>EO Guides, References, Music, Art Books, etc.
>EOV Information
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>EO Guides, References, Music, Art Books, etc.
>EOV Information
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>OP picture is a granny
why is shishou cute bros
Because you're triggering these autists Either way it's not really necessary when discussion is possible without shitposting which it was in the second half of the thread. Like It would obviously help against shitposting because the only argument the retards come up with is the title which makes me think that they were part of the shitstorm resulting in the removal of Dungeon Crawler (if they are even here that long)
Death to teach.
If you guys want EO/7thdragon transparencies for Stranger of sword city feel free to ask me to do some
Go back to the old thread.
Go back to your Vita General fag.
This thread is off to a good start.
>have a knack to gunpla
>not sure which to buy
Damn, which one. Sniper or Imperial?
I have no idea why the vitaguys are raiding this general again.
Because they hate you personally for not owning a vita of course.
Sniper is cuter, but imperial is naturally a gundam, so who knows. Flip a coin.
Because according to their brilliant logic, everything in this genre is so similar there's no way one can somehow only enjoy one game/series without also like the rest of the genre, so we might as well talk about them in a single thread.
>everything in this genre is so similar there's no way one can somehow only enjoy one game/series without also like the rest of the genre
That's true unless you're only playing for the animu grills of course.
That's fucking retarded.
It's like saying we need to fuse DotA and LoL general because they are the same genre.
What kind of Etrian figures exist?
Well user, you are retarded.
Good argument.
>wasting arguments against shitposters
The ones that are really old so go for a high price even if the quality isn't all there. And 2 models of the sniper and imperial that's in the OP, those are easily attainable but they will not look as good as the pic because they need to be painted after being built, by you of course.
Well I made that argument last thread, go see what they replied
So I can't be the only guy wondering what the point in the Fishing gathering is, right?
Fish as a whole don't serve much of a purpose for crafting equipment, right?
Also requesting cute group shots or pairs.
Especially cute pairs.
Food boost if I have to guess.
Calling someone retarded without actually trying to argue against the statement he made is a perfect example of shitposting.
Creating a vitafag boogeyman for no other reason than console wars is also better off in /v/.
See this
You can't even make an argument against that sentence.
You are shitposting.
I made quite a few last thread to explain why the autists complaining about a few posts are complete retards.
>go see what they replied
Medicine Ingredients would be another possibility.
Do you have Trapshark and VFD Female Samurai?
I just want to know people are bringing up this stupid shit again after such a long time. Looks like we can't go a single night without some pointless shitstorm.
Last thread had this, but in a perfectly reasonable manner with no shit being thrown around. It was great until these faggots
appeared out of nowhere.
Working on it right now
I blame 7th Dragon
It just one (some) user(s) that like to shitpost, then he (them) play the victim game and of course, something like that is hard to be reported,
To the nigga who did the EOV portraits for SoSC last thread, thanks bro. If you could add Coona somewhere that'd be dandy
That's because they are very popular threads about multiplayer games with constant updates while this thread can go an hour with nothing but image dumps of ricky and fang magus to bump the thread; the rare (non-vita!) legacy drpg posts are too sparse to derail EO discussion. EOV release will probably have 3 times the traffic and would blow up a drpg general so there's no point doing anything
I love /meiQ/!
>was called a meme girl
>someone tries to start shit
>next OP is merchandise
We know you're there Teach.
Where the hell are these shitposters coming from.
>Where the hell are these shitposters coming from.
Dungeon Crawler fags
Insert the portraits .png files into the folder slot you want in PICTUREGATE and use options to upload that slot
I'm done for tonight so just quote my post for more requests and I can get them done tomorrow
I was going to agree with you, but yesterday's user made me re-think my answer.
Are we sure it's not just shitposters.
>We know you're there Teach.
You really aren't in a position to complain about shitposters. Also there's a big difference between the two posts you quoted.
>Dungeon Crawler fags
Yeah, fuck them. Why would they be in a EO general?
Because EO is a Dungeon Crawler?
I'm sorry. I forgot my βΈ®
Seriously though let's just ignore metaposting. With no responds the amount of shitposting should decrease.
Yeah that's probably a smarter idea. The problem is that some anons are easier to bait than others.
No, I will not be quelled until dcg fags are completely eradicated from this general, so we can go back to the good old days of pure EO discussion, 1 post (every 2 hours)at a time
The shitposting always begins at night. Interesting, huh.
