I am self employed. I can move anywhere in the world and still keep my business going.
Where should I move to in the U.S? What's the best state to live in? mostly for tax purposes.
I am self employed. I can move anywhere in the world and still keep my business going.
Where should I move to in the U.S? What's the best state to live in? mostly for tax purposes.
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Alaska. The timezone might be rough but they literally pay you to be there, virtually no taxes, and the community is tight.
I need good internet to keep my business going, and I've heard Alaska has shit internet.
I'm gonna be honest with you, I want to move to a place with no black or brown people, but not break the bank doing it.
New Hampshire
How is the cost of living there? How are the taxes?
It's much, much better than it used to be.
But yeah, if demographics are a concern, go to Minneapolis or somewhere like that. White as fucking snow, very much connected to the Internet due to the corporate presence there, and uber-low cost of living because it's basically nothing but flat land.
Go to Texas. It's lit senpai.
Great internet, no income tax, and low cost of living in the right places.
Also, you can drive to the cities for entertainment etc..
Do you live in the UK by any chance?
All I know is theres no income tax and it's a freedom-loving state. I live in NY and want to move to NH
But tx has a lot of spics and op said hed rather not be around brown people
Austin? Check Google fiber map and corporate tax rate, if you are C. Check for revenue based tax, lLc tax, or franchise tax rate if applicable. For state, county, and city
I encourage you to move outside of USA. Move to Doha, Qatar. Downside for you: No white people, Foreigners can't legally own property. Veeky Forums is banned (unless you have VPN :) ) Upside: Literally 0% tax on residents, Everyone speaks perfect english, Awesome boating/watersports, hot thirsty arab chicks don't let the hijab fool you.
>moving to an islamic shithole
No fucking way, dude.
some more info:
>I'm not making that much money, pretty much enough to survive
>my income is fixed, i.e if I'm making 1,000 per month I'll be making that amount whether I live in North Dakota or California
I'm pretty much trying to get the best bang for my buck with what I have right now.
If you have no family connection to USA I'd suggest not migrating there but by all means stay as a "tourist" for 6 months at a time on a b1b2 visa.
Officially migrating makes your tax situation a mess.
I'm same boat, work from home, in USA because family, now I forever owe tax on worldwide income to the IRS even when I go back to home country.
Bla bla foreign income exemption bla bla $2000 for accountants who know how to navigate the mess
I am from the US and live in a heavily taxed region with a high cost of living. I want to leave and live a decent life here without spending a shitload of money.
I'd suggest a summer house in Colorado and a winter house in Arizona
Can you prove it's a solid set of income? If so, here's what you do:
Move to Cleveland, OH. Cheapest property in the goddamn nation.
Buy somewhere like this:
The mortgage'd cost you $130 a month and there's a renter in there generating $550/mo. already. Spend a little bit of elbow grease and money in renovating it doing easy shit and you'll increase the value of the property.
Bam. No rent, your own place, another income stream.
Cost of living is very high. Property taxes are ridiculous as there is no income tax. And all the rich out of staters are driving up housing prices.
No individual income tax. State and local sales tax averages 9-12% if you're in a city. Property taxes average $3k on a $100k property (on par with NYC.) And really, if you need internet, it's like Alaska. If you're not in a city, you're not getting any good internet.) Roads a shit, and even the white people are dumb fucking niggers.
TL;DR, Texas blows.
Sorry, missed that you were referencing NH. Statements still hold true for Texas though.
That has to be in the ghetto. No other explanation.
For tax purposes South Dakota has basically no taxes (and literally none for corporate, gross receipts, and income) and has decent internet. I'd imagine Cheyenne has alright internet too and has an identical tax situation (except at least WY has mining so other taxes are even lower). Don't know the cost of living over there though.
Personally, I could probably put up with Cheyenne but South Dakota would be a no. Remember that just like the rust belt (, ) there's a reason it's cheap and nobody lives there.
Don't you need to get a permanent resident visa first? How are you planning in getting that?
lmfao imagine being so beta you have to run away because you are afraid of non white people
Imagine being so bitter you want everyone else to suffer living in your people's presence.
How's Pennsylvania for Small to Medium sized businesses?
I was looking into New Hampshire but as some of you guys posted, property taxes are high and I want to eventually own a fair amount (10-40 acres)
We arent afraid we just cant stand you cause u are stupid pieces of shit
Property taxes are high in PA. My parents live there. Florida seems to have alright taxes. If u move to the boonies you can get a lot of land and avoid non whites
but will i still have internet?
Some pics for OP
>Where are all the shitskins located?
>How free is my state?
too vague op
climate, cost of living, hobbies, political beliefs, etc.
there are plenty of options
imagine being so deluded you think anyone who isn't racist must be non white themselves. nah, I'm just not such a dumb special snowflake I think me being a certain skin colour makes me better than anyone else.
>That has to be in the ghetto. No other explanation.
