mega bubbles.