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H-here I go

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look what the cat dragged in

also Councillor Tevos best waifu

>waifuing space dust

where the fuck is the usual green text text ?

I-I couldn't think of anything

are you going to pirate Andromeda?

Why do you stutter on the internet? Do you have parkinsons or are you just retarded?

Oh man, you will not survive this place

why so salty, user? did a female reject you?


I guess it was only a matter of time. Fucking fishmouth made for a very dead thread.

I wonder, how many Jackfags are there in these threads. Red 1 standing by.

Best waifu.



I guess I should post a Jack pick as well.

I dunno, man. That stupid visor kinda grew on me. If she likes it, then I like it.

not really a jackfag but I'd "appreciate" her every day maybe 2 times a day

>not really a jackfag
What are you really, then?

E.g. I'm not a Miranda fag either, but I'd appreciated her twice a day.

In hindsight, I should have posted some Miranda

that deformed monster is not miranda



I like you. You are a man of refined, good taste.

it's sleepy time for the autist

it's 6 pm here, where does he live ?


You. I like you.


in some autism home with internet access

Going to a friend's place, don't die.

Good man.

God she's unattractive.

This place is hell.

Right. So who's your waifu?

No one.

then why do you come here ?

anyone here played The Solus Project yet? tempted to buy it, looks like the exploration I always wished for Mass Effect

Ash a qt.

You can't leave hell.


C'mon, wake up.

Did they put all those blemishes on Ash's face just so they can justify the makeup in ME3?

you can, you just don't do it.

Assuming Hell is a real place, as described in whatever scripture there is, how do you escape from it?

Wake up, everybody.

nice arschloch

>Femshep will never sit on your face

>EA has announced EA Play, a three-day off-site event at Club Nokia near the Los Angeles Convention Center that will be open to the public. It will run June 12 (a Sunday) to June 14. A companion event will also be held in London on June 12.

So, Sunday is the day that EA's side E3 thing starts

Schedule Time 12:30PM PT / 3:30PM ET

About Mass Effect

>Mass Effect: Andromeda developer BioWare has said it will show off the game in some form as part of EA Play. With the game coming before next year’s E3, we can likely expect to EA to touch on it in some major way since this is one of its most important franchises.

All sorts of different articles cited as source. No real dev quoted in them, though, or EA exec. So, you know, clickbait shit.

Have some Meer

>game coming before next year’s E3

>At the end of the series the Unspoken Principium of Hell is revealed by Doctor Occult "You can leave whenever you want"

for some reason the souls that went to hell simply don't realize it.

Didn't actually mean to reply to myself, there.


>implying we dont already live in hell

>Hell is a board where every post is accompanied by a femshep picture and there is no image limit
I thought I could take it, meg. I thought I was man enough. But this shit inevitably breaks you


>no word about ME:A at all
>all requests about ME:A will be blocked and ignored, EA-employees' gazes lose focus when asked, ignoring you as if you are air
>instead they will present their new major franchises games like Plants vs. Zombies - Electric Boogaloo, FIFA 2017 (which is an exact clone of FIFA 2016 with updated player names) and PGA Tour Gold 2017

You forgot
>NBA Live 2017 (delayed half-way into the NBA season)
>NHL 2017
And last but not least
>Madden 2017

Well, there's also Titanfall 2, I think? And we'll completely drop Mirror's Edge Catalyst since it got some abysmal scores across the board and sold like shit, meeting the gaming public's expectations of the title.

Oh, and Battlefield 1. ME:A will have a video from Bioware devs that you will not recognize, except Curry Thunder, but not for lack of trying. There will be a 30 second tech demo again and that will be it. Please understand, don't get too hyped, but totally buy our game, worth 60 bucks, plus 120 on DLC.

Look, man. I'm not a fan of default FemShep either but she's definitely that bad.

I mean look at . DAYUM!

who plays fifa anyway ?

Not interested.

Y-yeah, wh-who?

shitloads of casuals, it's one of those Bro-games.
according to
the franchise sold about 100 million copies.

