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Can I get some opinions on >nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/63400/?
Ethan Wilson
Wow. I am about to go to bed user. Thanks for giving me horrible nightmares.
Parker Green
waifus lore and stuff living in harmony
Samuel Flores
stuff sucks go back to 2006 a**hole
William Hill
It reminds me of the time Mark Twain and a bunch of kids met Satan
Jack Martin
brown qts pls
Kevin Gomez
Lore and stuff living in harmony, thingfags and waifufags should elect to euthanise themselves for the betterment of the gene pool.
Brody Ortiz
My waifu cucks brown qt's out of habit
Blake King
Holy shit shes cute with long hair
Asher Lee
classic rude stuffposter tbhonest
Lincoln Baker
Ethan Richardson
Unfortunately that hair is very inconsistent. Some angles she looks super cute, others it just looks terrible.
Nathaniel Scott
Probably just the amount of forehead showing. Still, it doesn't look bad in these two shots.
Zachary Price
as if white girls could compete
Henry Carter
I want to fuck that gladiator before she gets ripped apart by a minotaur in the Arena.
Adam Smith
>have an itch to play Skyrim again to finish all the guilds I haven't as well as the DLC >both big DLC packs are 20 bucks each >the legendary pack is just a bundle of the main game + DLC >at 30 bucks it's still cheaper than buying both packs individualy
This is weird. And I just know I will probably be spending 2 hours plus setting everything up with mods.
Was gameplay balance (especially magic) left unchanged from the main game in the DLCs?
Also, is there a mod that marks all the Daedra quest locations? I wanted to play as an edgelord Daedra worshipping cat or orc this time around.
Brody Reed
Just pirate the DLC, they're sans DRM.
James Parker
I think my computer is dying, /tesg/.
Bluescreen every 5 mins with a different error code. I did a chkdsk, sfc scan and some other stuff and its been stable for over an hour but I haven't tried any games yet.
What robe texture is that, senpai?
Oliver Gray
No! Don't you fucking die on my Lewd Dunmer! I love you!
Brody Reed
So is there a way to use the creation kit without stEAm? I've got skyrim itself running without gabens shovelware/DLC/cosmetic microtransaction peddling platform, but I can't seem to get the CK to launch standalone and I can't seem to find a pertinent.. ahem... "plugin".
Luis Murphy
user that's illegal and I'm law abiding.
Jack Stewart
Just pirate it faggot.
Eli Lee
Well I already downloaded the entire thing so I was just hoping there was a standalone crack I could plop into the thing.
Oh well, brb boarding me seaworthy galley.
Xavier Jenkins
The entire CK is literally 12MB. magnet:?xt=urn:btih:275CC6BE093739485C1CC7CBAA5F109CAC0F33E3&dn=The.Elder.Scrolls.V.Skyrim.Creation.Kit.v1.9.32.0-DMN32&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.openbittorrent.com%3a80%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fglotorrents.pw%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.openbittorrent.com%3a80%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.opentrackr.org%3a1337%2fannounce
Benjamin Moore
Do achievements still trigger with mods?
Charles Flores
Brayden Allen
Yeah. I'm pretty sure you could just use the console to get every achievement if you really cared to.
Samuel Moore
Why yes, it's a guilty pleasure.
Ah, thanks.
Nolan White
What actually qualifies as a "toaster" when it comes to Skyrim?
Matthew Turner
anything that can't run the game with max graphics 1080p realvision enb and two hours of installation worth of graphics mods
Carter Collins
EotW Mage Robes of Skyrim. Although it seems that the mod author took it off the nexus for some reason.
Jacob Cook
That's oddly specific. I guess I will just stick to optimization mods without fancy ENBs and graphics mods.
Tyler Clark
you and me both buddy
Sebastian Martinez
if you have to play at low settings and solely use enboost to attain at least 24 FPS
Thomas Ward
That card was released in 2014, wasn't?
Mine was released in 2008. I actually remember Skyrim running rather well in 2011, but now what the settings were.
Landon Rodriguez
>970 >Playing on medium Fucking why?
Parker Kelly
Why is this waifu called lewd dunmer if it's just a human with red eyes?
Ryan Brooks
weak cpu the problem is, my gpu was even weaker than my cpu before I upgraded it the card I had was a radeon hd 5450
Hunter Wilson
I'm Still rocking my Radeon HF4850. Or was it a 4870? I'm curious whether I will enter Stutter Hell.
Landon Myers
Samuel Jones
Why would you waste all of your money on just that instead of splitting the money on both a cpu and gpu?
Caleb Jenkins
I'm going to upgrade CPU kinda soon-ish and I didn't want to have to reupgrade both of them in a year or three
Lucas Ward
i bear distressing news i have just received a job so now i can't be here 13 hours a day
Jaxon Parker
I actually had a friend compile a list of individual parts to build a more up to date machine.
But i gonna have the parts ordered and assembled at the conveniently close store downstairs. I just need to check whether I can afford the payment rates with my income.
Benjamin Diaz
>Having other people assemble your computer instead of just doing it yourself Nice waste of money famalam.
Zachary Ortiz
I have two left hands. I rather let someone with experi- and confidence do it.
Plus they said after a certain amount they will do it as a courtesy.
Daniel Cruz
>think it would be neat to install loads of lewd mods >finally do it all >not many CTDs >several hours later realize they're all shitty slow and error prone >uninstall them all >permanently cleansed of the desire at least I got to experience finding a tampon in a burial urn and laughing for a solid minute
Andrew Ross
Do you pay other people to maintain/fix your car?
