>Community member makes video and spicy memes.
What can YOU do to make crypto great again?? It's time to spread the word.
>Community member makes video and spicy memes.
What can YOU do to make crypto great again?? It's time to spread the word.
try /r9k/
Someone definitely did last night, they got 75k of them
Is this shit a scam or should I take it seriously?
we podcast now.
Daily reminder that Trumpcoin is a scam memecoin.
o-oh o-k senpai
Daily reminder that TrumpCoin is a biz approved moon coin
Nappa, what will the price of trumpcoin rise to?!
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahHah hahahahahhahahahah
Let's hope he get's them on his Show.
OVER 28....9000!
how about putting the ANN in the OP next time?
Hey guys. My Trump v2 wallet isn't syncing with the network. I've been stuck for a few days.
Is it safe to uninstall, then reinstall the wallet to try and fix the problem?
I have the .dat backup saved, so when I reinstall it there'd be no chance of losing the funds right?
Oh hell yeah
What podcast is this?
Radical Agenda
A right wing libertarian Podcast with many memes. Around 3k views a Show.
He's pretty radical, but i'm sure he handles this quite well.
He's definately not for everyone, but brings an audience.
I don't want to give you bad info and have you lose your coins. Try posing on the ANN.
3k YouTube clicks a show after a week. Not live.
Ok, so this happened to me when I had Trumpcoin open and my PC bluescreened. I had to save the wallet file to a safe spot (i did a cloud drive) then I renamed the trumpcoin %appdata% folder to something like "trumpcoin (original)" or some shit like that. then downloaded a fresh wallet and launched it, the files automatically get loaded into the %appdata% location, then you put your wallet file into the fresh %appdata% location, replacing the new one.
Then wait for a few hours to have the wallet sync up. tread lightly for the sake of your trumps.
Daily reminder that all this FUD is one guy with litterally nothing better to do with his short time on this earth other than to scream about something he apparently thinks is stupid.
Watch. He has 1 post at the moment, it'll be up to dozens by the time this thread is done.
Funny isn't it.
By the way I'm the one who made the first vid in the OP
Not really funny. Sad would be more appropriate. Deeply sad.
Hey guys. Christopher Cantwell just namedropped trumpcoin live on his show and wants to have one of the founders on to discuss what the project is! Get in contact with him immediately. This could be YUGEEE!
Thanks mate. The new wallet is syncing now.
I was starting to worry that after all this time and effort spent, Trumpcoin would moon and I'd be fucked
Maybe sad. But maybe greedy, too. The constant fudding from people could be an attempt to lower the price.
Worth promoting on weibo?
Yes, you might want to post it on the ANN btctalk forum thread, i dont have an account there, so someone please post this there, Were going to the moon lads! MCGA!
that was fast, because i tweeted it to him when the show was on, or maybe just before he got on.
Yes definitely. How can we do this ?
>it'll be up to dozens by the time this thread is done.
and so will you, you fucking imbecile.
he wouldn't post 60 times if you morons didn't reply 61.
but hey, somebody has to tell the hungry masses that this isn't a scam, right? Because things that aren't scams totally need defending?
every time you losers respond you make TrumpCoin look even scammy-er than it already does.
Like trumpcoin needs any help staying flatlined eh?
I guess it's like twitter but being able to read/write chinese would help alot
>he's kinda right
Yeah, you're right, he does. The price has stayed steady and hasnt really dropped below 9k sats. I guess confidence in the coin is too high for the fudding to really matter.
It will be until there is a good reason for new entries. The attempted dumps haven't worked. We have an idea of what's coming and just have to wait for it.
what is going to happen to trump coin when he loses the election?
He will win. What's more important is what happens with the coin before then.
take a look at the chart. not only is the mean level starting to increase but this dip is about to end.
I’m Rick Harrison and this is my pawn shop. I work here with my old man and my son, Big Hoss, and in 23 years I’ve learned one thing. You never know what is gonna come through that door.
>He will win.
>betting odds 2.5:1 against
if you want to make money on him winning, just bet on it.
nobody thinks he's going to win right now. Even the GOP understands this is going to be a landslide defeat.