>definitely that bad.
NOT that bad. I'm possessed by Freud.

R2 is getting a lot of fame nowadays.

I switched to PES about 10 years ago. Still a bro game.


seriously tho, what do the big companies expect with plastering black people all over their covers?
that more niggers are going to buy that game? doesnt seem like a good investment for me.

why don't they just release every year a new DLC for a game FIFA, it's not like they're very different from 13 onwards

Sheep spent 50 bucks every year for the same game. Why would EA miss out on that?

because they'd have to take DLC-typical fees then and would have to slowly decrease the price of the basic game, while releasing a "new" game each year they can claim new-game-fees instead.

On a sidenote it's more complicated to create/maintain DLC upon DLC because the risk of compatibility errors towards each other rises. just create a "new" game instead and you're fine.

isn't the game filled with a lot of bugs anyway ?


Jack best waifu

I don't know. never played it.

>Before you ask: Infiltrator of course.
>Even the larger custom M-98 Widow looks smaller as he's quite a big creature.

for you

What was your favorite anomaly in ME2? Mine was the abandoned space ship, or the one where you have to choose between saving the vity or the military base (something like that).

I don't recall any anthropomorphic tigers with N7 gear appearing in ME universe

>abandoned space ship
Was that the one with slaughtered crew and blue suns(eclipse?) invaders? That was kinda awesome.

Yeah that was the one. It was pretty eerie.

The one on the planet with a sandstorm where you had to follow the beacon was also nice. Wish they'd done more stuff like that.

you're probably talking about the mission on Tarith, that's not sandstorm but rather a toxic foggy air, but yea that mission is one of my favourites

Also there's another one I like it very much, some blue suns related mission, it's nothing really special but it starts as this: a BT goes out of the facility, lights a ciggy, all chilly and relaxed and then OH SHI, shepards shuttle approaches

same artist

>Every 50,000 years the reapers come out of hiding from dark space to systematically harvest the advanced civilizations of our galaxy. Synthetic monsters that have evolved in ways we cannot comprehend, driven by a singular purpose; Programmed to perpetuate a cycle that was created eons ago to preserve order. The years have passed, the warnings of previous cycles have been ignored by most, and the time has come... The reapers are here. Standing united, the denizens of Equestria and beyond have rallied to the cause to join the galaxy in it's struggle against the AI oppressors. The Twin Sisters' empire has been preparing some of it's finest citizens to join the fight, pictured here a couple of fine recruits. On the right, an honest, strong, stoic soldier; Eager to engage the reaper forces and show them their cycle pales in comparison to the power of friendship, Applejack is ready for anything. On the left stands a dependable, powerful, steadfast vanguard; Considering greatly the challenges ahead of them, Blast Box is prepared to charge into the fray to protect the tenets of harmony but more so, keep the love of his life as safe as he can.

tarith was the world with the chlorinegas where you have to activate beacons and fight the bloodpack.
user is refering to the sandstorm mission where you investigate a downed freighter with loki mechs attacking you

anyway, all sidemissions in ME2 are shit
best one was in ME1 where Cerberus was able to aquire Rachni from Noveria and tested them on Alliance soldiers stationed on mining worlds. your leads brought you to a spacesattion where Cerberus finally concluded that rachni were too intelligent to be used as cannonfodders.
femshep also had some sick lines in that mission.

I think you're thinking of the one on Sanctum. That was a cool mission.

Ponyfags are the worst.

>femshep also had some sick lines
I'm dying to hear them

1. Who is your waifu/husbando?
2. Favorite squad member in ME1?
3. ME2?
4. ME3?
5. Favorite mission in ME1?
6. ME2?
7. ME3?
8. Favorite weapon?
9. What kind of armor do you use?
10. What color is your armor?
11. Cure or continue Genophage?
12. Peace between Geth and Quarians? If not, who did you choose to live?
13. Thoughts on Cerberus?
14. Favorite anomaly in ME2?
15. Favorite hub world?
16. Favorite non-squad NPC?
17. What class do you play as?
18. least favorite squad member in ME1?
19. ME2?
20. ME3?
21. Paragon or Renegade or do you just choose the option you would say in real life?
22. Looking forward to Andromeda?
23. Favorite alien race?
24. Favorite DLC?
25. Favorite recruitment mission in ME2?
26. Favorite loyalty mission in ME2?
27. Favorite Citadel variant? ME1, 2 or 3?
28. Favorite song in the game?
29. Best club?
30. Least favorite enemy in all 3 games?


