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genji/mccree duo edition

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guys i fucked up

I play on PC with a controller and I have a 53% win rate.


Why are all Legendary skins so bad?

Reminder that every character with a Non-Ult stun is a crutch for shitters and should be removed from the game.

>tfw the game isn't fun because you suck

D.Va buff when

Every Torbjörn player ever.



they are HEROES not characters you fucking idiot

>user won't just tell people where he got it from
Memers never die.

>playing support against good tracers or good genjis

>dominating the enemy widow until they switch

This feeling is the best

Is there a way to see your team mate's kills/deaths/objective times etc?

Is she able to cancel flight while still keeping defence matrix up? I feel like it's be a nice touch.

This game needs-
To remove Mccree
Remove Mei
add mouse acceleration
custom huds/crosshair nad crosshair color wheel

>there are people RIGHT NOW that think they actually contribute to defense as Genji

Why is KOTH bad?

>thinking 1v1 sniper battles is what is helping your team
i want you cod\battlefield shitters to stay out of my game

>Maybe i should try out Mei
Holy crap is this the most salt inducing hero?

>casually oneshotting zens and tracers as genji

literally the most satisfying feeling in this game


>Losing badly
>Right click and Avoid This Player on all my teammates
>Guy immediately picks Genji or Hanzo
>Right click and Avoid This Player
>Check every player on my team before round starts, if one of them has Avoid This Player checked, Leave Game
>Losing badly, immediately Right click and Avoid This Player on all teammates and Leave Game, not caring about leavers penalty

Who else does this?


>ywn get to stuff your face between Mei's ass cheeks to cool off after an attack on anubis that you lost.

why live

you mean this?

Fuck off autist

A tie between Mei and the saltmaster.

I have lost several KOTH matches.

>1v1 snipers duels aren't helpful to the team as long as you're winning most duels

t. low mmr shitter

Don't ever talk to me or /owg/ ever again.

Eventually; hold out just a little longer

No, because it would only increase the amount of complaints directed at bad players during matches.

>remove Mei

Alternatively, stop being bad.

i can't give you an actual reason ,but i'm pretty sure i have a 0% winrate on lijiang tower

A mei on my team does more harm to me than an enemy mei
>ice wall and leave me for dead with the enemy team
>ice wall the entrance to a point so we can't rush in
>ice wall for tactical retreats for the enemy

>Headshotting Widow as Mei

Best feeling

I actually only wanted it so I could check how much people who complain about other players are actually contributing.

name one positive thing about Mei that makes the game fun

>Patch change kicks stationary Bastions for being AFK in turret mode

Working as intended

I was playing Mei, and the enemy had two widows. So i stuck around, froze them, killed the first one, then the second, then waited near the spawn and killed them both as they came out.

after losing 8 games in a row I don't even care anymore, I don't have the energy to stay mad. I expect to lose every single match. I've accepted it.

our team has 2 Widowmakers standing in the same corner sniping as the overtime ticks down and we lose the game? cool.

Holy FUCK why did I buy ribbit when I already had a Lucio legendary when I could have bought tundra Zarya so I don't have to see her hair holy FUCK I goof'd hard

How's about them lootboxes?

Can anyone come up with a legitimate reason as to why Mei should have 250 health and not 200?

Just play the weekly brawl. It's way more fun than quickplay

your bad taste

>someone on team bitching that this team sucks
>yep, he's a Hanzo

no one is forcing you to eat mei's ice blast user

>Widowmaker's SMG outdamaged my gun with Zarya

Even if it was uncharged, what the fuck

She makes bad players angry.


Her personality is positive

Health corresponds to body weight.

Can you come up with a reason why Reinhardt should have 500 and not 550 or 450?

At least Bastion can't fuck his team over with one of his moves. Mei can potentially be an enemy to the team she's on.

she has great boobs under that thick jacket

She's fat, slow and has a shitty ranged attack.

40 boxes and my only legendary is the stupid wooden bastion

What's the quickest way to get (You)s in this general?

>not genji

If this is anonymous what's the point of directly speaking to posters?

Are you lonely?

Shouldn't this system encourage game discussion?

Post about forced fifty being a real thing, or Pharah being an amputee.

post "Widow isnt OP, you're just bad" but in pasta format


Yeah, still can't find the exact image though

There was a patch for ps4 last night. Not sure what it did. Anyone know? Was it balancing? Some of the heroes in this game have some bullshit.

She moves the same speed as everyone else and her range is irrelevant on KOTH maps.

Watch and learn:

>Mercy using meme arrows in chat while complaining

>play Mercy
>everyone always goes for you

>A slow and a stun with a guaranteed head shot
you should atleast know why she's fucking abysmal to play against.

>payload nearing destination
>suddenly they have a bastion
>team is pubbies, panic mode engaged
>hammer him down and charge him off a cliff
>my team manage to press the payload to the finish line


genji is good on defense though

what's owg's opinion on maining a character vs playing what's required

her primary outranges reaper's ult

because there's no precedent for a tank with a shield. he's the precedent and he can't heal himself
mei's right click makes her hanzo, she's one of only two character who can go invincible AND heal at the same time on a whim (and the other one has 150 hp), she has cc, and can use her other ability as an instant defense once she leaves her invincibilty
don't be a smartass, it makes you look stupid


>Everyone focusing the tanks, Mercy getting mad fucking Ult charge
>Tank goes down
>"Wow mercy is so fucking broken wtf"

Some people in this game are total shitters

Why don't people understand that points can be contested

>range is irrelevant on KOTH maps

You're not very good at this game, are you?

Fuck now I'm covered in poo


I feel these are related.


Nice argument.

A good genji can be good in any situation. Most are trash, this one was.

and bitching about how nobody was on the payload

as long as there's at least one tank and one support there can be 4 genjis for all i care, but less than that you might as well just concede the match to the other team.

Almost all my losses can be completely blamed on the guy who refuses to switch

>genimain: stop shooting zarya's shield her charge is always too high

Maybe don't play genji against a zarya considering she hard counters you unless she's a fucking idiot and only spams RMB

Name someone with less health and the same or less mobility.

shoulda said "what about my retarded?"


I'm immediately crushed to death by supple yet firm Russian muscles

>people complaining about Mei
I can see Bleuberry and McRightClick but how the fuck is Mei broken? Like Don't Get Close Nigga.

forced 50 is a real thing. it's literally the entire purpose of MMR based matchmaking. look at this infamous graph riot published recently. see what they're trying to do? they're trying to create a system in which premades and solos roughly win 50%.


forced 50 in overwatch is more a of synonym for the terrible matchmaking that comes with it.

>stopping their widow from killing my team is a bad thing

back to whatever baby game you were playing before you got this

Can't imagine that going well at all.

do you teabag?

why live bros?