League of Legends General - /lolg/

eyosongive.us eulcs in 2 hours

Riven edition

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First for BANNED

Best girl.
Best breasts.
Best wife.

1-3 QI
4-6 Overwatch
7-9 Kirby
0 Leggity Legends

Who /deathmaster/ here?


Nice going, retard. Couldn't control your autism?

>no chat logs
Wasn't your fault, right?

suits your IGN perfectly.

post chat logs

is the "dead game" meme real?

in the month or two i've not played the game, my average queue time at Platinum 2 has gone from ~1min to over 8 minutes each

normal draft queues are over five fucken minutes

blind pick? at least two or three minutes, sometimes just as long as ranked queues

literally what happened

why is the game suddenly this quiet out of nowhere

who best support here?

abdul and the overwatchers

>Talon is LITERALLY the "*teleports behind you* psssh nothin' personal kid" champion
That said, is he good right now?

Literally how. Why yes that is adc graves

Only stats we have are twitch numbers and PC bang stats in korean. Twitch numbers are all over the place with the new LCS broadcasting format so no help there, but league has droped like 33% in PC bangs in korea, and it's not yet established.

you playing eu or something?

NA during the day is like 50 sec blind, 2 min draft.

>Meddler confirmed they're buffing Thresh in 6.13

Explains the skin

Is there a trick to playing the new Vlad/Swain? I played them both a couple of times and I couldn't get the hang of them, coming from someone who played them both quite a bit before the reworks.

I also don't know what to build on them anymore. Fucking mage update.

>is the "dead game" meme real?
>dead game

Easier/sometimes shitty Zed.

>nearing 1000 games in bronze 4

I would off myself if that were me


>get 10/0/4 on pantheon
Fuck you rito give me my level 7 tokens

How to we fix cloud drake /lolg/? Or do you think there should be a drag worth much less then the others?

>75 cs in a 27 minute game

That's well better than the average panth and you know it

Cloud drake now gives 100/200/300 out of combat movement speed.

There I fixed it.

AP Alistar is hilarious

Make it work in combat.

literally fixed.

>won a game with trolling ap ashe on team



>this post again


noxian nights final release

>ezreal game where I go 17/1/14 230 CS at 31 mins
>later on play with a caitlyn that goes 7/5/5 and 240 cs at 30 mins
It's a fucking stupid system that doesn't make any sense, and I also had an ez game where i went 23/3/25 and got an A-, guess I shoulda been farming instead of winning the game

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

You should be doing both.

>75 in a 27 min game
well better than average
Assuming you were jg I'd give you SOME leverage. But you should have at least 120 by 27
>be farming
>see a flash of blue on my screen
>don't know what it is
>ignore it
>it keeps happening
>Hecarim with 2k MS blinking onto me
>You have been slain
How frustrating is the final boss?


why would I farm when I reached full build super fast from being fed and proceeded to carry my team to victory instead of waiting 30 mins so I could get my CS up

Make it 2/3 as effective while in combat.


>That's well better than the average panth and you know it
Not the same user but that's no excuse. S requires you to get that CS.

Is Noxian Nights any good?

>tfw Vlad will never rise from a pool behind you and grab your arm before pulling you in for a forced kiss
>digging his claws into your waist and driving his coppery-tasting tongue into your mouth
>before tearing off the lower part of your bodysuit and pounding you on the spot

why even live

Good riddance, underage faggot. Now I bet you're going to shitpost about "LUL DEDGAEM CYA IN OVERWATCH xDDD"

post logs

Then you're not taking enough objectives.

Look, stop getting assblasted about some stupid rank.

I just want my shitty token nigga, it will come eventually but you are a riot shill if you think this shit makes any fucking sense and that it shouldn't need to be more dynamic in determining things

What should I do with these shards? I already have poolparty ziggs, and I have ravenborn leblanc.

Yare yare daze

I'm going to marry Marinaanon!

Hi /lolg, what do you think, muay thai lee sin or dragon fist + chroma?, I´m confused

eh that leblanc skin is still decent, nothing wrong with having multiple skins on characters you play alot, or you could reroll those and probably get some useless shit like spectral fiddles

Good skin offers?
Probably won't buy any because I don't have RP and prefer farming shards and boxes.

How is your day going user?

I hope you're winning lots of games, and playing with people you care about!

>How frustrating is the final boss?
extremely easy, my party was barely level 22 and both bosses got destroyed, the alternate bosses are much harder

just go into /aco/ and download it from there if you prefer, it's safe. or don't, do whatever the fuck you want.

