Best Girl of DPS and CC Edition
Best Girl of DPS and CC Edition
Best girl.
Best friend.
Best wife.
>all this rn posting
im into it.
All of my computers have this weird problem where the leftmost part of the game is not visible. It's somehow beyond the edges of the monitor, blocking out a chunk of the chat. Anyone else having this issue?
this is snek
>Fellow Ashe brethren making more OP's
Now this is a general I can get behind
I love Soraka!
>went to bed
>woke up
>new thread JUST started
Alright, it can no longer be denied that LoL is basically dead other than to use numbers Riot pulls out of their assholes.
What was the turning point? It's obvious this game has been irredeemable shit for a long time now but what was the point at which it all started? What will historians identify as THE moment that lead to LoL's death in 2016?
For me, I think it was season 3 changes. It managed to kill all strategy in the game and began the great homogenization of League.
display settings have the correct screen size? for both system settings and in-game settings?
have you tried full screen vs. windowed mode?
DQ and OW
Overwatch killed League
Playing 5 man norms is the worst ever, it's always team memepick vs team tryhard.
>kill anything
>tfw no riven to tie up and bully
Riot right now
xth for cute foxes
LCS. Anyone who disagrees is a Riot employee or wannabe future Riot employee.
nice general dood
meanwhile /owg/ has a new thread every hour and a half
Face it lolbaboon, your time is over
Hey dude, nice meme
Do not overestimate the attraction and attention that hot women bring to a game user. Taliyah was more or less the last straw for a lot of people, and while shorty after she came out people were acting like sex appeal doesn't matter in videogame characters, OW came out and proved conclusively that sex appeal might be all that matters in characters.
In this screenshot you can see a group of four premades reporting me because I picked Sion support.
I promoted positivity, calmness and love.
I peeled, warded, engaged and died for my team, while being berated by autistic insults from some idiots that needed 5 minutes to make them up together on a discord or something.
And I keep forgetting why I keep leaving this game.
Back to Tera.
to be quite honest with you, family, I don't mind people shitposting here for attention constantly. The actual game discussion and waifu posting hasn't really died down, but the blatant (you) bait sure as fuck has.
i have been always here, watching, telling the lissfag a shit taster
Yes to all of the above
>sol top is bad!
RiotLyte singlehandedly changed the way every single player had to interact with the game. At every single step when he would implement yet another unnecessary hugbox change, it would purge players. So after the initial complaints, it would die down under essays from Riot about how they know better simply because those players had STOPPED PLAYING.
Dynamic queue is the most offensively awful idea video games has seen in a long, LONG time. And despite purging most of the people with brains Riot still had an uproar over how shit it is.
And they are still arguing that they know better.
if you do it in windowed mode can you drag the window over to view the left side of the game?
underestimate, yeah sorry
You do realize that the only reason you won is because you had a four man premade and they didn't? Also no sighstone.
>that ezreal who does no damage flashes away at the first sign of danger, misses everything and goes negative
>he goes bot at 40 minutes for the third time
What roles and champs can I play to climb to gold in soloq?
>worrying about worthless reports
>whining about worthless reports
how do you even go negative with ez
did he not go blue?
>Implying Overrated didn't just take all the shitposters away
he went blue
he was just literally retarded I think
he even shot ults backwards sometimes
>saying this while lolgen posts are mostly waifufaggotry, actual faggotry, and silver blogposting
xth for best support and best girl
>started playing last year and just got to diamond (got plat in preseason)
>doesn't even feel like an accomplishment since there's a girl on my friends list that only plays janna/soraka and dynamic queued to diamond
kind of sad that I got on the league train a little too late
at least I can say 99% of this general and players suck dick at the game seeing as I managed to reach dia within a year of play
>Implying overcuck threads aren't just waifuwatch with high noon memes
those are all on-topic shitposts. he's referring to the kind of stuff we'd get where people would go HEY GUYS LOOK AT ME LOL (FART) or POST YOUR FAVORITE FOODS + COLLEGE DEGREE
Thanks for proving two times that you're basically dumb.
My post has nothing to do with winning or losing, it has everything to do with being stuck in a very uncomfortable position in which 4 people can do whatever they want and get away with it because, lmao, they're premade.
After proving that you have no idea how reading comprehension works, you then displayed your degeneracy by not even looking at my first item.
>unga xD
>bunga xD
Nice, love it, very fresh and delicious meme you have there.
Fuck this general too.
Nothing better than reading stressed out riot employee posts on forums, they fucking know their shit game is about to hit dead town.
As soon as another big game like Overwatch comes out, league will basically be torn to bits.
FUck this, I'd rather post Elin butts.
