/wtg/ Warthunder General

Triahx is a shitter edition

>Official Site:

NOTE: You get given a premium aircraft for your first victory in game!
Need a faster download? Switch Language in Launcher.

>Wiki with Release Trees and General Tactics:

>Fan created skins, missions, locations, fictions etc...

>Ammunition Types

>All the Air RB/SB maneuvers you would want to know + Engine thingamabobs:

>Every Airplane Instrument Panel translated

>Youtube Channel with Tutorials and Gameplay Videos

>Steam community:

>vg chatroom:
Type " /join vg " into chatbox.
If prompted for a password, use "memes".


>Joystick Comparisons:

>DIY Headtracking

>Chart displaying weapon effectiveness against ground units

Other urls found in this thread:



Triahx kicked from JG when?

Triahx died like a bitch

Stop shitting up the threads you stupid fucking redditors

Ok Trihax, or should I say "Trash"

but thats quality for them

Best thing to ever come out of Triahx's mouth was his daddies dick.

>Only skill he ever had was not scrapping his teeth on the shaft

>all this namefag bullshit

I'm sorry, did you people get lost on your way to reddit? Or did you miss the point of an ANONYMOUS imageboard?

>Best thing to ever come out of Triahx's mouth was his daddies dick
This is 5th grade tier humor

ok Tri-hax.


Long live Vegeta! Long live Grouch!

You should keep your pacifier in your mouth so you don't run your mouth off with more inane shitposts.

The newness reeks off you like bad cheese friend.

Still better than being a namefagging redditor on Veeky Forums

>set jap on fire
>it goes out
>he gets 2 hits on me
>one instantly crits my engine cowling
>second blows off both elevators
totally not broken

>all them buzzwords

>admitting you're new
>trying to say it's better than [ x ]

Please stop posting for a few months.

>being autistic

>he doesn't realize that most people on Veeky Forums also regularly go on reddit
Fucking newfag loser, stop trying so hard to fit in.

boy you're trying super duper hard there friendo, with words like "namefag" "redditor" and "autistic".


>implying that degenerate nigger is vegeta

top lel

Vegeta, the 40 year old virgin living at home with his mom, is a pedo

Kill yourself
>First time making a thread in the 7 years I've been here
>Lmao ur trying hard

no wonder this place is a containment board

>First time making a thread in the 7 years I've been here
>7 years that I've been here
>after saying that being new is better than [ x ]

Can't tell if baiting or really this new

as much as I'd like to believe that, he has 2 kids

>my wife's sons

He had them DNA tested, senpai

>married into 2 kids he sexually abuses at his moms place

>tries to make fun of someone for having children
>said user probably has never felt the touch of a woman let alone had sex before in his life
No, your bodypillow doesn't count.

Hi Vegeta

>mfw TKing an angry soviet tanker
>mfw he demands everyone reports me

sucks I'm chatbanned

Hello vegeta!

wow you're pretty cool haha

I am Triahx


thanks! haha I try to be just like my role models, vegeta and triahx :-)

Ok Triahx

Do you really think I could be Triahx??? Omg that's amazing. Thank you! he's my role model you know

okay triahx

ok (any cirlejerk nigger who's bad at the game like all of you are)

>it's an I dive from 5km on my BF and them zoom back up but that one soviet plane that had been flying straight at 1km catches up in a minute episode

This has been disproven in the last thread with not only vegeta's shitposting and samefagging, but the fact that he was in the fucking Veeky Forums chat as well in game.


>being surprised by slav ufo's and bias

Puchi is love
Puchi is life
We care for our Puchis

>Vegeta's shitposting and samefagging
Hello~ Triahx

Who said I was surprised? Expressing irritation is a common way to deal with it, not that you autist could understand that

Hi Triahx


Did somebody say...bearposting?

Should i shoot for Tortoise o Centurion Mk3 after my Caenarvon?




>It's an "Trixhax projecting in a vain attempt to deflect from the fact he's on suicide watch after being completely fucking ruined by a yurocuck live on jewtube." episode

Hi Vegeta

hi either grouchy, vegeta, Nigger_geek or junko

Because you 4 are the only retards that care


Loving it, trihax. Keep going!


This is either Triahx, Gumby, or Bench because they're the only faggots still wound up about this.

Vegeta, you know if you stop talking about shitposting in the TS we won't know it's you all the time

>people say that 20mm cartridges shouldn't explode
>when I just found out that if you shoot just a normal loaded gun magazine, there's a very likely chance that the entire thing will explode


Lmao absolutely ruined

Cucked live on CNN




Hi junko. We don't care

No matter how much you and other TS aspies spam it, we don't care

Vegeta leaping to the defense of his fellow pedo.


simply eric

>Implying he doesn't use TS

>implying he's not a discord aspie

Junko has been on the TS a grand total of about two times


he's not welcome on discord

We don't accept grown men who dress like girls and, I quote junko here "Like being pegged by my girlfriend sometimes. it changes things up"

Someone post the screenshot please

CAn i have an invite to the discord?

That's pretty qt desu :3
Why is Junko so perfect

Right. Instead, you welcome manchildren AND literal children onto your little circlejerk zone.

I don't think JG508 want to be associated with Triahx toxicity too much desu. Wouldn't be surprised if he's kicked by tomorrow.

