/mggg/ - Monster Girl Games General #23

We did it.

This general is for the discussion of games containing Monster Girls, main game of discussion is Monster Girl Quest, but people are encouraged to introduce new games.

Monster Girl Quest (MGQ): pastebin.com/rJSc1Psm
Monster Girl Island (3D game): monstergirlisland.com/
Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou Online: pastebin.com/exxVjzEv
Mobile games with Monster Girls: pastebin.com/NFaxEGib

Previous thread: →

We need someone to sacrifice himself and take care of the pastebins.

Other urls found in this thread:


>have 44 rubies
>have 52 medals
I just hope I can resist temptation till the 15th. Considering Volume 10 releases on the same day as Doppel, there's always that small chance they'll do a promotion and give better than normal odds to roll MON. Doubly so, given they're gracing the cover.

second for fat puchidol

>104 rubies
>33 medals

No hesitation, I'm throwing my fortune on tomorrow's gacha.

Are there any new translations/patches for MGQP? I've been looking around but I haven't found anything of value yet

Fifth for hate speech

There is nothing more than what can be found on Dargoth's blog.
He will probably make an update soon.

>tfw you spotted silver and gold in the same summer gacha roll
>tfw it's both shit

And still don't have any of 3 summer tichets girl.
How's rest of you doin?

Got Rem and 2 Yukis long ago from Rubies. Mai took me 70 tickets. Been mostly shit aside from the Quesu a day(?) ago.

Got only 1 Rem from all the hydrangea tickets.


I'm suprised hot pockets didn't get onto this pic yet.
Oh well, good for us.

Yeah I thought that too afterward. Let's hope they let it slide since it's us.

Miti event: 15/75/100/80
Got a Mai and a Rem from tickets, even though I already had Rem at 70... wish there was a gift system so someone could use her.

>page 10


Always good to see that /ksg/ is still up and running.

>talk about /ksg/
>on /mggg/
Was it a cross thread compliment or ?

>Being this new

that's never the case

To /mggg/ ? yes

>Being THIS new

No, i used to come here when it was still monster grill general, not monster grill game general
Nice try

>Being THIS this new

Alright, har har, i'm new

would you befriend a crippled harpy?

I would do more than befriend her
I would develop prosthetic wings for her so she can fly on her own power

/ksg/ what are you doing

I'd rather keep my crippled dragonkin warm, thank you.

So, planning on playing Paradox sometime in the future (soon tm). Are there any characters which are clearly stronger, or should I just make a party based on my preferences?

Some are broken but you can steamroll the game with who ever you like.



Time for Slimes

>Wet white shirt
>On body of solid liquid


What have you been watching /mggg/?
Pic related.


Currently at 0/5/101/0 and 25/63/70, aiming for at least 100 on everything but the Super maps. How is user's progress going?



would you fug me if i cosplayed tamamo

are you even a girl

only if ur a washboard


Do you have a feminine dick?

I'm tired of bumping this thread


will you pound me?

I'll pound you
With my fists

but you're the most important user here

>Slimes wearing clothes
Suu is the only slimegirl permitted to wear clothes in my eyes.

theres actually alot of art of this slime girl



I spy a tiddie

All i see is Blue and Pantsu

But i need you're all help survive to.

do slimes even need nipples




maybe not.


Goddamnit, maintenance. Ooh, new sounds to collect. MON will now say the "Monster Musume no iru Nichijou, ONLINE" line.

>Manako will now say the "Monster Musume no iru Nichijou, ONLINE" line
Dis gon b gud.

look if it's female and not hideous i'd probably try.

>Not Hideous

whats hideous to you user? beauty can go a long way, hell people would fuck the wraith from Evolve if given the chance and that thing doesn't have a face

All this time you thought it was tail vanilla, but it was actually tail anal.

NEVER EVER game finally released. Is Liru a monster girl?

who and what?



This thread needs more vore

You rang?

Dinner: mega.nz/#!rMk00LxD!1Yvhk7DKP4BUG6d1NSs9OS9mqFr_Ci42-LY1yVxgMX4
Lunch: mega.co.nz/#!i14EBKwL!tMh2AxfraFcsS9G7T9v3LHlg8zFEu5kKsBpsrwNaUWw
Breakfast: dargothtranslations.wordpress.com/2013/04/18/monster-girl-quest-delicious-breakfast-scenarios/


Dinner Translation never

see y'all next thread

fugg forgot to spoiler these two

Soooo what i'm looking at?

Terrible Horrors that shouldn't be seen by meer mortals

It's already on nyaa


so dolphinus?

Chuuni shapeshifter in ~5 minutes' time. Speculate on her skills?

>femcell being tailvored
Holy shit what kind of chaotic parallel universe is this

ELMG is back online.

Gonna do two ruby rolls.

>Whole MON crew
>A number of normal and rare game-only girls getting HR versions
>STILL no Literally Who-chan

>Able to set checkpoints

Fuck saving rubies for rolls, I bought three flags right away.

If they add girls in the order they were introduced in the manga, it's Polt next, but if they hold her back to launch alongside her DVD, we could be getting best girl instead.

I hope not, user. I want to at least have enough for 5 rolls just incase

only got enough for 3

If they go by order of introduction now, then there's still Draco, the Dryad and Lilith before Lala.
Good point, currently i only have enough for 3 rolls, almost 4, hopefully by then i can get something around 5 or 6 rolls.

Yeah, if they're gonna introduce Polt next, then im going into Ruby collecting overdrive until then, but im hoping they wont right away because they haven't got a voice actor for her yet, and we still got Draco and Lilith to go

>bought three
I hate to tell you this, but you can only "rent" flags, never buy.

>The only way to get Polt is to buy a special pedometer which will connect to the game and unlocks her once you've completed a marathon

By the way, there's a second tab on the ruby rolls, with the VOLUME 10 SPECIAL roll.

It's double chance for SR, 30 rubies for the first roll, and the HR/SR pool contains only the main cast.

Shit I assumed they were a permanent upgrade because they were on the same page as the team unlocks.
How long do they last then?

15 days.

>A pedometer you could only get in japan, or have it on your Iphone Tablet

You know, with the release of that Pokemon Go thing, it wouldn't be such a bad idea.

163 rubies is all i have, enough for 3 10 rolls, lets get up to at least 250

No interest in rolling the 30 ruby (first time), double SR gacha?

Hell no, maybe next time when i get my favorite girl, If i do.

Already got my other favorite, Zombina, and i got a HR Rachnera, if i can get Polt then im pretty much golden

Ah well, 9 rubies wasted isn't the end of the world, not like I would have pulled anything good with them anyways.

The three ruby one might even be worth it with how much they cut down on needing to babysit your girls.

It's the difference between having 4 rubies per fortnight and 1 ruby per fortnight + literally skip babysiting for node drops.

Personally I would say it's very convenient.