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Black Magic Edition

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Tifa >> Lulu tbqh

2nd for Red XIII

So what are the chances we get a remake trailer or at least some info at E3?

Tried the vortex of creation hoping for iron. Why is it dropping awakening mats

Threadly reminder that Vayne Solidor did nothing wrong.


And that he will look fabulous in HD

>look even more fabulous
Ftfy, he looks wonderful already.

>you will never flirt with Penelo at the beach

Aww that's less cool

I prefer Penelo's Revenant Wing design


It basically comes down to whether you're an ass-man or a midriff-man

She still has an ass in Revenant Wings. It didn't get any smaller.

Why couldn't Ashe wear this?

Oh fuck yes

We'll either get one or we won't.

Too lewd

It's ceremonial. How delicious is it that her formal and regal attire is a totally smoking crop top

I hate number bukkake

Can't the Japs give it a rest?


Her regular outfit isn't bad either mind you. If it wasn't for that black piece in the middle it would be showing a heck of a lot

Hey /ffg/, let's talk soul breaks. Which one's your favorite, and which one (completely ignoring whether it's actually useable or not) is the best looking one to you?

Yeah, she'd have a killer midriff if it wasn't for that corset thing. Oh well.

oh that's a pretty interesting one if i'm remembering right

doesn't montblanc give you some flavor text for that?

Zack's Airstrike is probably my favorite and Garnet's Leviathan looks pretty nice.

Not sure about montblanc, I just got it from some random dead bangaa laying in the road. I think its a meme hunt

Solid 90% for something, I'm expecting a new trailer


>he doesn't like the corset

So tomorrow's U+ is unbelievable bullshit. The U is merely insanely bullshit but honestly if you can't beat that you're being spared a living hell.

Watch that. That has a 40% chance of happening at the start of battle.

1500+ magic AOE with 0 charge time, and that number assumes you have up literally every single bit of damage migitation that exists in the game (SG, Shellga, Magic Breakdown, Full Break, and Agrias' Cleansing Strike SB or another -ATK/-MAG SB in general). And that Caius HASN'T used his +ATK/+MAG buff that overrides the Cleansing Strike part of that to boot (so suddenly ahahahahahaha) while putting up a regen that ticks for 9200 healing each time (BRING BANISHING STRIKE). And he uses that buff about 4-5 times over the course of the fight. And he gets a speed buff at the halfway point plus more bullshit attacks.

This is a boss fight so unbelievably bullshit that Japan brought it back completely unaltered recently, and it was STILL insanely hard even with all the power-creep that happened since then. OSBs, higher quality BSBs and SSBs, 6* skills worth using and at R2, and he was still a nightmare.

I have 0 idea how the fuck you're supposed to beat him without an absolutely absurd team.

I got some espers.

For reference, the 40% was referring to his opening move hitting the same character twice (the first two swings always pick different characters, the last one can pick any of them) and splattering them into oblivion unless it's PCecil with RS armor or something of that caliber.

He also puts up reraise as well and has 300k HP.

>Caius being bullshit
Sounds about right compared to his XIII-2 self.

I would like it if it looked like that. As is it's covering up that delicious tummy.

Ok that hunt is awesome

Nice. Here's an esper tip: some guys have pretty shitty magic and thus won't make much use of healing or offensive magic, but support magic is good on anyone. Put your status and buffing spells on everyone possible. Sabin has good magic so he can use everything well.

Ramza stole Topstalk's SSB!

>they turn into ghosts when they die

Sabin in particular wants magic over strength because all of his Blitzes scale with Magic.

>not topkek
wasted opportunity desu

for all we know its covering some nasty scarring to stretchmarks

Also I forgot he also uses lots of physical attacks and AOEs.

Like I have SSII and Medica II to go with it, Tailwind, a -ATK/-MAG SB, HotE, and pretty good RS save for a complete lack of 5* swords and I'm at a complete loss.

Is sabin a magic monk

Alrighty. I also have Dual Earrings.
Is the magic stat supposed to be so low though?

poor fucker's got no head

Its okay, just glue him on to a Magic esper like Celes.

Ugh I hate forming parties. Mainly because I never know If I will have to use the people that aren't in the party.

