/ps2g/ - PlanetSide 2

Vanu are sanders voting commie edition

>What is this game?
>How do I play?
>How do I play? (advanced)
>Tweaks and optimizations
>Weapon stats and vehicle weapons
>Weapons chart some user made
>How does the construction system work?


Other urls found in this thread:


first for construction system saved the game

So the devs on the 3rd June stream pretty much confirmed planetside 3

let it die you fools


they even joke about planetside 4, jessus christ

it cannot die as long as there's no alternative

how about a timestamp you shitter

Post more burger whores

its worth watching the entire stream, i think it was half way in

How about more spandex whores?

>hate green friendly crosshair
>turn it off
>also turns off red enemy crosshair


I am fine with it as it is


Xth for global servers soon.

>killing off briggs, millergrad and hong connery
>only two servers left
This is the end.

The americans will sure love the new laggers.

like and subscribe

What sensitivities do you guys play with?

62 cm hip 360
124 cm 1x aim 360
who cares about the other optics

page 10 fugg


>Page 10

>tfw can't wait for global servers
>finally get to move to memerald from hong connery
>tfw big fights again
>tfw the asians will follow me there
i guess ill still consider it a win

>g-got any batteries
every time

and yet you keep saving thumbnails

Did people really move to that other chan for edgy faggots?

Only the people who actually play Planetside.

a couple did
but our post rate is still pretty much the same, so...

people who still play are not relevant, have never been, and will never be.

Posts like confirm what said, this thread is for shitposting only. If you want to play or discuss the game, you move over to the other chan.

nope its somehow deder than here

I made an emerald alt earlier today
tfw no more getting instakilled by other wizards
tfw larger groups of shitters to farm
tfw seemingly less tank spam, and more footzergs

All I need is to get enough pity certs for a 0.75 weapon, so I can properly abuse my own wizardry.

I can't wait for the merge or global servers. It'll be a beautiful day.

twitch tv/seph00/v/71250046

Just thought you guys would enjoy the first 30 minutes.

>If you want to play or discuss the game, you move over to the other chan.

What's there left to discuss after 5 years?
The only thing you really need is to aim better.

>If you want to discuss the game, you move over to the other chan.
the other chan is L I T E R A L L Y the mong child of /b/ and leddit, no decent discussion will ever take place there.
it's 100% shitposting too, but their shitposting revolves around shit-tier memes and "the VS shotgun is OP compared to the one TR gets, nerf pls"

i was going to tell you to kys, but
>butchering wwew
post it on cripplechan, and watch how butthurt they'll get :^)

memes aside, is there anything actually better than the barrage?

get out, cripple recruiter

I played with them a few days ago.

They're definitely extreme shitters, but still, it's nice to have some shitters around to res / resupply / repair you.

Part of me wants to introduce HLVP farm chariots to them, but I don't think they're coordinated enough. None used mics, anyway.

Pump-actions, if you can consistently manage your distance and aim well.

No, their shitposting revolves around doing it in-game. Which is a fuckload more than can be said about the shitposting here.


>No, their shitposting revolves around doing it in-game.

But i'm always shitposting in-game.

>get spawnfarmed
>hurr why k/d
why did they add the k/d anyway?

Why did you even leave the spawn once you assessed the situation? Why didn't you tell your outfit to redeploy alongside you so you could regroup at another base and collectively push?

it was just an example
sometimes the right thing to win isn't the best one to get a good k/d ratio
teamgame is teamgame

The solution I proposed is both the correct one to that situation AND a solution that would preserve your k/d.

but senpai
i don't even care about K/D
usually i just set some personal objective and pursue it even if i die multiple times in the process, for the sole purpose of c4ing a skillturret or some skillsuit
why should i be treated as a shitter if i don't even try?

Because that's what a shitter is. You're describing shitter behavior. You're a shitter.

so not being a tryhard is being a shitter?
right now i'm playing in a situation that requires medium to long range weapons
i just don't feel like playing medic or HA, let alone infilth
i just want to get the LA shotgun cert and this is getting me killed over and over again
i'm not a shitter user, i am somewhat above average in every fps i played that isn't TF2, i'm just tired of having to play the flavour of the situation class

>situation inappropriate for shotguns
>try using a shotgun anyway
You have only yourself to blame.

dying like a shitter while getting nothing done means you're a shitter

what does stroking my dick over a meaningless number do?

>I literally do not know how to masturbate

>that entire stream

what the FUCK guys

where is the fucking hype?

>ROCKLET RIFLE IS F R E E and goes in the fucking TOOL SLOT


PPA vs Photon Pods for killing infantry? I'm having a hard time telling the difference.

wathever, i guess the fun is over
what is better, the default trac-5 or the T5 AMC?
any specific playstyle so i can masturbate over a number no one cares about?

none of this shit is any good though

Don't worry, you get to do 800 more shotgun kills on the next tier :^)

TRAC-5 is medium DPS, short-medium range, T5 AMC is low DPS, long range. Personally I've always hated the TRAC-5's recoil, so I like the AMC better.

>where is the fucking hype?
>more meh unnecessary shit

I'm gonna get hyped when they introduce Biolab/Tower only continent or remove boltshitting.

