Big Things are Happening Edition.
Last time on /ss13g/
>we were all huge idiots
>but we all still love eachother
>There's a surprise coming, but what?
>Pomf is a cool guy and I love him
>What is Space Station 13?
>New player guide
>Discord Link
>BYOND client
>Pomf Serbian, main Veeky Forumsstation server, running a vote script to change maps at round end.
>Test server
>Public server list
>Forum, ban list and logs for vgstation
>How do I connect to the servers?
Hit the cogwheel in the upper right corner of the BYOND hub and pick "Open Location"
>Map renders collection: updated nightly
>Coderbus, here!
@rizon #coderbus @rizon #vgstation
>SS13 booru for all your SS13 images!
>How To Install BYOND: The Video Tutorial: The Movie
Spessmen on a spess station - /ss13g/
Other urls found in this thread:
first for waifus
second for waifus
third for waifuism was a mistake
Fourth for waifus
fourth for i miss rail
seventh for waifus
Seventh for makeitstop
Would you play xenoarch if it had a portal to hell involved?
the moment you step on mining roid and you see that all the digsites have been dug by the miners is the moment you are already in hell
I would play telesci more often if you could.
I wish I could code
ME WANT 3D SS13!!!
Explosive handcuffs: these handcuffs look no different from regular ones. They have been improved by the Syndicate Corporation with micro-charges of C4 activated by a vocal command. Once they are triggered they gib the hands or feet of the handcuffed person.
Syndie-hud glasses: work similarly to sec-hud glasses except they track other traitors (changeling, vampire, nuke ops, traders, etc...). Use them to make some friends... Or eliminate the competition.
Everytime I see a xenoarch mining nearby I proceed to smash his precious digsite to pieces as soon as he walks away.
>Syndie-hud glasses
Also known as: the glasses that when you die security gets ALL of its valids instantly.
Reposting because new thread.
Trigger finger: For the mime, it's the same as the revolver but Looks like a pair of mime gloves. Can be stored in the glove slot as well as loaded in it, but when fired it must be in hand.
Science funbag: For scientist, a plastic bag containing a gold or oil slime core, a syringe, glubs, bottle of some creatine, and a napalm grenade. Most of the items are common, but given that you're antag you're not going to be doing much work. Can help if you are in a pinch and caught outside with nothing or be used early on and have a jumpstart.
Virus disk: For scientist, swipe it to certain machines and it causes problems soon after. A black data disk. Works like an emag in the swipe mechanic.
>Research console or any research using machine including the server: deletes all research off of it. Make science hate you.
>Viro machines: the next virus strand printed on a disk will be forced to be a random virus effect.
>Genetics machines: similar to above but for genetics.
>Communications console: makes a randomly generated event anouncement thats fake (people will panic when it makes a fake blob anouncement).
>AI law upload: makes it gain an ion law.
>Any other computer: emps the computer.
>this will never happen.
I spent all last night day dreaming about an ss13-esque mmo with eve like economy and player run super corps that sent traitors to other facilities a crossed the solar system to do badthings to other corps and steel their unique tech blueprints that they were keeping underwraps to abuse monopolies on and stuff.
With huge player run abomination communities kept balancing on a knifes edge by player enforced internal security that would make the average grey shirt cry, because their inforcment of status quo isn't just pointless one shift and it's over thing, but securing the well being of their corp in a continuous universe.
Mash the recive button on tele while it is uncalibrated, it makes bad things happen sometimes.
Yeah that might be a bit too much. How about an implant that allows the user to connect to the syndicate database?
Implant sounds better.
>you'll never be apart of the true Nanotrasen, a monster corp ran by ex-spacemans.
>You'll never be an "asset requisition officer" tasked with "pecuring strategic resources" from other corps.
>you'll never pace through the asteroid belt, marauding and destroying mining complexes put up by other people just trying to survive in space.
>you'll never be a corporate sponsored space pirate.
tables man
can't get rid of the seams that easily, turns out point sampling only does so much
but I fixed the lighting issues some were having
sexy sexy tables
trying to decide what models to do next after I finish up the last few tables
lockers, consoles, or vending machines
table climbing when
Vending machines that produce a little light would be goat
Looks good lad. How about a computer frame?
I was actually doing the same thing.
