Other urls found in this thread:
>cant sparrow glitch into the floor anymore
>Playing Fallout 4
No thanks.
>$30 DLC
wasn't the point of Microtransactions so that the expansion DLC wouldn't be so much money?
Because they want more money
Normally this dlc would be 40 dollars
So if you bought 30 dollars of silver, you really just knocked 10 dollars off for two poorfags and yourself.
>got Lord of Wolves
Thanks Galactica and Stray
Holy fuck Crucible is unbearable recently.
I mean even more than usual.
>30 Dollars
>For an expansion that's bound to be Dark Below tier since its the last thing before Destiny 2
No thanks.
>tfw cat hate the kitten so much that she refuses to enter any room the kitten has been in for the last three days
>tfw my kitty is becoming depressed
anyone wanna do anything? I want to get my mind off of my poor kitty
No. Why does this asinine meme keep getting spouted? Micro transactions were put in place to facilitate more free updates, things like the April Update, SRL, Crimson Days etc.
This expansion is going to be the dankest yet
>tfw cat is so fat she doesn't give a shit about anything else, not even the massive German shepherd in the house
>Khvostov becomes an exotic
>only way you can achieve exotic status is to have an ORIGINAL Khvostov from the respective account before TTK.
Would be hilarious if Bungoo did this.
What if
all 12 iron lords were niggers
Is the Halo 5 multiplayer any good?
Been watching some videos, it loosk pretty nice. Especially warzone caught my eye. But I never played Halo before so I don't know if I'm being blinded by flashy things.
I would also have to get an xbone first
>implying i dont use khvostov regularly
>Iron Dindus
I've kept my Khvostov from all of my characters, but I've deleted and started over several times across all 3 slots.
>From your very first guardian, not a remade guardian
Imagine the grief
>Khostov exotic in final Destiny game that requires all trimuphs
It's loads of fun. I know BV plays Halo 5. Not sure about any of the other Boners, but it's fun with friends. And Firefight is coming soon.
>this poster to posts ratio
We're alive again?
I kind of doubt they're doing a Y2 Triumphs thing. I'd figure we'd have heard about it already but maybe not.
This is my second time in the thread since TTK release day. I'll be gone again soon.
No, this shit general will always be the same bunch of shitposters
>tfw caught my cat snoozing on the tractor
What's firefight?
Endless waves of enemies, survive as long as you can
Amazing. It's like PoE without the airlock and the enemies gain modifiers as you progress.
i wiped like 5 times with an lfg group
everything went swimmingly afterwards
>Iron Lord centered DLC would be the perfect time to introduce new weapon type like grenade launchers, flamethrowers or chainguns
I know we'll never get them, but I can dream
>tfw my cat is mia
I'm sure he's dead, he always came back to the house when he ran off, but it's been 2 weeks
>doing anything new ever
Sounds like PoE done right.
Will they ever add new weapon types? Loot table could get clogged. Doubt anything after Sidearms and Swords.
>Not going out to look for him or putting up flyers
You fucking cunt.
So there's no physical edition this time?
2 years ago my cat was gone for 2+ months during the summer, but he came back.
Last summer he was gone for 3 weeks again.
He occasionally leaves for 2-3 days too, but always comes back.
Some cats are just really outgoing.
>could get clogged
it's already clogged by all the garbage they introduced for this exact reason
they've balanced the shit out of all the weapons
controls can be fine tuned the fuck up
their new Forge system is amazing
you can select to matchmake under skill or connection now
and there'll probably be more content updates along the way
but, lacks full customization (only Helmet, Visor, then Body)
I don't think they've fixed randos vs premades in Arena yet
cosmetic customization and unlocking things is very grindy (but less grindy than Reach)
and population is sparse outside of North America
the mobility is refreshing
I doubt they wanna keep fucking with the already PvP meta, especially with how quick they are to fix things.
did they release any info on actual multiplayer stuff?
They intentionally glossed over it. All we know now is:
>new mode
>new maps
>new "features"
True, I think that's why people are worried about Wolfpack getting doubly nerf'd.
I wish new features included custom games but I'm not getting my hopes up
Since it hasn't been posted.
Anyone willing to take me on a kings fall raid? Light level 316
On the subject of other multiplayers:
How's doom's? I hear more good things about the campaign than the PvP but so long it's not worse then Destiny's it should be alright, right?
Doom MP is pretty good if you like classic arena style gameplay.
So I assume those aren't actually all different areas? They're just small sections of the same tiny zone like TTK?
>and population is sparse outside of North America
Well shit
I'm a europoop
Black listed
340 minimum to post in this thread ;^)
Plaguelands is a new area of Earth, Felwinter Peak is the new social space and The Wall is part of the new area. Probably links Cosmodrome and Plaguelands.
