Gjally Edition
Gjally Edition
We're okay with every update for ~1 week and then we realize that getting our hopes up with post Reach Bungie is an awful idea
But that 1 week is always pretty fun
Are you new? It was ded since like november 2014 at most
>making gjallarhorn a pre order bonus
Yeah that totally doesn't undermine part of the reason why it was so amazing.
You like Destiny, don't you /dg/?
>eververse was supposed to pay for major expansions
>except for this one
Its the black skin you fucking retard
nth for Titan Cloaks
Eververse was suppose to pay for the little tiny DLC shit on the same level as HOW aka the april update you retarded frog poster.
>Rise of Iron costs $30 USD
I think Eververse more or less paid for upkeep on D1. Everyone else is working great on D2. So the small team and servers still keeping up with Destiny made this. Which is supposed to hold us over. Only time will tell.
>what is the new gamemode
>what are the new ""features""
>does the new 'Iron-themed' Titan armor look good
if they fuck this up
From the twitch stream earlier.
What's up faggots, looks like I'm coming back to cuckstiny and making fun of all of you
Sincerely, siegeh
servers online when ?
>merely pretending
>mfw the dev corrected himself from "new strikes" to "a new strike"
What april update?
>still haven't released exotics that were spoilered almost a year ago
>still sitting on the same raid they released a year ago
>still no new content from almost a year ago
Sort of a repost from the last thread
but is everyone really gonna buy this?
are you really going to spend money on this knowing full well that there are going to be 0 content updates for the next 12 months after it comes out and all you are going to be doing is grinding rehashed strikes and running the same raid over and over and over and over for 12 months?
Even after that you won't be max light due to the horrible RNG system that the game has adopted
what happened to this game...
I remember back in 2012 back when it was first revealed I was so fucking hyped and look at what this shit has become...
why did Bungie have to fuck up so badly...
3pm pdt
Titans get wolves, Hunters get hawks, Warlocks get something else
but they didn't specify. like that poor soul and other retards will think you can get the entire gun by preordering one. people will be like, "why do the quest when I can pre-order it
For the millionth time, yes we will buy it, and yes it will likely be a massive disappointment, and yes we will come to our senses after a week of hype wears off, but this has happened so many times already that you should be used to it by now
they said on stream no pets for guardians
>30 bucks for 1 Raid
>Destinyfags will fall for this
Sepiks was just an overgrown Servitor, I don't understand what the big fucking deal with him was supposed to be.
>but is everyone really gonna buy this?
> there are going to be 0 content updates for the next 12 months after it comes out
destiny 2 will be out before then
Because they're incompetent, even Capcom figured out how to not fuck up their game in 3 months
>inb4 Saladman dies during the Ghorn quest and players make their Ghorn from his dead body
It was a pretty good strike, much better than garbage we got with TTK
user, hunters become qt cats.
The SIVA set on the titan looked really bad. If that's really the raid set I have no remorse infusing it instantly.
But if the Iron Lord set looks as good as the Warlocks then that's the one I'm gonna rock.
I'm not hardup on cash so $30 is nothing to me. I have 2000 times that in a locker in my room.
>Not having 5000 times that
Lol, get out poorfag
They did specify.They said it on the stream:
ALL guardians can acquire and reforge their own Gjallarhorn in the questline, but the Iron Gjallarhorn is pre-order exclusive. They said it in almost those exact words (with a lot more "ums" in there).
>Vex base game + VOG
>2 Fallen expansions
>2 Hive expansions
This just reminded me, that is definitely going to be one of the updated strikes for Rise of Iron, along with Phogoth. What other strikes are missing for Heroic?
my favorite part is where they "showed off" the new one with just clips of the old one and when you were going to see the impact of the new one it cut out just before anything happened
prepare to have wolfpack rounds removed and have the whole weapon gutted to Sleeper Simulant levels of shit
Oh, I wasn't knocking on Devil's Lair, I just can't see why Sepiks Prime was supposed to be a threat in-universe.
i definitely saw wolfpack rounds in action but they definitely did cut away to avoid showing how effective they'd be
Do we know if it's SIVA or CEVA or something else silly like SHEEVAH?
It's also making me think of Freespace 2 with the devilish red tech glow and "seeva" name, it might as well be Shivan.
Don't forget updated Raids.
I doubt we'll get very many updated Strikes. Hopefully Septic(&)Tank.
>I'm lying on the internet!
Cool man.
would bungie really do that to us?
sepiks, faggoth, nexus
Phogoth and Nexus
So specifically, why is this current gen exclusive? What's so special about this expansion
thats pocket change, peasant.
Wouldn't they?