>leave for a few months
>thread is still 90% shitposting

fucking autists, kys


LOL leader of JG508 just logged on and kicked Triahx. my fucking sides.



proofs needed thanks

saying "leader of JG508" rather than their name is pretty weak desu

Better than being a literal cuck who takes his girlfriends dildo in the ass

I haven't been kicked you stupid shitposter

Substantiating evidence?

I haven't been kicked you stupid shitposter

How about you two fuck off trying to imitate me

ok triax

I haven't been kicked you stupid shitposter
I haven't been kicked you stupid shitposter
I haven't been kicked you stupid shitposterI haven't been kicked you stupid shitposte
How about you two fuck off trying to imitate me
How about you two fuck off trying to imitate me

>Anonymous 8 minutes ago No.144808285 LOL leader of JG508 just logged on and kicked Triahx. my fucking sides.>> Anonymous 7 minutes ago No.144808381
>proofs?>> Anonymous 7 minutes ago No.1448084541428971457157.jpg (69 KB, 820x688)googleiqdb>> Anonymous 7 minutes ago No.144808469
>proofs needed thanks
>saying "leader of JG508" rather than their name is pretty weak desu>> Anonymous 5 minutes ago No.144808576(You)
>Better than being a literal cuck who takes his girlfriends dildo in the ass>> Anonymous 5 minutes ago No.144808594
> I haven't been kicked you stupid shitposter>> Anonymous 5 minutes ago No.1448086071436122292340.png (145 KB, 400x400)googleiqdb
>Substantiating evidence?>> Anonymous 4 minutes ago No.144808710
>I haven't been kicked you stupid shitposter>> Anonymous 3 minutes ago No.144808807
>How about you two fuck off trying to imitate me>> Anonymous 1 minute ago No.144808934
>ok triax>> Anonymous 48 seconds ago No.144808979
>I haven't been kicked you stupid shitposter
>I haven't been kicked you stupid shitposter
>I haven't been kicked you stupid shitposter
>I haven't been kicked you stupid shitposte
>How about you two fuck off trying to imitate me
>How about you two fuck off trying to imitate me

This thread is so bad I think I'm going to start browsing World of Tanks general and pretend they're talking about War Thunder

>hurrr durrr I'm anonymous so I'll pretend to be someone else!

You shouldn't be allowed on Veeky Forums in middle school.

But there isn't a wotg

Anonymous 06/07/16(Tue)18:26:13 No.144807976▶

CAn i have an invite to the discord?

Anonymous 06/07/16(Tue)18:26:55 No.144808047▶

That's pretty qt desu :3
Why is Junko so perfect

Anonymous 06/07/16(Tue)18:27:19 No.144808089▶ Right. Instead, you welcome manchildren AND literal children onto your little circlejerk zone.

Anonymous 06/07/16(Tue)18:27:21 No.144808091▶

I don't think JG508 want to be associated with Triahx toxicity too much desu. Wouldn't be surprised if he's kicked by tomorrow.

Anonymous 06/07/16(Tue)18:28:00 No.144808149▶ >leave for a few months
>thread is still 90% shitposting

fucking autists, kys

Anonymous 06/07/16(Tue)18:29:02 No.144808259▶ >kys

Anonymous 06/07/16(Tue)18:29:22 No.144808285▶ LOL leader of JG508 just logged on and kicked Triahx. my fucking sides.

Anonymous 06/07/16(Tue)18:30:14 No.144808381 ▶ proofs?

Why you faggots dont go somewhere else to discuss about your circlejerk issues and leave this general alone? Nobody gives a fuck about any of this or your stupid board culture.

Did somebody say gayposting?

>Anonymous 06/08/16(Wed)02:37:57 No.144809091 ▶
>>Anonymous 8 minutes ago No.144808285 (You) (You)LOL leader of JG508 just logged on and kicked Triahx. my fucking sides.>> Anonymous 7 minutes ago No.144808381
>>proofs?>> Anonymous 7 minutes ago No.1448084541428971457157.jpg (69 KB, 820x688)googleiqdb>> Anonymous 7 minutes ago No.144808469
>>proofs needed thanks
>>saying "leader of JG508" rather than their name is pretty weak desu>> Anonymous 5 minutes ago No.144808576(You)
>>Better than being a literal cuck who takes his girlfriends dildo in the ass>> Anonymous 5 minutes ago No.144808594 (You)
>> I haven't been kicked you stupid shitposter>> Anonymous 5 minutes ago No.1448086071436122292340.png (145 KB, 400x400)googleiqdb
>>Substantiating evidence?>> Anonymous 4 minutes ago No.144808710 (You)
>>I haven't been kicked you stupid shitposter>> Anonymous 3 minutes ago No.144808807 (You) (You)
>>How about you two fuck off trying to imitate me>> Anonymous 1 minute ago No.144808934 (You) (You)
>>ok triax>> Anonymous 48 seconds ago No.144808979
>>I haven't been kicked you stupid shitposter
>>I haven't been kicked you stupid shitposter
>> (You)
>>I haven't been kicked you stupid shitposter
>>I haven't been kicked you stupid shitposte
>>How about you two fuck off trying to imitate me
>>How about you two fuck off trying to imitate me
> Anonymous 06/08/16(Wed)02:38:03 No.144809104 ▶
>File: CORY.png (47 KB, 635x599)
>This thread is so bad I think I'm going to start browsing World of Tanks general and pretend