I've never heard of it.

I don't know, but like I like the blemishes.

Alexis Texas, Franceska Jamies and Bobbi Starr.

They seem to be pushing Clara's style a wee bit much.
Also, the girl's scarf looks a bit like a hijab. She looks alright, though, even if the image's a bit shite.


The material of the thigh armour looks pretty cool. Like carbon-fibre-reinforced polymer, but not quite. The undersuit looks good, too.

1. Who is your waifu/husbando?
2. Favorite squad member in ME1?
3. ME2?
>Jack, Mordin, Zaeed, and Legion
4. ME3?
5. Favorite mission in ME1?
6. ME2?
>Suicide Mission
7. ME3?
>Grissom Academy
8. Favorite weapon?
>Geth Assault Rifle
9. What kind of armor do you use?
>Kestrel Set besides helmet
10. What color is your armor?
>Black and Purple
11. Cure or continue Genophage?
>Continue the genophage. I don't trust the Krogan at all. They are stupid.
12. Peace between Geth and Quarians? If not, who did you choose to live?
>Peace, although if I had to choose I'd side with the Geth.
13. Thoughts on Cerberus?
>Cool in ME1 and 2, stupid in ME3.
14. Favorite anomaly in ME2?
>Abandoned Space Station
15. Favorite hub world?
16. Favorite non-squad NPC?
>Matriarch Aethyta
17. What class do you play as?
18. least favorite squad member in ME1?
19. ME2?
20. ME3?
21. Paragon or Renegade or do you just choose the option you would say in real life?
>What I would say in real life
22. Looking forward to Andromeda?
23. Favorite alien race?
>Asari and Hanar
24. Favorite DLC?
25. Favorite recruitment mission in ME2?
26. Favorite loyalty mission in ME2?
27. Favorite Citadel variant? ME1, 2 or 3?
>1. It actually felt like a giant space station and not a shopping mall like 2 and 3.
28. Favorite song in the game?
>The presidium theme
29. Best club?
30. Least favorite enemy in all 3 games?
>The frog Geth in ME1.

>or the one where you have to choose between saving the vity or the military base (something like that).

One of very few moral grey zones in Mass Effect.

How would one improve the paragon-renegade system? Where one isn't the 'good' and the other isn't 'bad'.
Idealistic vs pragmatic? Save the industrial area, space port and military base but sacrifice a thousand lives, which still makes it a viable colony, or save the colony but sacrifice the space port and defensive systems resulting in an unviable colony, and decreasing Alliance influence in the area, possibly increasing pirate attacks in the surrounding space.

But to answer your question, yes, that one and the Hahne-Kedar quest-chain. Crashed ship filled with robots on planet with dust storm > abandoned space station > Hahne-Kedar prodution line with a shit tonne of robots.

>not knowing what stuttering actually means
You need to watch some Monty Python.

>1. Who is your waifu/husbando?

>2. Favorite squad member in ME1?

>3. ME2?

>4. ME3?

>5. Favorite mission in ME1?
Doing stuff at Noveria airport before heading out into the snow. It's so fucking comfy there
Also you actually had different ways of solving your problems.

>6. ME2?
Recruiting Garrus I guess.

>7. ME3?
Citadel DLC stuff

>8. Favorite weapon?
M-90 Indra or M-11 Suppressor

>9. What kind of armor do you use?
ME1: Colossus Armor
ME2: Damage increase
ME3: Damage increase

>10. What color is your armor?
In ME1 Red and Black (Colossus) in ME2 and 3, Pink

>11. Cure or continue Genophage?
Mostly cured it, but during my last playthroughs I didn't..

