>tfw I'm an unemployed recent grad
feels bad, man
>tfw I'm an unemployed recent grad
feels bad, man
Join the military
Bitching about it online will help
Get a job. Any job. Continue to look for job while you have a job.
what field of study?
i went medical got work through people i met in school, and connections out the ass now
get certified in something useful if you were an idiot like me (went to school on mommy and daddy's money and got a useless arts degree):
- ESL (english as secondary language)
- paramedic courses
- programming bootcamps
- AC installations for good side cash
im considering the AC license or ESL myself, probably ESL while I learn spanish or something to make myself more marketable.
Please explain to me this, how is this situation even posible? A job is somebody who has a problem that is willing to pay you to solve, so how can you be so useless that nobody is willing to pay you? There are infinite number of problems to be solved in the world... I understand that sometimes you may be under paid and then you may need to leverage your skills, but how is it possible that you are unable to find a single person who has a problem willing to pay you to solve it?.... explain please.
This. Did you do anything work-related in your 2-4 years of college OP?
>getting a paramedic certification without atleast 1 year on the road as an EMT
don't do this
Staffing companies, try them. Helped me find a decent job.
>major in english/sociology/psychology/genderstudies
>surprised when you're not an asset to the workforce
Basically you are suffering from that logically fallacy. The one that says I have X, so why doesn't everyone else?
I think you are suffering for mental farts, there is no fallacy, the job issue is:
"How can I solve a problem at a rate people want to paid?"
"How can I solve other people problems? at a rate that the benefit is bigger than the cost they perceive they are paying?"
Where is the fallacy? don't tell me there is no people willing to pay to get their grass cut, their groceries picked, their houses cleaned... where is the fallacy faggot?
Now I am going into a very basic level, but lets suppose this faggot got one of those "useless" degrees psycology/history... this faggot at least is able to speak english and write it, do you know how many people arrive to USA that are willing to pay to learn english?, what about homeowrk help?....
But yeah, I studies modern history so I should get paid $100,000 to sit in a museum and jerk off to the old text and keep shitposting, anything else is shit......sure fallcy...fuck off you useless faggots!!!
when you do this shit, you aren't proving what you think you're proving to everyone about yourself. you're just showing that you have no imagination/have never struggled in this area (or any) and have had everything handed to you
>tfw im employed and a high kid
he's right though, don't be retarded
>go to university
>no jobs!
>fuck it! im going into the trades!
>get half way through
>we elect a woman communist as premier
>no jobs!
Fellow albertan here. It is brutal out. What was your major?
EE. 4.0 GPA, 3 internships, worked full time through University as a server when I wasn't interning.
Now I can't get a job after I quit my server occupation.
yes it is brutal, ive never seen it like this and i lived through the 2008 debacle. I went to the movies recently and the NDP are running propaganda ads saying:
>dont worry about your jobs in the oilfields/trades. I mean ya they're gone! but in roughly 20-30 more years there will be jobs installing GREEN ENERGY!
My major was Biological sciences- research student type. I was GOOD at it too! but guess what other graduates had that i didnt? tits, ass and vagina. What do you think each crusty old professor wanted dangling next to him on some remote expedition north for 2-3 months?
Christ that's awful. Have you tried getting another server job while you're looking?
The fucking stupidity of the NDP and their voters defies logic.
>worst oil drop in 30 years
>raise taxes
>cut royalties
>institute higher min wage even though businesses say they can't afford it and will have to cut jobs
>40000 fewer jobs last month
Fuck the NDP
I feel that there is a story to that last point. Care to story time?
its basically what i said
there was 4 professors that showed interest in having me be a research assistant/grad student
you need to have a proffesor sign off he wants you on the team otherwise no position.
All 4 were 50-70 year old fat men, they all chose early twenties perky tit whores who got 2.7-3.0 GPA. I should know i knew one of the girls that got the position rather than me. That one professor had a grant to study polar bear heavy metal toxicity levels. I had STUDIED underneath the fuck doing the exact same tests/sampling. Did he take me? nope
he took Melissa, a fucking BOTANY grad that got a 2.4 GPA finish. Abyssmal but she had double D tits and an ass that wouldnt quit, dirty blonde, dumb as rocks and suggestable as all hell
this had better be the first and LAST time alberta votes for the NDP, if they get elected again in 2 years im moving to a non fucked province. Maybe the maritimes where i can do my trade of Pipefitting
>mfw these stupid millenial bitches come to a board to find company in their misery, while I came from a 3 world shithole 10 years ago and I started carrying rocks for $5 an hour with no english and today I decide whichone of this bitches is hired......