>3 official servers for 3D game
>in a rare game mode they'll combine together so all the players are on the same server, with 3 separate space stations
>only one knows the other two exist, has to slowly infiltrate the other two stations
>if the infiltrator station is found out the other two stations can win if they take out the heads of the infiltrator station
Fund it and/or code it
I just recently started a business venture, so in a few years I might just do that.
funny thing is
in all the places where I put a low ceiling over a table
like the desk in the hop line or the desk between chemistry and the medbay lobby
there's enough vertical clearance to climb over it
unless you're playing the map in tf2
tf2 characters can't duck worth shit
can add glow maps to textures easily, and I can probably just drop a faint light in front of the machine
that's what I meant by consoles
most of the computers look pretty similar, could probably set up a single model with different skins
possibly animated, even
>Already a year since Ion got revealed
It'll never happen user
AAA spacemen is never meant to be
>tfw most machines don't have a way to be hilariously malfunctioning
>cloner doesn't make people tajarans
>medical scanners/crewmonitors don't report random damage values, viral infection and coordinates
>security records doesn't randomly set people on arrest
>supply console smuggling random orders in
>autolathe and similar printing random junk/contraband
>atmospherics/power alarm throwing out random alarms
>AIRs randomly powercooling/heating the room
Make GR3Y-T1D3 great again.
Man, o don't even want true 3d, because the space man formula wouldn't translate well into it.
Just make it like the new Pokémon games, 3d but still based on a plane, with z-levels for upstairs and downstairs.
And a more internally consistent art style.
>Swipe virus disk in order console
>For the next 2 mins all orders are a box that when open it releases angry bees
>Do it at round start when everyone orders stuff
>Cargos glub crates are now tons of bees
Sounds like fun.
How do you call a Vox in the kitchen? Food
What are the best ballistic weapons in-game for you guys?
Is the science-made rifle on par with the nuke op rifle?
Are shotgun darts actually in-game?
Handguns more prominent WHEN
I wish there would be more ballistic weapons in game
The c20 smg is the best weapon so far because it always stuns the target. The mateba follows right after
Why isn't security based on rubber bullets and ballistic weapons here?
The best ballistic weapons are the ones we rarley get to see or use that so far are only you can only get when a wizard spawns guns.
Hardboiled mode when?
By far the best weapon in the game that aren't adminspawn are the assault rifles. They are functionally the same as the nuke op SMGs. 20 brute damage per hit. 80 damage on burst fire if you manage to land all 4 hits
the tator revolver and the mateba can debrain in 2 hits. Revolver is I think 70 and matemba is 60. They can blow a head off your target if you shoot them point blank I believe
Don't fall for the shotgun meme. Lethal combat shotguns do 60 damage but don't knockdown and need pumping. regular shotties do 40 and they both have a 5 shell capacity if you chamber a slug.
in most situations. the AR is the BEST weapon because of it's versatility. it can do a lot of damage with burst fire which is great on targets that can't be knocked down (xenos, mechs, turrets, hostile mobs, mutated people)
and single fire is great for slippery enemies like wizards and vamps because of not only the knockdown, but also the high potential for bleeding/internal bleeding. Combine that with a huge ease of reloading and it's really the best. It's only downside is being a ballistic weapon and thus easier to dodge
I wish my detective revolver was a pistol instead
actually fuck that I want the tf2 spy revolver
>shooting a xeno with bullets
Yeh naaaaah
A xeno can tank a screenwide gatling gun spray whilst closing the distance and rush disarm the shooter easy without dropping first.
On that note, I've been toying with a neat, stupid idea
>spess13 engine, no more byond
>spess13 standards, coders managed to git gud
>any item from a coderbase can be ported to another coderbase right away, no conflicts
>and on runtime
>different servers can make server networks where you can travel between standard compliant servers
>ywn wage war against tg
>ywn defend from goon raids
>ywn bully bay
>ywn trade waifus with vore
>there will never be a complex diplomatic scene of allies and enemies between servers and stations
It would be good if the det revolver got a nerf in attack but in exchange it ricocheted like the ricochet rifle, so we could have a few Ocelots every now and then instead of "WOW I JUST SHOT HIM WITH MY HARMLESS GUN 12 TIMES AND HE IS DEAD? WOW"
What ERP server do you creeps play on
Well, the deal with xenos is don't fight them at all ever since sood broke facehuggers to be rape machines, they lost the fire weakness, AND got increased health.
