/fgog/ Fate/Grand Order General

Previous >[Shuten-Doji gacha until 15.6]
- Limited 5* assassin Shuten-Doji
- Event CEs
- 3* Benkei CE: blocks debuffs (1 time) | gourd drops (+1)
- 4* Kiyo CE: +25% damage against males | debuff success rate +12% | gourd drops (+2)
- 5* Tamamo CE: NP gain +20% | gain 3 crit stars every turn | gourd drops (+3)

>[Story half ap quests till 8.6]
- Oni event requires you to complete America

>[Oni raid event until 15.6]
- Raid boss Berserker Ibaraki
- 5* assassin Shuten-Doji temporarily added to gacha
- Event CEs help to defeat Ibaraki; Ushi can be purchased from the shop, Kintoki is part of the damage reward pool - both can be dropped from 1-3 BP quests
- 5* Ushi CE: Quick cards +10% | upon death: ally Quick cards +10% | damage vs. Ibaraki 100% (self)
- 5* Kintoki CE: NP charge +30% | battle start: +15 stars (1 time) | Party ATK (includes support) +50%
More information can be found @fgo_english

>News and Reminders
- Latest changes: fate-go.cirnopedia.info/news.php
- Siegfried, Spartacus, Stheno, Darius, Memeaxe, Kintoki, Nero, Gilgamesh, Saber Lily, and David have lvl. 10 bonds now
- Stay away from cheatAPK, as damage is being tracked


>Frequently Asked Questions

>Mega Pastebin

>Translations Pastebin

>Friendlist Spreadsheet


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xth for clown!

Sita when?

Best archer

Best pirate/privateer/english(wo)man/servant.

Shuten a best!

Nobu a CUTE.


Xth for best waifu.

I love you Gilgamesh!

If I had my own Jack, I'd do this with her every night.

Late night doodlan before bed.


Fake jets get out, true JETS is here.

Illya when?

>Bryn instead of Karna

give me more senpai


>wanting male curry niggers over cute yanderes

Hopefully never



>Vasavi Shakti can't kill a B+ END Servant
>i-it can beat Arondight I s-swear

I've been wondering /fgog/.

Which servant(s) was forgotten thanks to the Onis these last weeks?
Which are the most disloyal type of fags in the general?

Everything GO touches, it ruins. I'd prefer if Illya just stayed pure.

So cheat apk when?

>kills Arondight has

Can someone explain to me why kiri hated Arturia that much? Is it because of their ideals being the opposite? But what bother me is that before summoning her he wasn't annoyed and it's only once he saw her as a woman that he went cold like steel.


thanks senpai

AndyLee said a few hours ago he won't make a new one. Probably never unless some random chink releases one. If you play on PC consider learning about memory editing.


I believe in you Jackie believe in your Master.

AndyLee is ded

>jobbed to Arthur

What is this? Is Bryn in Extella?

Oh it's just fanart. Thought it was a Extella reveal.

But there is a group of people moving on from servant to servant in these generals
They are the most disloyal

Bradamante when?


inb4 b&

Meh I guess I will just do it with CE then.

Vasavi Shakti can punch through a world level barrier that's supposed to block weapons of its tier, shatter the physical shield, and still grievously wound Astolfo with the power it has left.

A cute.

I'm not trying to get b&, I'm just a little drunk.

Wait she will be in extella too?

Fucking source on this, it's not real, right?

It doesn't punch through.


It's just a MMD model.

Thank fuck, if she got in over Karna I'd kill someone.



>B+ END Cu Zilla tanks it

Are you implying corruption is bad faggot?

Surprised Mashu didn't show any jealously or anything.

>B+ is bad

He was already in an extra game and jobbed there, it's time for some other jobber m8

will this game rob me of my money if all I want if cute loli servants?

Already reached max damage and cleared the shop.

Next event when?

I'm still upset Altera and Arturia have functionally identical bond CEs. They're definitely one of the best bond CEs, but Arturia and Altera are already pretty interchangeable in function. Different bond CEs could have helped.

Shu-who? Sorry Jackie will always be the better Assassin. To:Shutenfags


>can punch through
>stated that the world is fine
Kill yourself my man

Explain why Astolfo gets wounded if it doesn't.

Tanks a weakened version thanks to Karna's spiritual core being destroyed along with his heart, and even then only with Battle Continuation and a grail inside him healing the damage. He still has to retreat and lay low for a while because of it.

Well according to people here it is. They keep saying the mud doesn't give you a boost and it's actually a nerf.

Bookanon please stop

What is with that disgusting bottom picture? Fucking kill yourself.

It will rob you of your money, but there aren't many lolis.

>Karna is pretty much a walking corpse at this point
>Cu Alter has Battle Continuation
>Cu Alter is hooked up to a Grail, providing absurd regeneration

>not even A and already above world level

Better in-game, maybe.
Not as an actual servant.

Jeanne and Saber alter are way better than the original.
Cu Alter is bad though.

It doesn't punch through (Astolfo will be dead if that happen) the barrier just doesn't negate all the damage.

Just showing how badass Jack is.

>didn't even kill hands

what is the relationship between this three ?

Shuten was the boss of Ibaraki and Kintoki his lover ?

It didn't punch through the shield, and the shield itself wasn't shattered.

I think the most common point given out here is that nothing about making more powerful has been said, it only corrupts.

So a barrier designed to completely block damage fails to block some damage.

Sounds like punching through to me.

Finally beat my first BP3. Took a bit of savescumming, but at least I had the damage to do it this time. Still couldn't kill the hands though.

>Tanks a weakened version
Cite that

>Karna is pretty much a walking corpse at this point
Irrelevant, Saber was too at the end of Zero and she could Excaliblast sacrifice

You walk into your room after college classes and these two fuckers are about to fuck like rabbits.

What do you do?

Sh..shut up she still beat her.

>not showing damage dealt

>the better

The shield was shattered though not immediately.

Karna mentions he doesn't have enough power in him in his dying words, which is supported by the fact that his spiritual core had been destroyed along with his heart. That he could work up enough energy to use it at all is a miracle in and of itself, since he should have faded immediately.

>tfw this happens in CCC and a call from Rin interrupts you
I've never felt so cockblocked in my life.

move nero out of the way

How is the sake staying between her thighs when you can clearly see the gap it should be spilling out of?

I tell the self insert and the whore to get the fuck out of my safe space

>Karna mentions he doesn't have enough power in him in his dying words

Yes, pretty much.

Pixiv link pls.

The guy is not leaving alive desu

>>Irrelevant, Saber was too at the end of Zero and she could Excaliblast sacrifice
And Karna still shot VS, the question is if it's full power or not.

"Punching through," in my opinion anyway, seems to imply most of the force still gets through, or at least enough of it to cause significant damage. Like a crossbow bolt punching through plate armor and fatally wounding its wearer.

Saber was largely drained of energy, but were it not for that being the end of the Grail War she could have probably recovered from that. Karna's spiritual core was irreversibly damaged, and he wasn't coming back from that.

Also, Saber was bolstered by a Command Spell. Karna was not.

>Hole between thighs
>Sake still there.

Nonody can answer?
Why kiri doesn't like saber?

Maybe it's flowing down