Nobody trust this shit, I'm pretty sure DeeJ is secretly a skeleton on the inside.
No, the social space was 'The Temple of Iron' or something like that. It is located in the peak though
Playable on consoles?
I was surprised they made Sidearms an entire class of their own instead of just a very odd archetype for Handcannons.
I was working so I missed the stream.
A) was there anything worthwhile?
B) if so where can I watch it?
pls help
most definitely. although much better with kbm
Story and campaign are beyond awful
Multiplayer is unique and new, but not like classic halo at all
Forge is fun, but doing crazy shit with it is pretty hard
Customization and File sharing are really bad, to the point where it's sad
A lot of people sing halo 5 praises because its new and different, but everything else left a bad taste in my mouth
Basically, its good, but its not a "must own" xbox game anymore.
>So I assume those aren't actually all different areas? They're just small sections of the same tiny zone like TTK?
I don't think that's the case based on the track record, in TTK they said new new location, the dreadnaught, they didn't name all the individual sections, and this has always been the case, pretty sure those are 3 separate areas, not just sub-zones of one area.
We will find out at E3
Yea, if you have even a shred experience with fast paced FPS on PC you will shred console players.
Plague lands is a separate Earth patrol. Not sure if you can travel between both on foot.
I think the Mausoleum is equivalent to the Lighthouse.
I just hope it's a larger patrol area than the Dreadnought.
Because just before the release the price will drop to $20 to catch those last minute suckers that otherwise would not have bought the game. :^)
>jumped off Destiny bandwagon weeks ago
>totally removed every inch of Destiny of my mind
I've never been happier, no more shit mp, no more whoring myself out in this thread for a raid, only me and my tiddie ninja game
This is true bliss
And yet... Here you are.
I mean if you go and re-listen to the stream carefully.
Fellwinter peak is the thing you have to clear to unlock it as a social space, and the Mausoleum is just a building within the peak.
/hg/ is pretty active and friendly, me included. you'd have a hard time not finding people online in the company
third community montage for how we choose to waste our time
New social space is called the "Iron Temple."
It's located on Felwinter Peak.
Campaign and story were complete fucking 0/10 shit tier
Multiplayer is a hit and miss. I personally dislike it because of the art style that 343I chose, terrible map design and the weird ass aiming
Customs and forge are what they are. If you are autistic enough, you can create some cool gamemodes and maps
Player customization is worse than Halo 3
Also microtransactions
>everything they showed in the trailer is all that they have
>soo desperate for the advance money they try to pull a Halo 2
>totally removed every inch of Destiny of my mind
He said, posting in destiny general
You didn't see the chests in front of the statues? Maybe we can do bounties for rewards from the fallen Lords, but it reminds me of the Lighthouse.
Anyone want to fill out a CoE card?
can you put the cuckjiro pic back in pls
well arent you just a delightful cunt
>You didn't see the chests in front of the statues? Maybe we can do bounties for rewards from the fallen Lords, but it reminds me of the Lighthouse.
Did you not watch the stream? The dude said that.
Was really hoping the flaming axe would be a weapon like Halo's gravity hammer, you know? First person melee.
Did they announce a special edition of Rise of Iron yet?
>worst campaign and story in the series
>shitty player customization options
>disgustingly bad art direction, armor design, and enemy design
>braindead A.I.
>fucktarded maps
>microtransaction bullshit
>grindy-as-fuck leveling process
>Warzone sucks balls because no one uses their fucking cards if they're losing because they go "well I'm not gonna waste the card if we're going to lose anyway" so it just shoves the losing team into the fucking ground even harder, not to mention the very idea of "you have 1 chance to fly a banshee" is fucking stupid at it's very core
Far as I'm concerned the only redeeming quality is the kick-ass forge mode. I don't like the new movement stuff. It just feels tacked on, like they're following every other fucking FPS in existence right now instead of sticking to what Halo is.
I know /hg/ jerks off about it but I genuinely feel like that's just because it's the current halo game, so that's the one they play. if MCC wasn't so fucking fucked maybe we could actually have a discussion about 5's flaws.
They haven't even announced a physical edition at all.
Expect too see it at either E3 or Bungie Day
Haven't played in months
Are Handcannons still terrible?
Yeah one sec, I'll join up
I listened to it once, while driving. Sure he specifically said that?
hawkmoon is love
Depends on the HC, there are a couple good ones still but by far the majority are now useless as they just can't keep up with the TTK of other weapon types.
ayy nice
room for 1 more
I'm paraphrasing, but he did specifically refer to the statues as someone that will give you quests and reward you.
Not sure how that would work but he did heavily imply interactivity with the statues and getting rewards in return.
And the story is about us becoming iron lords, so I wouldn't be surprised if each statue had a quest associated with it.