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Power rankings list

Essential Heroes:

Not essential but better than great

Great and effective in most team compositions
>Junkrat (Shrines on choke-point maps and on defense)
>Soldier 76 (Vanilla ice-cream in all situations)
>Tracer (A good tracer is incredible, a bad tracer is useless)
>Genji (A good genji is incredible, a bad genji is useless)
>Pharah (Shines in KoTH, bad Pharahs get shut down by Mcree/widowmaker.

Situational Heroes
>Bastion (Double Winston on defense)
>Symmetra (Defense first point)
>Reaper (Double Winston/Tank while Attacking)

Please buff me so i can see play tier
>D.VA (Movement speed buff when shooting)
>Zenyatta (Not 1 shot from Widowmaker)

Kill yourself Tier
>Torbjorn (Skill ceiling too low to worth investing time in, Turrets easily countered, only good for armor packs)
>Hanzo (Strictly worse version of widowmaker at all ranges designed for RNG lottery arrows, if you play hanzo uninstall all video games)

Where's Mei?

How the fuck do I use Phara.

Jesus Christ, finally. What achievements are you guys working on?


God I fucking hate Mei, McCree, and Roadhog.

small Genji ult buff when

does anyone have the reaper mains image with all the cringey names?

Should be in kill yourself tier.

With your dick, user.

>Genji is with you
>Hanzo, at your service

Made this for the guy complaining about Zarya last thread

First you gotta take her off her armor, you do about five to ten minutes of foreplay, then go rough on her. Let her be dominant too, since she enjoys it

The reaper one where you have to kill 4 in one blossom

>that feel when you've have your entire team straight up dismantled by Mei's and Roadhogs.

The only thing I can do to try and stop it is go 76.


go play soldier in tf2 with the direct hit, then just do that shit in overwatch

did I do gud

I uh. I don't really have any friends to play with, and I'm brand new but if you wanna play add me. I'm only slightly homosexual.


It should atleast kill a torb turret in one hit. I'm fine with it taking 2 swings to kill a hero, but it should get additional dmg if you blow it to kill a turret

Step into my parlor said the spider to the fly.

Where are all the Symmetra friends?

>Tfw I see someone else pick her first so I choose a different character thinking they knows how to play her
>90% of the time they dont

>Be bastion
>See Zarya
>Watch shield die in 0.3 seconds
>Zarya dies in another 0.4 seconds


Reminder to always include your region with your battletag

How do I get out of shitter mmr
It's getting boring winning

there's an updated version isnt there?

Top tips for playing the Indian beauty request:

Here's an example:
Red in the image show places you can put the sentries that will successfully slow most characters without them knowing they're there until they're already being slowed at least once.
Blue is where you should be placing sentries depending on the way you're falling back, on the way to set up on the point, because them being destroyed shows enemy flankers. (There's another point under the bridge where you can put a sentry on the ground behind a bag of sand(?))

• Sentries are not always for killing players
Sometimes you can set a single one up just to scout whether someone has went through a specific area. It's not always a good idea as 6 sentries are sometimes not enough on certain points.

• Walls and ceilings are not always good
Placing them on the ground not only tricks some people because it's even more unexpected, but also sometimes allows angle leverage or hiding positions.

• All in one spot is truly poo in the loo
Trying to garner straight kills as Symmetra rarely ever works, and only against retards. Using them primarily to slow on clutch positions is most important.

• Force angles so enemies come out of cover
Obviously you don't want your sentries to be in plain view of someone when they are in cover, because they can destroy them easily. But you want to place them so these people don't see it even when they stutter-step around.

• Look to place your sentries initially behind certain objects
If you can place them inside of things that get destroyed or knocked about like cardboard boxes (like in Hollywood), do it. People can't see them at all until they're being hit already.

• Be aggressive but choose your battles
Go in on multiple enemies when your team goes in. Try to stay close but on the side or behind enemies at all times. If you're ever in melee range of an enemy, use your primary, even if it's a Reaper or McCree. John Cena.

How do I git gud as reaper?