The whole city is like that, actually. Check Zillow out more broadly. It seems like they just have a shit ton of low-end property that no-one wants because (1) it needs work and (2) no-one wants to live in Cleveland.
Granted, it appears that a lot of the property on Zillow is in lower safety areas:
But if you correlate the above map and ONLY search for cheap properties in the safest neighborhood (W. Schaaf Rd.), you can still find this gem:
$40k, generates $450/mo. x2 for two renters. Kick one out, move yourself in, still get $450/mo. in rent, pay $150 in mortgage.
There's a reason white flight exists, user. once non-white people start moving in, things get unsightly, crime goes up, businesses move out, your children go to shitty schools. pretty much everything goes to shit and everyone knows it.
Sure there are decent brown people but you're in denial if you think the majority of non-white communities don't end up in squalor (excluding east asian areas). I don't really want to subjugate myself to unnecessary hardship so some rando on Veeky Forums doesn't think I'm racist, sorry.
New Hampshire is looking pretty ideal to me, amazing scenery, lots of hwytes, no income or sales tax.
What is the catch?
Finding an affordable rental
>hot thirsty arab chicks
isn't qatar one of the fattest nations on earth?
Well I'm not paying rent right now, pretty much hoarding all of the money I'm making.
My plan is to move out around the time I'm ready to have children. Buy a nice house somewhere in a nice community and have my children grow up safely in a high-trust society.
That's not at all what white flight was.
I want to get this chart but sort by smallest black people.
also by GDP.
OP no, I live here, it's as if all the slaves moved to Delaware and laid their eggs all about this area.
looks like lb for lb seattle
Does that discredit my point somehow?
I live in the Midwest and went to school in St. Paul (right next to Minneapolis). While it is a great city, there have been A LOT of Somalians and others being place in and around Minneapolis. It's no longer a white city anymore, sadly. It used to be great, but considering the state is very liberal taxes and immigration have increased significantly.
North Dakota is a boring state, but income taxes are low, it's a conservative state, and the proportion of white to blacks is great.
Oh, forgot to mention the cost of living in North Dakota is very low just like Minnesota
Just moved to Virginia, it's breddy good so far
No Federal income tax in TN.
>Just moved to Virginia, it's breddy good so far
I'm in NOVA - are you in the area? If so, you made an A+ choice, I've lived in like 20 places in my life and this is by far my favorite place out of all of them.
taxes? New hampshire
taxes + warm weather? florida (regrettably)
I chose florida. Tampa bay ain't so bad as long as you are selective about social circle.
the locals are retarded. everyone that has a dime to their name isn't from the area. You can punch through whatever industry you want because none of the fat cats have figured out that the workforce is fucking morons here, so low level employee turnover is insane.
if you have a solo or small operation you can cut out a huge chunk for yourself down here
Sorry meng, I'm on the coast, hampton roads. But yes I'm happy with the area. I'm hoping that this will be my retirement area.
Ah, I've been there too, super cozy. If you get a girlfriend, check out some of the cute cottages in MD around Cape Charles - super nice, decent wineries, romance, cottagefuckin', etc.
no state income tax in tennessee. Nashville is expensive but nice.
Oregon is nice for no sales tax.
Delaware or Nevada has the best taxes.
That said, I'd rather live in Montana or Colorado.
Spokane, WA. Cheap, extremely white, and no state income tax.
Nevada coorporation bruh..
probably a mostly republican state with low population and business revenue, montana alaska kansas. for ta purposes
>Only using data from the cities
>Not using county or metro area data
You (the graph creator) know that some cities can have a population of 300-400k in the city proper and 5 million in the metro area? Just look at county data, you're leaving out more than half of the people living in the area. You don't notice where the city limits end IRL, it all just blends together.
I like Tampa. It's like a less latino version of Miami. It's still in the South culturally, but it's more "New South" than Old South. The beaches in the area are some of the best in the state. Tons of fun shit to do both culturally and in the outdoors. I love all the water everywhere, you can't not feel lucky when you drive over the Bay to St. Pete or Clearwater. Also if you have a car and don't mind driving, you can treat Orlando as an extension of Tampa, imo both cities suburbs have met and connected in Polk county. The I-4 Corridor is pretty much totally urbanized along it between the two cities except for a wetlands buffer zone.
I am more curious about what exactlly you do user? and how did you start?
Bump. I'm curious too. I'm from East-Central Europe and I want to create some kind of online business. If you are willing to move abroad I can recommend these countries. No one gives a f*ck about taxes if you work online, because tax evasion is our national sport. Prices are ridiculously low, because our minimal wage is around $350/month, but our capital is beautiful and safe.
During last year I made a few hundred dollars with some affiliate websites, but nothing consistent. Any advice on how to be self employed like you or make a steady online income? Thanks!
he's obviously in ecommerce. Either selling something directly or doing some affiliate thing.
Move to some 3rd world? Like Vietnam or something.
Don't know much about tax but it still quite low and the government was not paying much attention to it.
Cheap living cost and also a good place to relax from a boring life