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xth for male pandaren players being the best and nicest :3

That is why you want panda friends above all ;^)
You mean cuddly and nice and husbando material
Oh no, someone isn't a weak hairless inferior thing that tries to be a parasite on ppl's wallet and actually looks like a hair independent man, what a disaster D:



>samefag regime gets beaten by their own creation once again

>You mean cuddly and nice and husbando material
No, I mean fat. Cuddly is a personality, the way a person holds themselves. Fat is how you appear.
>someone isn't a weak hairless inferior thing that tries to be a parasite on ppl's wallet and actually looks like a hair independent man

My boyfriend is weak and shaven but definitely not a "parasite to my wallet". Only a fatass who eats all his food away can ever be considered that.

Can I have another game like WoW? One with
>More up-to-date graphics
>A transmog system like the one in Legion
>Blue space goats
>Better combat
>Subscription-based so there's no nickle-and-dime bullshit

I'd resub but I'm too used to other games that don't use tab targeting anymore and I just can't get back into it

im in love with icy crits

i want her to snuggle me to sleep

How sad has your life have to be to try to pretend to be a king of something by samefagging and asking your shitpost buddies to do the same.

Must be really pathetic, sad part is that he probably thinks he is liked or popular.


xth for Eva come back, I'll be your friend...

none of these are icy

it's a secret who it is


No cuddly is a nice soft hairy belly that makes cuddling a husbando while watching stuff on the couch perfect.

Skin and bones aren't cuddle material

>weak and shaven
You mean tranny gf ;^)

Ye those are usually parasites to the wallet, though less than women who try to waste money on shit like clothes because they are so worthless public opinion is the only thing left in their lives xD

Stop the damage control Icy, we know it is your worthless ass trying to feel wanted and the moment someone insults you, you go "oh no, you like me, it is just the haters who pretend to be me that you hate"

Woah is this the Icy fan club general??? Can I join???

>You mean tranny gf ;^)
Just because he likes to wear girl's clothes doesn't mean he's a tranny, I just call him a fag for it.

Tell me, how fat are you?

no it is icy and the samefag regime posting about themselves to feel like they are liked by people.

who is the biggest meme on wowg?

I am pretty cuddly :3

>""""""""""""""""""""gaming"""""""""""""""""""" laptop

The fact remains, that is not a gay relationship, it is a straight one.

Sadly your fatass "lovers" will never penetrate you because of all the fat that's in the way. It will be like shoving two exercise balls together but I doubt you know what those look like.


Vjera! Vjera!

Vuh jeer ah!

Some people travel you know ;^)
Cuz of job since some ppl like to have control of their future instead on depending on autismbux

I am not that fat D:
Plus still works if you ve seen ;^)
Plus cuddling and playing together is more important than that desu.

Though I wouldn't expect someone who has a human fucktoy to understand about such things ;^)

>Though I wouldn't expect someone who has a human fucktoy to understand about such things ;^)

We cuddle like crazy, the difference is that neither of us are out of breath when we're done.

how much do you weigh my man

>he will NEVER have ripped abs
>he will never be able to carry his boyfriend in his arms

how does it feel famalachi?

What happened to Eva?

Icy skinned her

We were all on OW, I don't know where this coordinated shitposting meme came from. I don't know who is shitposting but it's entertaining.

240lb :3

What is that? :o

ewww, ive touched those ones, they were pretty disgusting, like a medium soft hard thing glued by some slimy substance under the skin.

Fat ftw

Also carrying someone irl like that is usually something straights do, gays dont need to adopt your terrible unequal relationship behaviours

Seriously what happened? Did they leave?

ducky being a fuckwit
froo being a fegit
the usual


its me doing all this

its me daddy
you told me to shitpost so I'm doing it :3

But ducky and eva were like best friends, and AFAIK froo just stopped them from half-rp flirting with zhancuck in erp and told them to take it to pms. Nothing actually happened apart from some retard trying to perpetuate drama by making a pastebin.