I've got like 59 wins on her. She's based

press Q

>destroy 3 teleporters in a game just now
>don't get the achievement and spray
FUCK. I even double-checked with ShadowPlay I got the credit for all the kills. Hell, I even killed a fourth one during the slow-mo end screen.

Symmetra is one of my highest win rates too.

Oh sorry, my region is Americas/America

I live in New Zealand though.

that looks a lot like this list

I feel less alone now. And yeah, my main worry was the console playerbase being super small. Especially with me on fucking xbone of all things. cause my PC is a toaster.

A friend of mine who played with me during Open beta ended up getting it for PC instead.

whenever i see lucio i just think of fucking fuzion frenzy from the first xbox. like a complete amalgam of these shitty neon rave punk bullshit designs

The way she says it is super cute

Any word on when the new heroes are getting announced?

there's only two tiers
shitter tier and rape your face tier.

Only 68 percent win rate here, (and I still don't have the teleport 20 people achievement. I don't understand how they expect you to get it unless you either play Sym on an attack map or keep playing her on defense even as you lose in order to keep the more and more useless teleporter up.)

change your name to something stupid like


>reaper top tier
>mccree having any downside
shit list right at the start

Why is everyone bad at video games except me?

Flank and pick your targets properly. Remember you do most damage at really close range so dont start shooting at mid and long range giving away your position.

yeah, mixed em up

just blast linkin park and press Q

• Always shoot your secondary
Your secondary fire is incredibly damaging and shreds through barely mobile characters like Reinhardt and a shooting D.Va. Always shoot at the sides of walls to punish stutter-stepping, which is your biggest enemy.

• You don't always need to fully charge
Shooting constant middle charges can trick enemies and think they're a lot more damaging than they are. They're still relatively strong though, and can still really hurt. Plus, more 50% might hit more often.

• Always keep an eye on the deaths
Make sure you know who needs to receive shields immediately, don't let them skip past you.

• Your teleporter is not your #1 priority
Place it when you get the opportunity - like when enemies are dead - but never go out of fights or potential important battles to do it. Think of the position before you go.

• NEVER over-defend your portal
Any heroes that can flank around and destroy the portal probably will. One or two sentries can deter them, but ultimately if you place all of them, it's likely they'll be destroyed anyway.

If your sentries are destroyed faster than you can replace them, the enemy team is probably too privy to your plays. If you're being pushed to the control point too quick, switch when you die. Symmetra only has the power to work well with team synergy when it comes to mass-defence, and sentries being found and constantly destroyed renders you completely useless after the half-way point. There's nothing worse than being a Symmetra who has nothing to do but shield people and die in her only useful position - melee range - on the point

News on new heroes and maps will come later this summer. They've also said they want to frequently update the game with new shit.

Thanks m8, good stuff

Flank people with teleportation, use invincibility when in a tough cookie spot, aim for the head.

Do all that until you get your ult, get to a crowd of people and press Q to get the POTG

theyre all pretty good

To be fair surely EDGELORD is ironic.

>someone picks zarya on my team
>have to do the right thing by, blocking, avoiding and reporting them

Can't wait for this dyke to get buried

sick potg m8 :)

>play torb
>set up turret in enclosed location
>lurk around cover near it
>easy mode flanker clear and clean up
>shotgun into team fights
>go 20+ and 0

people need to git gud at Torb he is legit the top tier defender

Junkrat requires no skill and needs nerfed hard
>fuckhuge splash damage
>both traps have too long a cooldown
>his tire goes through Rein's shield
>6 grenades that explode instantly upon his death drop from him that can kill even Reaper instantly
>his ult can go across the entire map
I just played as him and went 21-2 by spamming LMB and occasionally throwing traps. He's cheaper than Mei.

They should make it so his grenades hurt him.

New maps and game modes when?

>it's a genji on defense episode

Is maining reaper retarded? He's my favorite guy to play

>was in a game earlier
>one person was so fucking mad that someone picked Zenyatta that he just straight up refused to leave spawn.

Holy shit, are all assfaggot players giant fucking babies?

