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You know, skeletons in this game look more comedic then intimidating or frightening.

>archaon will forever be known as the everfailure alongside abbadon

How the fuck does Chaos even pick their champions. The only fucker who ever did anything special was Horus.

They're meant to mimic those skellingtons from Jason and the Argonauts, that's why it looks like they're stop-motion at times.

2th for terror

In the original Total War: Shogun, I once watched a Kensai successfully defend a bridge against an entire brigade of enemy Samurai. In that moment the last vestiges of historical accuracy drained out of the series, never to return. It wasn't a great loss: the franchise is still the best wedding of tactical and strategic layers ever to grace a computer. But given the emptiness of its historical settings, it makes sense that Total War has finally ditched any pretence of simulation with the entirely pretend Total War: Warhammer.

Not that the result has much in common with either piece of source material. As a veteran of both, I started out utterly confused after an inexcusably bad tutorial and lack of instruction material. Miniature gamers will discover that tried and tested tabletop tactics don't work on these digital battlefields. Total War devotees, on the other hand, will find that while the mechanics are familiar, the vast diversity of new and bizarre units make the game play very differently to its predecessors.

Given how awful the learning curve is at the moment, it's tempting to stall on this until various bloggers and vloggers have got on the case to smooth it out. Patches will come, prices may drop. Those who like a challenge may wish to take the plunge now and learn the hard way. Either way, if you have the slightest interest then this is not a game to miss. In bringing fantasy to Total War, Creative Assembly have made both the best Total War game and the best fantasy strategy game to date.

>play VC
>bro it up with the Dwarves during Chaos invasion
>Decide to do the quest battles in Southern Badlands (controlled by the Dwarves)
>Didn't know about the teleport button, so march all the way south in raiding stance
>give a medium gift to the Dwarves every turn to offset the diplomatic penalty
>When its all done the Dwarves have so much cash they've actually overtaken me in the strenght ranking
>Dwarves still end up hating my guts, and ally themselves with the Empire and Brettonia
>Surrounded on all sides, can't attack one without dragging their whole alliance into it


>obligatory post about magic being shit unless you're playing on medium or small unit size

Is he the Antiochus of Warhammer?


nth for memes

>not the single largest fuckup

Are there any factions you can ally with? How far away are you from the chaos invasion?

>be on legendary
>stunty shows up with 19 catapults and a lord
My screen shot didn't work but god damn, it was glorious. The absolute madman

Should I phase out Grudgethrowers for cannons, or keep both, or just not bother with cannons?

I don't know anything about what Dwarf Arty is good.

He had a lot of grudges to settle

How do I embed a lord into a unit?

They're only funny when not bearing down on you under a flexing bat.

>The only fucker who ever did anything special was Horus.
Archaon did squat the Fantasy setting though (thanks to the everbutthurt GW after SoC).

>Start Dwarf VH campaign for the millionth time
>Grimgor shows up with two stacks turn 20

Nope. I refuse to believe this is possible.

Go 50/50. I personally like cannons more, but throwers are very good for sieges and have bigger AoE.

You play the TT.

Chaos is defeated, only the Varg are left, but are contained in Norsca, so I don't really need to worry about that.

No possible allies, although the triple alliance is at war with Estalia, so I could attack them to score some points with the other factions, maybe get them to break their alliance.

>not playing on Ultra unit-size

Didn't Archaon actually succeed in destroying the Old World during the End Times though? I haven't read too much on it but as far as I'm aware the world did end in some way and Chaos was involved

>Archaon, The Everchosen, Lord of the End Times, Chaos Incarnate, Herald of the Apocalypse, Warlord of the forces of Chaos United, Scourge of the Empire, Destroyer of Worlds, Exalted Grand Marshal of the Apocalypse
>A failure

anyone know how this game saves replays? If theres patches will the replay play out differently?

>End Times


orcs have no early armour pen, just spam some heavy infantry

Just got ambushed for the first time. It's going pretty well.

So, do you actually use 2h warriors and longeards as dwarfs? Since they are less tanky than the standard variant, and your power comes from ranged units anyway, are they worth it at all?

> Tomb Kings still not announced

Any variant of longbeards is worth it

Archaon failed so fucking bad GW had to step in after Storm of Chaos. Instead of actually following the results of the campaign they rewrote the story to make it look like he was about to win, then got headbutted by Grimgor who promptly left the scene.

Seriously, it was fucking terrible. The End Times made it even worse because it ended with Age of Shitmar.

I only ever use them against Chaos.

The only infantry worth anything is Ironbreakers.

I was specifically talking about 2h, I know LB are a straight upgrade to warriors.

>hahaha it's not canon

I don't understand this meme. The owner of the IP stopped printing the books and killed the figures for Warhammer fantasy, that's about as canon as it gets.

Did the meaning of canon change or something? Does literally anyone get to decide what's canonical now?

tell me about End times user, what exactly happened? I hear a lot about Storm of Chaos but after thatjust kinda stop talking about it... like its some kind of memory they are trying to forget

Literally the entire fanbase up and left when End Times and Age of Shitmar happened. Doesn't get more non-canon than that, regardless of what GW wish.

Meh, their performance is mostly sub-par too frankly. The real danger with fighting against vampire counts is dealing with the monsters and the tarpits of chaff at the same time. On their own stuff like skeletons, zombies, and ghouls get their shit slapped.

There is a teleport button?

I don't think you understand the definition of canon

And I don't think you know Death of the Author.

Yes, learn from my folly and use it user

How should I build Mannfred? Lore of Vampires or Death? Warrior tree? Or Leadership tree?

Best or most useful tree to research first?

>Pagoda edition
It begins.

>Doesn't get more non-canon than that

You clearly don't understand what that word means

Which is not the same thing as canon.

