Lissandra is the cutest and best girl in league and she's best freljord
Ashe is a shitty vapid slut, and she's worst freljord lmao
Lissandra is the cutest and best girl in league and she's best freljord
Ashe is a shitty vapid slut, and she's worst freljord lmao
Other urls found in this thread:
xth for your faggot vlad losing you the game reeeeeeeeee
lissandra is the worst girl in the game
The Freljord is a terrible place with terrible women
I mean, I'd hard pressed to find any game fun after plunging myself into it ad nauseam for 4-5 years.
posting best husbando
That's wrong because Ice waifu is from the freljord.
I still think league is fun.
im gay
Learning how to play League was fun.
After that it's just a good time waster and helps me stay connected with some old friends.
>have to speak infront of class tomorrow
>absolutely terrified
i feel like im going to fuck up so bad.
thanks to those stupid kids back when i was in like 3rd grade when i went to the board to solve a math problem and all the class laughed at me
Dude what?
>queue as support and get a 3man premade on my team
>the adc dcs 5 minutes into the game
>It's another "50 minute game where the enemy team is horrible and wins by slowly splitpushing, backdooring and stacking buffs" episode
can someone post the picture of Mia Rose getting railed on the replay screen with phreak standing next to it
How you lookin' today /lolg/?
Its fun with friends, and its not a commitment like an MMO. I pretty much agree with him though. Once OW has ranked I think people will start singing the same tune about it.
He also says you should eat a bowl of dicks for breakfast every morning.
So, go along and do it faggot.
What is there to not understand?
can anyone recommend several possible Nocturne builds that DO NOT involve the hydra items
i hate autoattack canceling and having to remember the fucking active and generally don't play champions like Nocturne who have to do that shit, but i want to get back to playing Nocturne some
assume this is in a high MMR that i got to by playing mechanically simple autist-tier OTP champions like fiddlesticks and that i am not a natural at autoattack/micro-heavy champions like Nocturne and Yi
lost 4 straight today in normals
Learn to cancel the autos it's not hard.
Nocturne and Yi not mechanically difficult.
Then why bother? Just stick to what you know, play to your strengths.
I'm saying being burnt out on the game doesn't necessarily make a game bad or unfun. He's tired of it, so what. I haven't actually watched because I'm not clicking a goddamn Sky video.
Tracer is the best but that image is the worst.
Cloud 9 challenger team is absolutely destroying each team they face
Dardoch is even playing for Liquid academy but Rush is absolutely outclassing Dardoch in the jungle
Fuck off faggot, Form your own opinions.
>Champion design & releases
>more pro players ditching lol for Overwatch
are we fucked
Reported for hate speec
what are you gonna be talking about?
>c9 smurfing through challenger
>when the enemy cait azir and anivia get to late game
>Nocturne and Yi not mechanically difficult
they have a low skill floor (you can afk autoattack with their kits and do reasonably well) but a high ceiling (timely defensive maneuvers with Noc's spell shield, Yi's alpha, and both of their high movespeed in between autoattacks can make them much scarier to face). i don't want to learn to auto-cancel. and i just don't play melee autoattackers often. surely there are builds that are workable without requiring a hydra item.
if i stick to what i know i'll just keep climbing on fiddlesticks and lissandra until i get so bored that i quit. the whole point of playing a game with 130+ champions is to occasionally dabble outside of one's usual picks/strengths because you find certain champions to be fun or interesting.
>announcing reports
Why are Azir and Anivia in the same game?
Take this then.
>tfw the new splash looks like he's a blue angry DJ
azir was top
Team Trump: wall building
Been playing a bunch of nocturne recently and found that warrior > youmuu > cleaver works nicely. It does leave you squishy but you can delete backline carries who are out of position really easily. Generally you want to itemize cdr and armour pen though.
People need to be banned for posts like this.
How many times do we have to say that League is still healthy, not even close to being dead?
>Team You want to Seige? Hahahaha That's funny
>letting a late game hyper carry get to late-game.
Thats your fault man.
forgot pic. yeah my cs sucks i know
Then you can find other, more similar characters with low input barriers that reward solid game sense, which you seem to have.
Thanks I guess?
>banned for trying to bring up the issue of lol's current status
are we reddit now
Haven't watched his videos in a long time since he started parading around him being black and gay for views.
But yeah this is good, funny content and he's right for the most part. The climb is work and you can have fun doing it but you're a bitch if you're one of those "I'm leaving for overwatch" people.
About Martin Luther King, and about how he was a great leader.
i don't live in the US, why should i care about him?, fuck his life is quite interesting though
The game is getting old user.
People are getting tired and want to feel validated for wanting to leave the game after being tired of it so they come here to try and get support.
Kinda like how dotards still post here every day trying to get the attention their game will never have.
>No RoA on Anivia
>Then you can find other, more similar characters with low input barriers that reward solid game sense, which you seem to have.
i know i can - most of my currently played champions all follow that same pattern.
the downside is that i'm not looking for new champs, i'm looking for ways to play a champion that i like but that does not fit my ability very well when built normally (i.e. hydra).
>It's just people seeking validation!
is that why our general is so fucking slow these last two weeks?
>repeating the same thing that's been said a million times
It's getting old, people are sick of the ded game shit in these threads.
There are millions of people playing the game still, and the game is 6 years old.
Yes, the general is slow, but that does not mean the game is dying. They will be back to shit up the thread eventually, League is a addiction, Overwatch is just the new kid on the block.
no that's because esports has been asleep waiting for the summer season to start until last week, and the game isn't suffering from any completely out of whack brokenness right now like 4.20 weedwick
also overwatch is the blizzard eye candy of the week, which is going to cut into activity here, even if they'll all be burnt out and back here playing league 3 weeks from now
Help me, /lolg/.