>Kog jungle, Taliyah support and Teemo ADC in my team
I love dynamic queue i get premades that blame everything on me the entire game
>fizz jungle
>doesn't gank until 15 mins in
>I get camped so the tryn gets fed
>the premade blames me
>look at the levels
some people have time commitments which prevent them from putting in the time required to consistently improve. ie. job
>get away with it
They lost time reporting you and you lost time complaining about it.
getting reported by a premade is worthless user. espeically if you didn't do anything wrong.
you are stressing out over literally nothing, and that's funny to me
>posting the same fucking waifufaggotry 1000 times is on topic
Like this cancer FUCK OFF
look at the deaths/gold tho
that level just means you literally did nothing but stand near creeps the longest
that dude posts here as well in overwatch general
he is pure cancer
You need more practice as Singed, he shouldn't lose vs Trynda, you also have itemization problems and Flash is only useful in some situations, Ghost is way better on him.
Git gud, user, git gud.
Also, don't forget to /mute all and leave the lobby as soon as the game ends, you have no business justifying your playing choices to online strangers.
God speed, dude.
It's about a character from the game
It's definitely a shitpost, but it's not offtopic
>Super Metroid shills his stream constantly on lolgen
>Gets called a fag, throws a bitch fit
>Jumps ship to reddit
Reminder to report this cuck every time he links to his Twitch.
Negative. It's like the screen is constantly zoomed in just a little bit so it doesn't show the whole picture no matter how much you move the window. I remembered you can grab the chat box and move it so at least that's in the right spot so I can see all of it now
>Told him "reddit should be more suited for you" like 3 weeks ago
>he actually goes there
Fucking autistic piece of shit.
>Shit build
>Shit gold per minute
>Lost against Tryndamere
Pls explain how Dynamic que makes you shit again
man I don't blame a guy for wanting to garner attention (especially if he wants to make the pro scene), if he's gonna act like he's never heard of this place he can fuck right off.
>Start playing Xin Zhao
>Reach mastery 5 with him
>Riot immediately buffs him
>Now every time I play him everyone will assume I'm just a FotM shitter
I swear to God Riot is monitoring my games and buffing everything I play.
>It's definitely a shitpost, but it's not offtopic
Its visual diarrhea. It takes up an image slot for no purpose. No one reads it. It's filter bait but then you get absolutely worthless posts like these
There is nothing of substance here. Just autistic NEETs circlejerking over the same reposted images over and over again.
Hey, i found a new one
Most of people really don't have time to actually learn how to git gud so they stay gold and below
The ones who do actually have time, don't care that much about ranked
And the ones that do care, are already in high diamond/master/challenger
>implying he would last as a pro gamer
He is pretty autistic and gets triggered by the slightest thing, he wouldn't be able to handle the banter and probably would kill himself, not that there is something wrong with him offing himselg.
2 of those were produced by drawfags from this very general, and a good bunch of those pictures I've never seen before
not every post has to be a thesis user chill out
keep telling yourself that
meanwhile there are people in bronze/silver/gold on here with 200+ ranked games
>Veeky Forums - all substance all the time
stfu brandon
He went on Reddit because Riot doesn't go on lolg you dense motherfucker. Drink two gallons of bleach.
Pretty sure I work more hours than most and I still manage to find time to play and improve. Its all about time management and priorities; anyone can do it if they really want it.
But I think soon most people, myself included are going to quit because of the recent bullshit of this season
They dont put on trips or nametags to be filterable because they want their shitposts to be scanned and skipped by fucking everyone. And also because it'd be obvious it was the same couple autists every time.
Letting garbage like this slide is why this general is so shit.
>No wendigo champion
>marinerevenge and hash go on reddit all the time
>still praised and considered GOAT by everyone here
Imma put my name back on for one last autistic post.
I'm not stressed out because of the report.
I literally don't fucking care, nor do reports work on EUNE.
The problem is Dynamic Queue.
It has Yoricked this game.
Being put in a game with 4 premades will never, NEVER, be an enjoyable experience.
You will always get blamed for everything that goes wrong, since no one will fucking blame their friends on discord.
Muting isn't a good solution, by the way.
Riot fucking know this.
That was the whole point of removing dynamic queue way back, and making it that you can only Duo for ranked games.
It's like they're an autistic teen.
They write angsty poetry about overpowered, OC characters that are literally demons, death, star dragon gods, while promoting some autistic liberal femenism and equality through character design.
They're the tumblr nerd, and Blizzard right now, is the prom king.
