/ddg/ Dragon's Dogma General

I'm still playing this game so this general won't die edition. Also thick.

You can change vocations at level 10 at the Gran Soren inn or BBI.
Character appearance can be changed later on.
You don't need pawns, but they help.
Don’t miss your sidequests: dragonsdogma.wikia.com/wiki/Side_Quest_Progression
Further info on "Must Do" sidequests: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qS9A47duONEwozGu8A6_oX_HyCxgBwbquGmlZqEQqqg/edit?usp=sharing
Make sure you understand the romance system before you get too far: dragonsdogma.wikia.com/wiki/Beloved

>Wiki you lazy shit


>NEW /ddg/ Pawn Sheet

>Stat Growths

>RC Calculator

>In-depth Beginner/Advanced Player Guide and FAQ

> Old /ddg/ Pawn Sheet

>Character Creator Sliders

>Current mods available

>Collection of small mods (model/color swaps etc.)

>Hotkey Script for PC Players

>Modding on console and old pawns

>Guide to get DDO

>DDO Beginners Guide

>Screenshot Guide

>Make webms

>[un]official Steam group

Other urls found in this thread:


I didn't post it last thread but there are skill picture previews for ddon so every class is getting another new skill. Not gonna bother posting them all though


Multiple 404s. This isn't good.


only a dd2 announcement can save us

Is this game for me?
Played through DS last and now looking for a new game. Huge fan op ARPGs, didnt like Witcher, liked DA:O.
Buying yes or no?

It depends on why you liked DS.
Dragon's Dogma is significantly faster than Dark Souls, and stamina management in combat is not quite as strict or important.

A good reference for whether or not you will like this one is if you liked Monster Hunter and Devil May Cry, since in some ways this game is what would result if you combined those two.

A common complaint about Dogma is early exploration and how you do need to do a lot of walking, but it soon becomes a non-issue.

It's almost sad that none of the other fights in this game are as directly cinematic as the battle against the dragon himself. So many different awesome sequences, I was really hoping Daimon would be the same.

That bitch is THICK

thicc chiccs are a blessing

Surely thick girls can save the general.

post stuff


it's over, no DD2 this year

sorry user

kill me

I'm Godsbanning

Mourn me not, for I welcome the release.


Muh face.

caugh, there's no escape now

E3 in just a few more days. We just have to hold on for a little bit longer, then we'll know for sure.

post yfw DD game gets announced



Someone made a mod like mod user did to replace Adept's Hat for Diadem, but this one replaces the Mistletoe Circlet

Post Magick Archer fashion. I need ideas.





I like this a lot

not enough apaprently

Game's on sale on PSN. I'm okay with having something around a 30fps range, but are there any significant mods for PC that would just make it better to get on steam?

I don't have a very powerful pc


The PS3 community is dead except for Japanese people so you likely won't have any pawn to rent

>STILL no Large Fisheye Stone after a couple of full Daimon runs
anyone not level 200 want a hire?

But user, it's dead on PC as well.

/ddg/ is dead

the PC community is alright

Then how is is dead on PS3?

I'll see if I can throw you one
pawn info?

Because everyone moved to play on PC, PS3 is a very old release, don't expect people to stick in it for too long. The PC version selling point is having a way better performance, in PS3 the game attemps to kill itself even when you sprint.

no thanks, it won't be the same if you just GIVE it to me.

Good thing that Japanese is the master race

It's alive on PS3 though. Your bias is really annoying because you're straight up ignorant or lying.

I'll sell one to you for 29 aughtbux

Selene is best girl

>removing my reason to get on

You better not die, /ddg/.

Enjoy the game my man.

Not really many mods on PC, just retextures and shit like that. It will probably run better on PC though.

the fuck is on your face

>guy has a really nice thick brown pawn ranger
>remakes her
>changes her hair and makes her a warrior
>kind of low level now
>stops playing
RIP on the left



rip in pieces hot pawn :(

she's thick in a better place ;_;

Bear in mind that I'm a slut

would you suck damion?

Daimon sucks you

i can't fucking beat daimon
i can dodge his projectiles and whatnot, but his fucking grapple is impossible to move away
it's as if it's fucking scripted to lock onto you regardless which direction you go to
it's fucking bullshit

which daimon

>but his fucking grapple is impossible to move away
>it's as if it's fucking scripted to lock onto you regardless which direction you go to


Is there a particular place that's best for exp within Bitterblack? I sort of just repeatedly punch things in the Rotunda of Dread since the stuff in there respawns, but that gets a little tired. My weapons aren't all that great either, but the lvl 3 cursed weapons are rare enough and don't really give me what I need.

