This thread is for the discussion of Hearts of Iron 4, a mobile game by Paradox interactive.
/hoi4g/ Hearts of Iron 4 General
Great meme guys!!! :^)
Can I post stellaris here?
You can post all 4x/mobile games here
so I cant post total war games?
wrong thread
Help, some autist sent me here now another autist is sending me back
Fuck you autismus maximus
>baby doesn't know what Sage is
Why are people trying to talk about HOI4 on /gsg/? That's for grand strategy games
Probably has something to do with HOI4 being a grand strategy game, just my guess though.
Newfags and /v/ trolls
Haha, all those games are shit because I can't draw a line on the other side of a country and have my men do everything for me like HOI4 is complex enough to
The empire of the Platypus just conquered the empire of the Kiwi, how's your game going?
quit being a bunch of spastics
have chicken pot pie
>This thread
i dont get it
Anime thread? >:3
post your kinky shit
john inverdale on suicide watch
Fuck you steam group shutters. Saged and reported.
SUddenl, a 6