I don't remember posting this image yet
also the malz skin is good but that discount is shit

Reroll the last 3 skins. Disenchant Taric unless you like it. Keep the Thresh. And disenchant that ward skin if you feel like it.

I want to

>telling him to reroll the two most valuable skins

ded tred

I don't play swain. For Vlad, the champ is balanced around q uptime. You should be casting it as often as is prudent to get through lane. I really like starting meme mask into Rylais on him, but he has so many good buys that his early game is super flexible. Against heavy AP like Ryze you can rush SV, AP tank like Maokai you can finish out mask or rush early pen, AD you can do zhonya rush, rylais is good against someone like Quinn. Just build health and CDR and you're golden.

silver surfer here

He says he already has that Ziggs, and the other two are pretty meh skins IMO (Ravenborn at least is better)
I'd say he should take his chances or at least disenchant LB and reroll with Taric instead.

give Riven a nice relaxing foot massage.

and not try any funny business, since I know how to just do something nice for someone without making it sexual.

To you faggots wondering why you aren't getting S-/S/S+ its dependent on the how the average stats of the rest of the playerbase matchup to yours.

This is why people can go 0/0/30 on janna and not get an S.
Its also why you can get an S on Azir simply by keeping up in cs and having a mediocre KDA like 6/3/7

Play easy champs= harder to get S
Play difficult champs= guaranteed S if you just farm and play safe

>and not try any funny business, since I know how to just do something nice for someone without making it sexual.


>forcing your leblanc to wear the same outfit every game

>tfw your 6 game win streak is halted by an 0/6 udyr top who did 4k damage to champs total, even while building damage like trinity rush
Not like this.

>tfw our yasuo goes from 0/2/0 to 20/5/7

I should never doubt again

oben the gades :D

is fiddlesticks worth playing yet


d..did he change your experience with yasuo?

Yeah I guess.

Once Yasuo gets a few kills it's pretty hard to shut him down.
But when you do finally shut him down.
He's probably not gonna be useful ever again.

Not until they changed his ult to max health % true damage

Alternate? Just bonus bosses or are they sorta off-handedly story related.

>league of legends
>shutdowns on a snowballing champ
>meaningful ever

where do you think you are

>new league of legends game rumored to premiere this E3
what's it gonna be like

Garbage, with a big side of non-existent

Some shitty card game probably. Everyone seems to be hopping on that train lately.

the amount of times I've seen a yas get fed then die a few times and eventually go something like 5/13 is too many to convince me yasuo is ever useful after being shutdown

just bonus bosses, they buff up dyuu and give you loads of gold and exp

no scenes or anything for them so not really worth doing honestly. one of them gives you an aoe heal for dyuu and that's it

i think it's gonna be a fighting game, riot bought out the company that made rising thunder a while ago after all

is this a meme i missed

I agree with Vincent. The foot massage you give your partner is massively different than the one your sports medicine professional or your orthopedician gives.

The first is about seeing them enjoy something, and doing something for them that they enjoy. There is a level of intimacy.

Vincent is a wise man.

>make a Sona deck
>cards are music themed
I'd play it. Been playing mtg for a long time.


I see, but an AOE heal on Dyuu sounds pretty awesome imo. But if the main bosses are that easy then it shouldn't be worse then that elemental last update (tfw found it's weakness by luck).

>yellowshit exposed as a trash shotcaller live on air

The fighting game that tencent bought hopefully it uses league characters

this game is so brutal
>take one bad trade in lane
>zoned off cs for the rest of the game

who designed this shit game

>be bad
Wow this game really fucking sucks

Maxing Q vs E second on Irelia
>being able to dash a second time in short succession when chasing an enemy
>1 second longer slow/stun

What do you guys think is better? I know most people max E second but the 4 second dash cd seems so good.

Look at how slow these threads are since Overwatch...

literally every single mage uses the same runes, tell me lolg what's the point of rune pages if customization is not worth it?

there is one boss that has an instagib move but it's not very precise, comes down mostly to luck though
there is another boss at night that rapes seriously shit and it's just a dps race

al the main-story bosses are really easy

>winning game
>top is a fucking imbecile
>lose game because he runs/flashes into 5 3 times in a row as soon as he respawns

>support stays in lane with 200 hp and 17 mana against cait

why do i even bother playing bot

So you have less IP and therefore need more RP.

if dota, which is at least a moba couldnt kill league then overwatch which people just play in queues and on breaks from league definitely wont