>Also carrying someone irl like that is usually something straights do, gays dont need to adopt your terrible unequal relationship behaviours

That's some good mental gymnastics, probably the only gymnastics you'll ever be capable of since your heart would give out at a slow jog.

You'll never be able to carry (or be carried by) your love and that's just pathetically sad.

in lewd chat*

it was someone else, whoever the faggot was who actually complained about it was the one who ruined it.

I don't know if anyone remembers me, but I wanted /wowg/ as a whole to know how my story ended.
spoilered because off topic
>We don't talk or hang out often since that night
>Since that night we hung out for maybe 2.5 hours
>Message her today
>Lets hang out since we never do anything together anymore
>She responds with "Eh"
>I ask what that means
>"Thats because idk if Im in love with you desu. So Ive been seperating myself so I can figure it out"
>Tell her I know, and knew since the begning that's why I kept bugging her to hang out with me, to try and get her to see what she fell for in the first place
>She tells me she loves my personality but not me
>Ask what the fuck that means
>"like I like being around you as a friend because its fun but its not love"
That's pretty much the end of the conversation, I asked if there was anyway I could change her mind and she said no. I explained it was her choice and while I'm not happy with it I won't fight her to change it,I also said that while I'm obviously not happy with the ending I regret nothing and I enjoyed the time we had together before she started to pull back and that was it.

This bottle of Vodka is looking really tempting but I'm trying to stop drinking to hide/run from my problems. But damn if I don't want to.

>someone complaining about almost erp happening in lewd chat made eva quit

Lol what? Seems like a bigger drama queen than Icy.

Shut up Ralph, you are the submissive bottom bitch in a relationship.

>3k+ calorie meal

Should I call the ambulance?

'were' being the operative phrase here.
the same froo also didn't stop literal 15 year olds from being in there without a huge fight.
And more importantly when Eva brought up the issue that other people were doing the RP thing after they supposedly 'cracked down' on it, even in general chat, they weren't doing shit about it, and felt jilted by not only them, but discords in general.

I didn't read your post, but you should kill yourself.

there's nothing wrong with being friends with a girl if she's not interested in a relationship
I guess it's always frustrating to get tugged around and denied but it seems like you two get along so you might a well keep a friend instead of turn into a bitch about it
or just cut contact and pretend like that's the responsible thing to do

I should, but I won't.
I don't intend to stop being her friend, I'm just hurt is all so I want to spend today and tomorrow away from her at least.

It's just hurts because we were in a relationship. But I guess that's what I get for rushing it.

Tell me it's okay to drink this Vodka, please wowg

Dont listen to this guy. If you had feelings for her, it will be almost impossible to be friends with her, at least at first. Cut contact until you have fully moved on, and then if she still wants to be friends then go for it, if not then no problem. But for now, you need time for yourself.

>Tell me it's okay to drink this Vodka, please wowg
No, man. You're better than that. Go get some sleep.

>all the repeated puns
>no arguments
Well not surprising since you are in a relationship with a woman after all, oh I forget, I mean "gay" "bf" ;^)

Yes, let's adopt terrible miserable unequal straight relationship attitudes, I am sure that is for the better.

Equality is too hard for you I guess

Only in bed my dear, only in bed :3

Oh big deal, I ve eaten like 1.5 kg of pic related once, grilled ribs like those are fucking tasty!

>rushing it

Didn't you say before that you had been "dating" for like 6 months or some shit? I wouldn't exactly call that rushing.

That's not fucking true at all. It's easy to accept that somebody isn't interested you and not run away. Life isn't static. Your feelings will change and you'll find someone else. And I'd rather have more friends during that transition than less.


>Yes, let's adopt terrible miserable unequal straight relationship attitudes, I am sure that is for the better.
>Equality is too hard for you I guess

Two alphas don't mate. You and your body pillows are just omegas.

ralph how tall are you?

Did ducky post that Eva was a man?

bmi is 35.5, we ve known that for months


Is the movie a good watch?

fuck no

was anyone under the impression that this wasn't the case


yeah it's a fun movie
better than the capeshit that came out this summer, I think

Do you have friends?