Marinerevenge is given a free pass for being a redditor because he plays the patron saint of Silver : Garen. And that is what like 80% of this general is.
well ideally if you're sharing something with the thread yeah you'd want to share it with everyone
it's not really anyone's responsibility but your own to expose yourself to the content you wanna see here user
>Implying Mao isn't a wendigo
But I do hope that Riot make a genuinely creepy champion sometimes soon
I hope to duck I didn't screw up math too much but I don't think I did
Let's assume enemy AD is Caitlyn, and that she has 42.06 MR. I'm way too lazy to math out her support though my first choice would avoid anything boosting caitlyn's resistances/healthbar. 14 AP on the left, 5.5 mpen sans AP glyphs (in favor of durability glyphs) on the right.
level 1: 31.1 vs 29.3 (1.8 in favor of 14 AP)
level 2: 77.3 vs 73.2 (4.1 in favor of 14 AP)
level 3: 123.5 vs 117.2 (6.3 in favor of 14 AP)
level 4: 158.7 vs 153.8 (4.9 in favor of 14 AP)
level 5: 193.9 vs 190.4 (3.5 in favor of 14 AP)
level 6: 307.3 vs 300.2 (7.1 in favor of 14 AP)
By level 18 the 5.5 mpen is beating out the 14 AP, barely, so the double pen marks need to pick up the damage difference early game to be justifiable over simply running 14 ap. I just realized after mathing all this I didn't check how you got 14 AP but I'm not spending any more time on this lol
Leona base AD 60.04(+3)
Caitlyn base armor+9 is 31.88(+3.5)
For sake of convenience, going to show an AQA in basic attacks (3 basic attacks) for judging arpen benefits since that's simple enough. Arpen on the right.
level 1: 136.6 vs 145.5 (8.9 in favor of arpen)
level 2: 139.7 vs 148.6 (8.9 in favor of arpen)
level 3: 142.7 vs 151.5 (8.8 in favor of arpen)
level 4: 145.5 vs 154.2 (8.7 in favor of arpen)
level 5: 148.1 vs 156.9 (8.8 in favor of arpen what)
level 6: 150.7 vs 159.3 (8.6 in favor of arpen)
Since my math apparently went wrong by around level four and I really, really don't want to spend more time on this, I'm just going to run with pre4 damage comparison. Either way looks like just double pen marks won out over 14 ap thanks to whacking people upside the head with a sword. Against a hapless Caitlyn. I'm not bothering with anything else desu I'm tired and bad at math.
AP on Leona a shit
Marine gets a pass because he's not a whiny little bitch and actually gives good advice for Tryn/Garen.
Literally nobody praises Hash.
Imma put my name back on for one last autistic post.
I'm not stressed out because of the report.
I literally don't fucking care, nor do reports work on EUNE.
The problem is Dynamic Queue.
It has Yoricked this game.
Being put in a game with 4 premades will never, NEVER, be an enjoyable experience.
You will always get blamed for everything that goes wrong, since no one will fucking blame their friends on discord.
Muting isn't a good solution, by the way.
Riot fucking know this.
That was the whole point of removing dynamic queue way back, and making it that you can only Duo for ranked games.
It's like they're an autistic teen.
They write angsty poetry about overpowered, OC characters that are literally demons, death, star dragon gods, while promoting some autistic liberal femenism and equality through character design.
They're the tumblr nerd, and Blizzard right now, is the prom king.
And I'm going to do this too, so all the fucking filter retards report me.
I want to stop coming on this shitty, autistic general.
Maokai is the Lorax user
he speaks for the trees
and the trees are FUCKING PISSED
I don't give a fuck about dynamic queue. I only play this game with my friends anyways and ranked is a joke
please fuck off you stupid waifufaggot nigger
Their idea of creepy is Jhin. So no its actually really sad i want a genuinely creppy champ
Some drawfag need to make this
>Notorious B.I.G. - Everyday Struggles
Oh my sides.
wew lad I always knew someone dumb enough to waifu Lux would be as mentally unstable as she was but you just gave me proof
Here's a picture of your favorite girl being a slut for your troubles
>I don't care about this problem so it doesn't exist.
First word, autistic manchild.
Go vote for your Sanders you fuck.
NA time /lolg/ has to be the worst pile of trash on Veeky Forums.
> QQ1035716423
What did they mean by this?
Idk if Jhin was meant to be creepy. I think they were going for a "line blurred between reality and art" type of character (something like the Joker).
Plus creepy characters are hard to make in a videogame, although a good Nocturne is good at that with his ult.good Nocturns scare the shit out of me whenever they ult
QQ is a Chinese messaging system similar to Skype.
Yeah, Swift is really mentally unstable... Are you too, user?
>Being a slut
You make it sound like "slut" isn't her default state.
I'm going to main Mid/Top.
Give me 3 champs to play, I will ONLY play those 3 champions.
stay mad faggot LMAO i actually just dropped off my ballot for the trumpenfuhrer here in cali eat my shit
ded game
Mao isn't a wendigo. He didn't consume human flesh and have a gnawing, insatiable hunger that cannot be fulfilled/must only cannibalize.
Mao is a tree corrupted by Shadow energies.