Who is your employer?

who is your employer?

I'm an LO at a bank. I'll get fired if I mention which one.

Everyone has an employer, whether it's your boss or the public.

i'm unemployed, can someone pay me to browse imageboards all day? not clinton that bitch dont pay jack shit

Nice try, IRS

nice try nsa

The public is my employer?
Wait, is this one of those "The public pays for everyone, bra" statements?
Because longhairs aren't popular around here.

The public, the customer, the client. Anyone you're trying to get money from is your employer..

In a perfect world you offer a valuable product at a great price and you aren't trying to get money from people.
they're lining up to give it to you.

but if that hasn't occurred to you perhaps we can forgive your backwards thinking as inexperience.

>Anyone you're trying to get money from is your employer
So if you live off interest, your employer is a bank account?
This gets more and more confusing.


Ask me anything

>In a perfect world you offer a valuable product at a great price

In other words, you're working for your customer. They employ you.

The bank is your employer

sort of, except they don't get to tell me what to do, or when to do it, and I choose whether or not they get to employ me, and I change employers more often than I change underwear. Also I have a few thousand of them, none with any real power by themselves.

I can tell them to fuck off and a whole new batch will be lined up in less than an hour.

Also I get to tell them how much they'll be paying me.

so sort of like an employer, but almost completely not.

I hate the Wolf of Wallstreet

>The bank is your employer
No, I don't believe they are.
They don't pay me a salary or wages, one of which would be required to meet this definition.

they can all go employ someone who kisses their ass better and sells to them cheaper.

>sort of, except they don't get to tell me what to do, or when to do it, and I choose whether or not they get to employ me, and I change employers more often than I change underwear. Also I have a few thousand of them, none with any real power by themselves.

Just like with traditional employment

>I can tell them to fuck off and a whole new batch will be lined up in less than an hour.

Just like with traditional employment

>Also I get to tell them how much they'll be paying me.

Just like with traditional employment

>so sort of like an employer, but almost completely not.

Basically employers no matter how many false distinctions you use.

yes, also in a perfect world.

in reality their options are limited by geography. It costs money to move things. If they're nearest to me I'm the best option at the best price. They have to pay a premium to deal with my supposed competitors, no matter how they kiss ass or don't.

They aren't?

Where do you bank? I'd like to go claim my free interest without providing anything.

These are actually some of the distinctions used by the IRS to determine whether or not they employ me.

They're not false distinctions, they're the law of the land. I am not an employee of my clients because I work for many of them and I decide how and when I work, and for how much.

employers tell you how and when you will work, and how much they're willing to pay. The opposite of what I do.

>They aren't?
That's right, they aren't.
Interest is not salary or wages.
That's, um, why there's a different line for it on a 1040.

Customers tell you how and when you will work, and how much they're willing to pay.

It's a very, very simple concept.

You're paid for your product and service, which happens to be a loan.

no they don't.


have you hired a contractor in your life? You're in for a nasty surprise if you think we follow your schedule or do things the way you would.

You aren't by law allowed to tell us how or when we'll work, or how much we'll charge.

>You're paid
All things "paid" are not equivalent to wages or salary, which, as mentioned are requirements for your definition.
If you can't at least acknowledge that, I'll save you the trouble of going any further.

have fun running profitable business with longevity ;)

I see you're having trouble grasping the very, very simple concept.

Customers are the ones with money. As a contractor, you have absolutely no power in having that money aside from making an offer. The customer is the one that makes the decision. You don't agree to the customers demands? You don't get the money. The customer is your employer.

Sign a contract? You're legally obligated to fulfil the contract of your, you guessed it, employer, which happens to be a customer.

As I've said before, everyone has an employer, whether it's a boss or the public.

They're not. Wages and salaries are independent of the fact that everyone has an employer.

let's pretend you're right for a second.

by law they then have to pay half of my taxes, as any employer must.

they don't. So they fail to meet the legal definition of an employer.

thanks, I've had 15 years of straight profits now, which is almost as long as you've been alive.

allowance isn't a business ;)

ok, that's funny.
9/10, will read again.

How often do you guys collaborate with other accounting firms (medium sized and big 4). I worked at a regional and they appeared to work with 2 of the big4 quite alot.

>the fact
found it

mummy is my employer

At least in Italy, I never experienced such a collaboration.

what are your chores?

hold up, what if I gather all the resources required for me to live from nature, and I'm just shitposting via a cellphone using wifi outside a starbucks or someshit

like, zero living expenses, no money rolling through


homeless or some shiz