>Literally the entire fanbase

I think you're watering down the word literally here

>regardless of what GW wish

Again, the owner of the IP doesn't decide its future? Because in all practical senses it seems they do, and did.

Also what these guys said.

'Archaon' didn't fail because he's a character in a fuckign story you retarded fuck. GW opened it up to a tournament in which ONE faction chaos had 3-4 players match up against 30 players of EVERY OTHER faction at a time when chaos was underpowered and this led to the shock result that Chaos didn't win the campaign.

GW fucked up with the End Times and SoC plotlines and they also had no fucking clue where there were going with the setting because it was doing so poorly.

> I already finished the battle by marching for 10 turns in raiding stance
Can I teleport back?

wtf marienburg

What does?

>quoting me
You're barking up the wrong preacher. No matter through what GM fiat and mental gymnastics, but he did finish an entire setting unlike Horus who just willingly let himself be baited into a civil war with daddy.
But let's not talk any more about the fanfic tier end times.

>tfw away from strong brew and warm fire in a cozy mountain

How do Ikko Ikki cope without metsuke? I always used to crutch on them driving up my income. Do they get any extra monks in exchange? Seems kind of bad if you just sacrifice 1/3 of your agents for no real gain.

t. considerer of making Ikko campaign

I don't see how that's relevant to what's canon and what's not. Feel free to explain how it is though

Got a source for this? A few threads earlier some user said Age of Sigmar is doing really well and is making up for 40% of GW's profit in this fiscal year. His word is as good as yours.

does it automatically after the battle.

Pagoda editions are a mene from times of old.

it does.

yes the end times and age of sigmar are complete shit, but it doesn't make it non-canon unless they decide to retcon it

Holy fuck you've been gone for awhile

>falling for one of the most tired and stale Veeky Forums memes

>and is making up for 40% of GW's profit in this fiscal year.
GW mostly sells AoS and 40k, that 40% doesn't mean anything without concrete cashmoney numbers.

Narrative campaign with special rules they had around the world, like Chaos could field a bajillion Warriors and such. People would compete and then send in the results, and it ended with Chaos being roflstomped, After it was done GW said it was a terrifying battle and Chaos nearly won and only being defeated at the final push, because hey, fuck the results. The reality was that Chaos wouldn't even make it out of the goddamn Wastes.

Doesn't matter now though, the setting and franchise is dead. AoS is the shittiest successor anyone could have asked for. They even killed Slaanesh because lol-rated-m-for-mature.

>fanfic tier end times.

Well, credit where credit is due, things actually happened.

Betrayal at Calth (a single scenario) made more money than the entirety of AoS since its release.

bump, would be helpful to know.

>Literally the entire fanbase up and left

They didn't leave shit, they were thrown out because they didn't care enough about the game to put money in it but wouldn't stop whining anyway

>Well, credit where credit is due, things actually happened.
We should've been careful what we wished for.

Yeah, and 40k is super fucking popular, so if it manages to get 40% next to that, it's not doing that bad.

I believe you but I'd believe a source more.

>space marines vs space marines sold well

What a twist

>so if it manages to get 40% next to that, it's not doing that bad.
It's just confused 40k fags picking up Sigmarine kits by mistake.

Fantasy had a lot of issues, both from game rules and pricing. Killing the franchise and replacing it with not-40k was not the answer.

Tell me about the Mousillon /twg/.

GW thought people who had played the game for years would need to buy the same amount of models as people who were just coming into the hobby.

The problems is, the cost of entry was so fucking hIgh that less and less people thought it was worth it to play the tabletop and just settled on the fringes with the role-playing games and novels. This wasn't helped by the fact that the model prices grew every year to offset the lack of income from new players.

>they were thrown out because they didn't care enough about the game

They cared about the game, they didn't care for GWs monetization policy. GW are bigger jews than than even the Parajews. Up to a hundred bucks or local equivalent for a single box of 12 minis, go fuck yourself.

They have dismounted knights while bretonnia doesn't

I've not played warhammer total war - but are you implying they got rid of dismounting cavalry?

What the fuck.

This dismounted knights meme needs to stop

Doesn't have a LL.

Stuntie filth how goes crossing out entries in your book of butt hurt?

You can't dismount cav on the tabletop, so I guess it translated the same way into Total Warhammer

holy shit archy is dumping lyrics so hot the ground is melting.

Streamlining, yo.
No loose formation either, spear and shield wall are now automatic effects under right conditions.

Can somebody try to figure out if there's a very specific breaking point for Archaon to spawn or if there's some random amount of turns around turn 100 involved?

Why you have to be such an AElf?



Yeah, problably because of the setting. Same with formations and such. It's a very streamlined title and if you know nothing about WH then odds are the game is going to be disappointing.

Personally I have 157 hours played because I fucking love Warhammer.

It's an Age of Sigmar thing.

They have the best grail.


Playing as VC. I swear, you go to war with the Greenskins for a couple turns and suddenly everybody wants to be your friend.

you can spread the Ikko faith for free troops and focus on getting income from your buildings

enjoy Age of Shitmar orruk

Why are so many people bad in MP? Spaghetti lines and bad army compositions as far as the eye can see. I'm playing VC, so it's a given that I outnumber the enemy, but they don't have to make it this easy to completely surround them. I don't even have to abuse spirit leech. Is it simply all the people who have newer played TW before?

We I gitz der... I'z gonna STAB!

Things are going well this game, all the neighbouring clans have declared war on me after seeing my prosperity. I have become a trading super power. This war is good, i will be able to link my railway to all my provinces once i take out the Edo clan.

This income is getting out of hand though.

Red Duke/Blood Knight combo is going to be a blender like nothing else.

Why are you playing this useless clan?