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Le bumpo
Fucking discordfag niggers ruined /ssbg/
Stay the fuck out of my thread you fucking retards
Last thread died and don't give the people are at are at school / work shit it was after 5
Shut down /ssbg/ when?
Stay mad
Any guides on getting some custom shit for smash?
ask in the discord /ssbg/ is dead
HxH isn't even good.
You guys keep saying to ask discord but never link me to anywhere arrrghhhhh
>tfw i get grouped in with this moron everytime i criticize the discords
Just add the leader my man #0914
wow you really won't let it go
the thread fell off the board for a reason just give it up already
Is PPMD's girlfriend really in porn?
fuck off discord shill
Name pls?
A new discord without chazo or Moxy will be created soon.
fuck off chad
>a new circlejerk will be created soon
Cool, fuck off
And it will fail. Stay mad and fuck
A new discord with Adeleine will be created soon.
I'd cum on that Ashley.
A new discord about dead generals and how they're dead while those who "shitpost" are the only ones playing the game will be made.
fuck off Ashleyfag
Your discord is pretty bad now, players get banned everyday
>pame dooplis chad chronos darkwolf stef kokonoe braxton
LOL ban much moxy?
Doopliss was only shitposting/stirring up trouble and Barkley was temp punished for bringing cancer like him. He's back as long as it doesn't repeat.
barkley is such a cancer he did that stuff in other generals too
And they aren't even blatant shitposters who came to the discord just to cause trouble
They were stupid bans
moxy is a fucking dumbass for bringing in barkley
he's a angryfaggot like falkore who thinks it's the norm to throw around insults at everyone as a greeting
Only two people are banned. Braxton (voted off by majority) Doopliss (shitposter/reportedly posted illegal material online). Can't ban on mobile
You've got no friends, Ashley.
>stupid bans
>Kokonoe as a mod
>3dsfags shitposters like macfag,fishy,penta,braxton,pame,barkley
>acting like a dictator
>bragging about being an admin
>talking shit about players that are not in the discord and ssbg
That discord is pretty stupid
however people get fucking kicked at a whim
>>>illegal material
80% it's a voluntary leave. Have a problem, PM it.
barkley should be banned too but moxy sucks off anyone who plays mario kart so fucking hard, no matter how fucking annoying they are
moxy has a pocket of people immune from bans who really need to leave (barkley, pame, fishy, barst, tothbrush, penta ,etc)
fuck off kokonoe
the problem is moxy himself is an annoying circlejerker so he'll never kick out anyone in his circlejerk crew
But i got banned so your rule doesnt apply.
>kick/ban said people
>"Baww all these kicks and bans!"
Wait, so fishy is in the discord now?
I thought they hated fishy
I heard that the reason he's allowed in is because he had a brief fling with the amazing and handsome Barst23.
However, he's inches close to getting banned, as he refuses to post feet...
Macfag was the gateway 3dsfag
Fishy was the slippery slope
Soon, Hoody will be in
you know it's true moxy
It won't. Mods and Admin have access to all invites' origins. Execution and elimination.
I intimidate them too much. If I showed up and demolished them Moxy's discord would turn into Jonestown. They can keep their discord but /ssbg/ is mine
fuck off rakyy
Moxy is just a fag that jerks off to prepubescent anime girls and sucks Kokonoe's dick
He turned him into a mod even when he shitposted the server and the majority opposed , then Kokonoe deleted posts and banned pleople just because he got offended.
Moxy is the ultimate cuck, Kokonoe (as a mod) started shitposting his discord, got banned, talked shit and exposed Moxy in the thread and then he begged him to return AS A MOD
fuck off kokonoe
I always had my doubts on moxy running the discord. Moxy was a faggot of the highest degree when he posted here daily in /ssbg/.
Always spamming cropped anime girl hentai and massively circlejerking in the threads
Moxy also gets super pissy and bratty if you disagree with him.
He's similar to chazo in the way they always think they are right and their opinions do not have flaws.
I agree.
Atelier Sophie or Senran Kogura for Vita?
Hi Stef.
odin sphere
You wanna craft stuff or masturbate
most people here are like that
Hi moxy. No they don't
I already have Odin Sphere
fuck off koko
atelier then
>have no clue who moxy is
No one is that bad, right?
>check archive, go to random page
Okay, I can see why some people wanted moxy gone from here.
Keep me out of the autism
>all that cropped porn, loli, /e/ shit
that's some pretty obnoxious avatarfagging
And worse of all, none of it is smash
These posts are cancer
All of them
the reality is moxy was literally made the discord because he got bullied constantly here for being super annoying
He wanted his own circlejerk to run with his fellow autists where no one could make fun of them ,despite their behavior being so freaking creepy
Remember when he wrote that essay about him quitting Smash 4 because the DLC ended
Then he was back a week later top kek
Remember when he attention whored constantly and pretended to be a girl for attention?
I hate shitposting but I hate Moxy more so this thread is okay
>people are this salty that they can't be in moxy's super cool secret club
Hi Moxy and discordfags. I know you are reading the threads and going back to your safehouse to shitpost about /ssbg/
You fuckers already disowned /ssbg/ so stop fucking visiting here just to cause drama
All the comments are 1.5-2 minutes apart. Samefagging strong.
fuck off moxy
fuck off pame
>implying it's not you and some other sperg
Two posts back to back a few minutes per time. Next, you'll make sure to stop posting for a bit to prove me wrong.
Fuck off stef
>It's one person!
>Moves the goalposts
Top kek
Yep. Saw it coming.
my goal is almost complete i have destroyed all nintendo generals
now i can sell my wii u as there is no need to stalk anons to stir up the juicy drama
fuck off rakyy
fuck off jacob
>There are 17 posters in this thread.
check em
posts the other generals and post your proof for killing them faggot
Nice dubs, faggot
Why do people always try to pretend there is only 1 shitposter? Literally every post in this thread is a shitpost and there is 17 posters. It's quite dashing.