If I eat him can I learn it?

If memory serves its here that you need Locke and Celes

Throw Sabin in there. He has a neat scene with Edgar

Earrings don't directly affect the magic stat, they instead provide a modifier to your magic damage. I think it's +25% with one and +75% with two. Two Earrings make a giant difference

I really, REALLY hate the minigames in this game.

Why did they have to give this game such a great combat and ability system and then bog it down with so much SHIT like this?

Yeah, earrings dont boost magic itself, just the final damage.

Similarly there's gloves for phys damage and the hero's ring that does both at once. Phys bonus caps at 25% though,while magic is 50% so you can use two earrings, or a hero's ring and one earring to cap out both at once.


I got it all working.

My sound and video recording for the ffv run. Im extremely excited.

For my walkthrough is there etiquette I should follow like not speed up or use save states?

Griever...the ultimate GF.

This is a really weird pose.

I usually don't use save states unless I have to go, and I can't actually save at that time.
I find that Speed Up is okay though for some stuff, like going through long animations.

So RK general, out of the characters from the XIII event which ones are good?

Lightning. That's about it.

the fuck

Yeah, they're pretty much slaves.


>vayne did nothing wrong

>tfw no GF

noooo that's sad. How do I buy them to set them free?
not even moogles deserve this

That kinda was the right thing to do desu, his brothers were plotting to start a rebellion on behalf of the senate. Gramis ordered him to do it anyway, so even if it was wrong that's still worth mentioning.


Didn't Cat Shit appear after that game, not before?

It was originally translated as something else, but it was in the original version of VI.
There are various Cait Siths in the series.

Nah I got it just now. It came with the starters package.

Get some sun man.

You're not funny and you'll never be funny, faggot feelfuck.

Try /9gag/, they might appreciate your "humor".

ded general, ded fantasy

Cait Sith is a mythological creature. A type of fairy, IIRC. FF didn't invent them.

How come his RM2 and Josef's have different icons? Aren't they both double hit RM?

Has he appeared in any significant role in anything other than VII?

If a character is forced then the game wont let you not have them

They are, but Sazh's implies guns so they gave it a different icon for flavor. I'm pretty sure it's not ranged.

Oh good, I thought they'd be restricted to melee only and ranged only or something.

They appear in XIII-2 and LR as enemies.

I will gladly be the rudest person of all time if it'll keep the cancer away.

It probably won't tbqh.

You're part of the problem. You just give up and allow them in. It's why this site is in such a sorry state today.

I'll be fine, I have antisocial justice warriors like you to look out for me.

similar to the tragedy that was vanille and the beads

Exactly. Though they cover up less

SJWs literally have no right to live.

I'm so glad that nobody outside of their retarded hugboxes actually takes them seriously. Eventually they'll just give up, but they're tenacious (and super crazy) so it'll probably take a couple years.

>I'm so glad that nobody outside of their retarded hugboxes actually takes them seriously
Is that really the case, though?

It is. They're just really vocal and try to make you think that people take them seriously. But they don't. Nobody takes them seriously. They're just a bunch of whiny children who nobody ever told "no" to.

Which makes me think.
What female FF character do you think would have the funniest reaction to an encounter with an SJW?

Is Fran's RM3 worth using at all?

Kinda sounds like what I'm reading right now.

Fang would call them stupid.

If you want to use it to auto-battle dailies/orbfest, I guess.

That depends, will Barrage make a retaliator counter multiple times?

That also reminds me, the Viking has a RM that turns the basic attack into Charge. Does that include the long cast time?

>will Barrage make a retaliator counter multiple times?
Even if it does (I'm pretty sure it does) you're better off using Double Cut or one of the Double Hit RMs.

"Let me tell you about the patriarchy!"
"The what?"
"The patriarchy! It's a systematic attack on womyn by men!"
"...Is that right?"
"Yes! You may not even realize it, but right here, right now, you're being OPPRESSED!"
"You feelin' okay?"
>Fang punches her in the gut.
"Give it a frickin' rest."

Now I'm just thinking about how Cocoon probably has a sort of sjw arguing about how L'cie are oppressed

at least we have fan edits

That's nice