Is it okay to shill your pawn here?
I really need rift crystals to purify BBI cursed equipment
Thanks in advance

of course

Okay, so do I just tell you my platform, pawn's name and vocation?
Owner's name is: Fiela Ka
Feel free to gift him junk because I only use him as a meatshield and mule. Sorry if I missed out any other necessary information.

you need level too ser

Oh my bad, he's 133 atm
It might change soon since I'm trying to farm rift crystals

Okay nevermind, he just hit 134.
I think I'll stop playing for a while, sorry about that.
Thanks in advance for everything

just a reminder, but your pawn will show in the rift at whatever lvl you last rested at
so an example would be if you rest at 133 and then go out and get to lvl 140 without resting in between, your pawn will still be 133 in the rift

basically, if you're shilling rest after you post info

Oh shit, okay I'll relaunch the game and rest.
I'll notify right away you when I rest.

All right, done.
Rested at an inn and check his level (134).
Thanks again man.
Excuse his shitty armor by the way, he's just my inventory hoarder.

Damn, i get the urge to play this game again with different arisen/pawn combination...even when the game was a little bit tedious in the middle part, it is somehow so addictive.

Whats the secret?

Grave/Carrion Robes without underwear.

It's fate, Arisen

You mean like this?


No bra, faggot

These Grandma Beaty screenshots are some of the most bizarre shit I've seen in this general. It's weird on so many levels, you have no idea.

Also you're wearing the wrong shirt, bud.

What would I give for a "Death stalks Gransys" mod

Just do the boss rooms (Gazer and Dark Bishop.) Dark Bishop is especially nice since Death can show up in the nearby rooms

Thanks for the info, spud.
I should do Beatie too.

Imagine Death in Gran Soren

Infinite Death in Noble Quarter
>fuck your vocation leveling

PSA: You can give your pawns MA/MK/Assassin augments, and they work online

wtf i can kill daimon's true form, but i can't kill death
like i can't even scratch him

Sounds about right. It's called death for a reason.

woah, i guess this game has some deep imagery

So... does anyone in the thread still have low-ish level pawns?
I just started a new game because I got the urge to play again but I'm pretty burned out on BBI, so a new game seemed like the best idea.

why you want to start over

A man can only run BBI and steamroll through the enemies so many times user, I want to explore Gransys again, fight bandits, walking bones and the like.

What level are you?
Did you minmax?
What vocation do you steamroll through?
Just want to know because I'm having troubles with my vocation in BBI atm.

I have 2 save files actually, in my main account I'm already at max level.
My pawn is a Sorceress, I change my own vocation pretty much every time I play. I did not min-max at all, but since I switched vocations so frequently it seems I ended up with pretty well rounded characters, with a good amount of HP, defenses and attack.

What level/vocation are you?

I think I'm at 140ish and Sorceress as well.
I never knew about minmaxing until I hit level 120 and I recall switching vocations a lot pre-100 (Assassin to Fighter to Sorcerer to Strider and so on). The minmaxing thing has been getting into my head because my damage is absolute garbage. Or maybe it's my gear (I still haven't got my BBI level 3 Archistaff). But thanks for the answers, appreciate it.

Yeah, since you leveled mostly as physical classes, your magic damage isn't as good.
Also, are you using the magic buff Augments? Have you dragonforged your weapon?

Yeah m8, gear makes all the difference, it nearly trivializes stat growth.
Don't worry too much about it, soon enough you'll be running through BBI and wishing the enemies had more health since you'll be melting them with Fulmination and other similar spells.

Yeah, I got the all the necessary augments from Mage and Sorcerer. I only have a first stage dragonforged Bane Archistaff. Hopefully I get a Sanguine Stalk after those three consecutive Bitter Ends when purifying next time.

Dude, you're purifying wrongly. If you want a blue weapon (staff, archistaff), both you and your main pawn must be a blue vocation while purifying. Since your main pawn is red, the chances of you getting a blue weapon are not 100%.

>not minmaxing for aesthetically pleasing stats

are you fucking serious
what the FUUCK