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>get shit team
>get a shittier team
>literal drooling retards
It does this shit intentionally doesn't it?
Being forced to play losing matches is one of the reasons MOBAs are so despised

if you pick hanzo, d.va or torbjorn just end yourself plz



>enter Offense
>someone picks Widow in less than a second

So what Overwatch maps do you like, user?


>Genji is bad

oh you

serious though, that got me pretty well.

reminder that healslut """"mains"""" are overrated
party up with dominant zarya players

You fucked up by not putting the file name as something like "user gets tricked for twi....jpg"

xth for Widowmaker's ass.

and then the next guy picks Hanzo

>enemy team goes all roadhog

That's a lot of pubs you were useless in

then a Genji following that

I'm making my way to the objective. Follow me. -Widowmaker

One man apocalypse

if he has a symmetra shield and any form of pocket healing/shielding he's a god damn force to be reckoned with, stopped only by Winston or Molten Core

Official Prima Strategy Guide for D.va usage.

>tfw didn't get the joke because using a dark theme



oh come on, she's not THAT bad. She's underpowered, sure, but she's not literally unpickable.

How does everyone's game time stack up with their win percentages? ignore Widow, I only have, like, 5 matches with her.

I remember when I had fun playing this game

Should I buy a legendary Tracer skin or wait for the new hero/skins?

Interesting. With 70 votes in, Anubis is the most despised (no surprisethere ) but the others are pretty even.

>play hog for 40+ hours
>cant play anything else because it feels weak as shit in comparison

i have made a mistake, being a 600 hp mcree with a self heal and retarded dps ult that charges faster then symmetra has ruined my ability to enjoy most of the cast

>mcshitter gets a card at the end
>10 eliminations / 9 fan the hammer kills

can't wait for this faggot to get utterly destroyed and made irrelevant for months

the question: what class will these people flock to after that happens

so tired of fighting Zarya of a million hp

Why the fuck is Widow strafing here? She literally has no reason to, not while the fight is super far away, she just has to hold W and look at the point.

Strafing just adds more time to get to the point.

How the fuck do you get good at this game?

I just get destroyed by people with ridiculously good aim. How the fuck did they even get that good?

dva only does damage out of the mech, and the mech dies too quickly

Who is the thickest tank?

she is complete ass

dont ever fucking pick her over any other hero in the game.

If i'm playing a mercy and a d.va attacks i laugh


I did bad, guys.

I found a spot on Dorado where Symmetra turrets can be placed behind the terrain and can be almost impossible to kill.

Do you think this will get me banned?

People like you are the reason I hear "I got you in my sights" 8 times a match

Needs to be further divided into specific points.

I go. You stay. No following.

Occasional reminder that your rank on masteroverwatch doesn't really mean anything, even in score/min. Only your MMR or rank in ranked play means anything concrete.


hogroad and his 20 tick hooks, widow for bodyshot spam, reaper for a discount experience while still only needing minimal aim, or kill themselves

i'm surprised more people haven't thought about this
personally i'm preparing for the 76 apocalypse after mccREEEE gets nerfed, at least for a bit

I love defending Anubis, hate attacking. Lijiang's probably my favorite overall.

>implying it matters when he will be hooked and killed immediately

I should mention, I did it one round only and just to try it. I don't plan to do it again.

>d.va is so shit she attracts 1v3 so often that your team can just push their shit in

its magic, i dont know

>strafing while spraying at head-level into a crowd of 4 enemies who are distracted
>call my meka and get a double kill as it squishes a Soldier and Mei
>mop up the other two
>walk outside and kill a Torb who is pinned by Rein ult
>fly up and kill his turret in the background as my team walks the payload into the goal

Holy fuck that was fun. Zero Suit D.va is fucking stronk.

was added to the losing team on games that would end in less than a minute
go away

This one?

