Let the legend come back to life.
>Veeky Forums Player/Guild Spreadsheet
>Player Guidebook (Tips, Facts, and Guides)
Let the legend come back to life.
>Veeky Forums Player/Guild Spreadsheet
>Player Guidebook (Tips, Facts, and Guides)
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Get in here you fucking goofs, I know some of you still play.
I played a shitton back in 2012. Had a character with G1/G2 finished and everything. This was my first account though, and I didn't know I was supposed to grind Windmill on zombies for 3 weeks before I was allowed to do anything else, and I stopped playing.'
I've been thinking about getting back into it just to have something to do.
These days it's really easy to rank windmill even with high CP. You could go back to that character just fine, I'm sure.
If you do want to try it again, I've got a guild on Tarlach that would be willing to help you out. It's not Veeky Forums exclusive so expect to see some unironic "XD" and shit, but they're friendly people. Tarlach's a little dead compared to Mari and Alexina though.
I actually have no fucking idea what server my character was on. Mari sounds familiar, and I think part of the reason I dropped out was because I found out Veeky Forums had guilds and they were always on different servers.
I just always felt lost in the game. The "level-appropriate" dungeons took zero effort whatsoever, but then trying to do the next dungeon in the list resulted in getting one-shot by the first basic mook you encounter. I wasn't just spamming shit either, I was actually using those "combos" like ice shot into smash and windmill or whatever.
is this game dead?
Basic combo cards aren't worth shit. Unless it's a damage boost for shit that actually flows normally it's not worth using, and a lot of basic combo cards draw from like 3+ skillsets at once. You just gotta use what's appropriate for the situation, which isn't always what'll do the most damage.
The Veeky Forums population has always been scattered across all the servers but Mari and Alexina have the most. Hard to say how active they are since I don't play either server regularly and Mabigen's been mostly dead for about a year now, but Alexina's probably your best bet if you're looking for a big group.
>I just always felt lost in the game.
That's just how this game is. It takes a long time to get a feel for everything, more than any other MMO I've played at least.
>I just always felt lost in the game.
It was the same for me. I wanted to make a hardcore mining/blacksmithing character but you need to be ridiculously leveled with tons of high tier gear to even get into the dungeons to mine. Not to mention the millions and millions of gold it takes just to be able to afford the blueprints.
Same with weaving/sewing. It's kinda ridiculous how everything is gated behind "you have to be a jew merchant with literal billions if you want to master anything."
>you need to be ridiculously leveled with tons of high tier gear to even get into the dungeons to mine
You must have been doing something wrong, mining is very easy to get into. Blacksmithing is what's real fuckin' difficult but even then the gold for the blueprints isn't what's really hard, it's the advanced materials that rely on multiple other high ranked crafting skills. Same goes for weaving and tailoring, but not as brutal.
>combo cards
Oh shit, that's a thing now? No, I'd literally just cast ice shot for the stun, then smash, then windmill when they get up, or whatever you did back then.
Love this game only problem is that PVP and EVG is nearly non existent now on alexina.
Monsters just don't do it for me anymore.
They're just boring compared pvp between two skilled players.
Oh, like those combos they have listed on the wiki. Anyway, it still just depends on the situation. That combo you described should work pretty well against a single target, but it's not gonna do much when you've got multi aggro enemies. It's to encourage team play, but there are more options for solo play now.
Could be worse. It's one of those "small but dedicated player base" kind of games.
>Login on old account
>only option is to create new character
Yeah, no, I'm not redoing all of that fucking "FIND A PLAYER WITH X HAIRSTYLE WEARING X ARMOR" bullshit again.
What are you talking about? I don't remember this.
The G1/G2 questlines require you to speak to a very long line of NPCs and find partners for them, which involves finding ACTUAL PLAYERS with certain traits, or wearing certain equipment.
Also, hilariously enough, trying to make a new character with my old character's name says the name is taken. What the literal fuck.
Oh that quest has been dumbed down.
It was nerfed to hell for newbies.
Oh, that. You don't actually have to find players for that.
>Tip: Input "Nora" for Malcolm or "Dilys" for Trefor for Tir Chonaill, input "Tarlach" for Kristell for Dunbarton, input "Ibbie" for Sion or any nearby female player for Bryce for Bangor, and input "Delen" for Galvin for Emain Macha.
Does it still take 8 hours of dungeon crawling to get through the flashback segments or did they change that too?
Majority of g2 was cut down check out the mabi wiki for the changes.
I don't really remember but G1-G3 are generally much easier and shorter than they used to be.
>Check over 3 accounts
>only one with a character still on it is from 2009
You've gotta be kidding me with this shit.
Well I guess I'm starting from scratch, then.
I had tons of good shit, too. I had that crazy curved sword you could only get through fishing and a huge stash of gems.
Time to auto fish while I go watch a movie. Sure hope I catch the book I'm looking for.
What server?
I was on Mari. I just started over on Alexina because that's the most populated.
Which is still in the green despite it being 6pm, in the summer. Dead game general?
I played this game a long ass time ago with my friends in 5th grade, how do I get back into it?
How do you guys usually name your characters?
I have the username that no one but, me uses.
Where do people selling stuff usually congregate now? I remember a lot of people used to be in Tir Chonill
w/e its called.
Can we also discuss Mabinogi Duel here?
Sure, anything to keep the thread alive.
Find someone who has been playing and let them help you. Like I said earlier in the thread I've got a guild in Tarlach willing to help anyone.
Variations on my main online handle.
Never forget
So what's everyone doing right now? I'm about to do some shadow wiz runs.
>tfw still have generations to do but too lazy
I just started magic and i'm trying to find a wand
Trying? Talk to Lassar.
How active is this game compared to like 7-8 years ago?
It's nowhere near as active as it used to be but it's also not as bad as people say. Problem is that while there's a decent sized player base that is dedicated and has been with the game for years, there's not many new players. The few that do show up are usually returning players starting fresh and either way they usually quit because they're overwhelmed by the amount of content and the style of gameplay.
I was trying to find a savage fire wand
So is it still extremely punishing on what you choose to skill first? I remember trying to play melee, and you basically couldn't level anything without getting Rank 1 with Smash and Windmill first or else your char was ruined.
No. It was never that bad either, people really blow it out of proportion. It's pretty much always just been "avoid masteries/hp increases and try to rank CP based skills early to make things easier".
It certainly will be easier to grind windmill out at a low level, but you can do it just fine at fairly high CP thanks to shadow missions and the party finish rule.
So still prioritize Smash/Windmill/Counter/etc. but I'm not gonna be stuck on golems for 6 years if I put points into other stuff?
Windmill mainly, but yeah. If you're really worried about it try reading this
Don't die on me while I sleep.