I can't stop laughing at this image every time I see it. I don't know which user made it, but damn you, user. Damn you.
You glorious bastard
A small niche community people posting every day is waning.
Compared to the millions of people that play this game.
Please think, user.
Fake. She needs a smile.
Xth for best ship.
I kek'd
There is rootbeer in my nose now.
I call this one "Bold and Brash"
I don't like Sky, he acts fake.
Either that or I can't tell the difference between acting gay or fake.
Basically a fat gay guy who tries to get sympathy from normies.
honestly taliyah is one of the best joke champions since twitch got his new voiceover. everyone thought both champ designs were shit until they realized it was a giant joke and taliyah's SUPPOSED to be a dumb dyke sand jew transgender laughingstock.
i want to play normals so i can feel good about playing bard top but i have no friends
NA: Zharkos
what a beautiful meta this patch is shaping out to be
really liking it 10/10 riot games you got me hooked again
>Waero's making ININ 2
>Poppy, Trist and Lulu will be on it.
Oh fuck, I am praying that he learned from his past mistakes and that he won't fuck up this time.
The first ININ was such a giant disappointment.
The cycle of metagolems continues.
ok ill keep trying out assassins mid. they banned fizz but i like ap ekko so it worked out
>losing to AP shaco jungle
It's been a while since Rito released the number of active players.
I posted here since /v/ theads, when tripfaggots like Third doctor or the Patch note dude were here, lapaka meme, fat grackis and all that shit. But I can say for certain that this is the first time I've seen the general so slow.
the previous general even took like 7 hours to fill. I'm not sure people will magically come back unless Rito steps up their game and fix all this shit
He's just that much of a campy fag. He seems pretty genuine, but it's not surprising he turns some people off.
5minute queues in gold2????? what the fuck happened???????
I just hope he doesn't hurt Lulu...
Also, what was so bad about his first one.
I haven't seen it.
>malz and illaoi sup
fucking japs
I hate to admit it but I think /lolg/ dying is partly my fault.
In the beginning there was a ton of people hating on me, impersonating me and calling out on my every attempt at theorycrafting.
Then they turned out to be wrong about pretty much everything we argued about and pretty much everything they theorized about me. Plus I was nowhere near quitting my shitposting so they ragequit the general.
I mean one of them was a self-confessed Zed main so good riddance I guess.
i don't remember the name but was that the doujin with ryze and syndra
Remember xpaladin?
this ones my favorite tho the others were shit and boring
at least irelia vs jax every game is a skill matchup, truly the better player wins and solo carries the game
>have enough ward skins to have a scroll bar
i have a problem
Is it supposed to be this hard to get out of silver?
Almost no sex whatsoever, shitty memes plastered all over by the translator, censorship so bad that would make Kim Jong-un blush and Neils got his dirty hands on it by putting in Riven X Zac with no context whatsoever.
There wasn't even a cumshot or creampie scene, and they even address it as a joke, like rubbing salt on the wounds of the reader.
It was just all around lame.
Wrong about what exactly?
And when the general is alive it's just people posting their waifu and shitposting about how awful league is even though they play it. So the fuck what, even if LoL is losing players, it's not enough to kill it, and it filters out the retards (some of them anyway)
Honestly? I truly think Overwatch is what hit the general hard. If there is one thing that keeps people coming back is "how much money I spent on Riot"
League's free, if someone invested money into it however, they'll see a reason to come back to it.
League will die one day, but I dont think it'll be now. It'd be a slow one but I dont think now is the time league finally dies.
sunk cost fallacy is the only reason people still play this shit game
that or being so completely casual that they don't care about all the bad balance changes
nice, i remember the enormous shitstorm when that came out
I just play Gragas jg, won 7 games so far.
He's really good at making picks with his ult.
I'm at S1 60LP right now because of him, but to be honest S1-G5 is a very weird place.
This one is awful, in the most recent tank meta I could just bully during the laning phase and outroam but now everybody picks decent laners again
I spent more than 600, fuck.
I just want sexy big boobed skins
That I was a brown homosexual shitskin
that Swain x LB is canon
that VxV is semi-legit
that Vlad rework is good and wait for LCS
that Vlad is going to be a midlaner after rework
that Vlad counters most assassins
that he was not overtuned in 6.9
just off the top of my head
>but to be honest S1-G5 is a very weird place.
Putting it mildly. The last time I played a game in G5 we had a Rumble who rushed ROA and used ult to clear Chickens.
Rate the person above (you)'s main
The game is fun until you hit level 30 for the first time. And then its literally downhill from there
Actually, for what I can gather, it was mostly shitposters the ones that left to Overwatch, you don't see that many "Xth for Y" posts that made these threads feel so fast for example.
The thread's speed was mostly inflated by spam.
I mean hell, we've actually been discussing the game for a while now.
>give trinity force 20% cooldown reduction
this is a great idea
no really what was riot thinking?
same way you teamfight as any mage
don't die, use your abilities on cd to damage the enemies
>3 minute wait to get into a Silver game
Holy fuck League really is dying.
I love league. Not even tempted to play memewatch or any other new games because they just feel empty. Kind of like what bf4 is to bf3.
Throw her ult on somewhere that will fuck up the space between the frontline and backline.
Throw her snare to protect your carry.
>remove amp tome from sheen
>replace zeal with stinger
how did Phreak let this happen?
Make Bruisers actually have a good attack speed item? Oh no, the horror