>nobody thinks he will win
Just like brexit, the msm and establishment have no clue what the average voter thinks. I hope you're getting your 2 cents for posting this shit.
>nobody thinks he's going to win right now. Even the GOP understands this is going to be a landslide defeat.
Yeah that's what remain voters thought and they all stayed home lel.
I put money down on Trump, but to be sure it's entirely possible for either of them to win.
Just hope sandniggers keep acting like animals until november (sounds like a sure bet to me).
>Full throttle September
Hold me lads
are you ready for the takeoff friendo?
As I'll ever be m8! MCGA
Holy shit
>2 hours
Where is the trumpcoin mention?
Veeky Forums embed ignores the date, just manually copy paste the youtube link i posted
Just about to buy my first batch of TrumpCoins, when does Veeky Forums think we'll take off?
Thanks m90, I dont know this guy but im sure that this mention will help.
Apparently according to some super secret insider info the chinese are on board and are waiting for the superpac to be finalized. This will lead to 28$ a coin high followed by a sell off which will bring it down to about 15$. So better hurry up m80. MAGA and MCGA.
Source: previous thread, and massive amounts of truss.
What happens after it hits $15?
And is this supposed to happen before the election?
We dont really know, this is all speculation, just invest what you are comfortable with and rep the coin when you can.
And when Hillary dies of old age and illness and/or gets arrested, I think we'll see some some 88mph serious shit Marty.
The guy that was giving this info said it would stabilize with a comfy 100mil market cap. Again, im just reposting what that guy said said, maybe he will post again here and confirm this. BUT if this is true, were going for a hell of a ride together brothers!
According to him. Don't know what whether his speculating accounts for media mention of PAC though.
Noice. Does he have a large audience?
We need to get Trumpcoin on Joe Rogan. it'd be a great platform to explain everything about the coin to a pretty wide audience
Daily reminder Trumpcoin is a scam.
How is it a scam?
Made a withdrawal of 4000 TRUMP from C-Cex to my personal wallet
the blockchain has no record of this transfer happening, c-cex also has no record of this transfer happening. The last entry in my history is a deposit, yet c-cex says I do not have any balances which is impossible.
What the fuck
daily reminder that you fudders try to justify your weak hands, while we real niggas make dem big bucks
It says your personal address still has the 4000 coins
>How is it a scam?
it has no real market and no real use.
It's ostensibly a way to donate to the Trump campaign, but only pennies on the dollar of your donation go to Trump. Also it's probably illegal to write off the cost of such a donation as a donation.
the real draw is the possibility of making money while donating to Trump.
However since the product has no market and no use, the only way money can be made is by convincing others to buy in and then cashing yourself out.
this is essentially a Ponzi scheme.
Yes I see that according to the blockchain I have something like 3999 TRUMP at the c-cex wallet (TD9BP9DbbzKboSM6GCKGM7VvY6DLXhuEpv) idk how it ended up there when I withdrew to my personal wallet (TFU3j8EzD8CWN5g9bFqyZN5pMHPVEH2SBZ).... The thing is my balance on the site shows 0 of anything.
I put down a support ticket, I might just send like 1 trump to c-cex to see if it refreshes. This is gay, I dislike yobit and garbage like this is turning me away from c-cex too.
You still spread lies you uninformed idiot
so explain why I'm incorrect.
and try not to just say, "because I said so, faggot!"
Stop fucking lying to people. I wish you fudders would stop lying and saying that this coin has no use.
It's a fundraising platform for Trump. a portion of coins are held in escrow to be donated to a PAC.
The coin certainly has use. It raises awareness of Trump and his campaign, gets people talking, people can send Trumpcoins to other people to get them involved, its a way to get people excited, and yes possibly make money.
There are other ways of fundraising OTHER than direct donation. This is why concerts, fairs, games etc are held to raise money. It's the same fucking thing, and thats why the coin has real use. Plus the fact that anyone can buy and sell the coin.
Stop releasing disinformation.
>It's the same fucking thing
no, all of those things offer value as entertainment.
your product is not entertaining.
it's just a Ponzi scheme.