I'd rather it lose what it had in attack entirely but got the same stun rate as the c20 like a flavoured taser 2bhfma
Discord mostly
I'd rather we just get a box of lethals and rubbers
You can put lethal bullets in a detective's revolver already
You forgot the unavoidable tackle spam
yeah but at the cost of it blowing up and it takes time to swap out
The official Veeky Forums erp server is EROS
Git gud
>be in full hardsuit
>magboots on
>chems against brute damage in the body
LOL let me ignore this laser gun you're firing at me while I press F to win
You will never you inbred
delete this
I dont want people to see my name there
Wait really
>Gold extract monsters don't harm slime people
I wish I knew this earlier, I could of done a better antag than just
Keep this to yourself because if the powergamers find out, slime people will be instavalid
Is this a thing
How do I turn off this shitty background thing that lags me out any time I pass a window?
Preferences, toggle space parallax
parallax is a mistake
>parallax is back
oh boy I want to see this, I wasn't around last time
hope it gets optimized soon
>happy because eros was advertised as the "normie"erp server that wasn't like vote or paradise or whatever.
>roving gangs of shark girls
>find Veeky Forums people
>talk with them for a while
>ask them for erp
>roving gangs of shark girls
I mean... Do shark girls really count as furries?
It's still an animal. It's not even a mammal I'd say lizards/sharks are even worse
Literally shilled on reddit every other week what do you expect?
Animal people is not normie.
I do not want to erp with the cast of zootopia. Just because theu don't have fur doesn't mean they're not furries
Fuck off Kurt
Hi Kurt
So if I had a futa human-taur (flesh centaur) with three pairs of breast, lipples with cock tongues and three tentacle cocks, that's normie, right?
Are you sure you're not an octopus at that point?
This is the ERP server many Veeky Forums players use, the furry shit is less obnoxious than on vore but it's still there.
Still, if you want to fuck you're waifu she's probably there
>tfw waifu doesn't erp
Am I going to get banned if I just ghost all the time
Me too.
it depends nigga
the gold extract slime monsters when made with blood are tame and will not harm anybody
but if you make them with plasma, they are going to be hostile to everybody
Did Suddenly-A-Bimbo user show up again since yesterday?
No, you can ghost and latejoin rounds or just ghost forever and watch people erp if you want.
From what I can tell the admins do nothing at all, I once ran a stupid gimmick as a character called stan rogers, and just quoted his songs and not 1 bwoink was had.
She probably does, I know of like 5 "waifus" that go there and occasionally erp. Kurt Jacobs has probably hit it first
it was optimised by cluster, it's pretty damn smooth.
My waifu has far more respect for herself than to go after Kurt
I hope otherwise its into the trash with them
Yeah but are those really the waifus or just people roleplaying as them
And that's fair. I just wanna watch people, I don't wanna engage.
It's the waifus themselves, they use their own ckeys most of the time.
One doesn't but plays essentially the same character anyway so it doesn't matter.
Name? I've been logging Kurt's conquests since the purge day, I can tell you if he's done her and how many times/
>erping with Kurt 'I write my ERP before you've finished writing yours or I'll blow too fast' Jacobs
>erping with Kurt 'I'll shit talk you on Veeky Forums after' Jacobs
>erping with Kurt 'lol look how junk the crew are pls do me instead' Jacobs
>even worse
? Wouldn't you mean it's the same?
>When the parallax with 0.1 speed looks just right
From 2007 effects to 2010 effects in a week
Smooth lighting and parallax. Now we just need pixel movement, pixel visibility, 64p sprite upgrade and some 3D perspective and we are rocking a whole new spessmen
Those posts the other day weren't from Kurt.
They were from me.
t. Not Kurt
Someone got a webbum or gif of the parallax?
Why wouldn't you cut a person's limbs off to help with their fetish you fuck
Let them get what they want outta it.
bitch pls you were caught out by someone who named the partner you shitposted about the whole time whilst you were trying to play it off for the (you)
RP faggots fucking ruined this game, the top servers have great features but this autistic roleplay shit makes them unbearable to play on. How the fuck do people find RP fun? It's literally fucking playing pretend
playing pretend is fun
sure as fuck is more fun than ERP or deathmatches in byond's horrible system
t. Someone who doesn't get what SS13 is actually about
t. Greytide
t. MetaPowerFuckwit McNeverWannaSeeHimAgain
Because I didn't feel into cutting off somebody's fucking limbs?
Don't forget needing to be prompted in LOOC
I was working on pixel movement for a while, but it's on hold until I can get some conceptual stuff nailed down, and even then a lot of people don't seem to want it
There are a lot of things in SS13 that rely on tilebased movement and I'm not sure how they should be addressed
I BELIEVE there's a BYOND library out there for pixel visibility, but I'm sure it's slow as fuck, and it requires pixel movement anyway