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Ratcatcher edition
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>Total War Warhammer
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Agents? Which are the best. Which are useless?
I know the dwarf engineer is fantastic for softening up cities before you hit them. Slow dwarves love the enemy having no working towers.
VC agents. Banshee for assassination and Wight King in the army. But what are necromancers and vampires good for?
"Buy the new Animations Pack for only $4.99"
Necromancers are good for MONEY
Vampires are good for fapping and Lore of Death
Vampire for VC is also nice for that leech spell
What FW units do you want to see added, /twg/?
>excuse me, just clipping through
send tunes
banshees are god tier, assassination and block army are basically the two most useful things in an agent, AND they can make holes in walls, which as VC is great because all your units are melee so you wanna git in there
Kholek campaign
The Skaven are coming. Be warned.
Demons, where the hell are my demons?
All of their greater daemons.
>not playing on Ultra unit-size
I'm using QT vampires for combat for the first time, and I was wondering if it's worth giving them horses?
Yes to better keep them out of combat. They're supposed to be spamming Fate of Bjuna + Spirit Leech, not fighting
>you will never be tactically raped by daemonettes
why live
> Tomb Kings still not announced
Also remember to exclusively use quarrelers as dwarfs and demigryphs as empire, actually remember to just exclusively play empire
Fimir, I'd love to see those one-eyed rapists added.
Otherwise, Chaos Dwarfs and War Mammoths.
PoM on suicide watch
Really? I thought they were good at melee combat. Fug.
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>Total War Warhammer
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Double click a spell (it needs to be a boostable spell and you need to have enough magic in the magic pool) to overcast the spell
There's a 50% chance that the caster damages itself though!
Select your lord (make sure he isn't garrisoned or in a stance)
Select the quest battle (on the map or through quest log)
There's a button in the bottom right of the quest battle window that you can use to teleport for 5k gold (when the battle's finished you're automatically teleported back to your original position)
Group units with ctrl + g
Select your group and right click the enemy
All your units move and automatically direct themselves to and engage enemies they get close to while maintaining formation
No, Wight Kings are your rip and tear heroes.
>There's a 50% chance that the caster damages itself though!
100% if you're overcasting fireball.
Really? That's interesting, have to try when I'm back home
But they aren't cute girls :'(
No that's banshees
They do fine in combat, don't listen to the min/maxers. They also can give you a huge boost to unit replenishment like Warrior Priests.
I was just joking about 100%, but my fire mage has blown himself up 3-4 times in a row every battle I use him in.
i finished my chaos and greenskin campaigns without a single crash, and since starting vc today i've crashed 4 times fuck this gay eath
Lel, I know that feel too with overcast Invocation of Nehek
I hacked you kiddo
>lord with barded horse
>rest of army is 100% demis
>decisive victory
Loving this pvp CA
Vampires are monsters on the battlefield, Spirit leech, vamp magic and double regeneration? Yes please
>Maintain control of 20 provinces
Holy fuck I can already tell that this VC campaign is going to have me wanting to kill myself near the end. I don't know if I even want to finish it. I'm only on turn 83 and the Chaos isn't even here ye.t
>town sacked by orcs
>left behind a giant pile of shit
>attack orc stronghold in retaliation
>towers throwing balls of dung at my troops
>piles of shit all over the city map
By Sigmar, NO!
Ignore no-fun-allowed minmaxers, vampires are perfectly fine in melee, just remember that vampires can heal themselves
A steed means you are getting fucked by anti-large, but you get stun immunity and better mobility so choose if it's worth it
VC have some of the worst campaign goals(unless you play orcs and forgot that you needed raiding income to win)
you gotta
>control 20 provinces
>defeat the empire, dwarves, and bretonnia
>defeat chaos
>have corruption all over the place
Raiding income wasn't even a problem for me. I realized that sacking didn't count towards it so I set up 3 armies in raiding stance and ended turn 4-5 times and finished my campaign.
>sign peace treaty with AI
>hehe now I'll raid them like they did to me
>raiding button doesn't show up
Which Chaos Knights do people prefer, with or without lances?