Oh and its not a fucking ponzi scheme, do you even know what that is?
A ponzi scheme requires constant expansion and is built upon a fraudulent business. Trumpcoin is not built upon a business at all, its a currency, no one is selling anyone.
The price of the coin will go up as more people participate, but that's not a ponzi scheme. It's simply the expansion of the currency to other people.
>no, all of those things offer value as entertainment.
It's not a product you fucking idiot.
>it's just a Ponzi scheme.
from Wikipedia;
A Ponzi scheme (/ˈpɒn.zi/; also a Ponzi game)[1] is a fraudulent investment operation where the operator, an individual or organization, pays returns to its investors from new capital paid to the operators by new investors, rather than from profit earned through legitimate sources. Operators of Ponzi schemes usually entice new investors by offering higher returns than other investments, in the form of short-term returns that are either abnormally high or unusually consistent.
You are WRONG. Stop spreading lies. Trumpcoin is none of this.
>tfw you make a trumpvideo and you don't get a single donation
i have just seen it and donated
Promote it more. I sent you 10 coins as a meme donation.
>hurr its a product and a scam and a ponzi here's my proof *.......*
This is the third thread, flip. You've had it explained so many times. You know it's a PAC and last time you even agreed that it wasn't useless at pushing crypto further into politics.
Its great that you BTFOed that idiotic fudder, BUT i suggest to just ignore obvious fudders and hillshills and let them die alone in their own hate. You know you wont convince him because HE himself KNOWS that he is WRONG, he is just spreading misinformation because a) he is a paid shill, b) is a die hard hillary supporter, c) is retarded, d) is assblasted from buyng high and selling low, e) is a combination of the above. or he is spreading fud to lower the price and buy more trumps cheap which is a dick move in general.
Sayng that, what you wrote surely will help new anons who might be here. Just that responding directly to the trolls and fudders is pointless. MAGA and MCGA
Yeah you're right
Such aggression.
>tfw no moon
That would be dope... even if he was making fun of it.
He like Andreas antonopoplopadingdong or whatever his name is.
Twitter spam that fool.
If the devs don't get an easy way to buy with fiat AND solidify its superPAC status within the next 2 weeks then this coin is done. Not even fudding I hold a few thousand myself and I really had faith for this coin buying in a couple months back. I still have hope that the devs will pull through but if they don't then we are done
here here!
>inb4 just wait bro something big is like confirmed man
This. Normies will never go through the convoluted, sketchy as fuck current process.
There needs to be a buy button, front and centre, or the whole thing is fucked.
I believe. My levels of truss have never been this high before.
>Trumpcoin is none of this.
as Amway learned the hard way back in the 70's,
you have to have a product to sell, otherwise it's a scam.
now if TrumpCoin was accepted as currency then we'd have a different situation, but atm it's just a name you are personally trying to pump and dump.
that's a scam. The suckers that buy based on your enthusiastic defense will be left holding nothing when you and others cash out. Because the coin is nothing. A currency nobody accepts is nothing.
Someone made a template for a BUY page.
since you like Wikipedia:
>"Pump and dump" (P&D) is a form of microcap stock fraud....
Are we talking "pretty picture of what it could look like" template or "a premade functioning system that can be tweaked and modified" template?
Kinda pretty picture.
can anyone explain why c-cex just decided to swallow 4000 coins from me? I'm trying to get this solved asap but the TRUMP train has no brakes meanwhile I have other shit I gotta get done.
Anyone who can help me fix this disaster gets 350 TRUMPCOIN
Thanks man, I will promote it more. It should have more views in a day or 2 as I posted it on a popular website that has always guaranteed me views.
What else can we do but wait though for their updates? It will happen when it does, we can't do much about that.
One thing we could assume is that they aren't promoting the coin much because they don't think they will need to. Updates have come when they said, regardless of how impressive you think they were. They have the framework for usd to trump, let's see what they come up with.
None of this stops any of you from promoting this coin outside of biz. You want new people to hear about the coin in the meantime then get on twitter, reddit or instagram and do something. But very few of you will.