Fighting Games General /fgg/
injustass 2 when??
One Piece Burning Blood should have been a 2D fighter but keep the 3v3 style and have it play like MvC
I hope they fix IJ2's faces.
Is it possibly to learn about GG without joining some faggy discord where they probably don't even talk about the game?
Why does Rashid's F+MP cause juggle state and why is the cancel window so small
>a literal gorilla
DC lmoaaaaa
Anyone SFV NA East Coast?
>mfw NRS is a shit studio and won't put Starfire in IJ2
Does the /fgg/Discord bully anime players?
>injustice 2 is real
How much did DC pay Boon to shit out a new game before the Justice League movie?
no, we are super accepting of anime players and there's even a channel for them.
Is Vega good for a beginner?
not really but don't even join if you can't take lighthearted shit talk or you just turn into tsumuji
so why not just talk here? It seems completely pointless, the only reason i can see to do it is trying to get more attention
So you're saying it promotes segregation and anime players are the niggers of the discord?
Nah people are play Revelator right now.
Kum is a fun character but why does she have such a lewd name?
>there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who are actually, unironically, literally looking forward to playing Ed Boon's newest kusoge
This screams yet another HD remaster for the other personas.
Without a carefully palced leak you are just one of many games shown at e3 during the indie we
Single player content and good netcode can make people do crazy things
I'll buy it for 10 bucks at a sale few month down the track and just play through the story mode once.
people just talk dude. about anything. posting music, talking about non fighting games, sharing hentai/doujins, talking shit and playing games. why are you such a faggot
BBCF will save the FGC
>drawn anime character
>call it "western"
There are way more languages than american.
Injustice was fun af. I just played it a shit ton as a side game and I'll do the same for 2
>single player content
Just watch the cinematics on youtube and download the comic.
Westaboos are the greatest people on the planet and if you think otherwise then there's something wrong with you.
BB is dead. Revelator is here
Probably his normal salary since that's his job
Perception of Koreans, I guess.
How is that any different from here? Why would you need both places?
By the time it hits the US, Japan will already be playing BBCFE. People will see that, decide to learn the game when it comes out, and go back to SF5. Repeat next year.
So there's basically a 100% chance of another installment of Xrd being released within the next three years, right?
White tshirt Supergirl >>>>> blue spandex Supergirl
I hope Injustice 2 has a Suicide Sqwad Joker DLC costume like they had a movie Bane DLC costume.
You really don't. People actually play in the discord. Every day. Different FGs.
You don't need fgg anymore once you join nor do you need the discord if you post here
it's literally easier to shit talk, play games, have multiple spectators etc. plus lack of anonymity means people are more easily shamed and refrain from sniffposts/other gayness for the most part. the best part is shitters with incorrect opinions can theoretically be called out more easily if they spout random nonsense about a game (so that rarely happens). and dodgers are ridiculed. it is paradise. matter of fact, nobody join it you will ruin it
should I use my real name when I enter tournaments
That doesn't even make sense, you retard.
It's not that small, his f+mp is great for dank for CC combos and resets
NRS games have way more singleplayer content than just some cutscenes. That is why people liek them.
why do people keep calling snakeeyez girlfriend a tranny?
Use your real first name, but make your last name Japanese.
Like Rick Kobayashi or something
a TRUE patrician
>go back to SFV
This post was almost believable
>plus lack of anonymity means people are more easily shamed and refrain from sniffposts/other gayness
I miss flea....
IJ2 needs to take out these shit characters that no one wants:
>Killer Frost
You are literally asking how muh the owners of the studio paid the studio to make a game for them and calling me a retard for not following your """""" logic""""""
Yes, the pc version.
No, choose a band name from the 90's. They have the best names
But its all garbage. Like worse than mobile games tier minigames or more awful vs CPU shit.
But they didn't
They need to include Baiken, Robo-Ky, and Zappa and making them DLC would be insane.
You say that, but even the high level players who hate sf5 keep playing because they think there's nothing else out there.
So how long have you been slurping onos piss?
As long as brainiac or doomsday are in there, i'm good with all the other bullshit.
The only character there who sucks is Frost.
Who should be replaced with Captain Cold.
Well yeah but they're casuals, they don't know what good is.
Sf5 still sees play because of esports pot bonus. Not because there is nothing else to play.
>actuallly enjoying this garbage wank NRS shits out
Maybe if you stopped buying their garbage fighters for bad single player shit they could work on something more decent again, like another Shaolin Monks.
I'll wait for sf6
Is this the new meme?
(read down)
Some autist randomly brings up KI, KOF, MKX or Xrd to deflect from people criticizing Capcom or SFV and then proceeds to complain about "KI/KOF/Xrd/MKX shills" when he brought those games up in the first place.
Is it always the same person?
That's, like, not how ANYTHING works.
Nice autism
make up a cool name with dragon in it
Shaolin Monks was a shitty meme game too. Unironically tell me why anyone would play that over the 20 japanese character action games that are 5-100x better.
t. anti capcom shill
>character action games
Now thats a memeterm.
I already played all japanese action games many times and the only company left making them is Platinum, and keeping up with their releases is easy.
Shaolin Monks was also coop and we need more coop beat em ups.
Yes capcom fanatics are chronic shitposters. Last thread he got angry and started spamming porn to call mods.
Because Shaolin Monks had actual level design, an interesting setting, interesting enemies, interesting story and a satisfying combat system.
Japanese action games are about combos and little else, with the exception of NG which is a legit great game.
>not believing in DMC5 at E3
>implying that Capcom won't fuck it up like they did with Street Fighter
lol just lol
GG dies on Monday
tfw woshige killed street fighter and he'll kill dmc next
If Capcom released a new Devil May Cry or Onimusha I would be all over it, but even then I'd be done with them sooner or later. Its single player shit that wont last forever.
We need more good action stuff. Meanwhile there's enough fighting game franchises out there for anybody to pick from and the world wouldnt be much of a worse place if this MK and Injustice shit died out.
You niggas will never learn. let it go, the train is gone. The dream is dead.
Woshige is actually the savior anime games need. He stood up at EVO so the video could go viral and get featured on ESPN and then he ruined SFV and went back to playin Xrd. He did it all for us.
>tfw favourite series are RE and DMC
>How do we fix Injustass 2?
>Put static shock in it
THIS tbgh, senpai.
>His name is static
This, too.
I still think that Capcom is the best company around.
They got much worse over the last gen, but everybody else did too.
Why do superheroes look so gay and stupid
>mfw even ESPN couldn't save Xturd
Because they are gay and stupid.
Why do anime characters look so gay and stupid?
Static's cool.
But it needs Question.
Though that might not fit with their meme armour system.
You know who would fit? And was teased forever in the first game?
Blue Beetle.
GOOD NEWS user! A new Resident Evil is just about to release and it really puts the series back to its roots, powered by the Unity™ engine.
ummm lol?
How do I deal with Leo as I-no? I can't even grab him when he's close to me and he has answers for pretty much everything I do.
who is the target audience for this?
Stop playing kusoge
People who still buy capcom games. This is how sfv looks to most people too.
Try using air footsies and dash n mash.
Looks like a fun mindless shooter. I'm down to play it.
Block and the UNGA and when he goes for the BUNGA stroke the big tree for a CH combo.
So I want to get Revelator. I own Sign. The netcode for Sign is garbage. It's pure delay and it feels like I'm playing old MKX online except I can't just dial a combo and guess right to win here. Is the netcode better in Revelator or is online still sluggish garbage?
It's the same