>mfw one of this idiots tell me I have had given everything on a plate and laugh at the other user telling them how to get a job.
Daily reminder, if youre not a NEET generating his own PASSIVE income, you are doomed to a life of debt and misery
maybe you should've learned English before you immigrated
then i maybe i could tell what you are talking about
start buying and selling on ebay jackass.
I waited which was stupid. Probably could have made hundreds of K's if I had just started sooner.
But hes right tho kek. I also know retarded mexican bosses. Anything is possible. Truly.
>mfw a NEET is making fun of a bilingual guy who earns more than him and is giving him good advice.
Survivorship bias
>not having an internship during school.
You only have yourself to blame mate. But don't give up
>unemployed and couldnt even finish highschool
>tried to land a job for over a year so far
Yeah, feels bad mate.
You see user, you are exactly everything that is wrong with these unemployed fags, you think that because you went to school that automatically qualifies you for a job (correlation does not always implies causation, thinking the flowers cause the spring) or even worst you expect somebody to GIVE YOU A JOB, impliying that a jobs is something like a table in a restaurant where you arrive and somebody has to give it to you.... and then you try to make a smart remark
telling me that I am falling for a logical fallacy, that I am cherry picking the elements of an experiment and getting a wrong conclusion without seeing the other elements..... when in reality what I am trying to tell you is that experiment itself is wrong....... let alone the elements of the experiment, the experiment has the wrong assumptions from the beginning..... what is wrong is the way you and all these unemployed faggots see what a job really is, like something somebody have
to give to you, like something that can dissapear... when that is impossible by definition.
I am trying to make you see that the entire window you are watching the world is wrong, not trying to convince you that the flowers you are seeing from window are causing the spring or not, that is totally irrelevant, and just like any other millenial instead of trying to open your mind as an educated person would do, you just vomit a bunch of information you
heard in the school without really understanding what it meant (the goal of school is to get a job right? not learn or think right what you studying right?).....
I would love to write and explaint to you more user, but the biggest blind is the one who refuses to open his eyes.
I was a history major. I don't really think they have internships for that, lol. Still my fault though.
Spent all that time thinking about the past and never thought about your own future. And so it goes
>couldnt even finish highschool
I don't get HOW can you fail highschool. Are you mentally retarded or what? Even if you did it still should be easy.
>how is this situation even possibly?
Almost 100% of kids in uni are stupid enough to think that all they need is good grades. "If I get all A's I'll be rich hehe". Legit, so few people in higher education realize that networking is much more important than grades. You will NEVER in your life outside of school be surrounded by hundreds of people in the same field and with the same goal as you. It's actually annoying me to think about how many idiots just go to class and go straight home right afterwards.
I hate this word, networking, sounds stresfull
Just make friends, you don't even need that many, they may prove useful when you find a job, or not
Nothing even matters, and if you have at least a minimum income that you can save, you can make more of it, if you risk it.
It all sucks anyway, if you know no one, it may drive you more to achieve, which may feel better than your fellow slave introducing you to another master
Marines dont care what your major is even for officer.
However you better be able to handle stress and be a PT god (20 pullups, 18 min 3 mile)
Or you could just enlist. However, it only delays getting back into the private sector job market. I know, I did the marine officer thing and It took me about 8 months of just hoping somebody would give me a chance and be impressed by my unrelated, but valuable leadership skills.
Many people at age 18 arent fully mature or have been in the real world to have learned that lesson yet.
Also, as far as networking with peers. It may come in handy decades down the road but he needs a job NOW. Ive been out for 6 years now and most of my peers are still not in a real position to hire me.
>tfw arts grad
>tfw in uni all the stem students bullied me
>tfw got a job in finance making bank
>tfw stem students cant find work or just end up teaching
Who else fell for the stem meme?
>tfw introvert
>tfw despise interacting with anyone outside a small group of friends
>tfw cannot network effectively
Feels bad man
same situation dude
>impliying that a jobs is something like a table in a restaurant where you arrive and somebody has to give it to you
but what if you are a woman?
you may get a job because you are a beautiful women, but over time the systems get into equilibrium, meaning that time passes and beauty dissapears so as long as this girl is not giving the only valuable asset she have (beauty) and she is not solving any problems (basic principle to get a job) she will be fucked further than you, because now she is unemployed, old and did not learn anything... at least you can learn now, start solving problems and not have to worry about being an attractive women or not.