Brandon Kelly
>after a certain amount What the hell else are you paying them to do?
Ethan Miller
Congrats. Doing what?
Easton Scott
>Comparing a fucking car to a computer What kind of retarded are you?
Matthew Jackson
>yfw he's paying a hooker for blowjobs and PC assembly
Christian Lewis
What are you gonna be doing?
She still has a really weird shaped jaw/chin even if its not pointy any more. And she has forehead ridges but they're only visible from certain angles.
Austin Foster
They didn't say how much it'd need to be. So I don't know whether it will even apply to me. I just wanted to know whether they could do it, and whether I can pay in installments. It's good to know I have the option so conveniently close, but whether I will go that way remains to be seen.
Wyatt Rivera
Changing oil is a hell of a lot simpler than replacing a cpu, yet people are willing to pay to have someone else do it. Just because it seems simple to you doesn't mean it's that simple to everyone.
Colton James
ill be working for a construction company doing odd jobs
James Turner
Grats on getting to be the nigger of the workplace, the absolute shit-tier bottom on the totem pole.
Camden Perez
new characters are difficult
David Barnes
Man stop using that same preset.
Nathan Wood
Austin Morales
It's still a step above the idiots from the temp agency.
Liam Gomez
I don't use presets. :/
Colton Morgan
Why make new characters when you could post more neo-Pixel ?
Cooper Reyes
For sure. There's rarely any chances for promotion/long-term contract in those kinds of jobs, though.
She ugly. I know you can do better, which replacer are you using as base?
Adam Hernandez
thanks, i am however training to be an underwater welder and for other diving related jobs the pay for such jobs are quite high as well
How do I go about making using a 2h more fun? I don't really run any combat mods, but from all I've seen nothing stops it from being hack and slash and feeling like it has no weight.
Ryan Myers
I'm ashamed to admit I actually had to look up which canton was situated in relation to delyn and olms like that only to find out that it's 1: the canton you'd expect to be closest to both and 2: the one you'd expect vivec to be in
Jacob Cox
That's more like it, those guys are badass. Especially if you can go work on overseas oil rigs; making dat bank tax-free.
Lucas Young
Any word on when Clones will release the new textures?
Levi Hughes
Attack Commitment & Requiem. It's fucking great, makes you feel stronk when you connect that power attack and the enemies just crumble away.
Ian Carter
>actually taking the time to figure that out I'm impressed
Joseph Gray
>seifuku I didn't know how much I needed or wanted this
Jack Rogers
yes, i am indeed working towards working on oil rigs, that's on the very top of diving related work and will take many years of experience to achieve but getting to that position would be exciting as well as being very dangerous
Aiden Williams
Will Skyrim Remastered save TES?
Jayden Rogers
The only mods right now are SKSE and USLEEP, and already I think the program is more optimistic than it should be.
Nathaniel Wood
It's just another low effort attempt at wringing money out of console peasants.
William Reyes
You better post nudes of Goaty and we will forgive you.
Cameron Foster
but i would never forgive myself
cya off to work
Grayson Miller
Forgot pic.
Isaac Ross
Do not sexualize the goat, pls.
Brayden Williams
Skyrim Remastered is just a version for current gen consoles.
Apparently I already played once with the Alternate Start mod back in 2014. Of course loading the save files from back then cause a CTD. Gimme a minute.
Elijah Parker
hello friends. so recently I started playing skyrim again and installed some nice mods and started playing. unfortunately I seem to get bored of my chars very quickly. I am a melee fag, sword and board or 2h. I would like to know what you guys find fun to play or just some suggestions. just for some context, I use frostfall, wet and cold and realistic needs but to be brutally honest it doesn't seem like they enhance my gameplay experience, realistic needs is especially eh? it's basically a mod that forces you to give away some carry weight and nothing else.
Caleb Kelly
why dont you roleplay as the nazis, /tesg/?
Samuel Lewis
Is this pasta? It's fucking pasta isn't it?
Jackson Williams
>wanting to even pretend to be a filthy knife-ear
Kevin Murphy
Mer over man.
Thomas Peterson
Well according to Fraps its 50 at best. 30 at worst. Which I can personally live with.
Turning down AA and AF down to 2x, disabling all reflections and setting advanced graphic settings to Medium eeks out 10 FPS at average. This is nice enough for me.
Charles Gonzalez
>playing yourself in a roleplaying game Entry level desu.
Aaron Roberts
it's not a pasta friend. I am sorry I don't post often on these boards. I fucked up and didn't arrange it properly, please excuse that.
Jackson Williams
I am a modder with over 35 large Quest mods to my name. Quest mods are the most difficult mods to make and that is why so few people make them. 6 of them were Nexus mod of the month winners, I stopped entering the Nexus mod of the month after the 6th because I quit modding for the TES community due to the constant flaming my victories were attracting. The only reason I did enter at all was to prove my critics wrong and I did that 6 times in a row by beating best modders in those competitions.
Many of my mods work together, support each other, communicate with each other in ways no other mods do. I use and abuse conflicts in ways their best tool makers do not even understand and prove my expertise with each release I make. Dirty mods could not do this. It simply would not work.
Nobody in the TES community comes even close to matching any of my achievements. That is a fact and I have challenged the TES community to prove me wrong several times since 2008 and I am still waiting for the first serious challenger.
Aiden Barnes
Is this the /tesg/ equivalent to the Navy Seals gorilla pasta?
Ryder Murphy
>was going ask why you would play worst mer >realized that they're actually second best compared to >kender >furry kender >literal shit >extinct fedoras >irrelevant fish elves >blind edgy retcons