If so, just watch it with them. Any bad movie is good with a couple of fuckbois to watch it with.

so ralph is ~5'8"

wew you're kinda short ralph

I intend to give myself some time before talking to her again.
I don't know if I am though, that's what makes this worse. Also I can't get some sleep, I just woke up like 3 hours ago from a nap.
No, I don't know who you're thinking of but it was 100% not us.

Literally the most wrong thing ever said in the universe.

Hey that's fine if you have a different opinion but I've never really cared about comic book heroes and just enjoyed the high-budget movies
Warcraft brings that high budget into a universe I like a lot more

>I don't know if I am though, that's what makes this worse. Also I can't get some sleep, I just woke up like 3 hours ago from a nap.
Go lie around in bed, man. You are better, trust me. I'd rather have you eating than drinking.

>ducky is a giant faggot
Everyone already knew this

Go for a walk, have a shower, do some light reading, watch a movie, phone your mom, play a single player game, do something
drink ONLY if you find people to keep you company
the only thing drinking alone gives you is a head and stomach ache

You mean raping the fuck out of the lore of an old universe.
Holy fuck, you are literally the worst cancer to ever exist.
Eat shit and go fap to more fuckawful movies you little double nigger.

Who the fuck is Ducky?

Who are these literal whos?

All of those faggots erp openly with each other then jump into voice with each other while half of them join but mute themselves to not give away their man voices

why the fuck do you cunts reply to this greek man?

you're literally getting nothing out of it

>tfw i have pics of eva's cock

the movie series is a separate continuity so why are you so upset about this

>he is more obsessed about stroking his ego than about s loving equal relationship
Yes user, you are le big strong alpha, i am sure that makes you feel better when you literally don't even see how your primal human behavior takes control of you.

Wow so smart and alpha.

I am taking cuddly equal loving omegas over ego strokes any day, since most likely your entire belief system will also be around stroking your ego XD

Well what can I do.

Good thing I don't care about height much.

Erpers are faggots? Wow, I think you just made the biggest discovery of the century, user!


no i've got icy's itty bitty frosted titties

If I had fuckbois, I wouldn't be playing WoW.

literal whos?

>Complains about ego
>Avatars on a Mongolian shoe shining forum
>Has to defend his relationship

wew lad

>not muh demons blood

>icy mad that people aren't talking about him so he samefags "but muh relevance, muh whos!" and talks about himself

icy stop trying to save face

we know its you

Right now the plan is to eat for the first time today, and maybe watch some netflix or something.

And that's not true, drinking alone helps me forget about the reason I'm drinking for a bit.

Also FUCK I'm even upset about her not saying anything after the fact besides "Im sorry :/" not that she has to say anything besides that. But still.

Also thank you /wowg/, I know I'm shitposting and I'm offtopic and whatever but it really helps venting about this and I don't have anyways to talk to besides my one friend who will judge me if I drink and since that's still an option I don't want to talk to him about what's going on.


Eva isn't a literal who to me though.

Though like I said before, I am a avatarfag here

>open thread
>its shit again
I don't know why I even bother

i wanted to fuck her...


ya ur tyrion lannister aka zhancuck

who the fuck cares about the "lore" of warcraft one
the story was literally orcs invading humans. the significance we know in the people, places, and events are a result of other "rapes" of the lore in later games and our experiences

the game was made so long ago that most of its lore is invalid anyways
it's fine if somebody wanting to create a successful movie might change some of the details of the story

have you literally ever seen a film adaption of a novel? it's the same thing

>Zhanrock trying to backstab people because he got blown the fuck out by Froo

Again, nope. I don't even know who he is. Besides the GoT character obviously.
Yes I am, and again I probably should but I won't in part because I'm too big of a pussy and in part because that'd be a way to fix a problem and I never fix my problems

quick someone post his retarded fucking face

it sounds like you're upset, dude
and that's alright
just take it easy

Wow you're a pretty big failure aren't you? Kill yourself you pathetic piece of garbage. I'm actually serious. Commit suicide.
Shut the fuck up retard.

watch the new bo burnham special on netflix.