Ashe is the Best and Cutest Girl on League
Adc's and Lulu Edition
Ashe is the Best and Cutest Girl on League
Adc's and Lulu Edition
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ashe is shit
op suck my damn balls
Best girl.
Best body.
Best wife.
Why does Dyrus always sound like he has a bad cold and is fucking stoned off his ass? Does he have autism or something? Legit question.
I wanna lick Trundle's armpits
some days ago he was shittalking MF and now she's all "haha dude freelo"
when jhin was released he was playing him with lifesteal and talking shit about it, got buffed, he said the buffs did nothing, some days later "dude lol jhin is so brainless impossible to lose with him haha"
honestly he's good at recognizing what is truly OP (basically anything he plays is both top tier and most likely easy to play as well), but i wouldn't listen too much to his analysis since he always exaggerates shit
for him ads are either op or shit
jinx is literally fine by the way
>Miss Fortune contemplating suicide
>being mad
Anyone OCE wanna be my LoL buddy?
I'm around gold/silver but haven't played ranked, just know that because it's what I get matched against.
>literally believing me
I just typed up some bullshit reason in 15 seconds as to why she'd have goggles/glasses.
Because of imminent unjistified nerfs while Lucian gets a 99% ban/pickrate on the lcs/dyanmicQ
whats the best champ to play when rolling on mdma?
>tfw can't play ashe worth shit
>tries to get cheeky auto in after slowing them with volley
>they turn around and i get popped or have to blow both sums + ult and run for my life
best girl and most in need of buffs
It's just who he is bud.
Let it be.
I don't get that fucking volley, half the time it seems to go through everything, the rest of the time it seems to get stopped by the minions' non-existing shadows and everything
ashe main here
you don't go in after volley
you go in when they tap in auto range and you have 4 stacks for your q
90% of the time they will try to run and you will just shred their HP bar
dj sona
post top 3 champs
in case you guys are interested
Happens to me very often, but I think it's because I don't care about winning in normals, I just pick some shit I feel like playing and enjoy myself until the end.
That's part of the why I avoid playing more rankeds than normals in a day.
>try playing dota because of all the shilling here and fuck riot
>all of the cc bar a few skills is point and click
seriously though, being able to dodge cc is one of the things riot got absolutley right
>No one wants to kill the fucking wind dragon because is just not fucking worth it
>Nu uh we wanna see what the pro's do with it before we do anything to it
Welp, another month of sending botlane top to focus on rift herald
disjointing/bkbing/mantaing an important stun feels much much better than dodging a CC spell which will just come up in 3 seconds and you'll have to dodge again
>2300 people work on League of Legends
>Has worse balance than a game made by one autistic Arab
because she knows she's next in the adc gutting list
Vayne vs Vladimir is so much better than
Thresh vs Lucian
if we're gonna have generic grimdark rivalry they need to bring both back into viability, not just one.
Also fuck Lucian he belongs in the trash and best waifu belongs in every game.
Riot doesn't have Magician's Red.
>jinx is bad
>53% winrate
>implying pro play matters to anybody besides pros
>get two kills
>try to end the game
>squirrel ninja flashes R and instantly kills your backline: Sivir, Lissandra, Anivia
>lose game
thanks squirrel ninja
lissandra dealt 14k damage to champions in a 40 min game somehow which is less than everybody but the support, even less than the two tank junglers
>having a red waifu
>normal games
>not played disconnected hell
>not full of plastic and up who either bought their accounts, or leagues don't mean shit
>not full of tryhards that are just too pussy to play ranked
no thank you
somebody did the calculation and in the last 65 proffesional league game 48% of the cast was picked kek
>more than half the champion roster isn't worth picking under ANY circumstances
>people call this an esport
I want to sniff Rivens wet panties after a hard day
nice meme
More important question: why is he feeding 9 games out of 10? Wasn't he suppose to be a pro player? How does he lose his lane EVERY FUCKING TIME
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
Its the curse of the old, at this point the average league joe is prolly at the level of season 1/2 champions
i have a feeling vindicator vayne will become her best skin once she gets her eventual visual update
Because most NA "pros" are just people who got in the scene early (s1-2) and nepotism keeps them from being put out on the street for being shit
vayne is never getting an update/buff
get rekt
>6.12 gonna have lots of support changes
its the patch where they gonna gut zyra i can feel it
Please let this be true for Vayne/Riven/Yasuo, i've supported enough Vayne's to the point seeing her buffed or an item she uses getting buffed physically pains me
not anytime soon but will happen eventually, she looks great but is starting to look a bit dated
obviously ezreal/many others still need it first
>Some of the kit changes look pretty successful so far (e.g. Malz passive creating a healthier playstyle or Zyra capturing more of a plant queen feel).
the amount of skins for champs like vayne, ashe, and varus is just stupid, riot are obviously lazy as fuck and can only be assed with easy skins
>Haven't been playing league much lately
>Queue for ARAM to start up again.
>Enemy team has Heimer and Varus, both with skins.
I don't think I'll be coming back to this game any time soon.
>protobelt looks weak
Fuck yeah
t. Eve main
>below diamond, most Illaois think you're supposed to max W second
I am triggered as fuck
im /new/ but wouldn't it be better to give the kills to the people who do the most damage? rather than the last hit?
>Highest win% is E max first
Redpill me on this.
>Zed is at 49% win rate
So Riot is going to buff him right?
Easy harrass you faggot
End your fucking life
the worst part is most of them are lazy as fuck
vayne only has 1 skin with different Fx, they couldn't be assed to even give heartseeker pink or heartshaped rings
* ᴮᵘᵗ ᶰᵒᵇᵒᵈʸ ᶜᵃᵐᵉ
but everyones against people who say "ks"!!!