This would be a nice skin if they didn't fuck up the whole head area.

his grenades do hurt him
the only thing that doesnt hurt him is his mine and thats because it doubles as his escape

>aren't I so lolsy guys I do ridiculous things for no particular reason but to get you angry with my stupidity xD
>also if you reply to me ur just mad XDD
get a trip so I can filter you

>tfw watching your stats and wins slowly start to climb bit by bit as you get better

>Used to main demoman
>find out about Packrat
>Stickybomb jumping leaves no damage

You do have rudimentary experience with other characters, right? Because if you run into a comp with lots of McCrees or turrets, you're going to have serious trouble.

>Reload animation cancel
What does this mean?
Who else has one?

Use him as stealthy as possible. Only way you're getting those kills is if you're right up in their face, so it's best to get the jump on them. Learn the maps in and out and use teleport to get past the enemies line of sight easily, if so much as a decent Tracer spots you on your own from a ways off, you're better off retreating and just trying from a different vantage point. Also, remember to ALWAYS hold that ghost mode shit for a tight situation. Never stray too far away from your team if the enemy team is all bunched together, that way you can go hide behind your tank before it runs out or some shit. As for his ultimate, all I can say is not to force it. Like, you're gonna want to try and get the jump on like 4-5 people with it usually, but if they have any half-decent tank or sniper, don't bother. You'll be dead before you kill anyone and it just won't be worth wasting an ulti over. If someone on the enemy team is really proving to be an issue, maybe try and single them out with it, you don't always have to catch as many people as possible in Reaper's ulti. Though if you do it is pretty satisfying.

How do I fucking hit shurikens?

>get bronze for eliminations as Rein
>we had 2 Reapers, a Genji, and a McCree on our team
>my face

It's fine to have a favorite guy to play, but you should really find at least one hero in each category that you like to use, so you can switch to them when your team needs something better for the situation.

>watching stats slowly start to drop as I have fun
genji fuels it

Reaper and Junkmouse in top tier.. no



What do you mean?


thanks dude

i used to avoid him because i thought he was an edgy crutch character, but then i found out he's actually pretty fun to play

Harmony and discord, anyone who says otherwise is mentally insane.

Well E3 is in like 2 days user, so you might not be waiting all that long.


Why does her mech have to be equipped with klobbs?

>people who haven't played Tribes even considering talking about Pharah

>winston shield is pathetic

Only for niggers that don't know how to use it. It's not supposed to be a bubble reinhardt shield.

Terrible haircut and goggles. Seriously, the skull is fucking dumb. I like the rest, though.

So what's the hardest achievement to get in the "cute" spray series?

>Pharah on Nepal
>Team winning on overtime
>Take care of a junkrat lobbing grenades at point
>Boost over to point to ult on the pharah and Dva in there
>As I hit the ground I crucify the genji and hanzo two feet away from the boarder
>PotG goes to enemy junkrat double kill with his tire

I got that under the bridge in Wakanda. Was standing at the vantage and just dropped on them.

heres one to add

Lead them you lovely person

I've been trying to get better with Widowmaker and I was getting kind of annoyed because I felt like I was missing shots that should've been hitting. I know she's hitscan and I know Blizzard favors the shooter, but it feels really weird whenever I use her.

I set up a macro to take a screenshot whenever I hit left click on my mouse and it turns out that sometimes my game gives me misses even when I fire with my reticle right on someone's head. When I was testing it out I had 120 FPS and 55ms with somewhere around an 80ms RTT.

Has anyone else noticed that sometimes their hits aren't registering? I don't know if it's a problem I'm having because of my system/network connection or if it's something inherent to the game that people haven't noticed (or maybe just deal with).

Why doesn't Reaper just keep quiet when using his ult?

>tfw bullying the other team's Mercy as Pharah
>Blue plating her when she tries to fly away
>concussion blasting her away from health pick ups
>Backing her into a corner and JUSTicing
Its just too fun, lads

Random battle saved the game for me. I probably wouldn't have logged in more than once this week if not for it. I always pick it now like I did in OB; why isn't this a permanent mode?

pure joy

Probably for the same reason he prints REPENT on his guns.

I think it's when you melee during reload the reload finishes a bit sooner.