This is why I'm glad you yuropoors are either getting cucked out of the game or getting it ridiculously late.
If you don't want to sit down and shut up, at least post your MeiQt waifu.
>tfw be in asia but getting american releases
Feels good.
Coona, Purple Zodiac and EMD Ninja Himeko. Titty monster Gladiator would also be very much appreciated
>Titty monster Gladiator
Which one is that supposed to be?
Not true, look at the last thread. At the end people were able to make a few posts about other dungeon crawlers without any shitposting at all despite it being on around the same time as the huge shitstorm at the beginning of the thread.
I forgot. The one with the black hair then
I'm getting the japanese cia as soon as it's uploaded. Atlus can go fuck themselves.
Maybe their lack of yuro releases are a good thing because they've been a minor part of the motivation to learn nip runes in the first place.
Wrong thread buddy.
Is it bad that I get off to Ricky getting hurt?
Why is her head still attached to her body?
Doesn't everyone? I don't even like that sort of thing normally, but something about Ricky dying a slow, agonizing death is so perfect.
Etrian Odyssey boutique when?
The only reason why we actually need an EOU3.
Day one buy.
>Fish as a whole don't serve much of a purpose for crafting equipment
And fruit does?
Ricky is not for the bully
Usually gathering materials are for medicine. Now chopping materials, that's a different story.
What's that? A dancer for EO3U story mode?
Or a character from that kickstarter card game?
Any tips on building story party in EO2U? No grimoire trading.
I saved that image years ago. According to some it was an unused snake charmer class, but it's not even in the artbook.
If even Persona 5 can't get dual audio, what chance does EO have?
Nope, you are definitely not getting to choose from 40 voices. If you do, it's probably done by the same 7-8 actors with "varied" tone.
I also read that Persona V is going to be released in 2017 for Americans.
So we have to wait at least a year for EOV
Yeah, but I'm sure they're getting help from Sega, they're the same shit but the just keep the Atlus name for the brand I guess. I mean, John Hardin was the one doing all the announcements for 7th Dragon, so yeah.
>I'm sure they're getting help from Sega
Sega is totally helping them by just taking the money.
Resonance Fafnir
Fire>Ice Wall Bertrand
Barrier/Ailment Slash Chloe
Link Order I/II Arianna
Blind/Paralysis/Hazy Arrow Flavio
I think they talked about it here?
I'm especially concerned with healing, since I have no dedicated medic character this time.
so i just got to the 7th dungeon in mystery dungeon. Is it supposed to be a fucking cakewalk? They give you so much unnecessary support like melding and 8 manned doe battles and all it seems to do is cover for the abysmal ai in this game. Please tell me it gets a little more challenging.
I wish we could get them on top of the new MC class and the EO4 returning class
Of course they'll do it. It's easy DLC to sell
You'll have 2 healers and with Vampire, Chloe will be healing at the same time as she's dealing damage. You're more likely to have issues with bind and ailment removal, hence investing on Barrier with Chloe.
>2 months until release
We can't have that.
Yeah, that too. So far the only tools of dealing with ailments I have is the medic bullet grimoire I got from progressing the story, and Chloe's transfer.
But in this game they give you two ailment-preventing abilities, so I guess the devs' intent is for the player to not get afflicted in the first place.
can necromanko explode a dead thread
Maybe Atlus is browsing right now!
Post casual wear Etrians everyone!
The only challenge in that game is the elemental blobs in the postgame dungeon and 5% drop rates
I managed to snag a Protector for I think 80 bucks a couple years back.
Probably hella more expensive.
I hope you're ready for only the first takes of Ashley Burch throwing her voice a few times while scarfing down jelly donuts.
Thank god it's on the 3DS so we can get an undub patch before too long.
Hopped onto Youtube today and noticed a 2 hour long EOV stream uploaded on Atlus' channel.
Anything worthwhile in it or is it just a bunch of japs being silly?
>Raquna will never sit down and make plans for "i might die tomorrow in the labyrinth sex" with you
sometimes it hurts to wake up in the morning
>Bunny girl innkeeper
>Big titty bartender
>Cute as fuck voices
I may need to buy the Japanese version after all. Time to learn moon.
>undub patch
How do you undub the audio of the game?
>take jap voice files
>replace english voice files with them
The only worry is if Atlus USA hard-codes the game to only have say, 7 voice options total instead of 40 like the original. Then it'll take some work to get them all back in.
>>take jap voice files
>>replace english voice files with them
I forgot to add if this can work with a physical copy of the game.