Mark 8:36King James Version (KJV)
36 For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
Mark 8:36King James Version (KJV)
36 For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
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Because you sacrifice yourself for the betterment of humanity. Because you sacrifice yourself to gain a soul. Not like a degenerate like you would ever understand that.
you are calling the gospel writer, Mark a degenerate, or the Holy Spirit ?
Proverbs 10:4
Lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hands bring wealth.
Jokes on you OP, you lived poor and shit your whole life only to die into nothingness cos god doesn't exist.
So the only time you ever had existing was worshiping a dead kike on a stick and being poor, for nothing.
>god doesn't exist , cause some random racist online said so .
36 For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
Revelation 3:17
You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.
yea good one.
maybe i'll use it on my next thread
also fixed it
lol. as if that even matters to the dead.
S-So you're saying I should live large and selfishly while I'm alive because it doesn't matter when I'm dead?
Phew and here I was thinking god wanted me to live ascetically.
Poor man dies soon and will be forgotten.
Rich man lives a long happy life of pleasure. After he dies, he will be remembered for his philanthropic deeds.
>will be remembered
does that genuinely make you feel better about being murdered by time?
fixed that for you
>And lo! He doth reveal his divine word with divine dubs. And ye shall know it to be true.
No i do not want to be murdered by time, but I cant really do anything about it, so why bother?
That may change in the future tho, with Genetic engineering. Create long-lifespan humans. But that will be after im gone, most likely
yes, you're quoting the wrong part though.
> lives a long happy life of pleasure
you're delusional about the length of eternity
And your blind faith in a magical super-being who supposedly dictates unwavering rules of universal conduct is actually a brain defect that would qualify as mental illness under modern medical definitions. You are literally retarded, but we're all too politically correct to tell you.
my faith isn't blind. how mentally unsound of you to assume without facts.
That's some fucking gay shit right there
>assume without facts.
Oh the fucking irony. The mentally ill poorfag who believes that a magical being controls the universe (and who's son is a zombie, btw) is lecturing me about facts.
I don't hold it against you. You're just not as smart as the rest of us. No disrespect intended.
>be rich
>afford cutting-edge biological rejuvenation treatment
>ride the wave of new treatments escape velocity and become immortal
>humanity reaches a stage where we can escape the solar system before we get red dwarfed
>before the heat death of universe humanity reaches a stage where we can spawn a wormhole into younger universe
Check-mate OP
>this has literally never happened before in the history of mankind
>thinks it will happen to you.
yes, stick to your crossword puzzles.
>this has literally never happened before in the history of mankind
What kind of retarded sophistry is this? Every single humanity invention did not happen before it happened.
Sorry, can't hear you throught all this stonework.
yea, i cant wait till the internet invents a way to filter out people who use fuzzy and just plain broken logic.
can't hear anything on earth cuz your physical body is dead ;)
You realize your feelings of smugness on Mongolian basket-weaving forum will also be for naught once you're dead?
nice try ;)
What do you have to say about this, godly user
good for them ?
that goes the same for the rich anons in Veeky Forums too.. good for them
just because you are filthy rich does not mean you automatically go to hell and same goes for the poor not every poor goes to heaven rite?
no you dont go to hell if you are filthy rich. User:XmgWKutu has no say on wether they go to hell or not
right. only jesus.
so what's the thread even about?
how did you interpret it?
don't chase wealth with greedy intentions, don't let money consume your life.
it's alright to work hard and be wealthy
honestly idk i got no answer
cope harder.
Ezekiel 23:20
There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.
sounds good. you should put that on your tombstone.
Being poor is not fun, life is about journey not the destiny.
>Being rich makes you a wretched and pitiful
This is just pure jealousy, the most kindest and friendliest human beings I've ever met have been upper class and middle class. I have never been assaulted or stolen from the upper and middle class, it's the lower class steals with out any remorse, it's completely disgusting, they think they're entitled to my fucking posesións..
or maybe you think you are entitled to "your" possessions, at everyone else's expense?
that study is over 30 years old. Kill yourself. Nearly every 3rd world shithole has a cellphone these days with more processing power than all the computers on earth when this study was done.
That's not how capitalism works, no one works for free. I spend 700 dollar's on a phone, at&t get's 20% and apple makes 80 (not real numbers) 1% of that 80% goes for the suicidal china men making iPhones.
when youre death you dont care.
but if there are no rich people, who pays for your welfare?
This. Fucking freshman anthropology students know you can determine the relative wealth of someone based on their burial (or lack of it).
Try harder, OP. People would rather be rich than poor.
you could try praying to God for it to happen. KEK
But the rich wouldn't choose cheap dirt or soil to be buried in, I mean look at that shit, plus their own would be a little bit wider cause of the big fancy coffin and the grass would be more green around it.
>unironically believing in fairy tales
someone pls fix this to show rich guys living forever with immortality in a stanford torus while pajeet lives in a mud hut and gets buried in a landfill
Shithead. The cemeteries in my area have some impressive gravemarkers and mausoleums for the prominent citizens who basically built up the area back in the early 1900s. 100 years or so after they died one can walk by and easily see their names and the time they spent on earth and know that they were very important people.