There is no reason to restrict ARAM to only the champions you own.
No it isn't.
yeah, I just checked and E max is the best?
what the fuck, how?
doesn't Q gives you more damage on slams?
>This kills the gun nigger
im gonna cum on lulu
How come we have Feak and can't make anything useful with him?
It is and most people know it but most of the time it's too much of a pain to focus on that instead of just killing everyone.
Also some retards can't help but ks everything when they're supports.
the kill goes to whoever lands the last hit on the enemy champion
damage item require gold
tank items require gold
utility items require gold
literally everybody needs gold in the game
if your support soraka with 52 AD that has a sightstone only gets the killing blow instead of you while you have a bf sword and a pickaxe then screw you son maybe you should try harder
The joke was that comparing maxing a different ability than you'd think on a video game character was being compared to either a huge new understanding of how the universe works or a shitty meme generally used by racists.
what the hell? I just noticed that.
QEW feels much better because you get a fuckload of damage from maxing Q.
They must be doing some kind of gank cheese where illaoi pulls and they just gangbang the spirit.
>Can no longer be bought by marksmen
No. The midlaner that chunks their lane opponent doesn't secure anything for the team. The jungler who flashes in and does the final 10% of the damage secures the entire kill for his team, without him they would have nothing
If you're asking about allocation rather than game design yes it is always better to give gold to damage carries
>it's a kennen flashes ult and triple kills 1v3 your backline episode
i trust your judgement
I like that one
top 4 fuck you
>tfw got mastery 6 with 2 7 tokens in 4 games on MF then every single game after has been an absolute shitshow
aaaaaaAAHHHHHH fuck you riot
Dotard here, what exactly do I need to learn to climb from Plat into Diamond?
My most comfortable positions are mid and top, but both don't feel as easy as back in gold, mostly due to my paranoia.
I never feel safe enough to push my lane or play aggressive if I don't know where the enemy jungler is.
My assumption is that he might gank me any time, so I never shove the lane (unless the enemy mid is missing), and tend to farm under my tower with all my mains (Vlad / Swain / Brand).
Don't really understand how all the pubstars and korena challengers manage to snowball and win lane hard without getting absolutely shitstomped by the enemy jungler.
Whenever I get to play mid I mostly just farm.
Don't get me wrong, I constantly top damage and CS, I'm never really "that player", but I do feel like I am playing a lot worse than I could.
Anthrax187 on EUW
Today? Yeah.
But ARAM was born as a custom mode game, so It had the same rules as normal 5v5.
Honestly, it looks like Riot is just too lazy and don't want ARAM-only account players to leave the game for something else.
Im happy Lucian core items are going to be trown into the shreder, the bad part is that
>Those where Missfortune items too and she was just starting to get a spotlight
>This means attackspeed/lifesteal ADC will be good again
>This means Vayne mains will return
We can't have a little bit of sunshine without a fucking hurricane of shit
Champions that will have future reworks soon:
I love Lisssandra!
Ashe is shit lmao
Advice for someone picking up Amumu?
you do realize IE + Reaver both getting buffed is good for Lucian and MF and bad for Vayne since she usually gets IE as a luxury?
I aint reading all that but in my experience from smurfing a lot is that you need to be confident in yourself to be high elo.
Have the confidence to make plays for your team instead of waiting for the enemy to fuck up.
If the enemy does fuck up punish them as hard as possible. Like if top lane overextends with no wards call a gank then take tower then take the enemy jungler's entire topside jungle then take rift herald. Push your advantages as much as you possibly can.
If you're doing good you should just ward the river and push. You WANT to draw jungle pressure so the rest of your team has an easier time, and proper warding means that you should be able to survive most ganks even when you're applying pressure.
Also, are you taking TP in top lane? If you tend to win lane then you should be TPing to other lanes and winning those ones too.
Ryze its in a permament state of being reworked due to riot sheer incompetence
This is the best list riot gave us user
Yorick will be reworked in March 2017. Warwick will be reworked in June of the same age.
>Getting buffed
>The items got +5AD
If essence reaver/IE become the default ADC items there will be better champions to take advatange of it like Ashe/Sivir or even fucking Varus
ETA on Yorick is still before the end of the year.
Reaver > IEdge > Cleaver will work on MF for about the same effectiveness, you can run arpen runes if you really want the armor pen meme to keep going, she has good crit scaling too
MF and Lucian were both reaver + ie builders though, shit MFs build before the cleaver build was reaver into ie straight up without even getting a zeal item
+10 AD overall in your two core items is a nice thing to have
They really should rework him so he scales with mana in some OTHER way than damage if they are obsessing about that idea. That whole "mana for damage" deal is a remnant from his first rework anyway.
>learn a champ well, play him all the time
>get up to plat 1
>people tryharding in every matchmode, every single game
>everyone tries to get every last auto attack and ability off nonstop
>have to zone, harass and freeze at every opportunity or i'll lose lane
how do people have fun in diamond? this is frustrating as fuck
Have they said whats changing with yomuus yet or is it just the trivial price hike on the pbe?
>play toplane
>opponent is forcing me to farm under tower all while poking me successfully
>even waste a flash so i announce it
>think jungler is going to be good and come gank
>minute passes
and that's how i got my first gank at 23:00
the jungler also died in that gank
Why the fuck do junglers never gank toplane at low elo? Seriously this shit is infuriating, i've done 40 - 50 games toplane now and in most in these games i get 0 or 1 ganks