Been known for a week buddy and is being fixed

That could have been survived had he just shielded after his charge ended.

dodging is fun

why is it that people who only play genji are the worst players in the game

>He's at a place where the enemy team doesn't stand behind rein shield and in range of hog hooks
You're a lucky man

>Hanzo shoots somewhere in my direction
>Instant death


>always get mad if I perform poorly in game, I shift blame onto the enemy team picking bs heroes or my team picking like actual retards
>come on here for affirmation of this
>nod to myself when my point is confirmed and echoed through the thread, staying and wallowing in mediocrity
Bastion and Widowmaker are OP when youre stuck in a role and the counters are played by fucking baddies

Zarya is love

Anyone got that McREEE IT'S HIGH NOON webm but Lucio kills him by throwing him out?

>tfw the only legendary skin drops I've got are literally the worst ones in the game (fuccboi genji and hanzo)


Aslong as your doing quickmatches shes fine. Shes good for taking out snipers and leading the enemy team away from the point. She shouldn't act as a tank though.

>Can't turn off viewmodels
>Can't accelerate mouse speed

Yeah, no shit. "Now defending Anubis" reads like "a sure win" in my mind. They should make attacking it a little easier for randoms.


what was the deal here? I heard that earlier in the closed beta she had a bug where her ass got bigger if she activated her ult and they toned it down/fixed it

>team is always bad when you join
Maybe it's been you all along, user.

It's just a rule

So I figured out a new little trick when playing as D.Va and you get hooked by le tricky hook man;

In the short delay between being hooked and shotgun death of Meka, boost into him and then steer away to a safe distance while he squirms in panick that he has no le tricky hooks left and you kill him.

I wonder if this also works for Reinhardt tackle?

Yes that one.

Do you think the people who use it will get banned?

>playing with mouse acceleration

this is also bait

>wanting mouse acceleration
literally kill yourself, just use a controller if you want to gimp yourself so badly

I love when people pick dva to counter Widowmaker.

Oh I'm sorry, was giving me ultimate every fifteen seconds a counter?

The people who actually use d.va just love the waifu factor.

It's called the Shaco effect. When you meet them on your team, they are literal potatoes. When you see them on the enemy team, they are Korean Genji mains with 50 hours played.

>no damage numbers
fucking why

like widows ever care about getting to the point

dont use moba terms pls

If you intend to play an FPS, you don't need ingame aim_accel, you can just tweak it in the gaming mouse settings

The fuck is the one on the left?

rein is not always picked and if he is you can just break his shield with 6-8 right clicks while waiting for him to drop it for half a second to get hooked and blown up

the only character that truly counters hog is zarya and shes not that popular

you're playing an fps that is at least 50% inspired by mobas in all aspects of its gameplay

give him a pass, it's a fair analogy

But why, Overwatch is a moba :^)

I like twitch arena shooters, I set my sensitivity low and acceleration a bit high.

Here's this meme again

Karma from League of Legends.

If I wanted to do that I'd just pick Genji

>50% inspired by mobas
[citation needed]

>76 is an ADC

genji is a difficult character to play, most people that play him are trying to get better at him, since the game just came out recently

ive been that genji and ive played with that genji

>purple, blue, gold, blue
>yes yes yes
>wolf hanzo
Yes because every team needs that third hanzo

so at what rank do people stop doing retarded things like going one by one or playing with no support?

it's better than the meme where everyone who complains online is a literal god

>want to become a genji main
>start using genji exclusively
>3+ gold stars every game
>3+ kills every ult

is this what its like to be good?

>yfw when they add a moba game mode with improved training bots as mobs and towers/bases to kill

Is Mercy cake or milf?

still bait
because people who use acceleration are objectively worse at all fps games versus people who use raw input with no acceleration

9/10 times I can kill the widowmaker and take minimal damage. Granted 9/10 times its a shitter hardscoping widowmaker.

>get gold elims as zarya
>card is for barriers applied

class limits fucking when