On the other hand, look what a whole bunch of nobodies
Draw your own conclusions.
>For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
So it's kinda odd but as it turns out. Once you realize your time is up, you attempt to change humanity for the better, give to charity/philanthropy .
Once you get to the top, give it away.
I think one of the finance books i read said something like, "some of us are better than others at business" once we have gained/taken all the money it's time to give back.
While I agree with you being a Christian myself the way you began this thread isn't going to attract meaningful responses.
Nice string of insults. Really not an argument.
As someone that is actually grappling with faith issues after having basically given up the church. The meaningless of life is worse than the promise of false hope.
I did far to much research into the cannon of the "holy bible" of the catholic church and comparative study to conclude that it's based in reality.
I'm not convinced that I'm better off having learned what I have as I now fear my death in a way that believing in nothing would have comforted me.
>that it's based in reality.
That the bible is made up, the claim that it is and me confirming it. Not that the bible is a factual account.
First of all Catholicism is a not true depiction of Christianity. It's a 6th century heresy. But most people like you who leave the faith probably never grasped Christianity which is evident by your inability to produce a good reason for disbelieving in it.
HAHAHAHA. Were the only discipline of Christ that maters.
If we aren't go back 2000 years and make another one better/more important.
Oh wait.
>inability to produce a good reason for disbelieving in it.
What are you asking for as a "good reason" define it.
So are you an atheist or not? The Papacy only came into existence around the 4th century. It's a historical novum. Biblical Christianity is different. You are only converting from another false religion (Roman Catholicism) to another (Secular humanism).
I'm a confirmed catholic, I can into apologetic if I need to.
The papacy and the roots of THE church are different.
the only true "religion" is knowing the holy spirt of God thru christ, and seeking daily to discern and follow his Divine will .
It's other way around. You know Christ through the Holy Spirit.
The church started in Acts 2 on the day of Pentecost. The Roman (Catholic) church as the supreme church over all started in the 70 AD but assumed authority over everyone in the year 350
But about the Bible being unreliable? Who are you asking? The Jesus seminar? Bart Ehrman?
don't pervert the word.
we only have our sins washed away thru the blood of christ.
Try and read.
> the only true "religion" is knowing the holy spirt of God thru christ, and seeking daily to discern and follow
Read your Bible. We know the Triune God only through the Holy Spirit who regenerates us.
*citation needed*
>/biz flooded with xtian nutjobs
Aren't you amerifats supposed to be sleeping at this hour?
Nothing wrong with knowledge about theology, but you user really seem to believe in this unverifiable shit.
Veeky Forums is a Christian board. We have been blessed by the lord with great wealth
it was verified plenty of times, by plenty of different people .
every credible historian admits jesus existed, there is simply too much evidence to refute his lyfe.
So was Allah, ghosts, demons and a bunch of other superstitions.
Nice fallacious quote, combined with your own goalpost-moving statement.
Turn the other cheek, go to bed or another board, you horrible horrible people.
the goalpost was the OP.
ur just mad you cant score .
>Real cartoons > Christian cartoons
>Rock music > Christian rock music
>Real people > Christians
The goalpost comment = this is not about if historians agree that some dead jew called Jesus existed or not.
Not getting that, is priceless!
Now go turn the other cheek before I release the lions
>pic related. The extrapolated argument of any christian
>moves the goal post
>complains about goalpost being moved.
gotta love facts tho...
>that pic
Seems like you need to remind yourself about the rules you are supposed to adhere to.
Darn, I do love using your own superstition against you.
James 1:26
"If anyone thinks himself to be religious, and yet does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this man's religion is worthless."
Ephesians 5:4
"and there must be no filthiness and silly talk, or coarse jesting, which are not fitting, but rather giving of thanks."
>pic related. A wiser man than you.
i just made you admit the bible is a divine standard that people should be held to.
all your other arguments are invalid.
pic related , its you now .
>not only do I live a life guided by superstition
>My reading comprehension is pretty shitty
Enjoy your cancer, god-boy. Don't forget to pray
yes enjoy eternal suffering in hell , satan worshipper.
say hi to your mom for me, btw ;) :p
>pretending to be jesusfreak on peruvian cocaineboard
just go to /r, dickhead
poor thang.
you don't get to tell me how a christian is supposed to act , faggot.
God does , and despite your most firmly held delusions, u aint god ;)
>you don't get to tell me how a christian is supposed to act ,
Yes, I do. Silly boy. It is all there in your book, the book whose tenets you are in violation of every-hour-of-the-day.
> u aint god
Wrong again. I am the closest thing to god you will ever encounter.
DIO = God
This is a DIO thread now
post rare DIO's
DIO = dead
Jesus = dead
God = dead
DIO = god
This is a religious thread so we can screw logic this way. Dio is god. Amen.