I only use Lances, Shock Cavalry is just too good
How does splash damage work? For example, if Grimgor deals 1000 damage on hit, will he kill infantry units in 6-7 hits on ultra?
its spread out among the models.from what i've seen
those marauders are going to die so hard
As long as he's facing the right way I think he kills the appropriate amount of guys. Sometimes it takes a little lord micro when you notice he's on the edge of the formation and swinging at one guy on the outside.
Just did empire so fuck that. Re roll
modding is fun
i like how the marauders look
shame they are the most annoying factions in game
Oh wait wrong game
the bjornlings showed up to raid the southern badlands just as I finished building my savage orc stack
unlucky for them
What did you end up changing?
Come, sit, share my fire
Seriously, how much has that single voice actor been paid over the course of 3 games
it gives regen like master of undead in 45m radius and -10 melee att/ -15 melee defense in 30m radius
it needs tweaking, but it's already a huge improvement
I'll put it up on workshop later so I can get some feedback.
Alright friends, after playing a bunch of the Empire I really want to go back and play some Medieval 2 and fuck people up with Heavy Cavalry.
Does anyone have any tips? I'm pretty new to the game and I'm probably playing as France.
still cant win as counts on hard
either get fucked by meme chaos or meme orks
Build memewalls and vanquish stacks during memesieges
Good work, user.
Build walls every-fucking-where, you'll pretty much never lose a city again
>faction mechanic of vampiric corruption
>causes attrition damage to anyone entering to encourage hojo gameplay
>AI gets anti-attrition bonuses and basically ignores all of this
Before Warhammer Fantasy was killed off I were really close to buy a bunch of those and a doombull converted to a Fimir king or something and use them as Throgg and chaos trolls, maybe throwing in some giants and other monsters as well.
Damn you GW
is Karl Franz literally retarded, he has SIX stacks of units, four of which are full, and they're just sitting around doing absolutely nothing while the forces of Chaos and Norsca annihilate the good citizens and raze their towns to the ground, shit, he doesn't even have to contest with the Vampire Counts, I'm dealing with them, on top of defeating three chaos armies so far. I've finally bothered setting war co-ordination targets for him, but I mean, it's less "war co-ordination" and "karl you realize half your country has been burned to the ground, maybe send your giant armies to do something about it".
Killing FB in June after CA announced TWW in April was the most retarded move possible
Exactly. I am currently on my VC hard playthrough. Dwarfs (the few that are still alive) and orcs are running all around my lands and not once did they attack me. Only when enemy can muster 3 stacks do they dare to start a siege. And if they do they stay in it long enough for my own stack to come to aid and run them down.
Demigryph knights :^)
>implying Karl hasn't already been corrupted by Tzeentch and all is well
>tfw play vampire shits on hard
>take over everything
>now all I need to do is kill the dwarves
>mfw they took over the entire fucking badlands
holy fuck I don't have the autism to deal with that shit.
for when tomb kings are announced
Patch when?
Inquanock deliver review of Total War Warhammer
>Today i decide to kick arses of Total War Warhammer creators
Off to a good start I see.
Sometimes you lose cities.
There was 9 hellcannons in all of that
Stop camping Sylvania and expand
that's one of the most autistic things i've ever read
Yeah, lost one too, nearly took them fucking viking apes down but then all my Empire shit troops broke
Just go for short victory
How do you change battle difficulty but not campaign difficulty?
>As expected TW Warhammer is a crap.
Did he even play it?
>settlements of wattle and daub
Laying SIEGE
Im doing well now on my third try as them on hard
You just gotta try harder and longer
Options -> Campaign Settings -> Battle Difficulty
I'm glad they didn't make TW AoS, because this guy would have jumped
Thanks user, forgive my idiocy. I thought it would be before starting the campaign.
This is without a doubt the stupidest thing I have ever read.
>mfw it praises s1 for historical accuracy
>the game with hero units more overpowered than the warhammer ones
One more reason to exterminate them all.
>All that verbal diarrhea just constantly saying everything ever is shit
>Actual review is one single paragraph calling literally every aspect of the game shit without actually saying why it is or straight up lying
>Add to that the broken ass english
You're kidding me, right?