Nexus! That's the one I always forget. Well I hope all three of these are in the new update, and in rotation. More strikes the better.
he has to die so we can use his axe as a relic
of course they would
its a fucking quest exotic
it literally can't be good
I actually don't get it
they seem to think that just giving everything out to everyone for minimal effort is better than forcing people to grind for something to feel like they "earned" it
you had way more commitment and way more huge fun moments in year 1 from things like Gjallar dropping off of VoG for some dude than you have ever had in year two and probably will ever have in year three
free shit please go
force shitters to get gud and you might have a healthy game again
Who the fuck knows? Maybe the map was too big to handle? Or they were to tired of trying to squeeze out a handful of vault slots every expansion?
I'm sure we'll find out before the end of summer.
They didn't want to be held back by poor fags like you.
They worship the prime servitor like a god it's the leader of their house
>Sleeper Simulant levels of shit
nice bait
Primes produce majority of the ether fallen feed on. You destroy that and fallen just die out.
So outdated console don't drag this game even more down
So basically Rise of Iron is the start of year 3.
I already paid over $30 in Eververse shit, which I was told was supposed to cover future expansions.
Why the fuck am I having to pay another $30 for an expansion of enemy reskins?
its harder to develop a game for two platforms that are a generation apart. It was bound to happen
>its a fucking quest exotic
it literally can't be good
fuck off, wolfpack rounds were still there Ghorn already got it's nerf right before TTK so it could be here
>I already paid over $30 in useless trash
For what purpose
They literally never said that Eververse shit would pay for expansions.
>spending 30 bucks on Eververse
No, it's the very very end of Y2 I think. I don't think there will be a Y3. I personally hope there will be.
>Never wasted a sigle dime on anything eververse and still have the original 400 welfare silver they handed out
Feels good
about fucking time
the fact that they made this shit available on the previous generation completely soiled the game and made it so that we basically have 99% of the content held back until Destiny two
should have never released this game on the previous generation
they don't support xbox 360 and ps3 and instead we get PC support
we get 20x more content and its 10,000x better than what we got because they were attempting to get this shit to work on 15 year old toasters
cool, you paid for a couple hours work of an employee working on the expansion, you're not entitled to anything.
>I was told
>Didn't learn from TDB
>Didn't learn from HoW
>Didn't learn from TTK
>Won't learn from RiO
I fucking hate Destiny but at the same time love it.
>useless trash
>as opposed to this new DLC
lol, not much of a difference, my man
Looks like someone put some Game of Thrones in my Destiny.
I'm intrigued. Sucks we aren't getting a Cabal raid, but I'm looking forward to RoI.
>Fuck up the black garden
>Fuck up Crota
>Fuck up Wolves
>Fuck up Oryx
In just two years of their awakening our guardian claimed more victories than the entire city in centuries.
The city fucking depends on us.
Anyone up for some post-stream raiding maybe?
I've played KF all of twice and still haven't done HM, though maybe I'm getting desperate in the Light grind. Still, fun times, perhaps.
Cabal is Destiny 2
>not only will niggas be aloud to play this game in the next dlc, they will be in the game
>my face when I can read and pronounce that mess without even skipping a beat
I'm cool with that.
then who hosts Iron Banana
>Cabal raid
>wanting explosions everywhere and a Dual shield Phalanx boss that will run you over like a train
user, vault space, shitty shadows, and loading times are not the problems that drove destiny into the ground.
The way Bungie mismanaged content updates did.
Cabal are probably going to be the first raid of Destiny 2
His wolfs
GoT has been in Destiny since the Fallen Houses were a thing
>bark bark
>your rank 5 package is a dead moose they killed
They said no pets, but what are the chances of a wolf to replace the sparrow???
I wish they would expand upon the house of kings
GoT didn't invent royal houses, user.
Nor was Destiny the first sci-fi setting to feature royal house rivalries. See Dune.
>Hey go explore this whole new world
>whoa ll this stuff is new and exiting and pretty cool
>alright only 3 months after the initial release?
>sounds good I know I enjoy quick content GJ Bungie
>no new raid?
>no content?
>what are you doing Bungie you can't just stop releasing content for a game that runs off of new content
>hey go kill the final boss of the games lore that was the only real bad guy we had set up for the whole thing, we will totally have more interesting stuff for you to do after we have exhausted all our creative assets for this game in the first 2 years :^)
>we are creativity bankrupt and are now resorting to "an ancient evil that you never heard of before is back" to try and push our game forward
>p-please buy our game
>we will even give you that super OP weapon that players used and loved in year one, please be a sucker for nostalgia and buy our game
what a fucking disaster
that seems really impractical
>cover future expansions
Not expansions, events.
Events like Shart Racing League and Festival of the Lost.
I'm fucking pissed because I thought Saladin was going to be a fucking bearded Viking, not some sweaty nigger.
If you haven't turned off vibration yet. You will during the Cabal raid.
You might even need some Dramamine.
No you don't understand!