>12. Peace between Geth and Quarians? If not,
>who did you choose to live?
Kept peace most of the time, but during my last playthroughs I killed the quarians and chose destroy.

>13. Thoughts on Cerberus?
What a load of bullshit.

>14. Favorite anomaly in ME2?
N7: Mining the Canyon

>15. Favorite hub world?
ME1 Citadel

>16. Favorite non-squad NPC?
That Biotic God volus

>17. What class do you play as?

>18. least favorite squad member in ME1?

>19. ME2?

>20. ME3?

>21. Paragon or Renegade or do you just choose the option you would say in real life?
Paragon usually, game was sadly written with it in mind.

>22. Looking forward to Andromeda?
Not much.

>23. Favorite alien race?

>24. Favorite DLC?
Citadel DLC

>25. Favorite recruitment mission in ME2?
Recruiting Thane I guess

>26. Favorite loyalty mission in ME2?
uh, Grunt's?

>27. Favorite Citadel variant? ME1, 2 or 3?
One, hands down.

>28. Favorite song in the game?
Mass Effect Theme

>29. Best club?
Afterlife I guess.

>30. Least favorite enemy in all 3 games?
If you don't say "Kai Leng" here, you're retarded.


D. Leet

We'll all find happiness.


I saw Courtenay Taylor two years ago, she signed a picture I drew of Jack. She liked it so much she took a picture of it and said she would post it on her social media. I completely forgot about that aspect and I just checked, she did.

Feels good man.

I have that picture framed btw.

Is it on her twitter?

1. Who is your waifu/husbando?
2. Favorite squad member in ME1?
3. ME2?
4. ME3?
5. Favorite mission in ME1?
>Feros, whole mission
6. ME2?
>Fighting with the collectors for the first time(Horizon)
7. ME3?
8. Favorite weapon?
>The Black Widow for my infiltrator or Cerberus Harrier for my Vanguard
9. What kind of armor do you use?
>Whichever has more weapon dmg
10. What color is your armor?
>White with red stripe
11. Cure or continue Genophage?
>Cure if Wrex, continue if Wreave
12. Peace between Geth and Quarians? If not, who did you choose to live?
>Peace for the sake of war assets, if I have to choose then I'll kill the quarians without giving a second thought
13. Thoughts on Cerberus?
>Shadowy and scarry organisation in ME1
>Most recognizable brand after coca cola in the galaxy in ME2-3, awful
14. Favorite anomaly in ME2?
>that whole chain - crashed ship, with hostile mechs, abandoned space station with obvious with blood spots, and the abandoned facility which you must destroy to contain those mechs
15. Favorite hub world?
16. Favorite non-squad NPC?
17. What class do you play as?
18. least favorite squad member in ME1?
19. ME2?
20. ME3?
21. Paragon or Renegade or do you just choose the option you would say in real life?
>What would I say in real life
22. Looking forward to Andromeda?
>Not gonna pay for it but will surely pirate it some time after the release
23. Favorite alien race?
24. Favorite DLC?
>ME3 Citadel DLC
25. Favorite recruitment mission in ME2?
26. Favorite loyalty mission in ME2?
27. Favorite Citadel variant? ME1, 2 or 3?
28. Favorite song in the game?
>ME1 - Noveria song(heard before going outside with mako)
>ME2 - Afterlife main part music
>ME3 - Mars Music
29. Best club?
30. Least favorite enemy in all 3 games?
>Kai Ling The little angry chinaman

post it here so I don't have to dig through her twitter

Maybe tomorrow.

>I don't know, but like I like the blemishes.
Jack has blemishes too. It's just that it looks like they overdid it with Ash.

>Bobbi Starr
Bobbi's a trooper. Underrated nowadays.

I thought everyone knew that's R2-DINDU

Post it.

>but like I like the blemishes

Jesus, am I turning into a bimbo, too?

>I have that picture framed btw.

Are you waiting for a special invitation or something? post it already