>always hated the TRAC-5's recoil,

Lol what recoil, it has no recoil

you don't scare me with the grind, i came over from war thunder

when was the last time they even teased this much shit?

seriously, are none of you at the very least glad that they are actually rehiring people and getting to work on undedding ps2?

more content doesn't mean it will be good content

Honestly, don't worry about these kids.

Almost every person here who unironically uses the word "shitter" is just trying to compensate for the fact that their daddy doesn't love them.

There's a reason their fathers either left them or don't love them.

More content is better than no content.

Because it's all vaporware bullshit that is being used to tease people into continuing to subscribe under the vague hope that the game isn't ded.

>hating on more content
>thinking it wont happen

yeah guys the ANT is never going to come out and even if it does it's gonna be total shit and totally not revive the game and make it more interesting

stumbles onto warframe reddit. Top post from our boy fagen, spreading his taint to another game in the form of cosmetics.

Are we free now?

is this video still valid?

Does that mean NC are Trump and TR are Hillary? Or would it make more sense if those were reversed.

>le construction saveded de game!!1 xD

>construction didn't save the game
construction saved the game

>a2g still not removed

tr and nc are both trump lovers, only vanu are purple commie sanders homos

>Backed by mysterious corporations

>Has his own empire

>Followed by brainwashed progressives

i think it checks out the other way

They really need to make it much more punishing on massive faction imbalances. Once you've hit 45% of the server pop on a faction it needs to just completely stop granting exp to that faction until it rebalances or something.

>main connery
>usually 2 ivi k/d
>swap to memerald
>instantly 4 ivi k/d
The things outlined make such a absurdly huge difference. I'm not even a good player either. Memerald players just have zero common sense.

When's the Rocklet Rifle going live? I'm pretty excited for it

please fucking inventories


i would much rather have them remodel all the weapons since they are basically borderlands tier rehashes and some of them look like they would cause cancer if exposed to /k/
also the animations need some work too

>have pretty decent (if dated) inventory system, plus you can salvage enemy weapons
>remove it and move to an x y z class system

I'll never forgive them.

Except it didn't.





On that last one, activity spiked and then pointed downwards.


that's irrelevant


exactly, bring up more relevant stats

how do i git gud at leading a squad other than just updating points

are you retarded, or just pretending?

>playing ps2 with steam overlay
i dunno m8

It has the worst recoil pattern out of all TR carbines except the S variant.

TRAC-5 a shit

Step 1: Be a lone wolf. Dont go anywhere near your squad

Step 2: Everything that doesnt get done is your squads fault. Yell at them constantly so they do better

Step 3: Your kdr is the arbitrary standard by which skill is defined and shitters are identified. Dont recruit anyone below your kdr

Step 4: Fill orders chat with meaningless bullshit

Do these simple things and you will be absorbed as one into the planetside 2 community

Whenever you attack a base, pull a valk with a drifter-jet light assault. Put a beacon someplace nice.

1. Zerg surfers in general
2. General Buzzcut Sir
3. Vanu tryhards in general
4. Wisdomcube

Just talk to them. Explain why the squad marker is there. Call out important things like armor/air approaching. Ask for specific things from the squad, like telling them to roll Heavy to deal with a Sundy you have marked with smoke. Draw on the map. Make sure they have a spawn point to do what you're asking of them, even if it means pulling a shitty Valkyrie.

Most importantly, make sure you're never silent when you're losing. Squads get broken when the push stops and they don't have a good grasp on what's wrong or what they should be doing.

ok, you are actually retarded.
guess i'll have to spoonfeed
steamcharts is not an accurate representation of how many players there are because a lot of people don't play through steam. however, a certain proportion of people play it through steam, and that is going to be independent from the actual player count.
for example, if steamcharts says there's 30% more players, you can be pretty fucking sure that the actual amount playercount increased by is 25-35%. you don't know exactly how many people, but you do know the proportion.
hence, the evidence presented in is valid.

that is of course assuming that everyone who doesn't play with the steam overlay follows the same pattern as those who do. you can't say with absolute certainty that your stats are in any way representative of the majority because for all we know, you could be presenting statistics of a very tiny minority of the playerbase

just saying

ok, you are actually retarded.
guess i'll have to spoonfeed
you're retarded for using steamcharts when there are services using the official API that track population without arbitrary steam demographic bias

also I don't have a vested interest in this conversation, or the conclusions to be drawn from it and just wanted to call you retarded


>that is of course assuming that everyone who doesn't play with the steam overlay follows the same pattern as those who do.
except for the fact that right after construction came out PS2 was in the steam update ads or whatever for a few days, they do.
>you can't say with absolute certainty that your stats are in any way representative of the majority
that's why i said 25-35%
>because for all we know, you could be presenting statistics of a very tiny minority of the playerbase
no, a majority of people play through steam, and this has been known since forever

>you're retarded for using steamcharts when there are services using the official API that track population without arbitrary steam demographic bias
i thought the RSNC tracker had been shut down, my bad, guess i haven't been keeping up.
anyway, i've compared the figures, and there's a linear relationship between the two, with ~75% of people playing through steam


to come back to the original point,
no, construction didn't save the game.

m8 you are a mongoloid

nigger you're fucking dumb

that chart doesn't show the players who don't play through steam, it shows total ingame population

no matter how you twist it, player count went UP not down